Chapter 360
There are necromancers and 4 of their bone dragon mounts on the scene, the lizard and 4 weapons that he has not recovered (the eyes have been destroyed), each unit can be regarded as an independent combat unit, therefore, Gao Wan The team formed by them was divided into 9 battle groups, among which the largest number of players were besieged by the Hexapod, and there were also high-level template NPCs with the title of Shocking and Yukong (3 members were reduced and 5 were left) to help.

Due to the limited area of ​​the battlefield under the high wall, only a small part of the player's large army can squeeze in. Therefore, the big meal has been served, but only a very small number of people grab the stools.

Not to mention the anxiety of the vast majority of players, let's just talk about the players who grabbed the 'stool'.

It's too dense, there is no space to move around, every time the bone dragon breathes, it brings a lot of white light, clears a large space, drives some unlucky people off the dining table, and allows some newcomers to grab the vacant 'stool'.

Xia Miaomiao has an ability, which can also be called a talent, and she becomes calmer at this time. She originally wanted to touch the six-armed snake demon, but when she saw so many players rushing in, she decisively gave up her original plan. Plan, do not advance but retreat, stay away from the divided 9 war groups.

Facts have proved that her move is too wise.

With the loss of walking space, high-level players are no different from ordinary players. Every breath of the bone dragon, every spell cast by the necromancer, and every skill damage of the six-armed snake monster will be borne.

In the team list, the 32nd level [Ling Jue] Orc Barbarian who dominated the Tianxia Gang, was the first to die with One Punch Super Yasai.

"Ah, shit..."

The one-punch Super Yasai who came back to the city was incompetent and furious, and the barbarian with the title of "Ling Jue" was no different from the crispy skin of "Supermand".

The overwhelming skill tracer broke the Bone Dragon's [Advanced Energy Defense Barrier], and the explosion-like damage value made the Bone Dragon groan!
This mournful moan drove the players crazy, like a group of piranhas robbing flesh and blood, and the battle group surrounding the No. [-] bone dragon and the necromancer boiled up.

Everyone's mind was sober, and even Xia Miaomiao couldn't hear what the people around them were shouting.

I couldn't see the system prompt, let alone pay attention to the team channel Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States shouting for the assembly, and his voice was hoarse.

But she still has a gleam of calmness, judging the situation, and decisively bullying into the No. [-] battle group that has been seriously injured when another wave of unlucky people are cleared and returned to the city, leaving a lot of space.

The bone dragon and necromancer of the No. [-] battle group have been separated, and the tens of meters long behemoth can no longer fly. It fell crookedly on the ground and fell into the siege of ants.

The bone dragon roared, and the two flaming soul flames suddenly exploded, and a black and bright circle of light, like the shock wave of an explosion, was pushed out in all directions with it as the center.

Hundreds of ants were pushed up into the air, and a large number of damage figures appeared in the air, turning into streaks of white light. A few lucky ones landed, then poured a bottle of sun water, and rushed back with distorted faces.

Xia Miaomiao took the opportunity to sneak under the bone dragon's tail. She keenly discovered the attack blind spot on the two toes of the bone dragon's right leg, and jumped up neatly. The next second, the original position was covered by the breath.

In this situation, the bone dragon had no time to care about the ants climbing up his toes. He was furious and frightened. His master treated him several times to restore his flying ability, but all of them were offset by overwhelming skills.

[Advanced Energy Defense Barrier], [Advanced Physical Defense Barrier], [Reflex Singing], [Chaos Damage Reduction Aura] were broken in turn, and the real body of the bone dragon was exposed to the players who followed suit. -10-19-2 -19-22-61's real damage value exploded like an explosion. The huge skeleton beast, the top unit among undead creatures, and the bone dragon that still retained part of its wisdom and dragon power in life breathed in vain. Lifting its claws is a ring 5 Spell Lightning Jungle, a large area of ​​white light will be brought up at the end!
His master, LV71 Necromancer BOSS (golden system logo) is already too busy to take care of himself, and the output of remote occupations is like a meteor, chasing him like a headless fly.

LV65's Bone Dragon BOSS (purple system logo) blood gauge has dropped drastically, one tube of blood, two tubes of blood, three tubes of blood, layer after layer, but no matter how many layers there are, there are not as many as the number of ants...not more than ten A few minutes later, the last level of blood was bright red, and the bone dragon was already scarred.

"Ah, it's time to zoom in!"

On the two toes of the bone dragon's right leg, Xia Miaomiao screamed, a lazy donkey rolled, and fell down when the bone dragon chanted and gained the ability to float.

The singing of dragon language is extremely ethereal and mysterious, as if it contains the truth of the universe, and there is an unquestionable sacredness and majesty that cannot be offended. In a trance, the pale bones seem to be full of muscles and dragon scales, and the body is tens of meters long. become blue.

The ice crystals that covered almost half of the battlefield fell, and everything they encountered was frozen in the last moment of action. Each player maintained their excited and distorted expressions and turned into ice sculptures, and Xia Miaomiao was no exception.

But before freezing, she drank a bottle of sun water and a rare all-resistance potion in advance. When the white light rose densely on the ice sculpture, only she and some melee occupations with high HP and thick defense remained on the scene.

The 5-second freeze left the battlefield empty. Xia Miaomiao regained her ability to act before the players behind her filled up. The first action was not to attack the weak and dying bone dragon, but to withdraw from the team.

A new team was created, and after a quick glance, there were still 5 players including her, 3 of them were dusty, and 2 of them were extraordinary.

The bone dragon still has about a quarter of its blood left, and it seems that it has lost the ability to fight back, but none of the five chicken thief players made a move (for fear of being counterattacked), and waited for the players to replenish before starting to output crazy .

Xia Miaomiao calculated calmly while outputting.

The players with output weights in the front were cleared out, leaving only 5, and the probability of 5 belonging to a team was extremely small, and how many players added later were with their teammates had to be questioned.

If you are alone, no matter how high your output is, you can't stand up to many people. At this time, you have two choices.

The first option is to open the nearby player panel and select players with high output to join the team to increase the probability of the highest output.

The second option is to take a big bet and count yourself as a person, but you have a sun-shooting bow and 4300 points of combat power (for a piece of blue equipment), if you can grab the last blow, you will not lose permission May grab.

Once successful, all drops belong to oneself.


Xia Miaomiao's breath was short of breath, and she kept the highest single-target damage skill of [Deadly Arrow] unused, and stared nervously at the bone dragon's blood gauge.

Is it too greedy?

The gains and losses are too great.

If you don't get it...

How to do!

All the remnants of the relay station have been eliminated. Except for the teleportation center guarded by the high magic wall, the players have almost blocked any possibility of entering it. The peripheral players have no choice but to receive the "purification magic" from the NPC. Soil' task.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still a piece of meat, isn't it?

Under the leadership of Yijiang Chunshuiliu, the brothers and sisters' families all accepted the task of 20 points of merit each time, and then divided into several teams, busy around the relay station.

The big counterattack expansion is coming to an end. Once the teleportation center is captured, there will be no suspense in occupying the 97th floor of the abyss plane. Resources, players have obtained the nourishment for merit and growth.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, the Lich, who had been guarding the rear, let out a long sigh of relief.

Until this time, if the two high-level demons have not made a move, they will not make any more moves. Although this also loses the rare opportunity to kill the high-level demons alone, but... the current magic net cannot give the lich too much confidence .

Don't look at the fact that players form the fourth natural disaster without any disadvantages. It means that they have not encountered real power. Once the high-level demons make a move, no matter how many players there are, it is useless. Even the fifth layer of the magic net can't give the lich too much confidence.

Unlimited casting of spells with five rings and below?
But one of the basic abilities of a high-level demon is the [Chaos Aura], which is immune to spell damage of the fifth ring and below. This aura is constant, and it is only instinct for a high-level demon.

But the retention of the quasi-higher demon, the six-armed snake demon Yega Felist, gave the Lich another surprise. How could such a promising demon be left in this place of death?

Just when he saw Lie Xinxi and was about to do it himself, Bei Gaoyang stopped him. The original words were, let the players gain valuable experience and grow.


These words sound high-sounding, but in fact, Bei Gaoyang is also greedy for this 'quasi-higher demon', and is going to let the magic net 'capture' him, and use him as a specimen to study the characteristics and secrets of the higher-level demon.

On the square in front of the former city hall, Du Shiyu poured 'holy water' on the rust-colored ground. Amidst the sizzling sound like burning oil, a large amount of magic energy evaporated, and obese abyssal worms came out one after another. They all withered and died in the 'holy water'.

Experience +1 Experience +1... Occasionally, a reminder of Merit +1 pops up, which is better than nothing. While doing boring tasks, the team members look at the direction of the transmission center, unable to hide their envy and fascination.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu suddenly sent a coordinate and yelled on the family channel for everyone to gather. Du Shiyu hurriedly asked what was going on, and he said that he had grabbed a place to enter the battlefield and asked everyone to use the [Teleporter] to teleport over.

"...The task is not done?"

"Forget about the mission, it's almost empty inside, let's try our luck."

"Xiao Yu, shall we go?"

Fan Chaoyue was killed and returned to the city when the six-armed snake demon appeared. At this time, the Gaowan group had been broken up, and Xia Miaomiao could not be contacted, so she returned to the family team and rushed over from the rear by teleportation .

"Go, why not?" Du Shiyu took out an expensive teleportation talisman.

"The monster inside is so perverted, I don't even know how I died, hiding so far away..."

"If there is a glimmer of hope, go, let's go!"


Crushing the teleportation talisman, he was instantly teleported to the leader's side, and the white light constantly brushed away the surrounding players, using this method to repel a space to break into the battlefield.

Du Shiyu settled down and saw that the entrance between the two high-energy magic walls was blocked into canned sardines, and people were piled on top of each other, which was even more exaggerated than the Spring Festival travel.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu?"

"I'm here!"

"I can't move anymore... Ah, who, who will eat my tofu?"

"Ha ha……"

"Laugh fart!"

"Big guys squeeze forward!"

"How can you go in like this, and die?"

"Even if you die, you must die in it."

"Ah, several bone dragons inside are dead!"

"A level 65 purple boss, will it explode with a purple outfit?"

"Orange outfits are possible!"

"Listen to me, guys, drink a bottle of Zhonghong before entering the battlefield, and replenish a bottle of Sun Water as soon as you enter the battlefield. Don't wait until you see monsters to drink, then it will be too late. You must try your best to survive Thinking about grabbing output, survive first, and if you survive, you will have a chance!"

"I know, I know, I'm so nervous!"

"Me too, my heart is beating so hard"


Du Shiyu moved forward with her squeezed feet off the ground, very nervous, her heart beating violently, the closer she got to the battlefield, the dazzling aura suddenly rose and disappeared, the white lights shot up into the sky, and the huge skeletons flew up and down. The dragon, the weapon of the lizard floating in the sky, being traced and focused by the meteor shower-like skill!

Shocked, she suddenly saw a black cat appearing on the shoulder of a player in front of her, staring at herself with a pair of deep amber eyes.

She took a quick look around, but no player spotted her.

Inexplicably, she understood the meaning in the eyes of the black cat.

Is asking if she needs help!
Du Shiyu hesitated for a moment, then nodded at the black cat.

In the next moment, she disappeared from the crowd and appeared on the battlefield at a critical moment.

"Ding, you have received a team invitation from the player, a small sapling!"

The position where she appeared was just right, Xia Miaomiao, who was hesitating, suddenly spotted her, and formed a team without saying a word, "Xiao Yu, don't use skills, be careful..."

The skeletal giant dragon tens of meters away was dying, and the last bit of blood slowly disappeared from the explosion-like damage value.

Xia Miaomiao: "Drink the sun water!"

Du Shiyu just poured a bottle of potion without saying a word.

The bone dragon let out a mournful cry, and when it raised its head, there was a strafing breath. Wherever it went, all the players rushing in front turned into white light. Even if they were swept away by the tail flames of the breath, Du Shiyu's health was also lost.

Fortunately, the recovery effect of the sun water was delayed for a certain period of time, allowing her to stay where she was tenaciously.

Ant-like players have become much more sparse.

"Put it all out, Xiao Yu!"

Xia Miaomiao's voice was out of tune. Du Shiyu gritted his teeth and chanted the short-time skill Power Tentacle. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the heroic posture of his buddy bending the bow and shooting arrows. The energyized arrows shot out continuously, so that Afterimages appeared on the hand that pulled the bowstring.


[Ding, congratulations on gaining 5991 experience points]

[Ding, congratulations on your upgrade]

[Ding, congratulations to your team for killing the LV65 skeleton dragon Nahan Reinashen (four-star purple boss level)]

[Ding, congratulations on getting 500 points of merit]

[Ding, Abyss has paid more attention to you. 】

[Ding, the team picked up the Golden Dragon Might Staff, the captain assigned it to you from a small sapling]

[Ding, the team picked up the dragon crystal (orange), and the captain assigned it to a small sapling]

[Ding, the team picked up the second-level professional skill book: Resurrection (Priest · Church of the Sun God), and the captain assigned it to you with a small sapling.

[Ding, the team picked up Dragon Soul Shards (purple)...]

[Ding, the team picked up the Silver Dragon Skin Bracers (Suit Blue)...]

[Ding, the team picked up the Silver Dragonscale Leather Armor (top, suit, blue)...]

[Ding, the team picked up the second-level equipment enhancement stone*6]

[Ding, the team picked up the third-level cloak enhancement stone*2]

[Ding, the team picked up the alchemy admission certificate (task)...]

(End of this chapter)

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