This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 359 Will it explode the artifact?

Chapter 359 Will it explode the artifact?

Facing the surging skeletons, the players felt rather 'kind'.

As far as skeletons are concerned, they are not uncommon in the game area. The skeletons summoned from the Nightmare Swamp accompany the players in their initial stage from novice to veteran. Bypass, at that time, in my dreams, I wanted to single-handedly use Skeleton King, explosive green outfit or something, and from then on, Xianyu would turn around and reach the pinnacle of life.

At this time, in such a difficult battlefield, how can we not feel kind when we suddenly see this kind of 'low-level' arms?
Although these skeletons are black, each one is very complete, the skeleton is soaked with magic energy like steel, and the machete clangs, every one placed in the game area is far beyond the existence of the Skeleton King , but the players still looked at the vegetables and cut the melons, and laughed at the experience and merits of this wave.

After the skeletons are zombies, this disgusting monster with pustules all over its body is quite 'dry' at this time. If you ignore the abyss worms crawling in and out on them, they are not much like ordinary humanoid monsters the difference.

Zombies are stronger than skeletons, but they are limited and not many in number, which is understandable.

Flesh is equal to 'food' in the abyss, and zombies are equivalent to the most basic production unit. Naturally, all that can be used are used. The remaining zombies all have their own characteristics, and there are almost no melee units.

What about poisonous corpses, foul corpses, demon corpses, and zombie shooters and zombie warlocks.

With a sound of "Boom!", a bloated poisonous corpse covered in miserable green exploded, and a large swath of poisonous pink blood mist covered a large area. After venting, it was too late to pour antidote and sun water, so he went back home unluckily.

The rest of the players were more careful, surrounded these red, green and green zombies from a distance, and used long-range attacks to clean them up one by one.

Boom boom boom...

Continuous explosions sounded near the half-collapsed city wall. Poisonous, acid mist, filthy gas, and magic swamps spread all over the front line of the relay station. Although it did not cause much damage to the players, it also hindered the advancement of the front line. Buy time for the servants of the necromancers in the city.

Given time for the mage, anything serious could happen.

Different dimension gates unfolded in the void of the relay station, and the [Wind of the Sleepless] blown from the plane of the undead awakened lifeless statues one after another. In the huge, boiling, dark swamp, countless skeletons At the close of the bridge, huge, pitch-black, black warriors with black armor all over their bodies woke up from their long slumber.

Since the beginning of the Black Warrior, the undead have had the fighting ability comparable to that of a professional. I don't know how many Black Warriors have lined up neatly, thousands of them, and they are constantly coming out of the 'factory' where they are manufactured.

After the black warrior came the undead knights. Skeletons immediately sat tall, headless black shadows. They were all in black armor, imposing, and held rusty long swords. After the black warrior, they jumped onto the collapsed building. The city wall is fighting fiercely with the players who have already entered.

In the end, there are several huge bone dragons, carrying the necromancers on their backs, hovering over the battlefield, the bone dragon breathes downward, and wherever the black magic flame goes, it looks like plowing the ground. None of Yukong's professional template NPCs could be blocked, and all of them melted and disintegrated in the breath.

The team channels of the players screamed again and again, and the skills of the remote professions were like shooting stars, tracking these swooping bone dragons away.

The densely packed and unbreakable damage value is like an explosion, but the accumulation of small amounts becomes large, and the defensive barriers cast by the necromancers are also worn out in a few breaths, and they have to control the bone dragon to fly into the air and avoid The attack range of the skill.

After driving away the necromancer, the middle and high-level undead units on the ground will no longer be the opponents of the fourth natural disaster.

Although the black warriors are rampant, braver than the players and do not know how to be afraid, but their numbers are not comparable to the players, and even their individual quality and strength do not have the upper hand. The momentum of the brave rush is quickly consumed by the ocean of players. In this way, the black samurai disappeared in the storm of skills.

The same happened to the undead knight.

Ghosts and fierce spirits cannot appear in the abyss. The abyss is the black hole of the soul, and the undead knight loses its greatest power. It can only rely on its strong body to make a purely physical impact. Such an attack method is harmful to the players. The effect is the worst.

The blood path torn apart by thousands of undead knights was quickly filled by players. The undead knights were divided, and each one was attacked from all directions.

Elites up to level 45 are big gift bags one by one, and the threat is not as good as the seamers who are far below the level.

The necromancer circling in the sky was driving a huge bone dragon. He came down several times to support the army of the undead, but was unable to do so because of the fire from the long-range professions. The undead natural disaster became extremely thin and pale in front of the fourth natural disaster.

A 38-level black warrior elite leader crashed down. The stingy system finally gave a big explosion. The aura flying all over the sky made the players crazy.

Street fighting broke out, but the players unexpectedly discovered that a team had already captured large and small streets, supply points, and teleportation arrays. The battle had already penetrated deep into the city, surrounding the central hub of Liberty City - the constant plane teleportation The array is going on intensely.

"These chicken thief guys!"

The players were furious and rushed to the battlefield desperately.

Xia Miaomiao shot an arrow at the Griffin Knight who was jumping down. The energyized 'arrow' hit the knight's bare chest in a curved way, and the high double critical damage instantly emptied the Griffin Knight's blood bar. , "Bang Dang", and the horse card (griffin) fell together.

[Ding, you killed the LV31 Demon Servant Army (Griffon Knight Elite), and gained 488 experience points]

[Ding, your teammate Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States has obtained 29 points of merit]

[Ding, you cast 6 points for the horse card (Griffin)]

[Ding, your teammate 'I am the one who saves lives and heals the wounded' won the horse card (Griffin)]

"Ah!", Xia Miaomiao was furious when she left, a advertised 'white face' seemed to have failed this time, it's been more than ten hours, and the employment time has passed long ago, but there has never been a plot of a big counterattack After all, she can't leave the team, and she can't change the current distribution model... The point is, so far, she hasn't gotten a single good thing.

Angrily, she aimed a sword at Guanghan Nineteen States' back from behind, wishing to shoot him to death with one arrow.

"I'm level 29, level 29, haha..."

Fan Chaoyue yelled so blindly that even she grabbed a top-quality blue suit.

Ah, when will this damn battle end!

Xia Miaomiao is already level 32. This battlefield is really like being a rocket. Now it takes hundreds of thousands of experience to level up. If this is in the game area, it will be the year of the monkey?
In this way, those players who can't go to the battlefield are really at a loss to grandma's family. If they missed this step, they will never catch up in the future... unless they delete files again.

But... Can Canaan Company still dare?

The current public opinion environment is not as good as it used to be...

The teleportation array is the most important no matter which plane it is in.

The relay station is so important because it has a constant, four-way well-developed teleportation array network. It is similar to the transportation hub on the earth. Occupying this place can cut off the interference of other abyss battlefields on the 97th floor battlefield, and can cut off the chaotic demons. support.

Naturally, the resistance here is also unprecedentedly strong.

The outer wall that made up the magic pattern was shining like gold and iron. The players had been outputting to this wall for 5 minutes, and the long progress bar had only dropped half.

A black light flashed under the high wall, and a large number of monsters 'refreshed' from inside. Yijian Guanghan nineteen states commanded loudly, and his voice was a little hoarse.

Detecting the aura of chaos—the help of the Quinster magic ball to the players becomes more and more prominent as it goes back. A six-armed snake monster with eight arms and a snake-like body shows the outline of the aura of chaos. This is a The mid-level demon who is about to transform into a high-level demon, and only such a demon has such a "stable" form.

Each of the six arms holds a weapon that represents a kind of 'authority'. They are respectively a mass of wriggling flesh and blood, a thick shadow, an eye that devours others, a piece of dreamy starlight, a wriggling blood vessel, and a piece of blood. A heart full of tumors.

Massive skill tracers pounced on the lizard, but all of them failed before the thick layer of chaotic aura on the surface of his body.

The arrow lost its kinetic energy, the physical attack was useless, and the magic attack was neutralized.

Afterwards, the six-armed snake demon threw the heart full of tumors to the area where the players were densest.

The noise of the entire battlefield was suppressed, and the hearts of all the players beat in unison, and an unprecedented pain rose from the players in the small area covered by the heart.


Xia Miaomiao clutched her chest in pain and doubted her life.

Never had it hurt so much.

It seemed to be really distressed, as if the heart was pinched severely by something.

Then there is heat.

The blood seemed to be boiling, and the uncontrollable strong nausea made her spit out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

All the teammates in the team spurted out the blood almost at the same time, and then felt weak from the bottom of their hearts, as if all their strength and energy had been taken away by the blood, and they were so exhausted that they were almost kicked off the assembly line.

The flickering system prompts that no one paid attention. I don't know how long it took. When Xia Miaomiao woke up, there were less than 10 people left in the team, and everyone had only a trace of blood left.

An NPC template priest with the title of Yukong puts a big move above their heads - [Holy Light], under the soft but strong light, the "divine power" of Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, appears on the battlefield.

Xia Miaomiao looked around in a daze. The players in front of the high wall became much more sparse. The six-armed snake demon threw out his six weapons, causing huge damage to the players.

"What's going on, my pain is only 5%, why is it so painful, what kind of attack is this?"

"No, I don't know."

"Don't stand still, focus on the fire, don't let the NPC deal more than half the damage!"

There are less than 10 people left, all of whom are ranked in the top ten in combat power, and the four Ling Jue are all there. Under the [Sacred Light], Xia Miaomiao has recovered half of her blood volume. The hexagram besieged by NPCs of advanced occupation templates.


A royal NPC paladin was thrown back by the snake monster's tail, a weapon was recovered into the snake monster's hands, and the blood bar on the snake monster's head deepened by two more tubes, and the level changed from level 60 to the golden boss Jump to level 65 for the Red Lord.


"Don't let him recover the weapon!"

A quick-witted player reminded loudly.

Xia Miaomiao understood in seconds, looked up to see that the heart on the top of her head was about to go back, and a [Bound Arrow] left it in place.

The other teammates also reacted, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States equipped with a flame skull horse, galloped wildly, leaped seven or eight meters high, and slashed at the ugly heart that was beating wildly in the air.


There was a clanging sound of metal clashing, and a blood bar appeared on the heart, prompting the player to attack.

But the six-armed snake demon was not idle either. Seven or eight [Shocking] and [Yukong] surrounded him and were forcibly protruded out. His huge figure was blurred for a moment, and he appeared in a crowd of players. In the area, the arm that took back the 'blood vessel' was raised high, and the dense white light swished, and the surrounding area was emptied of a white space.

You know, the ones who are concentrated here are the elite among the players.

But the six-armed snake demon did not achieve his goal, and the "vessel" representing a kind of authority did not extract anything from the players. Seeing this, the surviving players even desperately output the six weapons above their heads.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The blood bar of the ugly heart drops very slowly. With Xia Miaomiao's attack power, she can only deduct blood at 7 or 8 points. The skills are similar to ordinary attacks. The most powerful [Deadly Arrow] is completely ineffective against things. .

On the contrary, if the basic attack hits penetration, the damage will be higher than the skill. She quickly reminded her teammates who are already a little bit above to give up the skill and use the basic attack to tie A.

But rangers can do this, but mages can't.

The mage's perverted skill damage is ineffective against this thing. It can only deduct blood 1 point 1 point. The physical damage is higher than the magic damage. But the embarrassing thing is that if the melee profession doesn't use skills, it can't reach it at all.

Seeing that the heart was dangling and flying towards the six-armed snake, this raging quasi-high-level demon finally showed a bit of fatigue under the attack of the high-level template NPC, especially when the eyes of one of the weapons were blocked. After a team of players exploded, they were severely injured.

"Come on everyone!"

"This must be the final boss!"

"A lord-level monster, will it explode the artifact?"

"I dare not say the artifact, but there must be a purple outfit!"

"Zizhuang, everyone, come on!"

Xia Miaomiao heard that Zizhuang exploded a spirit, and she seemed to be revived with full blood. She first observed the battlefield. A large number of teams were downsized, and many teams were mixed together. She quietly left the long-range output team. position, cautiously approached the lizard.

At this time, the army of players finally arrived, and the six-armed snake demon, the bone dragon and the necromancer who swooped down began the final battle.

For players, it is also a feast of getting rich.

(End of this chapter)

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