This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 364 Positioning in the game

Chapter 364 Positioning in the game
Merit points can be traded freely, and there are only two kinds of people who are convenient.

One is the dirt trenches that are not short of money, and the other is the vast number of middle and lower-level civilian players.

There is only one kind of person who loses, and that is high-level civilian players like Xia Miaomiao.

Through their own efforts, luck, and opportunities, these players stand out among hundreds of thousands of players. At this time, they need to pay a huge amount of resources to keep up with Tuhao's ability to let go of the money, or they will fall behind.

But for the majority of middle- and lower-level civilian players, their merits are not many, and they are not enough to make a fundamental leap in their own strength. Letting go of the transaction is tantamount to revitalizing a very important asset of them, allowing them to direct income.

This intensifies the competition in the game, and also enlarges the space and attributes of Canaan's profit, allowing ordinary players to invest more, and allowing players with resources to invest more resources and wealth for redistribution.

But it's not without its downsides.

In addition to the loss of the interests of high-level civilian players mentioned above, it also widened the "gap between rich and poor" in the game, which polarized the strength measured by combat effectiveness. The higher the higher, the lower the hope of catching up.

But this again involves the positioning of everyone in the game.

Ordinary and mediocre players should give up the spirit of "strive for the top" early, find their own position in the game, and silently be a screw that enriches the game ecology, providing game support and experience for middle and upper-level players.

It is impossible for the magic net to promote every player to a high-level profession, and it is impossible to provide average support for every player. Layering-this is something that has been determined for a long time. Only a pyramid-structured game ecology is healthy and can Continuous development.

Outstanding players who are not willing to be mediocre should work harder.

There is no best effort, only harder work, no Gan Emperor, only self-forgetfulness, hematemesis, and "forgetting" of the first world, exhausting all methods and time to "strive for the top", always hold your breath, you can't let this If you let go in one breath, you will fall behind if you relax, and you will be beaten to death on the beach by the back waves.

Players with resources, perseverance, and ambition should invest more resources in Canaan to redistribute wealth, activate and enrich Canaan's economy and industry ecology, so that the first two types of players can get online through their efforts. Online and offline interests and wealth to enhance the attractiveness and vitality of Canaan, acting as a lubricant for the game.

A small group of truly top players should always have a sense of crisis, should be top-notch at all levels, should gradually penetrate into the Canaan core hidden under the appearance of the game, should become the top combat power under the magic net, and should have strong players. All the true qualities of should, should, should...

This is the plan of the magic net, and it is also Bei Gaoyang's ambition. Xiao Ai has been silently implementing it. This Abyss Battlefield is an in-depth attempt to divert players.

After Xia Miaomiao complained, she didn't think about it any more, and began to count the harvest of the purple four-star bone dragon big boss.

First of all, the 500 points of merit should be 1000 points shared equally by her and Du Shiyu. Adding the previous ones, the total merit points are 3190 points, which is not high or low, which is very embarrassing. Unless a new skill book is generated, it will be a loss.

Try not to use meritorious deeds if you can use gold coins.

Followed by the purple outfit, luck is as good as ever, it is a purple weapon - [Golden Dragon Might Staff], the same meritorious purple, the devil merchant's 10 meritorious service starts, hehe, 10, the gap between meritorious purple is as much as [-]. More than a dozen times, you will know how lucky this staff is.

I heard that several other skeleton dragons and necromancers only exploded one weapon, which also belonged to the mage. It was also a magic book called [Oster Lee's Spell Handbook], and it was a rare left-handed spell slot (the right hand can also be used) Equipped with a single cane is equal to an extra secondary weapon), the No. 3 necromancer exploded, it should be more valuable than this Longwei staff, it's a pity...

This is for the buddy's use, there is no need to say, no matter how high the value is, it must be given to her.

The most valuable drop is gone, Xia Miaomiao is talking about the orange quality [Dragon Crystal] to comfort herself.

The introduction of [Dragon Crystal] is only one sentence, it is the main material used to make orange quality props.

This sentence determines its value. The orange item currently only has a guild building order, so I won’t talk about its value. After all, it is not equipment and cannot reach the G-spot of the majority of players. [Dragon Crystal] is different, Xia Miaomiao is struggling , Should I keep it for myself for later use, or trade it for meritorious service, is it more practical to exchange for meritorious service purple?
The third is the second-level professional skill book: Resurrection (Priest, Church of the Sun God). This piece was given to the buddy, and it should fall into the hands of Fan Chaoyue in the end. She has changed her belief, and this time it is the sun god's second-level professional resurrection skill book, how will she be entangled?

Haha, if she converts again, will the NPC church block her and call her a family slave with three surnames?

As if seeing Fan Chaoyue's tangled and troubled face, Xia Miaomiao raised the corners of her mouth gloatingly.

As for the price... the big star, the younger sister of the country, won't take advantage of her, right?
The fourth piece is the Dragon Soul Fragment.

What is the use of this thing?

The system marks special supplies (consumables), which are neither production materials nor mission props, special?Where is it special, and where is it consumed? Is it like drinking red and blue potions?

Totally confused.

Forget about it...

Next is the main event.

Silver Dragon Leather Bracers (Suit · Blue) and Silver Dragonscale Leather Armor (Top · Suit · Blue).

The hope of improving strength lies in these two blue suits.

Blue suits are very rare, not much more than purple suits, it depends on the attributes of the suits, these two are used by rangers, um, I will go to identify them later.

Second-level equipment enhancement stone *6, once the blue suit is identified, it can be used immediately if it has an attribute that can be strengthened.

The third-level cloak strengthening stone*2, this is a treasure, but unfortunately there are only two, I will go to the promotion task later, take the third-level cloak, and the combat power can be improved a lot, so happy.

Alchemy admission certificate (task), this last thing may also be the biggest surprise, the "horse card" for entering the alchemist profession, skip tedious pre-tasks, qualification requirements and inspections, use it to directly apprentice and obtain alchemy Apprenticeship.

In this test, there are a lot of "hard cores" in life. It seems that only enchanting and alchemy are left, but in fact, the cumbersome occupations are classified into a unified one.

Alchemy is partial to materials, enchantment is partial to craftsmanship, and other forging, sewing, potions, etc. can only be used as assistance and application, and everyone can learn it.

Take the most popular sun water as an example. First of all, it can only obtain the main formula material through alchemy. This main material is synthesized by a special method from more than a dozen different raw materials. The pharmacist just used it to prepare the sun water That's all.

Alchemy is a Qualcomm chip, and a pharmacist is a rice phone, which is easy to understand.

Enchanting is like Warwick. Although it is more craft-oriented, it also involves materials. The mystical properties of materials are changed through crafting methods. The most common enchantment is the inscription of the magic circle, which is used in almost all aspects.

The alchemy admission certificate (task) is of great value to those leisure players who want to become an alchemist, but have no time or qualifications, and cannot pass the assessment. As for players... players who are interested in climbing the ranks and rankings have long given up There is no time, no energy, and not so many resources to plan a part-time career.

Even Du Shiyu gave up the Enchanter who has been practicing all the time. It can be seen that the life occupation of the five tests is fundamentally different from the previous tests. It needs to be studied seriously. It is as boring and difficult as scientific research in reality.

At this point, after the inventory was completed, Xia Miaomiao went to the appraisal NPC to identify the two suits.

At the relay station, Zhang Miao was at the devil merchant, looking at the second-level skill [Ice Roar] that he had finally learned with great difficulty. The price of up to 2500 merit points made him undecided. Hu Xinmin persuaded him: "It's too expensive. Forget it, let’s forget about it, the price of meritorious service is ridiculously high now, how much is 2500, you should sell it, and wait for the price to drop before buying it, it’s not bad for this skill.”

Zhang Miao is level 27, and just barely finished the second-level professional task, and won the title of dust and a cloak, but for the task and to gather enough combat power, all the money on his body was spent, and there was only a little savings left Merit, a second-level skill book will cost more than half, which is really painful.

But I’m even more unwilling to give up. I don’t know how long it will take to spawn next time. Ice Roar is also a housekeeping skill for a second-level professional mage. It has both output and control, and it is also a group attack in a range. Whether it is monster spawning or PK, it is considered powerful.

Hu Xinmin's situation is similar. He is struggling to do the second-level professional tasks. This time, the battlefield expansion pack has limited income, which is only slightly better than the average person. The three old players, including Ruoran, feel more and more unable to do what they want.

When he was hesitating and struggling, Brother Ruoran came back and cursed, "Damn, I don't believe I can't receive it!" Seeing Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin still standing beside the devil merchant, he asked, "How about it? Already?"

Zhang Miao shook her head and asked him back: "What's going on, didn't we talk about it?"

"Gah, I was cut off!" Brother Ruoran said angrily.

Once the meritorious deeds are released, the Eight Immortals will show their magical powers across the sea. The uncomfortable thing is not that there are not many, but that they are not good enough, and they are not willing to sell them, and they can’t get much in exchange for them.

"Hailstorm? You're lucky. Many people haven't done it until now... Why are you hesitating? Change it. Is it because you don't have enough merit? I'll make some for you. How much is the difference?"

"Enough, enough," Zhang Miao said quickly.

"Then why hesitate?"

"...It's too expensive, 2500 points, and there is nothing left after this exchange."

Brother Ruoran was silent for a while when he heard the words, but he didn't continue to persuade, "It's up to you. If you sell it, now is the time when the price is high, and the selling point can make up for the shortfall of the previous period. , if you don’t sell it, just change to such a skill... It’s a bit... Sigh, why did we get mixed up like this? Think about it before, no matter how bad it was, it was enough to be in the first echelon. Now, he Let alone the first echelon, the second echelon has fallen to the bottom."

Hu Xinmin said, "In the past, there were few people..."

"Few people?" Hu Xinmin glared, "Fourth measurement of more than 500 people is considered a small number? At that time, the top 500 people dare not say, the top 7 is enough, now it is more than 3500, seven times, 3500 times [-] is [-], can your old Hu rank in the top [-]? Is it level or combat power? Hmm?"

A series of rhetorical questions made Hu Xinmin speechless. In fact, after repeated expansions of the rating list and combat power list, the top 5000 had already been photographed, and all three were not on the list.

The rank of the 5000th place is 29, and the combat power is 2811. Regardless of the rank, I don’t know how many people are crowded in this grade of the twenty-ninth level. In terms of combat power, the highest among the three is Brother Ruoran, 2297, and the second Zhang Miao 2189, Hu Xinmin 2050.

It is common to say that 2000 is the general situation now, and more than 2000 is already considered a 'master', and the door frame for many families to recruit people is [-] combat power.

But it depends on who you are comparing with. If you look down, it is more than enough. If you look up, it is enough to make people despair. .

What old players and new players, there is no gap now, a lot of new players have evolved into veterans, and even play better than veterans. Speaking of which, they can be regarded as the first test of the existence of a hundred veterans, mixed up to this point On, it is really unacceptable.

Think back then...

Forget it, forget it, it's meaningless to say these things.

If it's all like this, it's fine, but some people, especially those who were not as good as themselves before, are so far away that they can't even see the taillights of the car. The person who is inferior to her in terms of experience and hard work is still a woman.

"How did this little sapling play, so that it has reached 5000 combat power?"

They were all waiting for Zhang Miao to make his own decision. Brother Ruoran habitually opened the leaderboard to look, found the person in the familiar position, and exclaimed in surprise: "5917? Is there a mistake? I just saw her with more than 4200!"

"Maybe a third-level occupation!" Zhang Miao said.

"It's still dusty, 5900 before the professional task is done? The combat power is so easy to improve, why don't I know?"

Hu Xinmin coughed and said, "She killed a bone dragon by herself, and basically got all of them dropped."

Brother Ruoran's mouth grew slowly, "Really?"

Zhang Miao nodded with empathy, "I've seen it all, the world announcement is on the air."

"Fuck, she won't be Yu Qingdong's Xiaomi, right? Cheating!"

"Don't say that!" Hu Xinmin was a little unhappy, "I know everyone, there is no need."

Brother Ruoran still finds it hard to accept, so close the leaderboard for a while and watch it again.


Zhang Miao: " should be strengthening."

Tsk tsk, really rich.


Brother Ruoran also played once, but his heart couldn't take it anymore, and he didn't play again after that. Anyway, the only thing that can be strengthened is a cloak, and none of the equipment on his body is qualified to be strengthened.

"Hehe, it's gone, it's gone, it's back to 5917, haha..."

Seeing Ruoran like this, Zhang Miao felt bitter. Once upon a time, the first time they won the gold medal was the first few tests. That little sapling was just a rookie who relied on holding her thighs. Hu Xinmin was one of her thighs. Now, laughing at other people's failure to strengthen, I dare not even try it!

just forget it.

He gave up his plan to exchange skills, and exchanged 2500 points for gold coins to buy urgently needed equipment, which improved more than one skill.

Players like them can only plan so carefully.

Besides, we have to live in reality.

In a daze, a long time has passed since the time when the famous celebrity filed the first virtual production lawsuit offline and attracted the attention of the whole country.

(End of this chapter)

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