This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 365 I Want To Be A God Too

Chapter 365 I Want To Be A God Too

Conquering the relay station is equivalent to occupying the strategic high ground of the 97th floor of the abyss plane, and controlling the main passage of traffic to the outside world is equivalent to occupying this flank battlefield.

Of course, although the abyss plane is dilapidated, it is not so 'small'. Outside the vast area covered by the magic net, there are still a large number of fortresses, cities, settlements, resource points, etc. waiting to be conquered, occupied and collected.

The abyss is not only the home of demons, but also the home of countless fallen creatures. There are also a large number of business travellers, but because of the bloody battle, the business travel was cut off. However, there are definitely a lot of people stranded on the battlefield for some reason. on the plane map.

The City of the Demon Realm, the top attic of the 7th floor of the Mage Tower, a three-dimensional 'electronic map' of the 97th floor plane unfolded in front of Bei Gaoyang, and the Lich Nicholas stood beside him like a servant, the god of guardian and record in the form of Xiao Ai Explaining on the sidelines.

"Due north, there are fourteen spatial cracks, and the turbulent flow of time and space is raging here, here, and here, and thus forms a special terrain, landform, and law environment, producing some unique materials and materials that are indispensable for the farm. Subordinate resources."

"There are more than a dozen settlements and demon towns along the way, and dozens of small farms, but most of them have been conquered and destroyed by chaotic demons, and only a small number are still persisting until we win."

"Uh... Let the players go. In the form of missions, the demons of the alliance camp can also issue missions to the players to speed up the absorption and digestion of these territories."

"The south is close to the Chaos Sea, and it has always been relatively barren, but the hidden population here is also the largest, with a large number of fallen creatures, cursed races, desperate blasphemers, daring pirates, unbelievers, ghosts, etc. , are hidden among these hills and canyons, and their status is like an abandoned wasteland on the main material plane."

"Abandoning the wasteland?" Bei Gaoyang shook his wine glass with a smile, "I like this metaphor."

"This involves a question, whether to classify them all as monsters, or..."

"Use the unknown faction to decide based on their behavior towards the magic net and players."

"If this is the case, the work to be done by the magic net will be complicated."

"It's okay, this resource can be consumed now!" Bei Gaoyang waved his hand indifferently.

Xiao Ai continued to introduce.

"The capital of the 97th plane in the due east direction—Baye Romansdike City has been destroyed, leaving only ruins. The plane lord Romansdi has rebelled and surrendered to the chaotic camp. Because it is the ruling center, it was destroyed The road is densely covered with fallen fortresses and towns that have been reduced to ruins... The massacre was still going on until we arrived, and there was almost nothing left, but it became a blank sheet of paper... And the road in this direction The 'land' is fertile, the 'climate' is suitable, the 'rainwater' is the most abundant, and there is the most suitable environment for worms to evolve."

"Uh...", Bei Gaoyang pinched his chin and pondered.

Xiao Ai reminded: "We still have demon players."

Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers, "Let's leave it to the demon players to manage it. This area uses the city and territory management method. The demon players can pay meritorious service to obtain the fief from the system. There are worms in the fief. Let's see if they can cultivate it. Out of your own demon group, and even gain further favor from the abyss consciousness"

"The Abyss Consciousness is not generally favored by the magic net and the demon players in the magic net!" Xiao Ai said very worriedly.

Why doesn't Bei Gaoyang know, but knowing it is known, but there is no way to solve it, it's like people can't fight against the sky, can't compete with the air, it's useless except to increase the trouble.

In fact, it is not only the consciousness of the abyss, but also the consciousness of Gaia...

Forget it, I will talk about this later, even if it is a glass of poisoned wine, it can only be drunk temporarily.

Everything will be discussed after the magic net has advanced to the 9th floor.

These three directions have been discussed, so what is left of the West?
"The structure of the western plane has collapsed. In fact, Jedi and worms cannot survive here. The sea of ​​chaos is flooding. The laws of the plane are very chaotic, and it is extremely dangerous for anyone."

"let it go."

After taking stock of the general situation of the 97th floor of the abyss plane, the detailed rules will be carried out by the magic net and the false gods of the system, Bei Gaoyang drank the red wine in his glass comfortably, "Can I advance to the sixth level of the magic net now? "


Bei Gaoyang scratched his scalp happily, and became troubled with happiness, "What a headache, this job is getting more and more complicated and difficult." As he spoke, he looked at the Lich beside him, which made him Help yourself to be lazy.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai quickly changed the topic, "There is no need to stop the server for updates this time, the stability of the magic network can already withstand major upgrades while operating."

"This is good news again!"

There has been a lot of good news recently. Even the Twilight Council and the coalition forces of the human kingdom gave face. When chasing the defeated centaur tribe coalition forces, they stopped at the edge of the game area and did not make a large-scale invasion.

Bei Gaoyang is ready to let those players who stay in the game area stagnate their progress, and is mentally prepared to sacrifice a large amount of system resources.

——Very well, give me time to develop, and I will come to kill you in the future.

"What else?"

Xiao Ai remained silent.

Bei Gaoyang turned back and said to Nicholas, "It's been hard this time, you can go to work first, and wait a few days to talk about some things, don't worry, I won't renege on my debts."

The Lich saluted silently, and disappeared in the Mage Tower without a sound.

When he left, Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "Can we talk now?"

"My lord, I don't understand why you place such trust in such a..."

"Trust?" Bei Gaoyang shook his head, "Trust has a prerequisite. Besides me, who else can he rely on now?"

"Even so, such a...character cannot be controlled by the magic net at all. Even if you want to use it, you should wait for the sixth or even seventh floor of the magic net before letting him participate in system secrets."


"With all due respect, my lord, no one can be trusted except the system."

Bei Gaoyang said with a smile that was not a smile when he heard the words, "Really?"

"Yes!" Xiao Ai responded firmly.

Bei Gaoyang was noncommittal, "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future... But you, warn those highnesses for me, they have made too many small moves recently, don't cross the line, remember!"

"I see!" Xiao Ai said, "My lord, you can start designing the sixth layer of the magic net. It's best...don't give it to others."

This time it was Bei Gaoyang's turn to be impatient.

Really, I don't know how complicated and huge a project it is to design the magic net now.

After Xiao Ai left, Bei Gaoyang did a "technical pre-research" on the sixth layer of the magic net, and was not only taken aback by the huge amount of work.

6th floor, 6th level... More than half of the Long March has been completed. From this level, the magic net has begun to touch some relatively simple 'law' levels, because from the beginning of the sixth-ring spells, it can be called high-level.

High-level spells all carry the aura of 'law', whether it is the 'transfiguration' of the giant dragon, the 'big dissociation' that just surprised players, or the more powerful 'finger of death', or even Bei Gaoyang's The 'wish travel technique' invented is all directed at the mysterious core, the 'source code' of the world's operation.

The 6-layer magic net is a standard 6-level magic creation, and naturally there is no exception. Unlike the previous magic net designs, this time, both the difficulty and the amount of engineering are enough to make Bei Gaoyang daunting, so he is more inclined to build a group. Team up to conquer this difficult copy.

As for Xiao Ai's worry, it is completely unnecessary. You can divide the specific work tasks into different units, hand them over to different people, and finally hand them over to yourself for summary and acceptance.

Because the Book of Canaan is in my hands, the ultimate inventor and owner can only be myself, so what's the point of letting outsiders know some of the 'source code' of the magic net, can they still 'hack' into the magic network, compete with yourself for control of it, or wreak havoc everywhere?

The technical pre-research has been done late at night. The more he analyzes, the more he has a headache for the huge workload. When will he do it alone?
The idea of ​​building a team is becoming clearer and clearer. If Xiao Ai is worried, let her supervise.

In Buck City's Mage Tower, Bei Gaoyang under the magic lamp yawned, dropped the densely written drawings, and slowly teleported to the living room on the first floor.

The remake of the Gods List was displayed on the big TV screen, and the packaging bags of snacks were thrown everywhere. Some boxes brought back from the earth were half opened, and no one was seen.

The sound of rushing water came from the bathroom, and there was a nice voice humming the episode of Journey to the West, "My Daughter's Love". Bei Gaoyang couldn't help laughing, and with a snap of his fingers, the magic net would be neatly tidied up.

Including Xiao Ai, no one understands, and no one understands the level of Bei Gaoyang's control over the magic net... It can be said that the magic net is him, and he is the magic net.

It was a 'main logic gate' that was written into the core of the 'source code' at the beginning of the design. Only with Bei Gaoyang, the magic net has such a 'spirituality', otherwise it is a dead thing.

The most ingenious part of this design is that he possesses the magic net, and seems to be free from the magic net. The beliefs and beliefs brought by the magic net are "poisonous" to an ordinary thing that has not ignited the magic fire, but he It can be arranged and operated in advance, completely avoiding such harm.

It is equivalent to cheating, and it is also a loophole in the rules. With the improvement of the magic net, although he has not been promoted to a higher mage level, he can no longer be measured by the regular 7-ring archmage.

In this regard, false gods of the system such as Xiao Ai are limited by their knowledge and experience, and there is no native as alert as Nicholas. You see, he is honest and responsible now, just like a harmless kitten and puppy, who can do whatever he says, He never discounts what he is asked to do, and never asks too much. Is it only because he temporarily escaped the assimilation of the abyss consciousness that he is grateful to Dade?

Big mistake!

A creature like an archmage doesn't have such noble qualities as gratitude and gratitude. If Bei Gaoyang can't 'convince' him in terms of strength, capital, and future expectations, do you think he is dishonest?

I am afraid that the plan to occupy the magpie's nest has already begun and plans to replace it.

"Are you done?"

The Angel of Fallen Light was wearing a loose silk pajamas, shaking her long white legs, and came out to ask while wiping her wet long hair.

Bei Gaoyang pouted under him.


Look, even Ms. Josephine, who was originally reluctant, changed her attitude and began to honestly act as a canary for him to support, without saying "be more respectful", who am I so-and-so godmother Spoiler for words.

The parish lying in his arms is amazingly hot, scripting all the beautiful imaginations of male creatures for female creatures.

A real angel doesn't have her style, and a completely fallen angel doesn't have her "seriousness". She is just in between, and there is a kind of just right balance.

This balance is good, wonderful.

The archmage also needs to relax, and also needs to be happy physically and mentally, otherwise he will be tense all the time, and he will either collapse or become abnormal.

After a hearty exercise, the naked Angel of Fallen Light closed the wings that had been spread out when she was in love, and lit a lady's cigarette like the protagonist in the TV movie, but was snatched away by a big hand next to it as soon as she lit it.

"Smoking is harmful to health."


Well, even the language and accent have begun to be learned, this is the power and charm of the earth culture.

In the fields of spiritual civilization such as culture, art, and lifestyle, the earth is completely crushing Canaan. The low-level and backward culture naturally yearn for and learn more advanced culture and lifestyle. This is the natural way.

Didn't you see that even Ballero was full of praise for the little things he brought over from Earth?

"Will you become a god?"

A pale finger drew circles on Bei Gaoyang's bare chest, and the owner of the finger suddenly asked such a question.


"You even conquered the abyss..."

"It was just a side battle, and the high-level demons didn't make a move, so they gave up."

"That's because you have the strength to make them give up. Can't even Tiantangshan do it?"

Bei Gaoyang laughed, "If Heavenly Mountain invades, the bloody battle might end, and the demons might put aside their differences and unanimously speak out."

"Anyway, that's what it means. You will become a god, right? Players... the souls summoned from the earth, their aptitude is amazing, and their growth rate is also... You have such capital, and a magic weapon like the magic net... ignite the god fire It's a matter of time."

"Shenhuo, I'm not even a legend."

"You'll break down barriers, it's easy for you."

"Tell me, is it the legendary legend or the demigod mage?"

"I don't know. There have been no legends under the gods for a long time. Let me say... Of course, legendary mages are powerful, but demigod mages have more prospects for development."


"Legends can only be legends forever, but demigod mages can become gods."

"What do you mean by god?"

"Law creatures."

"You are straightforward."

"The advantage of a legendary mage is that he can retain more of his 'self'. After a god becomes a creature of law, he will inevitably give up part of the attributes of being a mortal..."

"Then what do you want me to be?"


"Aren't you afraid that I won't know you after I'm 'regularized'?"

"I also want to become a god."

Bei Gaoyang laughed loudly, and slapped her buttocks fiercely.


Ms. Josephine, who dreamed of becoming a god, winked like silk, stood up obediently, and bent down.


After a while, the pair of black and white wings opened tremblingly again.

(End of this chapter)

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