This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 367 Abnormal Events

Chapter 367 Abnormal Events
Spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease!
Since the "Death Project" was carried out smoothly, Yu Qingdong has spent the most "comfortable" period of time. The criticism and blame for him from the upper and lower levels have disappeared, and all he got there was flattery.

Of course, it doesn't mean that this top-secret plan has been exposed, but rather, the invisible, intentional or unintentional scrutiny and blame from the top is gone.

Looking down at the wind above, the change in the wind can be called the prophet of plumbing ducks in the Spring River. He, the CEO, began to enjoy a little real "authority".

Just because this plan involves the fundamental interests of some people, it is needless to say how big this interest is. I believe that as long as you are not a saint, no one can remain indifferent. Even if it is considered from the perspective of public interest, it is extremely important and has undeniable importance. Doubtful value.

In the face of such successes and prospects, the benefits that Canaan can bring in the past are much more prominent than the risks it can bring. To pay a certain... ah, a certain heavy price, to keep Canaan and continue to operate it.

Think about it, how many things can be exchanged for a quota of eternal life?How many people can be motivated to vote here?How much wealth and technology can be gathered?
Because it is so important, and the interests of all parties are involved, it is the most suitable for him to stay in the position of manager. Yu Qingdong's position has been stabilized at once, and it has begun to have a certain irreplaceable attribute.

Ha ha……

Until now, his position is considered secure, which has to be said to be a kind of irony.

But this project is not without hidden worries. One of the hidden worries is that there are too few places and the "exchange" ratio is too expensive.

It takes 10 people online to have one quota, which is too expensive, and this ratio must be reduced.

The second hidden worry is that the real control of the project is not in their own hands.

Although Canaan Company has certain development and operation management rights, it is only a general "administrator" rather than a "super administrator". How can this work, at least the highest authority of the death plan must be obtained as soon as possible, otherwise... some people will not be at ease.

After a few days of careful thinking, the online expansion pack was also over, and Yu Qingdong began to solve these two hidden worries.

Take a bite out of it, let's lower the comparison of 'exchange' first.

First easy and then difficult, success is a huge political achievement.

Through the system background, contact Xiao Ai, and make an appointment for a 'meet' time with number zero.

When the time came, he sat in front of the computer in the secret room.

"Hello, Chairman!"

"Well, Xiaoyu, I just need to find you."

"Chairman please order!"

"This test is almost over."

" long has it been..."

Yu Qingdong was very surprised. The end of the fifth test means that the sixth test is about to begin. At that time, there will be a lot of bullshit for the game qualifications, whether to delete files, the interests of institutions and merchants, the interests of players, the attitudes and perceptions of the top and bottom, etc. The thing about the stove.

Death plan...he only cares about death plan now, so this kind of 'turmoil' is what he doesn't want to see.

"The purpose of the test has been achieved. After this growth, the server is ready for the next test."

"Then... the next test or start from scratch?"

"No, Liutest will not stop serving, and there is no such thing as deleting files."

Complete a major upgrade of the game without stopping?

Yu Qingdong's first reaction was not happiness, but disappointment—lost an important weight that could be exchanged.

I heard, I just heard that before the death plan, some people seem to have researched and used this important node (the 5th test is over and the 6th test has not started yet) to solve the 'Canaan problem' in one fell swoop, which can cause the least backlash and also It is the most beneficial to control and stability, and it can also control the opponent to the greatest extent possible.

As soon as the death plan appeared, it changed, because no one intended to lose it, and no one could guarantee that once Canaan was obtained abroad, their own side would not be tempted.

This 'unmoved' has a lot of meaning.

Since the most extreme countermeasures may be unmanageable, how to choose, needless to say?

"Ah, Chairman, you said."

Unknowingly, Yu Qingdong became more respectful.

"On this matter, I am designing the 6th test plan here, and you should do some preliminary preparations first, so as not to be in a hurry"

"Good chairman, I will report to you right away, and try to come up with a plan that you are satisfied with as soon as possible."

"Not to satisfy me, but to satisfy all of us. Don't forget, Canaan is now your business."

Our business?
Even though he couldn't take it seriously, Yu Qingdong thought about it, "Yes, yes, our common cause."

"Hehe, Xiao Yu, come on...the future is boundless!"

This boundless future made Yu Qingdong think about it, as if eating ginseng fruit, inside and outside he was agitated, "I will do a good job, chairman, don't worry."

"Uh... is there anything new happening over there on Earth?"

Yu Qingdong's expression tightened, "Yes, the relevant departments took the lead in organizing a Canaan Affairs Management Bureau, which was listed as the Metaverse Affairs Planning and Development Department, which belongs to the Ministry of Information Industry and is responsible for all Canaan affairs involving players. Of course, it’s only offline. On certain issues, on certain issues, we also need to cooperate with their work...We have reported this to Ms. Zhinao Xiaoai every time.”

"Well, I've heard of it."

"Also... the overall condition of the players does not have a tendency to 'deteriorate'... This deterioration is directed towards more serious developments, such as contagiousness, harmfulness, physical lesions, bad social impact, etc., but it is worth it Note that a series of strange things have happened one after another in groups other than players."

"What's weird?"

"Some things in legends and stories... ghosts, ghosts, etc.!"

Bei Gaoyang on the other end was silent for a while, "Do you have detailed information? Pass it to me."

"Good chairman."

"Xiao Yu, are you worried about these changes...?"

Yu Qingdong said, of course, some time ago, I don't know how many people shouted and shouted, and even the "player concentration camp" was in the pre-research, thanks to me.

"There are some concerns, but they can be overcome, but... Chairman, last time you came back... did you get any results?"


Yu Qingdong became even more nervous, and unconsciously leaned forward: "What's the reason?"

"The mystery is brought back to reality by the player."


"Mystery is the science of Canaan. You can understand it this way, or it can be regarded as a kind of foreign...cultural invasion. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but it will definitely have a certain impact on the original ecological environment."

"Is there a way to solve that?"

"No, even if there is no Canaan now, the impact has already been caused. This is an established fact and cannot be changed."

"Then... will these strange things become more serious in the future?"

"Little rain!"


"The earth has been peaceful for too long, like a pool of stagnant water. The interstellar era is far away. According to the current progress, no one can see the day when the interstellar colonization will come. Up to now, you have not completely solved hunger, poverty, war, and plague belts. The root of the series of problems that have come is nothing more than the limited resources of the earth... I think this is not necessarily a bad thing for you. Maybe it is a sidewalk? Maybe it is an opportunity for human beings to restart evolution. Life is only a few days. It’s only been ten years, this is my heartfelt words, and it’s also a little kind suggestion to the hometown of the soul, and it’s definitely not out of profit.”

"I know, I know..." It would be a lie to say that Yu Qingdong was untouched, why didn't he consider all these opportunities and challenges, they have already been torn apart and crushed, and the analysis is extremely thorough .

But the crux of the problem is not what he said, but... the question of who will ultimately control.

If this is really produced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, then there is nothing to say, even if it is 10 times more harmful, no, no, alas!

On this issue, Yu Qingdong believed that No. [-] had a tacit understanding, but he was not optimistic that it could be resolved. This was the fundamental interest of both parties, and the reality was far from reaching the point where No. [-] could compromise on it.

The worst case scenario is abroad.

Yu Qingdong said very 'moved': "Thank you for everything you have done for us..."

"That's it, what else do you need?"

Finally got down to business.

At this time, Yu Qingdong hesitated, thinking that it was not the time to talk about these things.

The fifth test is over, and the sixth test starts, will No. [-] feel that he is taking the opportunity to threaten?

"No, no more, we can overcome difficulties, how can we trouble you for everything!"

Even if there was a script, Yu Qingdong decided not to talk about it, and I believe the bosses who are supervising this exchange at the moment can understand.

But to his surprise, Number Zero took the initiative to turn the topic in this direction, which is another situation and context.

"What about your... reincarnation plan, how is it going?"

"...It's okay, it's okay, everything is going well...Speaking of this, Chairman, there is only one quota for 10 people online, a bit...isn't it too high?"

"Haha, I knew that was what you were hesitating about."

"Is it so obvious, let the chairman see it/I'm sorry to touch my head JPG"

"This project is very interesting. Second Life, Soul Home, I support it... Well, this 6th test is expected to carry out a major upgrade of the system, and this ratio can be reduced."

Yu Qingdong was overjoyed, and almost asked how much the reduction was, "Thank you, thank you, the chairman, for your strong support for our work."

"2 people, one quota for 2 people, and it can continue to be reduced in the future."

2 people...

It's not bad, once it drops by 5 times, now I have more resources on hand.

This means that his power and influence have expanded.

After the conversation with No. [-] was over, he made a detailed summary of the content and process of the conversation and sent it to the higher-ups, and then began to get busy with the things that the chairman told him.

I don't know if I don't know this, but I was really shocked when I knew it.

"Number zero?"

The Yuan Universe Affairs Planning and Development Office in Shanghai is located in the same building, and it is still a property rented from Canaan Company. It is a secret unit to others, but it is naturally not counted in Yu Qingdong.

I also expect Canaan Company to cooperate well with their work.

What's more, Yu Qingdong has an honorary deputy in the general office. Seriously speaking, he is also the superior here.

The person in charge of the dispatched agency is also a 'little leader' of Project Zero, so he knows each other and is naturally easy to talk to.

"Well, 'Boss' is very concerned about this matter." Yu Qingdong said meaningfully.

The 'Little Boss' nodded his head to express his understanding. After a while, the staff in charge of the archives came back, bringing with them a lot of documents that needed to be signed or verified by the authority key to be opened.

Yu Qingdong sat in front of the 'Little Boss' computer and flipped through these files, and said in surprise, "There are so many abnormal events?"

The little boss nodded, "It just so happens that you come again, we will have a special operations department set up later, you can attend and give a speech to boost morale."

"What department?"

"The Special Affairs Investigation Department... In addition to our internal staff, there are also some very...special talents from all over the world."

"Special talent?"

"... There is no need to avoid dealing with these ghosts and ghosts."

"Forget it, I won't join in the fun... so many abnormal events have happened, is it troublesome? I don't think there is any news on the market."

"The news has been suppressed. How long can you hide it? Your secret level is higher than mine, and your position is so important. You should know more than me. I still want to ask you what's going on."

Yu Qingdong smiled and changed the subject.

He is concerned about the Department of Metaverse Affairs Planning and Development and Construction, and the Special Affairs Investigation Department. He should cooperate with the work. Besides, don't expect to get anything from him. This kind of task, the third is... there are too many people who are trying to get some inside information from him now. It used to only involve online, but now it has involved offline, and even... the so-called behind-the-scenes matter.

Anyone who can ask the last point is a big boss he can't afford to provoke, so let's keep it secret. If you want news, please bring the approval letter, otherwise you won't talk about it.

"I want to make a copy of these materials, what procedures do I need to follow?"

"Wait a minute, I'll make a should be soon."

"It's troublesome."

Taking advantage of the 'Little Boss' to ask for instructions and report, Yu Qingdong made himself a cup of coffee and sat on the boss's chair. On the surface, he was watching the abnormal events listed on the computer, but in fact he was reflecting on the gains and losses of this communication with Zero. and harvest.

It is undeniable that his current status and power are all due to No. [-]. Although he can't say it clearly, his position is still slightly biased towards the Chairman. He hopes that this cooperation model can continue forever. It's better to always be not far or near as it is now, so that his existence is valuable and it is in his personal interest.

For him, number zero is the foundation of power, so every meeting and communication is very important, which makes him 'reminisce' for a long time.

The 'Little Boss' got the approval document, copied the materials, and said 'inadvertently': "By the way, how is Mr. Wu's current situation? An old leader is very concerned about this matter."

Yu Qingdong smiled and said, "It's going well, thanks to the old leader for his concern."

Seeing that he didn't answer, the 'Little Boss' wanted to continue asking, but Yu Qingdong had already turned around and left.

"This slicker!", the 'Little Boss' looked at his back and cursed in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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