This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 366 Game Reality

Chapter 366 Game Reality
A very gossip happened not long ago in the Hupanjiayuan Community in Hankou District, Wuhan City.

It is said that an old man in her [-]s in the community, Ms. Su Guifen, fell down when she got up early and fell down the stairs. A person who was in good health was sent to the hospital. After staying for one night, she passed away. .

The family members did not accept such a result, they thought it was just a minor injury, the old man, the bones are a bit brittle, a foot fell, at best it was a fracture or something, the person sent to the hospital was fine, why did it disappear?

The hospital produced scientific and authoritative proofs and explanations, but the family questioned the authenticity of the document, so they went to the hospital to demand compensation for the loss.

The well-known self-media person 'Xiao Li You Yue' also came to interview and made a hot news video. After it was played on the short video platform, it caused a lot of enthusiasm in the local area.

With the heat, there will be attention, and there will be pressure up and down. The investigation team quickly went to the hospital. After careful, scientific and authoritative investigation, the old man was indeed an accidental death—she was due to long-term malnutrition, He suffered from severe osteoporosis, but the real cause of death was sudden organ failure.

Now it's all right, the conclusion is that the hospital is not responsible, but the question arises again, how can the elderly suffer from malnutrition for a long time?
Before the good-natured people talked about one, two, three, the family members saw that the hospital had escaped responsibility, and then went to the property, saying that the reason why the old man fell was because he got up early and it was dark, and the voice-activated lights in the stairwell had been broken long ago. Has not been repaired, the property is responsible, so it should be compensated.

The property management was naturally dissatisfied, and the two sides argued for several days, making the entire neighborhood uneasy.

Later, the property management company produced "key" evidence, saying that the property management fee of this family had not been paid for 6 months, and the reason why the lighting in the stairwell was not repaired in time was because of the arrears of the property management fee.

At the end of the dispute, the two parties had to confront Bo in court. After the first phase of mediation, the property owner pinched his nose and thought he was unlucky, and promised to compensate the family members 5 yuan in "mental damage fees".

After the advice of the lawyer, the family members stopped making trouble, and took the 5 yuan "hush fee" before starting the funeral of the old man.

Originally, this matter should be over here, but new things have just begun.

First, the daughter went home to quarrel with her brother and sister-in-law. It seems that because of the 5 yuan in compensation, it was rumored that it was more than 50 yuan, and the daughter also wanted to take a share.

Then because of the cemetery, the brother and sister-in-law chose to put the urn at home, which caused dissatisfaction among the neighbors across the wall, and the two sides had a big fight.

Neighbors broke the news that the family has been abusing the elderly for a long time, refusing to give them food, beating and scolding them frequently, and as they grow older, they also instigate the elderly to pick up junk and sell it to supplement the family income. The reason why the elderly fell down was because they had to get up early to search the garbage Bucket's sake (I'm afraid I'll be ashamed when I'm late).

Now, the long-term malnutrition seems to have an explanation?

But it has nothing to do with me. Most of the people who eat melon sigh a few words after dinner. I heard that the grandson of this family is still taking expensive piano tuition classes, and the son is also a dog. He drives a dilapidated Audi A4 and goes fishing all day long. The daughter-in-law is in her late forties, and she still dresses like a little girl. The sun is not very strong, and she has to hold a parasol when going out... I didn't expect it, I didn't think it.

It is said that poor people must have something to hate. The residents of this community were originally relocated households after the renovation of the No. [-] Cotton Mill in the city.

The old man went early, Su Guifen is also famously patriarchal, her daughter is excellent in character and learning, but her son has been doted on since she was a child, and her daughter was admitted to a 985 prestigious university, but she was not allowed to enter the college entrance examination. The son didn’t even get into a junior college, but spent a lot of money to attend a private pheasant university. The daughter ran away from home and swore to never see each other again. The son graduated after a few years, and forced his daughter to pay for it. , doing business for my son...

Anyway, there are a lot of shit going on, but these are not the point. The point is that the neighborhood has started to be haunted.

First, more than one person saw the old man in the community looking for rags that could be sold for money in the early hours of the morning. Then the residents of the old man’s building heard a strange coughing sound at night. Back downstairs.

I checked with the old man's son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law behaved strangely, and they got annoyed after a few hew and haw words, and their attitude was extremely bad.

The courageous ones chose a night, pressed on the surveillance camera, and fell asleep in a daze after watching the whole night. After waking up, it was still dark, and a few young men yawned. Seeing an old woman wearing a shroud with a pale face sitting beside her, she said coldly, "Are you looking for me?"

Poor young lads, the screams can be heard throughout the building.

After the incident, the community has become a hotspot for "Internet celebrities" and anchors to check in. The relevant departments have come to investigate several times, but there is no definite conclusion.

"You said, there is something you can eat here?"


Du Shiyu didn't know the rumors about this community. After going offline, Xiao Hei really followed him back. He was surprised, but found that its condition was not good.

He looked very sluggish, as if he had exhausted his energy when he landed with her this time?
But it didn't eat anything at home, no matter it was cat food or fish, so it pulled Du Shiyu's trousers, and found this community in a daze.

Xiao Hei led the way, looking quite impatient, and turned around with a meow, as if urging him.

Du Shiyu muttered to speed up, and came all the way to a residential building with more than ten floors, and just stood at the entrance when she heard a ding, ding, bang, bang.




I saw a few men and women with live broadcast equipment rolling and crawling out of the door opening, and went away without looking back.

Only then did Du Shiyu realize what the 'food' Xiao Hei was looking for was.

Even Xiao Hei has accepted it, so it seems logical to accept such a thing again?

Xiao Hei jumped up the steps and turned around to urge.

Du Shiyu packed up her complicated emotions and walked into the doorway.

There was a staggering sound coming down the stairs, accompanied by tinkling and a sinister cough.

The scene of the horror movie came at once, the lights in the stairwell began to flicker intermittently, just after walking down the stairs, a pale face suddenly appeared from the corner, very close to Du Shiyu, "Little girl, do you have any?" There is nothing unnecessary... My grandson is going to take a training class, and he will start to be a pianist in the future, just like Lang Lang, Lang Lang knows, right?"

Du Shiyu was not panicked due to the strong psychological quality cultivated in the game, and the immune state BUFF blessed by Xiao Hei, she didn't feel anything strange, but felt that there was a sad feeling in the strange coldness... …what is it then?

"I have this, here you are."

Du Shiyu handed over the finished beverage bottle.

The pale face smiled, extremely charming, "Thank you, thank you... My grandson is going to take a training class, and he will start to be a pianist in the future, just like Lang Lang, Lang Lang knows?" After finishing speaking, he pointed straight Staring at Du Shiyu's backpack.

Du Shiyu took a step back, and Xiao Hei rushed out, "Meow!" With a sound, the pale face was frozen.

"Xiao Hei stop!"


The black cat who was preparing to 'dinner' looked up suspiciously, Du Shiyu swallowed, and then saw the appearance of this face clearly.

Old clothes, bent body, sad face, ditches all over the face, emaciated body... how can there be ghosts in reality?This unscientific!
Du Shiyu didn't know what to do next, she just couldn't bear it.

"Xiao Hei, can you..."

"Damn old woman, you are being lazy again if I ask you to pick up a piece of junk!"

Ding Ding Deng

A person rushed down, but before the person arrived, a stench wafted into his nostrils.

Flowery umbrellas, dresses, swollen body, sunburned skin full of erythema, the old skin peeled off, and the new skin was pink and pus seeping out, a pair of dead fish eyes without any emotional color, suddenly bloomed after seeing Du Shiyu and Xiao Hei The desire to survive.

But her mouth kept vicious, "I delayed my son's piano learning, let's see how I deal with you, you old man!" As she spoke, she kicked and hit the 'old man'.

"Honey, what's the matter!""

Another person went downstairs, wearing a suit and leather shoes, skinny and skinny, with a dark face. After seeing Du Shiyu and Xiao Hei, his eyes also showed the color of prayer.

"You ask this old man to die!"

"Arguing all day long, is it annoying?"

"I don't think I'm bothering you to take out the money, my son is going to pay the tuition soon, and there is money to buy the piano!"

"How much money can you sell for scraps, so don't bother her, it's not good for outsiders to know."

"It's too embarrassing to ask her daughter for it. I'll just wait for her to ask, but this old man..."

"Why are you doing this!" Du Shiyu yelled unbearably, "Meow!" Xiao Hei frowned, Du Shiyu's eyes froze, and the scene around him seemed to have changed, except for the stairwell where he was, the surroundings were pitch black.

[LV5, Su Guifen's wronged soul], [LV2, Fu Dazhong who was haunted by wronged soul], [LV3, Cai Mingming who was cursed by wronged soul].


Du Shiyu took two steps back in shock, the wronged soul escaped from Xiao Hei's control, and staggered towards her together with two people who turned into 'monsters'.

"Little girl, do you have anything you don't want?", "Hungry, I'm hungry!", 'Girl, mom is wrong, mom is sorry for you'.

"Haha, my son is going to become a pianist in the future!", "Old man, ask your daughter for money!"

"It's so annoying. In the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the most difficult thing to do is us men!", "Boss, how much do you charge for fishing silver carp and bighead carp for two hours?"

The three... recited their lines strangely, and rushed towards Du Shiyu mechanically. Du Shiyu had no way to retreat, and then he woke up from the huge shock of "game reality", "Xiao Hei, is it your fault?"


"What should we do now!?"


"Ah, I was killed by you!"

The wronged soul of LV5 pounced on her body first, turned into a hideous mist with its bloody mouth open, and burrowed into her body.

"Ding, the ghost tried to control you, but you resisted it"

"Ding, you take -5 damage"

Du Shiyu just shook his head, and then shook off the ghost that got into his body. If this was considered a magic attack, then the next two level 2 and 3 monsters would be physical attacks.

"Boss, can it be cheaper!"

In LV2, Fu Dazhong, who was haunted by wronged souls, punched her, and a clear -11 popped up on Du Shiyu's retina, ah, it really hurts!

Seeing that another LV3, Cai Mingming, who was cursed by the unjust soul, grabbed his paw towards his face, under the crisis, Du Shiyu finally 'awakened' his instinct in the game, and with a sliding step, he dodged the attack very smoothly, and slid to Behind the 'Level 3 Monster', subconsciously chanted a sentence, raising his hand is a move [Mage's Hand]

A palm that was far weaker than in the game appeared, pinching the level 3 monster, - the same -11, the 'monster' didn't do anything, but she herself was stupid.

This, this, this... This is the skill in the game.

And the system...

OMG, the game brought reality back.

Xiao Hei is because of you! !
The reality didn't allow her to think too much, the level 5 monster screamed again and rushed forward.

Du Shiyu slid to open the distance, raising her hand was another first-level professional skill [Magic Missile].

With a sound of "Boom!", the soul body of the level LV5 soul was incomplete, -45, and the blood gauge was also displayed, and only one third of the blood was left.

The wronged soul screamed and rushed towards the wall, it seemed that he wanted to escape, Xiao Hei moved, and with a "meow", somehow he held the remnant soul in his mouth, swallowing it into his mouth belly.

[Your pet Doraemon killed LV5 Su Guifen's wronged soul, gained experience 5, and you gained experience 10 (passive effect +120%)]

[Your pet Doraemon's compatibility (favorability) with you has increased by 2]

Following the appearance of these system prompts, the game window also appeared in the corner of Du Shiyu's field of vision, but she had no time to worry about these... What to do with the remaining two monsters?

What, you said they were possessed by evil spirits?

You go tell the police and see if they believe it or not!
The two monsters took turns to pounce, but Du Shiyu nimbly dodged both of them. Only then did she realize that her physical fitness had become so good. Although in the game, she was just a weak mage, she had also strengthened her strength , stamina and agility attributes, in a trance, it seems that I have really returned to Canaan, and it becomes more and more handy.

"Xiao Hei stop!"


"Can't kill!"


Xiao Hei understood, the cat's claws took out a twisted and struggling shadow from the monster's body, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

[Ding, your pet Doraemon has purified Fu Dazhong's grievances, gained 2 points of experience, and you have gained 4 points of experience]

[Ding, you have received Fu Dazhong's gratitude, favorability +50]

"Big, master, save, save my wife!"

After waking up, Fu Dazhong was no longer a 'monster', he still had the memory of just now, he collapsed on the ground and begged Du Shiyu for permission.

"Hey, scum, beast...Xiao Hei, let's go!"


"No, Master... Ah, help... My daughter-in-law is me, ah... Wake up, wake up!"

In the middle of the night, Fu Dazhong's screams were heard by the whole community.

(End of this chapter)

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