This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 370 The strength of the master

Chapter 370 The Strength of the Hundred Masters

It's already late autumn, and the weather is still so sultry.

Brother Ruoran had a circle of fire bubbles on his mouth, covered in greasy sweat, and hurriedly opened the door of Zhang Miao's house.

The two roommates were still online. He first put down the information he brought back from the Players Association, washed his face, took out the ointment he bought from the pharmacy, and carefully applied it to his mouth in front of the mirror.

The self in the mirror seems to have not slept for several days and nights, with dark circles under the eyes, and his complexion is not very good. There is a sense of anxiety in his eyes, which makes people feel like a spring. He can’t sit or stand still. Want to do something.

He knew that he couldn't hold back any more. He had hallucinations when he was offline last night. He decided to take two sleeping pills and slept for a few hours before he felt as if he had unloaded some burden and felt much more relaxed.

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin had already logged out, and were eating takeaway in the living room, discussing in-game matters in a low voice.

Yesterday I took a mission to explore the northern stronghold. The chaotic demons entrenched there still have a lot of resources in their hands, and there are quite a few monsters under them. It is very difficult to complete the mission. A small number of players is not enough to break through the defense line formed by monsters.

The only way left is to sneak in secretly.

But playing routines in front of demons is like dancing swords in front of Guan Gong's gate. According to the strategy on the Internet, you need to form a demon player to complete the task.

Zhang Miao failed to recruit demon teammates everywhere, so Brother Ruoran went offline to the local player association to find a solution.

"How about it, did you find anyone?"

Seeing Brother Ruoran coming out, Hu Xinmin asked quickly.

"Let me wash my face first!" Brother Ruoran yawned as he said, and when he finished washing slowly, Zhang Miao said dissatisfiedly: "We are all in such a hurry, don't be foolish." gone."

"I didn't find anyone, but I just inquired about some valuable information." Brother Ruoran said after sitting down opposite the two.

"What news, I only want this task now, I heard that there is a chance to spawn a treasure chest." Hu Xinmin's eyes were also full of anxiety, just like Brother Ruoran before going to bed.


Yes, invisible and intangible pressure.

If you lie down completely, this kind of pressure will disappear. Most of the players are living a good life, and only those who have not found their position and lost the rhythm of the game will be so tired.

"These news might be more valuable than this task. I'll say the first one." Brother Ruoran raised a finger, "It's been confirmed. The 6 tests will not delete the file and continue to serve."

Zhang Miao couldn't hide her disappointment: "Ah!"

Hu Xinmin: "Is the news accurate? Who did you listen to?"

"Old Wu, he has received an internal notification from Canaan Company, and the system announcement is estimated to be released soon."

"Damn, what kind of good news is this?", Hu Xinmin swears rarely.

The three of them thought that they didn't play well in the 5th test, and they wished to delete the file and start over again, but they didn't delete the file this time, oh!

"The second news is that a player has a clue about the reincarnation of the past life token into a demon race and is looking for a buyer."

Hu Xinmin and Zhang Miao looked at each other: "Devil!?"

"Yes, hidden race demons!" Brother Ruoran emphasized.

"Is it true or not, can't it be a liar?" Zhang Miao subconsciously doubted.

These days, there are not too many people cheating with hidden missions, treasures, and undiscovered resource points. Hidden races are not new. It’s rare that Brother Ruoran is so cautious. Is this matter...reliable?
If it is true, it is an opportunity.

Zhang Miao could think of it, so could Hu Xinmin, the two of them had hope...

"The source of the news is basically reliable, but the price is expensive, and I don't know how many people are competing.", Ruoran said.

"If you play well, who will commit suicide and start over again? We have invested so much in the big water pipes and trenches, so we can't be in vain. Even if there is competition, the strength should not be strong!" Zhang Miao became excited, this is an opportunity, If you turn around and become a demon, even if you start from scratch, the abyss battlefield will become your home field. Needless to say, how quickly the demons can upgrade. Demons also have a "territory management" gameplay. Only demons can buy land in the abyss battlefield.

It is not a dream to be a demon farmer, demon lord, or even a higher level demon king.

Demons can also seamlessly 'disguise' any kind of profession and race, and can play universal gameplay and content. The most rare thing is that demons have the 'official license' of 'bluffing' and the natural convenience of contacting native NPCs. There is a perverted design to gain experience, skills, and even attribute points from contracts and the so-called "abyss gift"...

The only shortcoming or weakness is that the demon player's frontal combat ability is not strong, at least the player demon is such a status quo.

This is clearly reflected in the just-concluded big counterattack expansion. Demon players have a very weak sense of presence, and even avoid the frontal battlefield. .

Not to mention against the real demons, there is no ability to parry at all, some demon players are middle-ranked demons, and they are all solo killed against the big demons.

The official explanation is that there is a natural gap between players and genuine demons in terms of combat talent and experience, that is, player demons do not have racial experience and inheritance.

This is easy to understand.

Just like giant dragons, they are born with the knowledge and experience accumulated by their ancestors, just like DNA, and so are demons. One of the processes of promotion is to accept the inheritance of experience and knowledge, but these players do not have it.

Although there are such drawbacks, the charm of the demon race and gameplay is beyond doubt. Given the current embarrassing situation of the three of them, it is completely acceptable to commit suicide and turn into a demon again.

"I heard that you have to believe in Kelanwo, the God of Death, to use the Token of Rebirth?" Hu Xinmin said.

"Conversion is just a trivial matter." Zhang Miao said indifferently.

"Then... let's try?" Hu Xinmin looked at the two of them inquiringly, "Then which one of us commits suicide and starts over?"

Brother Ruoran said without hesitation, "It's still me, I feel more comfortable with the Abyss gameplay..."

Zhang Miao felt uncomfortable, "Can't the three of you do it together?"

Hu Xinmin quickly said, "I'll talk about this later, and contact the seller first."

"If you two have no objections, I will contact you?"

"Yeah." The two nodded without hesitation.

Brother Ruoran clapped his hands, picked up his phone and walked towards the balcony.

Zhang Miao whispered, "Is this to avoid us?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hu Xinmin glared at him.

Baldwin family cemetery, the first floor of the instance.

There are dark red meat membranes everywhere, like thick spider webs. Between the meat membranes, there are thick sarcoma with huge and dull compound eyes. Who is crying, who is laughing, who is listening? Indistinct language murmured softly.

In such an environment, the cyan tendons are extremely conspicuous, they transport nutrients for the growth of meat membranes and meat blankets, just like thick blood vessels.

These 'vessels' are translucent. Occasionally, a dark, semi-melted substance that makes people feel scalp-invented is discharged from the end of the 'vessels', forming ugly 'eggs' one by one.

Looking around, such eggs are everywhere, some are intact, some are broken, broken eggshells are scattered everywhere, and a few huge footprints shaped like chicken feet can be seen faintly.

Players stepped on the soft and terrifying meat blanket, as if they were walking in the intestines of some giant beast. Suddenly, a round object fell from the 'intestines' and hung in the air, blocking the players' way.

With long black hair and a fully formed female head, it is hung by something like an intestine, carrying the player on its back.

When it turned around slowly, unexpectedly it was the head of a beautiful woman, it was still her, her eyes were closed tightly, her bright lips were slightly opened and closed, singing a soothing and sweet lullaby.

"Attention, the boss is about to appear!"

Team channel, captain, 30-level paladins to fight tigers tonight shouted loudly.

Xia Miaomiao moved two steps to the 3 o'clock position vigilantly.

The bard also began to hide in a low voice, fighting against the drowsy and drowsy magic power in the 'Lullaby'.

There is no mage in the team, and only a level 31 priest and a level 30 barbarian are left. The main output can only be her.

Seeing that the lullaby didn't work, the beauty's head frowned slightly with her delicate and pretty eyebrows, and slowly opened a pair of eyes with no pupils but whites.

"Attention, Banshee's Howl!"

Priest Chuchen immediately used the second-level general skills to add various resistance and soul defense BUFFs to his teammates, and the team huddled together like a hedgehog, as if they were facing a big enemy.

"You are not good, mom doesn't like it!", the White Walker said so, and then began to howl silently.

The high-frequency sound wave vibration that the player cannot hear has the power to hurt the heart and soul. Despite the BUFF added by the priest, I still feel my heart beating wildly, and I can't wait to yell.

"Hold it, you can only fight hard at this time!"

"Ah, I can't take it anymore!" the savage yelled wildly.

Intensive damage figures popped up on his head, the paladin captain cursed, and the priest hurriedly healed him.

But the speed of blood recovery couldn't keep up with the plunging health value. The key point was that the barbarian seemed to have lost his mind, rushed out of the queue with red eyes, and fell into the 'embrace' of the aliens.

That's right, while the beauty's head was howling, it also grew an ugly body like a spider. A pair of newborn baby-like arms hugged the barbarian, and gently opened a big mouth from the chest, allowing him to be sent in like a baby. .

Pastor MM's face was pale and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Xia Miaomiao was also disgusted, and shouted, "How long will it take?"

"One minute!" said the captain, the paladin, sweating profusely, "You can't attack at this time, or the boss will go berserk, and you can only resist... Hold on!"

Before the fight started, there was one less teammate. I don't know if this unlucky barbarian player will leave a psychological shadow. In other words, shouldn't he be given a mosaic or something?With such a hard core, what kind of head iron is Canaan Company, so they are not afraid of problems?
The distraction of cranky thoughts made me feel a lot better.

The later in the game, the more magic resistance and spiritual resistance are needed, especially in the abyss battlefield and against monsters with strange attributes. The barbarian player just now can't say that his level and combat power are not up to standard, but his mental attributes are too low. There are too few equipment with resistance effects on him, and the points are all piled up on attack, blood volume and both sides.

Facts have proved that magic resistance and spiritual resistance are extremely important, otherwise, you will have perverted attack and defense for nothing, and if they play mental attack with you, you will not be able to perform no matter how high your attack is, and no matter how high your blood volume is, you will be just a crispy skin.

After 1 minute, howling for a full minute, the priest managed to survive, and the White Walker was fully grown, waving its huge forelimbs, and rushed towards the players.

"You are not good, you are not good!"

"It's done!", the paladin captain shouted with a distorted voice, "Output at full power, if the output is not enough, you still have to go berserk."

This paladin has failed countless times, and he is very good at every pass. This time, he formed Xia Miaomiao's high-level battle, which greatly increased his hopes of passing the pass. Naturally, he didn't want any accidents.

"Boss Sapling, let me stop the damage first!"

"Pastor, blood, watch out...ah, almost, it's so dangerous!"

"The singers also output, don't be dazed!"

"Blood battle song, exchange for blood battle song!"

"Boss Sapling can output at full strength!"

A small sapling immediately switched to the full output mode. First, it hit a flat A, hitting a piercing damage, a big -121 crit, blinding the dog's eyes of teammates, and then [Lianzhu Arrow], which caused explosive damage All of them are two-digit figures, mixed with one or two three-digit critical strikes, and a single skill can kill a tube of blood from the boss.

"The sapling boss is awesome!"

The paladin screamed excitedly, and desperately entangled the White Walker boss of the first level. Due to enough damage, the boss didn't have time to go berserk, and victory was in sight. Everyone in the team was sweating nervously.

"You managed to piss me off!"

"Attention, you have to zoom in!"

The forehead of the human-headed, spider-shaped Boss of the White Ghost opened its third eye, emitting a blue ray, "Get out of the way!", the paladin yelled wildly, let go of the entangled Boss, and jumped up and down to escape. A sweep of light.

With Xia Miaomiao's agility, it was easy to deal with it. During the high-speed shift, she hadn't forgotten to output all her strength, and the third tube was emptied in a blink of an eye.

"Watch out for the grid!"

But the big move is not so simple, the place where the ray sweeps does not disappear, but leaves a series of criss-crossing 'Yin lines', all the 'Yin lines' are connected to form a three-dimensional grid, 'Yin lines' There are more and more, and the space for players to move is getting smaller and smaller. The four-person team is divided into various parts of the battlefield, and they can no longer get the support of teammates.

In this case, the bard was the first to appear, and while avoiding the 'yang line', he accidentally touched the 'yin line' behind him, and the whole three-dimensional grid suddenly lit up, sticking him firmly to the grid superior.

"Not good... Don't save the pastor, it's useless!"

The White Ghost boss is like a spider entrenched in the depths of the web, while continuing to radiate the 'sunline', while stepping on the highlighted grid, it walks towards the prey stuck on the web.

"Aha, it's time for the feast!"

If he could speak, the bard would definitely curse, and the White Walker gently picked him up, and the big mouth in his chest split open, sending him into that horrible chest cavity.

It took a long time for white light to shine in the boss's body.

In other words, he was still alive after being annexed...

So miserable!

After annexing a player, the boss recovered a small amount of blood, but it was quickly consumed by Xia Miaomiao's attack. With such a high amount of damage, the paladin couldn't hold back his hatred anymore.

"You!" The strange ghost rushed towards Xia Miaomiao: "You are not good!"

"Big sapling, get out of here."

Xia Miaomiao didn't change her face, she walked around under the attack of the boss like a butterfly.

Left, right, forward, backward... Doing it is pleasing to the eye, always avoiding the boss attack in a thrilling manner, and the coldness is [killing arrow]

Finally hit double crit damage.


The boss can't take it anymore, the last blood!

The remaining two teammates, the paladin and the priest glanced at each other, feeling that there was nothing wrong with them.

This is the strength of the top [-] masters?

(End of this chapter)

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