This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 362 The Great Dissociation Technique

Chapter 362 The Great Dissociation Technique
Expansion piece Abyss 97th Floor Battlefield The third act - the relay station of the great counterattack, Erdeman Free City (1), has come to an end.

Accompanied by the scream of 'Necromancer No. 71', the golden humanoid monster of LV[-], which was controlled by the high priest of the sun god with the title of Yukong and was under the player's fire on the ground, finally died, 'Boom! ' With a sound, the rule that humanoid monsters must explode also applies to the scene at this time, so it exploded completely.

The aura flying all over the sky is mixed with one or two pieces of purple, one or two pieces of orange, and other blue and green balls of light spread all over the ground, and only the balls symbolizing gold coins are stacked eleven.

The players went crazy, desperately rushing towards the purple and orange drops, and the thief who ran in the front was the first to catch the orange aura ball.

Got it! ?

I actually touched it!
The thief was so overjoyed that he put it in his backpack without even looking at it, and the oncoming skills overwhelmed him.

"a bunch of idiots!"

The players who attacked him were also in a daze, the expansion packs couldn't PK, the thieves lost blood at 1-1-1, but they were all the damage reflected by the system. skills to kill.

"Wori~~~Why is it a gray mission item!!"

A player who snatched the drop of the purple light roared. The thief felt chilled when he heard it, and quickly took out the things he picked up to see, and a mouthful of old blood suddenly came to his throat.

"**&&%¥#" (one thousand words of national curse are omitted here)
The aura all over the floor suddenly turned into stinky shit. Players who snatched it or not got a little psychological comfort, and players who snatched it would hate to kill the whole family of the system.

But the battlefield didn't stop at one place. We quickly turned our attention to the battle group that was in full swing. The bone dragons had all been killed, there was only one necromancer left, and the upper half of the blood tank was left. Seconds man' 'manic' phase.

I saw that the magic equipment under the necromancer seemed to be used up. A few seconds later, he used a scroll of [Magma Sea of ​​Fire], which burned the players to tears, and crushed one of his men that time. A ring, opened a door to another dimension, was about to escape, but was stopped by the little priest Yukong of the Luna Church with [Moon Imprisonment (Dimensional Anchor)], I was dragged by overwhelming skills, and my head was -1 -1-1 blood deduction, after the [Reverse Physical Energy Force Field] under the body is complete, the rebound damage makes white light sparsely brush up in the player group, but that helps to change my situation.

With the depletion of [Reversal Physical Energy Field] and [Intermediate Demon Forbidden Aura], I also ushered in the moment of death.

"Haha, go to hell, go to hell!"

"Boom!", for some reason, the necromancer blew himself up.

I revealed that it has something to do with it, what about the drop, what about my mother's drop?

It refers to a small hole that was blown out at the scene, and it also means that dozens of unlucky players were sent back to the city at the ecstatic moment of failure. ?
"Haha, it was all blown up, my mother was blown up?"

A laughing, suppressed, pitch-shifted, trembling voice said that anyone could hear the great disappointment and anger beyond that voice.

Dog Day's System!
In that way the greedy players are punished?

There is no inhumanity!


How could he kill Canaan Company's Xiaxia Shangshang!

There is no reason!
Players will consider the rationality and authenticity of the plot regression, and there is time to brew and vent their anger, because there is nothing more urgent on the scene.

Eight-armed snake demon!

The Eight-armed Snake Demon, which has taken back eight weapons, has broken through level 80.

The bright red system logo, the 80-level plane lord-level boss, if killed, would be an explosive item. Is there still no need for the Canaan company to exist?Is that broken game worthless?

Thus, the final battle, which lasted 10 hours, ushered in the first moment for the quasi-lower demon who killed many players.

In the vast ocean of players, the eight-armed snake demon with a height of [-] meters is not eye-catching at all. In terms of size, it is still a smaller monster. In terms of oppression, it is also comparable to a bone dragon with a slight dragon power Yes, in terms of the means of fighting the enemy, there are also necromancers who are full of tricks, but...

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The eight-armed snake monster smiled, and the [Shadow] in one arm moved down, and the entire battlefield was suddenly shrouded in a thick haze.

Swish... squeak...

Countless mysterious, subtle, ferocious, and well-intentioned babbles emerged in the haze. A male elf priest player was grabbed by the white tentacles that suddenly protruded from the haze, and disappeared into the field of vision of the players around him with a scream. middle.


The sound of your screaming is lowered, and it is transmitted to everyone by the ordinary rules in the haze. Therefore, some players whose mental resistance is up to the standard did not "play" the scream of the male elf player synchronously, and ended the attack on the players around them. .


"Repel the fog!"

"The priest has such magical powers!"

"What should I do...Fuck you, old cow, wake up slowly!"

The players were all in a mess, no matter how small the number was, they were just flies with heads. At that moment, the little priests of several temples joined hands, and the voice of praying in a low voice overwhelmed the screams of the male players. The powers of the gods converged in the circle we surrounded, and a sun-like ball of light ended in dazzling darkness.

The haze was dispelled, [Shadow] returned to the eight-armed snake demon, and only one-eighth of the current players remained.

"It's too perverted!"

"It is possible to beat it at all!"

"What if it's gone!?"

"Level 80 plane lord, level 80 plane lord..."

The eight-armed snake monster laughed hotly, and turned its gaze to the little priests and priests who threatened him the least. At that time, all the players on the scene received a mission.

[Ding, the eight-armed snake demon who is about to attack the lower demons has caused serious damage to the players. The sub-thread NPC Lich Nicholas is extremely angry and is rushing to the battlefield at full speed. Please protect the temple priests The little priests of the regiment, hold me back and persist until the arrival of the Nicholas Court is a failure. 】

[Ding, you accepted the plane story mission—the first 15 minutes after this didn’t come]

[Ding, countdown to end task, 14 minutes and 59 seconds...]

"Here we come, we come, mission!"

"That's right, the BOSS can be killed at this stage, protect the NPC!"

"15 minutes, damn it, 15 seconds is enough... Oh my god, I'm going to throw it away again"

"Everyone move closer to the NPC!"

The remaining players and the players who heard the news of the mission all flocked to the large NPC battle group, and the eight-armed snake demon threw out this [blood vessel].

"It hurts, Xiaojia...ah, it hurts, Wo Ri, it hurts me to death... Poof"

All the players spewed out a mouthful of old blood at the same time, and a blood mist spewed out on the scene. In the blood mist, there were a small amount of tube-shaped things like blood vessels. After a while, the battlefield was full of blood. It is meat blanket, meat membrane, muscle tendon and blood vessel.

Sarcomas like mushrooms and trees grew out one by one, and the sarcoids matured in the blink of an eye, and then split open, and 'figurines' very similar to the players walked out of them.

There are not many players, but there are not many 'figurines'. That is not an illusion, but a copy of flesh and blood, which is somewhat similar to the 'cloning' of the magic net.

Magic originally originated from the abyss, and demons are the masters of the soul. The Snake Demon has already smelled a little "smell" from the player's body, and the corresponding authority "weapon" immediately adjusted the countermeasures without targeting.


A male mage player faced a bloody, 'figurine' who looked very similar to himself. Whoever is weaker is the next best thing. The key is psychological horror and pressure, which will make your emotions 'crash' and cry at the same time. , while selecting Go Live.

——What a broken game, I don’t play it anymore, woo woo woo…

Looking around, there are few players like that, it is...too hardcore.

The magic net also made adjustments in time. The blurred and mosaic spots appeared under the "blood figurines" that the players saw. Magic like 'kill go.

In the fight, the players are very determined, and they have a special way with monsters. The copied blood figurines can't copy the "data" of the players, and there is no wisdom at all, they are just inferior flesh and blood puppets.

Very slowly, the blood figurines were cleaned up.

The players couldn't get enough of it. If it was that difficult, wouldn't the Eight-armed Snake Demon be as terrifying?

The blood mist dissipated, and the flesh-like forest withered in the blink of an eye. The eight-armed snake demon's [vessel] weapon withered a little, and flew back into its owner's hand.

The players tore off the 'pipes' that grew out of their upper and lower bodies one after another, and screamed again. The eight-armed snake demon is getting impatient. It is a mature authority, that is, whether it has the power of real authority. If it is a low-level demon , just this one is enough to solve the battle.


"Big heart!!"

"Boss is going to get serious."

The Eight-Armed Snake pushed back all the weapons it had on its chest, and in an instant, all the blood bars it lost afterwards were fully refilled, and it spread out for a total of 5... There are [-] types of halos with the same strong aura. Before, the eight arms With a wave of waving, eight giant swords of pure gold appeared.

Each sword is as narrow as a coffin board, so this is a sword, and that is clearly a small hammer.

The figure of the quasi-lower demon was blurred for a while, and eight afterimages were separated, and each afterimage jumped in the same direction in turn. In the blink of an eye, there were still seven directions from bottom, top, right, left, and killed the players in the array.


"Hold on, there are only 11 minutes left!"

The ranger's arrow hit the octopus rushing forward like a shooting star, but shot through me. It turned out that it was just a phantom clone.

Just when the players in front were relieved and the pressure was reduced, the eight [coffin boards] of [Phantom Clone] waved up one by one like a harvester, swish swish... all the players down the road were harvested like crops , white light shines under the straight passages.

That, that...

Then how can my mother fight!
The skills of the mage, the bow and arrow of the ranger, and the physical damage of the melee profession are all useful to [Phantom Clone], but the coffin board of each [Phantom Clone] can be discounted. Dead, it looks like a thick wall of people, very papery, it is known that this is the real body, these are phantom eight-armed snake demons chopping vegetables and melons, and they are about to retreat to the back of the NPC priest group in the temple.

"Magic ball, Quinister magic ball!"

It's a reminder that clever players have used the pet's [Detect Chaos Aura] to find out the real body of the Octopus.


"Crying, your pet ran away."

"Your too!"

"Ah, the system prompts what to say and what to suppress."

"Your white charcoal, come back slowly, mother is forcing him again, woo woo..."


Only the Quinster magic ball with a low degree of fit (intimacy) resisted the innate fear and used its skills.

Under the faint light of [Detecting Chaos Aura], the eight eight-armed snake demons are no longer the same.

The spectrum of the real body is weak, and the spectrum of the phantom is strong. Seeing this, the morale of the players has increased slightly, and they have set fire to the real body.

First of all, it is said that the attack is useless, and it is said that the moment the skill strikes, the real body becomes a phantom, and a phantom becomes the real body again.

The players were really dumbfounded.

"The real body and the phantom can be seamlessly converted."

Then how to fight?
My mother can't fight.

"Stop hitting, delay!"

"Not even 8 minutes!"

"Go ahead"

Players use their bodies to block the eight-armed snake monster's charge route, and all attacks have no effect on the seamless transition between reality and phantom, so they use their lives to drag and block with their bodies.

One by one the players died heroically and successfully slowed down the Snake Demon's speed. The NPC priests in protection watched with tears in their eyes. Several little priests were holding back their tricks, and only a few Jingshi and Yukong were left. I dare to leave a little bit, and even if we do it, the effect is not bad.

"Help you take good care of your uncle and my nephew..."

"Fire at you, shoot at you!"

"Farewell, comrades!"

"Whoever has died in life since ancient times, keep the pictures to reflect the history!"

"Monster, there is no way to come at you!"


When they had nothing to do, the players became funny one after another. In such an environment, although it seemed abrupt, it was obviously a funny behavior, but it gave people a weird heroism.

The moths flew into the flame, and the white light turned into nothing but bloody and poignant.

"Dog system, if you cheat grandpa again in that mission, I will..."

"... just smashed his dilapidated shop!"

Well, players are players, and generosity is unconditional.

Just as the players used their lives to delay the eight-armed snake demon's footsteps and gain precious time, the sacrificial group's little trick was finally suppressed.

The muttering of prayers suddenly became hoarse, and a ray of light suddenly burst into the air in the center of the sacrificial group. The void was like the reflection of water waves, reflecting a gate of light, and a holy angel appeared inside the gate of light.

The angel glanced inside the door, and the environment of the abyss made you feel apprehensive, so he only threw out one orb.

The orb emitted countless extremely stagnant light beams, which criss-crossed and covered the sky below the battlefield like a net. The Octagram's transition from reality to reality immediately became stagnant, and there was no more than a second of rushing time.

—but that's enough!
The skills that hit the demon's real body suddenly worked, and the -1-1-1-1 damage that burst out was not enough, but it was enough to make the players cry.


Seeing that the attack was a MISS again, the players were refreshed, and the power of the seventh natural disaster was revived. Although the attack time is only one second, how long does it take to wear through the demon's defense, and how many people will be killed? But there is no hope after all, is it?
The eight-armed snake was dodged by the tide's special attack on its real body. I looked angrily at the orb in the air, and the phantom was closed, but it didn't go out again.

The players saw in despair that the aura of defense that had just been worn away had returned to perfection.

Got it!
Still honestly killing time.

But the tricks of the priests are also useful. At most, the players are unable to harm the demons, so it is too late and restricts me.

It's so hard!

The NPC sacrificial group also turned into a tortoise. After using the trick, they stayed in front of the player's protection.

In addition, knowing how many people died after paying, and waiting for the countdown of seconds like years, before the twists and turns of several thrilling and almost successful missions... the long-awaited secondary thread NPC Lich Little Mage Nicholas finally arrived.

Seeing me riding a bone dragon, the moment I appeared, many players shed tears.

I thought that a shocking little battle would be staged next, to draw a successful conclusion to the small counterattack of the expansion pack, who knew...

"...Small dissociation technique!"

Seeing the situation was wonderful, the eight-armed snake demon who had finished fleeing was hit by an extremely obscure ray in the void where there was nothing, and then ended its disintegration.

Instant kill on the spot!


It was followed by a small explosion like Tiannan scattered flowers.

Players:  …

(End of this chapter)

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