This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 368 Don't give the horses grazing

Chapter 368 Don't give the horses grazing

"Amitabha, the poor monk is polite."

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, dare to ask the master, but go to the 14th floor?"


"Master also came to 'punch to work'?"


"Master, what does 'yeah' mean?"

"You can't fucking finish it, it's almost over."

"...Master is really a man of temperament, admire, admire!"

In the early morning, a monk walked into the elevator together, pressed the button on the 14th floor, and before the elevator door closed, "Wait a minute, wait a moment", two panicked white-collar beauties rushed in, seeing this monk, he was slightly taken aback, " thanks!"

The monk Baoxiang saluted with solemn jaws, and the Taoist priest's eyes shot at the beautiful legs in stockings, and said with a smile: "It's convenient for others, and you are welcome, you two beauties."

The white-collar beauties looked at each other, and the elevator door closed and moved upwards.

"...on the 14th floor"

"... No wonder!"

"Our company is still short of money? Why do we rent to such a strange unit, and see who they come and go every day?"

"I think it's quite interesting. Yesterday, a Maoshan Taoist priest came to read palmistry for a little fairy at the front desk. I don't know what happened to these two today."

"The 14th floor is weird."

"Shh, stop talking, someone is coming."

With a sound of "Ding!", the elevator stopped on the 6th floor and opened. Yu Qingdong came in with a few aggressive executives. The two white-collar beauties immediately turned into quails and shouted tremblingly: 'Mr. Yu', just shrink in the corner.

Seeing a monk together in the elevator, Yu Qingdong frowned slightly, nodded to the two white-collar beauties, and turned his back with an aura that no one should enter.

The monks were delighted together, the two beauties were very close to each other, their shoulders touched each other, the two breathed deeply quietly, their faces were serious.

"It's very inconvenient to work with us on the 14th floor, Mr. Yu." A senior executive glanced at the monk and whispered.

"...and harassing our company's employees is not good for keeping secrets," another executive said.

"What else do we need to keep secret?" The third executive who just joined the company asked puzzledly.

"Hehe, do you know that every time we have a meeting, someone pays a high price to collect the meeting minutes? I just found out a few of them the day before yesterday..."

"Okay!" Yu Qingdong interrupted impatiently, "Pay attention to the occasion when you speak."

The executives just shut up.

"Notify people above the director level of the marketing department to come to my office for a meeting in half an hour."

"Alright Mr. Yu."

On the top floor of the headquarters building, Yu Qingdong sent one secretary away, and then said to the other secretary, "No matter what difficulties I have, the inside information of the six tests must not be leaked out. If there is a problem, I will blame the security Go tell Mr. Lei, the exact words!"

The secretary agreed, and a whirlwind like a spinning top blew out from under her feet.

Yu Qingdong kept walking, hurriedly came to the huge desk, sat down, opened a document, glanced at it briefly, and began to sign, "The planning department is full of idiots, we don't need to pursue any profit, we It is profit itself, and they have only one task, which is to increase the playability, connotation, and depth of the game, and enrich and improve Canaan's gameplay on the basis of the original. Their authority can only make some small designs and small changes... This is What? Do they want to start over? Call back and redo!"

The third secretary picked up the document he had approved and left.

"Let the hardware department spend a lot of money before the end of the month, and the players' offline and online communication lines and infrastructure will have to work overtime. I know that the hardware department is very intensive. It is very troublesome and hard for them to argue, but we still have to overcome them. First, we must establish a good relationship with the local government and not bully the boss. Second, the goal at the end of the year must be achieved, and online and offline information interaction must be done. To be timely, effective, and stable, to reach a million-level interaction volume..."

"What's going on? Why are office expenses overrun again? Do you know how the society talks about us now? Extravagance, extravagance, waste... a coffee cup actually costs 4000 yuan, is it made of gold? Playing the piano randomly, CEO Lao Cai is now Where is it? Forget it, I don’t have time today, you arrange it until tomorrow afternoon... What time is it?”

"I don't have time tomorrow afternoon, but the day after tomorrow."

"Then the day after tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, you will inform."


He kept talking and hands, and within half an hour, he dispatched more than a dozen people and signed dozens of documents that required his signature to take effect, involving all aspects of the work.

Some are major issues, and some are trivial matters in the eyes of ordinary employees. He, the CEO, has to take care of it.

Half an hour later, a large group of people from Wu Ya came in again, and in the consecutive small meeting, Yu Qingdong listened to the report from the marketing department.

The domestic part is skipped, and the executives in charge of this aspect are dismissed in a few words, leaving behind the overseas sales.

There are two situations here.

One is to sell it secretly in restricted areas.

One is an open sale in an area where there is no ban.

Because of the nature of Canaan, all of them are Chinese people, but there are no foreign executives.

"...If we can make some adjustments and compromises in the game, we will definitely be able to open up the situation in Central Asia. For example, we can set up a special system god to refer to the reality..."

"Stop, don't involve religion and politics, be careful of harmony."

"Well, then we can only take it slowly."

"The situation in Japan..."

"Nordic is not optimistic..."

"Our sales network in North America has just suffered a major loss..."

"Canaan's overseas sales must take into account the international influence..."

Difficult, difficult!
Not optimistic!

Got all bad news.

Even in those countries and regions that can be sold publicly, Canaan has been suppressed by reason and darkness. Harsh and discriminatory sales policies, as well as relatively expensive domestic prices, are not conducive to the promotion of game helmets and qualifications. Although overseas cloud players are more enthusiastic than domestic ones.

Others include wars, gangs, chaotic political and business environment, oligarchs who control local affairs, political forces seeking benefits, etc. The complexity makes one's scalp tingle.

Yu Qingdong knocked on the table and looked around at the group of senior executives. He didn't know how many "mother-in-laws" were behind these people, and he was just "listening to the tune and declaring non-stop". Some of them might have a higher secret level than him.

The work on the secret front is very sensitive, and he shouldn't have interfered, but the higher-ups have decided to increase overseas sales and pass on some of the risks, so he can't help but keep silent about the inefficient overseas sales.

"100 million, at least 100 million, for this test, overseas players must guarantee this number of online players!" Yu Qingdong said in an unquestionable tone.

There was a buzzing discussion below.

"Mr. Yu, what about the country?"

"The total number of players is not less than 200 million!", Yu Qingdong said, "A balance has been reached at home and abroad... Tell us about any difficulties, and don't talk about confidential things here."

Now there are more than 60 domestic players. So, this test only plans to release less than 40 places to the country?

From here, we can see the concerns of the upper echelons.

Yu Qingdong was also a little dissatisfied, 40, sending beggars away, this is because he wants the horse to run without feeding the horse.

He understands the concerns of the relevant parties, but... what will No. [-] think? There are as many players abroad as there are domestic players. Will No. [-] be so talkative in the future?

People have the capital to put aside you and do it alone.

It's very simple.

Risks belong to risks, and there is always a trade-off. It is really not like the domestic style to be muddy and sloppy.

I still don't know the requirements of No. 200. Two million scruples can't satisfy his appetite. You must know that the quota for the fifth test is [-] million. Later, because of various reasons, this number has not yet reached the standard. The server And Fu Yu, No. [-] has been dissatisfied for a long time, come this time?

No, you can't do nothing.

With such a decision, he didn't care much about the meeting. After the hasty end, he returned to the office and began to draft his own proposal.

"What, the news got out, how did it get out, what are you guys doing for food?"

As soon as I wrote this, a "bad news" came from the confidentiality department, and the news of the 6 tests was finally leaked out.

The gossip knows that the file is not deleted and the service is not stopped, so the exchange rate market has seen a huge increase. The two exchanges of Yanjing and Shanghai have stopped trading for 2 hours due to abnormal transactions.

"Xiao Yu, what are you talking about, it became like this after being bitten by this cat?"

On the 97th floor of the abyss, at the relay station in Liberty City, Xia Miaomiao looked at [Golden Dragon Might Staff + 3], staring at the black cat hiding behind Du Shiyu.

"Meow!" Xiao Hei took a step back vigilantly, baring his teeth.

"Yeah, I'm also very puzzled." Du Shiyu didn't know how to tell her buddies. What happened to her these days was so bizarre that she didn't know how to talk about it.

"Come on, bite me too!" Xia Miaomiao didn't care about the reason behind it, and rushed over, revealing the blue suit of dragon skin wristbands on her hand, "Come on, you're welcome!"

"I tried it, he seems to only bite my things", Du Shiyu stopped her and explained.

"How can there be such a strange pet? You caught it from there, and I will catch one too."

"It's in the city, it popped up suddenly, I tried to catch it, but I didn't expect to succeed.", Du Shiyu didn't know why she wanted to hide it from her best friend, it was completely subconscious, as if the more people who knew the truth, the worse it would be , This feeling is indescribable, it's fantastic.

"No, what are you hiding from me!" Xia Miaomiao knows her better, her best friend doesn't dare to look at people when she tells a lie, unlike herself, she opens her mouth to tell the truth, and sometimes she can't tell the difference .

"Wow, no way!" Du Shiyu felt guilty.

"Say it quickly, or you will be punished!"

"Don't make trouble!"

"Do you want to say it, um, do you want to say it..."

"Yeah, are you perverted?"

"Hmph, I just found out... Come on, beauty, let me have a good time!" Well, she managed to go astray by herself.

"Yeah, help..."

"Run, run in, quack quack..."

The two started laughing and chasing and fighting until Fan Chaoyue went online.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, the money may not arrive until a few days later."

After all, Fan Chaoyue became a "family slave with three surnames", because a resurrection technique was about to defect to the Sun God camp, and Du Shiyu gave her the skill book early, saying it was a gift for her.

For such an expensive gift, Du Shiyu is not a Tuhao, so Fan Chaoyue naturally couldn't take it seriously. After inquiring about the price, he said that he would give her the money when he went online today.

"I said I'll give it to you, it's really long-winded." Du Shiyu gave it to you sincerely, but Xia Miaomiao was different. She said with a smile: "94, I'll take it if I give it to you. What's the hypocrisy?"

"I want you to care!", Fan Chaoyue replied daily, "I know that some people don't give it away sincerely. I don't want to lose my head in front of her in the future."

"Hey, this is really something a good person can't do...Give me back the skill book!"

"It's a beautiful idea, once it's in my hands, it's mine."

"Cut, it's true."

"Tch, thick-faced and dark-hearted."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Whoever knows, someone is famous in this regard."


Xia Miaomiao was in a hurry, and was told by Fan Chaoyue that her feet hurt.

With a few key 'judging the situation', she won the treasure that countless people scrambled for in one fell swoop. Her reputation has been spread as widely as her combat power ranking. It is said that she is shrewd, chicken thief, quick-handed, thick-faced, and dark-hearted. , At the beginning, it was the evaluation of people who knew it, but somehow it spread.

She is also one of the top [-] masters now, and her "biography" and "resume" on offline forums are very detailed, and they are all inquired from people who have socialized. Tuhao players can play so well, and on the one hand, they talk about her game experience and real identity, and also brought out the hot topic of "walking the dog in Xinshou Village" in the past... So, Xia Miao The seedlings are red, but it is the kind of red that is black and red.

Xia Miaomiao is naturally very angry. This is too different from the people she manages with. The most uncomfortable thing is that when dealing with people now, they have to guard against her from the beginning. Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

She had to pretend she didn't care and didn't pay attention, but when Fan Chaoyue mentioned this, she still caught her pain point.

She was really a little angry.

"Okay, okay, it's time for the two of you to meet!" Du Shiyu stood up to smooth things over, the two looked at each other awkwardly, snorted coldly at the same time, turned around, and ignored each other.

At this moment, Hu Ge and Liu Xiaoming came online.

A team of five gathered.

"Big event, big event, I found out a shocking insider news!" Hu Ge yelled as soon as he arrived.

"What inside information?" Du Shiyu hurriedly asked, worrying about the lively atmosphere.

"The 5th test is coming to an end, I heard that the file will be deleted!"

After saying a word, how could others not know, Xia Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat, and she shouted, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"But I'm going to krypton gold today, the exchange rate has skyrocketed, and I don't have enough money to exchange it into gold coins for Xiaoyu..."

"Someone raised the exchange rate, ready to ship!" Liu Xiaoming said very firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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