This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 363 Sleepwalking 'Girl Ghost'

Chapter 363 Sleepwalking 'Girl Ghost'

In the dark bedroom, only the hour hand of the alarm clock was ticking forward.

On the bed full of girlish atmosphere, Xia Miaomiao's delicate eyebrows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes stretched, and her rosy lips were slightly raised, as if she was experiencing a sweet dream.

Suddenly, a bit of starlight evaporated from her body, floated to the ceiling, sank into the ceiling again, and entered another resident upstairs.

In the baby room upstairs, a seven or eight-month-old baby curiously opened his eyes, stretched out his immature palm, and let this little starlight fall on her palm. Immediately, the whole room resounded with the baby's laughter.

Time moved forward quietly.

The baby's laughter is getting louder and 'mature' gradually, reaching the timbre of a two- or three-year-old child, with murmurs mixed in with the laughter.

Her incompetent, sleep-dead parents were finally alarmed, came to their daughter's room, and were just about to turn on the light when they were stunned.

The Xinghui filled the room, as if countless fireflies were dancing with a baby crawling on the floor. Xinghui lifted the baby and let her float in the air. There were childish whispers in the Xinghui, as if someone separated I am talking to my daughter in another world.


The mother's screams destroyed the warm and dreamy atmosphere in the room, Xinghui was startled, and they sank into the floor like a swarm of bees.

Babies also fall from the buoyancy.


This time she really burst into tears.

Downstairs, Xia Miaomiao frowned again. A large number of Xinghui came back and lit up the whole bedroom. The little birds gathered together were jumping with curiosity and restlessness in curiosity, but they stayed impatiently. This size of land.

As a result, all the stars disappeared into the window again, like a bridge of stars haunting, falling in the green belt downstairs of the apartment building.

A pair of young student couples are sitting on a bench and making love to each other. The girl is telling about the harsh measures her parents took after they found out about her puppy love. On the shoulders, exert a little force.

The girl let out a small exclamation, and fell into the boy's arms, and the two immediately tugged.

"Hate... hooligans!"

The girl's heart was beating wildly, and she was calmed down by her boyfriend's irresistible force, both restless and expectant. Her long eyelashes were trembling, and she was about to close her eyes when she suddenly saw a glowing person standing behind the boy.


"Why aren't you home so late?"

", ghost!!"

The young couple screamed and ran out of the green belt. Beside the bench, the luminous people collapsed into a large number of stars, giggling... A mischievous laugh echoed eeriely, and the tone had matured to the appearance of five or six years old .

Xinghui continued to flow, overflowing the green plants in the community, and submerged in the pool full of ornamental fish.

The small artificial lake is boiling, and koi carps, big and small, are vying to get out of the water. It is dark and moonless, but the water surface is glowing. The carp danced lightly.

The fairy-tale-like scene really frightened people. A scattered old couple noticed the strangeness of the lake and screamed, attracting more onlookers.

The cameras of each mobile phone were turned on, and a sales anchor with few fans happened to pass by, and cleverly started the live broadcast.

"...Brothers, let me say this again, this is not a special effect, it's not a special effect... If you like it, give the host a follow, and if you don't need money, give me one, thank you...Okay, now the answer is revealed, this is Wudu Futai Garden, the one at the intersection of Renmin North Road and Zhongshan West Road..."

There were more and more people watching, and the pedestrians outside the community were all attracted. The little girl on the lake seemed to be tired from playing. Regardless of the sensation caused, she turned into a large number of stars and floated out of the artificial lake.

"Ah, it's so beautiful!"

Xinghui passed over the heads of everyone, left the community, and came to the street that caused traffic jams.

Xinghui didn't seem to like the smell of big cities, and he was also very repulsed by the flashing neon lights, so he plunged into a lively alley.

In the alley, there are a lot of people who are spending the night, frying, frying and frying. A shirtless strong man who is eating skewers at the food stall at the street is shocked to see that a spot of light has gathered on the table next to him to form an eleven or two year old girl.

The girl is composed of stars, like a three-dimensional projection composed of countless pixel light spots.

"Boss, here are 20 skewers of mutton, 10 skewers of glutinous rice, 2 skewers of grilled wings, and a plate of peanuts and edamame!"

"Alright!" the boss agreed without looking back.

"And a glass of draft beer!" said the light and shadow girl, sticking out the tip of her tongue cutely.

"Dang!" The strong man's chopsticks fell on the dinner plate, and he was tongue-tied.

The light and shadow girl looked back and made a booing gesture, hoping that the food she ordered would be served soon.

More people at the food stall noticed something strange, at the alley, among the chasing crowd, someone shouted: "Here, here!"

The girl's pretty brows frowned: "Boss, hurry up!"

Only the busy boss didn't notice: "Okay!"

The red carbon exudes a compelling high temperature. The fresh, marinated mutton is fat and thin. It is placed on the grill, smoking, and the boss is sweating profusely. On the other side, sprinkled with cumin, and served again on a plate full of chili peppers.

Soon, the inner three floors and the outer three floors were full of spectators. People were both surprised and a little scared. Some people speculated whether it was some kind of high-tech, and some said it was clearly a female ghost. But he was very courageous, and ran in while his parents were not paying attention.

"Hey, who are you?"

The seven or eight-year-old boy asked carelessly.

The girl of light and shadow watched the boss's movements eagerly, and when she heard the words, she rolled her eyes back at him, "I want you to take care of it!"

"They say you are a ghost, are you a ghost?"

"You are the ghost, your whole family is a ghost!"

"How do you scold people?"

"Who told you to scold me first!"

The boss finally realized something was wrong, he was stunned, the skewer in his hand was almost mushy, the light and shadow girl floated up from the chair anxiously, scattered like stars, and snatched the skewer from the boss.

"Boss, how much is it?"

The boss stammered, "One hundred, one hundred and eight"

"Ding, Alipay has received one hundred and eight yuan."

"Mom, the female ghost flew away, flew away."

"Wow, it's so beautiful, isn't Nie Xiaoqian?"

"It must be a new technology of [-]D projection..."

In the bedroom of the apartment building, Xia Miaomiao woke up sniffling. When she saw the steaming skewers on the small table, she jumped down happily, picked up a skewer and licked it.

Mmmmm, it's delicious.

She thought her best friend went downstairs to buy it, so she didn't pay much attention.

This sleep really relieves fatigue. I was worried that if I was so rotten, my body would have problems, such as stomach problems. Now it seems that I don’t have to worry about it at all. This appetite is really good, and the body feels good. It smells delicious—— um , I can do it again.

Determined to attack the Gan Emperor, she finished the meal beautifully, and when she heard the commotion downstairs, she went to the rooftop to take a look curiously, and found that many people were looking for something with flashlights...Nie Xiaoqian?
Hastily washed up, lay down in the game cabin, and couldn't wait to enter the game.

In the game, the devil farm is online, and I checked the friend list first, and the best friend is still there.

"Xiao Yu, when did you go online?"

"What's online? I'm not even offline."


That's what I just ate.

... Well, never mind, these are not the point.

"Come on, share the spoils, hee hee!"

"What else? Isn't it already divided?"

"That's right, my memory is wrong, I was a little confused when I just woke up... How about it, have you identified the staff?"


"what happened?"

"It's okay, the expansion pack is over."

Xia Miaomiao was distracted, "Ah, who killed the six-armed snake demon?"


"Haha, I knew that that thing is not something that current players can deal with, so I didn't even try."

"You guessed wrong this time, the NPC killed it, but all the things that explode belong to the player."

"Ah, what do you mean?"

Du Shiyu roughly talked about the process, the difficulty of the six-armed snake demon, the helplessness of the players, the adjustment of the system difficulty, the plane plot task persisted for 15 minutes, the sub-thread NPC Nicholas arrived, and the [Great Disintegration Technique] instantly killed the stunned audience.

"Then, then, the thing that explodes belongs to the player? Who gets it?"

"You watch the World Channel yourself."

Xia Miaomiao quickly clicked on the world channel.

[The old monk and the little nun: Come on, come on, the bastards of the Jagged Society, brush up -98 (World Trumpet)
The old monk and the little nun: What's the matter, isn't the iron and blood club very awesome, isn't it going to kill me until I surrender, and I won't follow after just a few trumpets, big water hose?Death Laughing - 99 (World Trumpet)
Hoe Wo: Wow, Brother Monk is so angry, 100 world trumpets! (Physical value -50)

Wang Senli's little milk dog: I said it's almost enough, the channel belongs to everyone, and you can accept the best blue, RMB. (Physical Strength -50)

Blossoms all over the sky: This person is also the best. If he wants to kill you until you surrender, you can use the trumpet to scold him. If you have this money, you can hire someone to kill you back. I am really convinced. (Physical Strength -50)

Old monk and little nun: Let your grandma's dog stinky fart, I rushed to the first when the six-armed snake demon exploded, just picked up the purple outfit, and was attacked by the dog of the Sangvis Society, I asked their president for an explanation , Instead, I was scolded... Oh my god, the old man I wanted to kill gave up, and I pretended to be a big hose, come on, come on, the dog bastard of the Iron Blood Society, brush up -100 (world trumpet)
Iron Blood·Second Fool: I have seen shameless people before, but I have never seen such shameless people, and you were the first one to be the fucking one. Everyone was crazy at that time. Who the hell remembers which one he was the first?You said sneak attack you?Ah bah, it's all random killings, who the hell remembers who killed who and who was killed, is this your first day playing games?What, can't afford it? (Physical Strength -50)

The old monk and the little nun: Don’t talk to the poor dogs with physical strength, and the dogs of the Jagged Society will brush up—101 (World Trumpet)]

What's all this mess?

Xia Miaomiao scrolled up, full of this kind of unnutritive swearing and confrontation. Seeing that there happened to be a few world speakers in the backpack, it must have been blasted by the boss, and he didn't pay much attention at the time.

World Channel:

[A little sapling: I'm sorry to get in the queue, is the expansion pack over?What happened in the end, I just connected to the Internet. (World Horn)

The old monk and the little nun: ... a small sapling ... I remember you, the world announcement was swiped, and the first skeleton dragon exploded. It seems that there are only two people—102 (world horn)
Tian Xingjian: I also remember, I also remember, worshiping the boss, let the boss talk about it, what happened, let the younger brother look up. (Physical Strength -50)

Funeral Flower Ying: Just two of you defeated the purple four-star boss at level 65, 233... How many things would you lose? (Physical Strength -50)

Funeral Flower Counseling: Worship the boss, tell me, what happened, is there a purple dress? (Physical Strength -50)

Blooming riches: purple dress?Are you joking?Purple clothes are the most basic, and there are oranges, do you know what oranges are?Dragon crystal, the main material for orange equipment, can be exchanged for 2000 meritorious deeds. (Physical Strength -50)

A Sword of Light and Cold Nineteen States: Miao Miao watched the private chat. (World Horn)


Xia Miaomiao's vanity was greatly satisfied, and Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States came to her door, which made her feel a little guilty.

Then I looked at the private chat channel, and the messages were piled up, all of which were exclamation points, ellipsis points, and question marks from friends and acquaintances when the boss exploded.

Haha ...

I smile proudly, smile proudly...

When I found Yijian Guanghan from Nineteen States, I didn't look at what he said before, so I asked: Boss, what's the matter, do you have to pay the bill?

It was agreed to hire 10 hours, but in the end it was far more than that. She didn't forget the salary, so she came to preemptively, so as to save him from asking about quitting the team at a critical moment.

I remember at that time, Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States hadn't been hanged yet, and you still had a few people in the team. In the end, the boss let himself and his buddies snatch it. Seriously speaking, it was a bit unreasonable.

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States didn't bother with this 'detail', he came up and asked: "Miao Miao, Long Jing sells me, you can set the price whatever you want."

Xia Miaomiao didn't even know what Longjing could do, but no matter how stupid she was, she knew it was a good thing, not for sale!

She is not short of money now, and she doesn't have any gangs. She just wants to be a high-level player, a top 100, oh, top 50, or even top 10 master, a master.

"I'm sorry, Boss, I want to use Dragon Crystal myself."

A Sword of Light and Cold Nineteen States: ...

Xia Miaomiao asked: By the way, when will the salary be settled, boss, I want gold coins.

A Sword of Light and Cold Nineteen States: Really don't think about it?Or do I buy it with merit?

meritorious service?

Merits can be traded?

Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States: The expansion pack is over, meritorious deeds can be bought and sold, and PK restrictions are also relaxed.

Wow, in this way, isn't there hope for meritorious purple?

"Can you sell 5000 meritorious service?"

Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes, "Uh... let me think about it?"

"If you want to sell it, you must sell it to me. I'm the first one to greet you, right?"

"Yeah, sure, sure."

"The salary can be settled immediately... that is... can I use RMB or rice yuan?"

"what happened?"

"The meritorious service can be bought and sold, and the copper coins are a bit tight."

That said, it reminded Xia Miaomiao.

Merit can be bought and sold, and Dashuihuo's ability to make money can be used. Then...then, wouldn't a commoner like me... be left behind again?

Really annoying!

The system really doesn't give you any time to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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