This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 369 New Popularity

Chapter 369 New Popularity

"Miao Miao, Long Jing sells me, the file will be deleted, and it's useless for you to keep it."

After a while, Yijian Guanghan's private chat with Nineteen States came over, and he also said that he wanted to delete the file.

Xia Miaomiao was furious, "The files are going to be deleted, why do you still want to buy it?"

"I'm just trying to gain experience, how about it, you really don't need to keep it!"

Xia Miaomiao wanted to say stubbornly that she had to accumulate some experience, but her tone became weak when the words came to her mouth, "Then... how much will you pay?"

"How about 50 gold?"

"5...", Xia Miaomiao really spat at this guy's face, 50 gold, just to send a beggar, just a few hours ago, gold coins came to buy or not, it was just an unconfirmed gossip, just Fall to this point?
"Not for sale!", she said through gritted teeth.

"Hehe, then tell me a price, and I'll take it almost."

"I want merit!"

"You still want to make merit at this time?"

"I don't believe he dared to delete files"

Yijian Guanghan was silent for a while at Nineteen States, "5000 meritorious service is a one-off price."

This offer made Xia Miaomiao feel a lot more at ease. She saw on the World Channel that someone had revealed the news that the test was about to end and that the file would be deleted. It was all about accepting this and that, but no one was selling this or that. Sell ​​that.

The price of meritorious service is still firm, and there are too many people accepting it. Occasionally, one or two of them are sold at a high price, and they are quickly taken over, and the price cannot fall.

If you want to delete files, what's the use of collecting so many meritorious deeds?

It can be seen that this is fake news, maybe someone released it on purpose, so as to take the opportunity to trick people into selling the good things in their hands.

The more I thought about it, the more certain I became in my heart, so I said to Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, "50000 meritorious service, one price!", and quoted a high price that she thought the other party would never agree to.

As expected, there was no more news from Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, Xia Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then went to the NPC, the system's appraisal master NPC.

"You didn't even identify it, let this guy bite it and get +3?"

"How many times have I said it, are you annoying?"

"You let him bite me too!"

"There is only a 5% chance of success, and an 80% chance of failure. How dare you bet?"

"...Then how did you succeed once?"

"There should be a halo of luck, it's added by Xiao Hei."

"Wow, that's a pet cat, it's clearly a beckoning cat...Let me use it, and I'll strengthen it."

"How to borrow pets, stop making trouble"

While speaking, the master appraiser fumbled a lot, and finally finished his work. He sprinkled a little light golden powder on the staff with a solemn expression, muttered something in his mouth, and finally wiped it on the staff.

A rich purple aura erupted and flashed, it really brightened the eyes of the blind.

[Golden Dragon Might Staff +3 (Probability of Bite · Unable to be strengthened)]

[Quality: Purple, two-handed staff, durability 45/45, load: 18, equipment level: 28 (second-level occupation or above), equipment occupation: magician, equipment requirements: intelligence 45, spirit 30, constitution 10, combat rating: 3289 】

[Basic attributes: magic attack power attack power: 66-147, physical attack power: 10-21, magic range +2 (10 meters), vision +3 (15 meters), intelligence +8, spirit +5, constitution +2 , all elemental resistance +15, Poison Fire Thunder element damage reduction +23%, meditation specialization +1]



[Special attribute: 1-soul binding, cannot drop. 2 - Lucky +3.3, never wears out. 4. Longwei, the equipment comes with a deterrent aura, which can form a deterrent effect on opponents who are weaker than you, deter the target for 2 seconds, and cool down for 8 seconds]

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Xia Miaomiao's eyes shone brightly, as if a hungry ghost saw a peerless beauty, and almost burst into tears.

"One piece of equipment adds 3289 combat power?"

Du Shiyu also sighed 'slightly drunk', looking at the staff in her hand in disbelief.

After the appraisal, this piece of equipment washed away the 'dust' and revealed a dazzling brilliance. The shape of the head of the dragon head is lifelike, exquisite and precise, just like a pocket black dragon head, with its mouth slightly open, holding an unknown magic crystal.

The magic crystal shone with a mysterious and cold light, and the body of the staff was densely covered with fine 'dragon scales', the whole body was pitch black, and an energyized light flowed between the textures of the staff from time to time.

"The attribute is too perverted, this attack power... tsk tsk, humanoid cannon!"

After Xia Miaomiao was amazed, she was envious. In comparison, her sun-shooting bow was not enough.

It was the Sun Shooting Bow that allowed her to take off, but it was only a first-level professional equipment after all!

I have to work harder.

"Quickly equip, quickly equip."

"I haven't done the promotion task yet."

Du Shiyu is still extraordinary now, even though her level and combat power are already enough.

"Then I will be promoted to Ling Jue if I do the task."


"Xiao Yu, do you know that you are developed? Just this piece of equipment is enough for you to rush to the forefront of the leaderboard."

"But my other equipment is too bad, the sum is not 1000"

"Owning one is enough. Now who has the purple outfit? Or the second-level professional purple outfit? Except for the meritorious exchange, who has it? With it, you may join the high-level group to farm high-level monsters with rich rewards And tasks, others will force you to set up and even pay for it.”

"By the way, is Xiong Batian's salary settled yet?"

"It's over, but you have to pay taxes, and you only get more than 50 gold."

"What, the tax is already coming from the game?"

"Well, the system has withheld, and it will be impossible to evade taxes in the future."

"What if it's a gift?"

"I don't know... Are you really not worried about deleting files?"

"Look at the World Channel, if the file is really deleted, it will be like this now? The price has not fallen, but has risen instead?"


The two happily went to do career promotion tasks. The mission mode of the relay station and the battlefield has been fully opened. The demons of the alliance camp have returned to their lost lair. Curiosity, maliciousness, and guessing all kinds of eyes are watching the huge number of players.

Players regard them as air, no matter how weird and unquestionable, let me see if I will dump you. The system also selects those demons who cooperate and cooperate with each other and give them superficial task authority. Unlike players, Mowang and Xiao Ai are cautious in this regard , for fear of letting these demons who are good at demagogy mix into the system.

The NPC of the career promotion task is not a demon, but an NPC of a system smart player template.

Du Shiyu took the second level and Xia Miaomiao took the third level. The gold medal is no problem for their current strength.

First go to the examiner of the training camp for assessment. Du Shiyu is an intermediate meditation, spell structure memory, spell casting process, spell casting standard, spell casting time, spell power... These are easy to pass, and you can get the certificate for the next level smoothly.

Xia Miaomiao is much more complicated. The first item of Ling Jue's title must reach the level of "Shooting Expert". All kinds of sinister and obscene disturbances were created, and the targets were all simulated things, monsters and players, monsters and demons, and even the training camp instructor personally ended up...but it didn't bother her.

For the second assessment, the two separated at the entrance of the training camp and were sent to their respective mission spaces.

Du Shiyu's task space is a dark room, and after only entering for a while, she feels that she has been here for a long, long time, so long that her body has become 'moldy', moss has grown, lonely, dead, as if she is the only one left in the world Alone, this feeling is enough to drive an ordinary person crazy, but she sat down calmly and began to meditate.

Using meditation to fight against such an environment and state of mind, unconsciously, she felt as if she had turned into a stone, stripped of all emotional coloring, with no sorrow, no joy, no anger, no desire, no desire, as if she could Sitting like this for a long time.


[Ding, pass the assessment, evaluate S-level! 】


This was the first sound she heard after experiencing the loneliness that felt like ten thousand years. All normal feelings returned, the black room showed its volume, and her perception of space, world, and time returned to normal. .

The remaining state of mind is still affecting her, some places are different, but it seems to be the same.

She touched Xiao Hei's head with a little joy, "You are helping me, right?"


With the blessing of Xiao Hei's skills, this kind of test is not too difficult for her. Some mages who have been promoted to the world are tortured in this level of suspicion. On offline forums, they call it a terrifying "little black room." ', known as the most difficult test in history, the most inhuman torture.

That's what Du Shiyu felt, because Xiao Hei was there.

Xia Miaomiao is another scene.

An environment like the primeval jungle of the Amazon, full of human-eating traps and deadly sniper arrows, the virtual enemies of the system are also elf rangers, they hide in the treetops, in the swamp, among the dense vegetation, animals, plants They are all partners of the enemy, and all kinds of animals and plants that look gentle and harmless will shoot deadly cold arrows when she relaxes her vigilance.


She deftly dodged the tricky arrows shot from all angles. In mid-air, a vine suddenly wrapped her around her waist like a python attacking, and then tightened.

Without waiting for her to resist, the silent blowing arrow struck with paralyzing poison.


With a combat power of up to 6000, her strength is not weaker than that of ordinary second-level professional fighters. With a twist of her slender and powerful waist, there is nowhere to borrow you in mid-air, and it also allows her to break through the gap for a moment. This gap It made her avoid the paralyzing blow arrow, and before the vines tightened, she escaped like a civet cat, and the moment she landed, the energized arrow was shot out.

A muffled sound resounded from the canopy on the side, and a black figure fell down, booming, a big tree behind him suddenly activated, and huge and thick branches swept over.

Xia Miaomiao rolled over and shot a total of 12 arrows while turning.

A muffled groan sounded from every arrow, and the enemies hidden in the dark were shot down one by one by her, and the jungle returned to silence in an instant.

goo goo goo goo...

A kind of crow-like bird, one at first, then a flock, landed on the surrounding branches, staring at her with reddish eyes, Xia Miaomiao made a slight movement, and the flock flew up, forming a formation above her head. A dense flock of birds.

Afterwards, birds shot down like arrows. No matter how she dodged and moved, she couldn't avoid these strange birds that could change direction and track. Xia Miaomiao shot dozens of arrows in one breath, hitting these birds In an instant, they turned into impotent smoke.

The smoke dissipated for a moment, then gathered again in the blink of an eye, hitting her body like raindrops.

The dense damage value rose above Xia Miaomiao's head, magnifying the pain several times, making her tremble with pain. Faced with such a "carpet bombing" attack, Xia Miaomiao remained calm. Dodge as much as possible while concentrating your mind and eyesight to find the one that is different among the birds in the sky.

Suddenly, a bright red figure flashed away, and in less than half a second, the [Deadly Arrow] that had been held in his hand was launched instantly, accurately hitting the red figure hidden in the flock of birds.


A human voice screamed, and a distinctive, bright red bird was injured and landed, changing into a human form in the air.

Wing man.

It should be the rare Winged Druid.

The druid profession was once brilliant, but with the decline of the intelligent race of the winged people, it has gradually disappeared in the long river of history. It was replaced by the ranger represented by the elf, that is, the jungle wanderer. After the druid, Be the darling of nature and forest.

Druids are good at changing, summoning, and controlling animal companions to fight, while rangers are relatively more dependent on themselves, and the battle between the two sides begins.

This druid's strength is very high, and those whose combat power is not up to the standard will definitely not be able to pass, but Xia Miaomiao's combat power is as high as 6000. Just a draw of A can deal damage that ordinary players' main output skills can't deal with. Add to that her strengths in range, rate of fire, and accuracy... an easy pass.

[Ding, the assessment is passed, evaluation: S rank! 】

Xia Miaomiao is basically satisfied with the S-level evaluation. A and above can win the gold medal. I heard that the highest evaluation is double S. I am afraid that except for those fierce fighters in the top 10 in the combat power list, other people will not even think about it.

Equipped with two top-quality dragon skin blue suits, Xia Miaomiao is currently ranked 69th in the top [-] masters. It's just that the competition is extremely fierce, and she doesn't know when she will fall.

After passing the second level of the training camp, there is one last task left. Chuchen is the last level to be sent to the night camp, challenging the final boss, the priest of the Church of the Evernight Goddess at level 26.

This humanoid monster was like a nightmare to the players at the beginning. Even if they were of the same level, defeating her was almost a matter of luck. Now it is different. The players have grown up and are completely new from the inside out.

Ling Jue is the cemetery of the Baldwin family. Xia Miaomiao broke up with Du Shiyu and found a wild team at random, planning to explore Feng Shui first.

Ling Jue's gold medal is very difficult to get, about hundreds of thousands of players are stuck on levels 29 and 30, so the third-level professional gold medal has become a new hot spot after the expansion.

(End of this chapter)

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