This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 361 Strange Cat: Doraemon

Chapter 361 Strange Cat: Doraemon

"Ah, Sapling, I really love you to death!"

"Ah, we got it, got it!"

"How did I die, how did you die, how did we come back?"

"I don't know, who cares, haha, we posted it, Xiao Yu, posted it, completely posted it!"

"I love you to death, I really love you to death, you are so exciting, little clever ghost."

"Haha... the top 100 in the combat power list, I'm going back to the top 100, and I, Hu Hansan, have come back again, quack!"

"Pay attention to image, lady, lady."

"Fuck you lady, get off the assembly line, I want to drink, I want a nightclub, I want a handsome little brother to dance for me"

"Is the expansion pack not over yet?"

"Fuck it, I'll download it first, I can't do it, my mind is confused, and the system warning keeps flashing"

"Well, you go down first, I'll go to appraise the magic circle... Ah, I also have a purple staff, the golden dragon's power staff, wow, so beautiful! Look at this dragon head, it's so lifelike, look what it is, dragon Crystal? I remember the dragon crystal exploded, right?"


Brushing bosses and blasting artifacts are the simplest and most primitive game feelings. Effort, luck, opportunity, dedication, expectation, harvest, surprise... are always the main theme of the game. On this point, Bei Gaoyang grasped it fairly accurately .

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao were so happy that they got carried away. They didn't know how they got back to the city, but that's not important anymore. The important thing is that all the bonuses and loot of the four-star purple boss at level 65 were won by them alone. The benefits, what a rich harvest, that is... tsk tsk, is it enviable to say it?
Xia Miaomiao also lost her composure at that moment, and hugged her best friend to celebrate, taking care of everything, thinking about everything, leaving only pure depression.

Fortunately, it was difficult and quiet to come up and send Du Shiyu online, Xia Miaomiao still couldn't be fierce for a long time.

The whole body of the golden staff has a layer of rich energy halo, flowing between the slender staff textures, the dragon head on the top of the staff is like a living thing, and the dragon's mouth contains a gem like a dragon crystal, which makes people feel bright feel severe.

The two-handed staff is heavy in the hands, just like Du Shiyun's mood.

Skeleton ([-]) Post sentinel · Devil's Farm, the players who hung back to the city hurriedly teleported to the back line, everyone has time to take a look at you.

The small counter-offensive of the expansion pack is still underway, the world channel has already exploded, and the skeleton giant dragon is the first to drink its hatred on the front of the Seventh Scourge, one, two, eight...every one dies, so-and-so, this Team, this player has grabbed the first strike and drop permissions, and there is no world announcement.

Jing Shucheng and Du Shiyu had already been on TV, but at that time, the news had already been swamped by the system announcements, because the skeleton dragon they killed was the first, so whether it attracted widespread attention.

Players used their precious physical strength and gold coins to bluff, marvel, envy, and envy under the world channel, and they didn't know what they were talking about, and they didn't report the latest developments of the Necromancer and the Octopus.

The friend channel, private chat channel, and family channel are full of news. Xia Miaomiao clicked on it, and there were question marks, exclamation points, and ellipses... Haha, it shows that we are both envious and jealous The simple mood of congratulations, and even fewer private chats with familiar people, you turn on and off as you go, rushing for a long time before quieting your beating heart.

I was about to appraise the magic staff outside my hand, and when I turned around, I saw this black cat.

It was like a basin of ice water was poured into Xia Miaomiao's swollen and chilled mind, and you shivered violently, then calmed down in an instant.


"Who is he?"


"Why can he appear outside the game?"


"He means that your soul is weak enough, so you can communicate with him?"


"Does he mean he's from the game?"



Once seeing that black cat, Xia Miaomiao was not frightened, and came to see if anything good happened, and soon got used to it.

Because of Jing Shu's existence, you are often in a trance, honestly staying here alone in a daze, and your best friend asks what you are thinking, Xia Miaomiao knows it all, but only feels that time flies when there is no Jing Shu around Slow down, I feel generally relaxed, but he wants to ask specifics, and you say yes.

The feeling is that it is clear and the way is clear!

As the number and time of black cats appear less and less, you become more and more used to its existence. Once the "adaptation" psychology is gone, you will establish an "intimate connection" with it, just like raising a cat. Like pets.

But at that time, other people can also discover its existence.

The best friend didn't discover the history of the black cat, it seemed to be just a special pet cat, except that it was strange that you didn't have the energy to keep a pet.

That made Xia Miaomiao both surprised and delighted, and from that time on, the 'pre-game sequelae' under your body completely disappeared, your energy gradually returned to normal, and your life rhythm returned to normal.

But that time, it actually appeared outside the game.

Xia Miaomiao used 【Appraisal Technique】 on it

[Strange cat hatchling, LV1, whether to capture it or not]


Jing Shucheng was slightly impressed, and subconsciously chose to capture.

An illusory lasso is put under the black cat. Whether the black cat resists or not, this pair of amber eyes are full of emotions, full of sadness and joy.

[Successful capture, get strange cat cubs]

[Congratulations on getting a pet: Strange Cat, please check the pet panel for related information]

[Pet name: unnamed, race: fantasy creature intertwined with fantasy reality and game reality (beginner), quality: blue (growable), level: 1, lifespan:? ? , intimacy (compatibility) degree: 60.

[Strength: 5, Intelligence: 7, Spirit: 4, Slowness: 15, Constitution: 4]

[Health value: 500, magic power: 2000, magic attack power: 27 (blue), physical attack power 3 (white), magic defense: 53 (blue), physical defense 10 (white), total resistance: 39 (green) . 】

[Qualification:? ? ,growing up? ? , Comprehension: ? ? , adjustable times: ? ? , spouse: yes, can breed:? ? 】

[Blessing skills: 1-Affinity to the game environment (make you more integrated into the mysterious environment of Canaan, and accelerate the cohesion of your real name)

Blessing skills: 2- Affinity to the real environment (that is really easy to explain, you will definitely tell him that the villain of this system is also confused, is it... probably, maybe, maybe... a good thing... [-]?)
Blessing Skill: 3-Primary Immunity to Negative Emotions (Without it, he would never be 'scared' again, but at what cost?)
Blessing skills: 4-Elementary accelerated growth (Congratulations on getting the permanent BUFF of +120% experience, does it mean meaning, is surprise a surprise?)
Blessing skills: 5-Elementary lucky aura (well, he is a lucky guy, yes, you are the one who will never get a strange cat itself is a small piece of luck.)
[Pet skills: 1-uncomprehended (he guessed?).

Pet skills: 2-Uncomprehended (he guessed again?).

Pet Skills: 3 - Unrealized (Com Ang, give full play to his imagination)
Pet skills: 4-for comprehension (he scolded people, it was interesting, he was playing with him)

Pet skills: 5-Elementary wishing technique (Come on, mortal, tell you his wish, this meow will grant him a wish, first, 80% probability of victory, he needs to pay 2 gold coins or 20 RMB (Note that due to the changes in the exchange rate market and the mood of this little person, that number is not 10% variable.) Seventh: 5% probability of occurrence is a good thing (the so-called loss of life is a blessing in disguise, yes Don't worry too much about those little details, mortal, you promise, you at least increase the success rate of his last wish by 10%, but the minimum is more than 5%, what, is satisfaction, then go to find the intermediate wish pet skill book ) (note that in reality, the success rate of prayers is affected by logic, science, mystic expansion, and greed), eighth, 5% probability of success, 1% probability is unknown (cough cough You're so picky, what else does he want when he's only level [-]?)]

"Ah, that damned system!", Xia Miaomiao was driven mad by the system's explanation and teasing, whether she passed it or suppressed it, and wanted to laugh... Yes, please hurry, today's happiness is too little Yes, let you digest it well.

First of all, the cat appeared in reality. After the end, I could only see it, so I always thought it was a hallucination. I came to see its strange things, such as eating a suspected soul thing this night. , come to accept it quickly, and then I will end my inexplicable distraction, daze, and frequent trance, it is the same offline and online, and then... and then it can be seen by others, and it becomes Be special like a real pet.

As soon as I accepted the reality of it as a pet, the state of being distracted, dazed, and in a trance did not reduce the weight. Today, it even appeared outside the game, becoming a pet that can be caught in the game, and was caught by myself.

The process is roughly like that.

The system introduces its origin and attributes. Its race is: a ring of fantasy creatures intertwined with reality and game reality, blue quality, can grow... can grow... Will it be able to grow to purple, orange or even red in the future?

Could it be the best friend, but you, you are the one without the aura of the protagonist?
There is no primary wishing technique yet!
pray! ?

Xia Miaomiao was still brainstorming, and the strange cat let out a full cry, and you froze for a moment, a very novel feeling came from your feet.

Strange Cat bites your pant leg and tears it.

Is it full?

I seem to have become a little more agile. Outside my amber eyes, my emotions have become dull. Then it was a sharp mystery, but now it is... ah, your green pants.

I was bitten by a strange cat, and I got it after a long time?

"Stop, don't come over, don't bite!"

"Hey, I used to call him Doraemon, right? Is it nice?"

"It was decided so happily, daimyo dabai, come on dabai, are you hungry or not, let me tell you!"

"Nod when you're hungry, shake your head if you're hungry!"

"It's so good, it's so disgusting... Ah, don't bite... your blue wristband, my God!"

[Ding, congratulations to your pet Doraemon for comprehending a new skill: Elementary Probability Bite]

[Pet skill 1: primary probability bite: aha, you guys meet again, it’s really slow, look, look, oh, that skill is very wrong, it’s good to bite the target with an 80% probability of happening Thing, 10 probability of happening is good or bad, 5% probability of good thing happening, 5% probability is unknown...uh,)]

Why are that guy's skills so strange?
"What a strange fellow he is!"

Xia Miaomiao patted Dabai's head in distress, "I used to bite things randomly, you know?"


"It's so cute, well, it's from him."

You take out the pet food [Slow Le Bean] and spread it under your hands, then squat down and hand it to Dabai. It was originally intended to be used to catch Quinster's magic ball.

Dabai sniffed your 'cat food', took a bite, and started to eat.

Xia Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief... thinking something was going to happen again.

It would be nice to be able to eat unusual pet food.

Regardless of whether he is a strange cat or a strange mouse, you can treat him as a relatively ordinary pet.

I made up such an idea mentally, so I was very adaptable, and it really didn't make me nervous.

Because Dabai wasted too little time, the war at the relay station is still endless, and there is an endless stream of players rushing back around the teleportation point ahead. Exploding the artifact, you are also rare.

Satisfied, even satisfied, some are satisfied, some believe.

Why do you let yourself get so few good things?
With such a mood, you found the appraisal NPC and handed over the Golden Dragon Might Staff.

The originally dumb NPC took over the staff, and his expression became a little more lively.

——The GM of a certain rotating employee of Canaan Company detected the 'prominent' data and temporarily replaced it outside the body of the identified NPC.

"Ah, look, look, what is that, is that... a dragon!?"

The employee GM recited his lines with envy and jealousy, and the greedy blind man outside his eyes could see it.

——How much is it worth? Is it still nervous to realize wealth and freedom?

Xia Miaomiao thanked without vigilance.

"That's wrong, it's the dragon's breath, you smell it, it's the pure white dragon's smell... Ah, what a pity, it's been polluted... Dear rebels, the legion commander villain is collecting such low-level supplies now, if He dedicated it to..."

"Yes, it's a donation!" Xia Miaomiao hurriedly shook her head, "You only appraise!"

"It's a pity, this is a clue to a hidden mission."


"Alright, the appraisal fee is 5 gold coins."

"What, so expensive?"

"No matter how low the price is, it's one-ten-thousandth of the price." The staff GM's love for entering the show is to let go, and really want to keep it for himself, but it's a pity...I dare.

Therefore, the fingers of joy ended up trembling.

"5 gold, you give it!"

Gritting her teeth, Xia Miaomiao took out 5 gold coins and handed them over to the weird-looking appraiser NPC.

The employee GM could only touch the staff with a regretful hand... eh?

——What's going on, the appraisal is successful?

Employee GM's forehead is sweating... Wipe it again!
There is still no response from the staff.

Xia Miaomiao: ...

[Ding, the success of the appraisal made appraisal technician R17 feel ashamed, and I will definitely refund your appraisal fee, and immediately return to the alchemy students to practice hard skills. 】

Can it still be like that?

The 5 gold coins and the staff returned to Jing Shucheng's hand, and it can be seen that the NPC has been identified. The players waiting for the identification in front of them have question marks on their faces, knowing what happened.

Xia Miaomiao left quickly.

——How about asking Dabai to try?

You have a whim, elementary wishing technique, what is wishing?

Anyway, if you win, you will lose 2 gold...

"Meow!" Dabai raised his head, fixed his cat eyes on the staff, and licked his lips.

"I still want it," Xia Miaomiao felt terrified at the sight of it.


"Hey, hey, hey... what is he going to do? He wants to bite him!"

(End of this chapter)

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