Chapter 371 5 Merits

"Extraordinary 400, Dust 800, Ling Jue 1200, these three levels are resistance cloaks, each level adds 400 combat power to the previous level, if it is stronger than 6, Transcendent 800, Dust 1200, Ling Jue 1600, It’s just that apart from Tuhao, few people pursue such extremes. The success rate is too low, and the cloak will be broken if it is broken. If it is broken, it will take merit to buy a new one. The strengthening stone is also expensive, and it’s fine at the first level. , The third-level cloak enhancement stone is 2 gold, 2 gold, how many stones are needed for a strong one, do the math, how much it will cost if it is strong to 6, it is simply more than robbing a bank."

"Besides, the strengthening of the cloak cannot be inherited. Extraordinary strong 6, you have to start from scratch when you get out of the dust, and Ling Jue will come again, who can bear it. The higher-level cloak needs to be replaced by the previous cloak. The strong 6's cloak is the same as No strong treatment!"

"What, you keep it? You keep it for dinner. Strong 6 is comparable to a higher-level cloak, and it's not as good-looking as a high-level cloak. Only fools keep it...and they can't sell it."

"Me? I am now +3 dust, enough, 1000 combat power, cloak."

"Others? My bow is also strong 3. The initial combat power is more than 1700, and the strong is 2100. This is 3100, right? I still have two blue best suits, which have not been strengthened. Two sets have activated a set attribute. Total resistance +20, so it can withstand the big move of the White Ghost BOSS just now... The combined combat power of the two pieces is more than 1400 points... How much is this? Uh, 4500."

"6017 combat power, the remaining 3 is the addition of other garbage blue equipment and top-quality green equipment. In fact, if the low-level strengthening stones are enough, there is no need to pursue purple equipment. A suit of top-quality blue and strong 8 is enough for you to rank. It's on the list, look at this Min shoes, 3 gold, 11 stones for Qiang 30, cost less than 611 gold, combat power [-], the whole body is like this, with the cape, you can also fight for five or six thousand battles .”

"My current problem is that I am a bit top-heavy, and my combat power is concentrated on a few key pieces of equipment. There are no better replacements for other parts. If they are all made to be the same as this sensitive shoe, let's fight eight thousand times, work hard, and fight ten thousand times. There is also hope for war."

Because it is a promotion task, the first floor of the ghost boss did not explode anything. After this "birth and death" magic core, the only 3 people in the team are familiar with each other. Under the pursuit of Xia Miaomiao, it is not easy for Xia Miaomiao to put on the airs of a master.

Before the entrance to the second floor, the three of them rested on blankets to recover their blood volume and physical strength, as well as their mood.

"Sister Miao Miao, how do you play so well? I play for more than 12 hours a day, but I'm still a piece of garbage. Others make money playing games. I spend money in it, but I can't keep up. My mother Tell me, alas!"

Pastor Xiao Niao Yiren is an old leftover woman in reality. She is thirty years old and is still a heavy gamer. , is still a commoner player, unlike some big bosses who have concentrated the power of a guild to push them up, nor is it like a big water hose, with money ability and network power to open the way.

He is simply an idol in life!

"It's okay, but I was lucky. I opened a gold box in the early stage, took this bow, and took off immediately."

"Golden box!", the paladin captain, the crazy pony brother, sighed enviously.

"Sister Miao Miao even exploded a giant skeleton dragon!" Xiao Niao Yiren emphasized on behalf of the idol.

Xia Miaomiao is very useful to such a fan girl, she pretended to be modest and waved her hand, "Luck, it's just luck...haha..." Unfortunately, I couldn't help laughing at the end, otherwise the master's character design would be perfect .

"Luck is also a kind of strength." The paladin Xiao Ma said that he also wanted this kind of shit luck.

"Sister Miao Miao, do you still want to brush the second tube?" After the rest was almost over, Xiao Niao Yiren asked.

"Of course I did!" Brother Xiao Ma hurriedly said, "Miao Miao can live alone, and we will be happy with Ling Jue."

Brother Xiaoma and Xiaoniaoyiren both have more than 3000 points of combat power. They were able to enter the leaderboard yesterday, but not today.

In fact, the strength of the two is not bad, otherwise they would not have survived until now. A large number of players who have experienced the Abyss Battlefield expansion pack are crowded on the third-level professional task and the single-plank bridge to reproduce the scene when the first-level occupation took office, so This led to an increase in the difficulty of the task. Otherwise, with their experience and consciousness skills in previous bloody battles and fighting with demons and monsters, no matter how difficult the Baldwin family cemetery dungeon is, it shouldn't be so exaggerated.

The system needs to use this level to select truly outstanding people to advance to high-level occupations, which makes players feel that it is even more difficult than the abyss battlefield.

"I also have a friend who is doing a dust mission. I want to wait for her to clear Ling Jue together... I won't go to the second level."

"Miao Miao wants to bring someone!" Xiao Niao Yiren expressed her understanding, "Is there any room?"

"It's just me and her." Xia Miaomiao was not sure if the star trio had time, and felt that although the three of them were enthusiastic, they were not so eager to upgrade and enhance their cloak combat power. Besides, they still had a little time in reality. There are a lot of things to do, fly here today, fly there tomorrow, Hu Ge also said that he will go abroad for filming, and the game time is squeezed out like toothpaste every day.

"Then take me one?" Xiao Niao Yiren grabbed Xia Miaomiao's hand.

"And me!" Brother Xiao Ma was afraid of falling behind.

The progress of the task is archived, and next time you can start from the second floor, or start over from the beginning. Xia Miaomiao is here to try this time, and her best friend will be 30 soon. The truth is that she was promoted alone and she was left behind.

"Alright then!" Xia Miaomiao agreed after pondering for a moment.

"Add friends, add friends!", fans Xiaoniao Yiren and Xiao Ma both sent friend requests, Xia Miaomiao said that when the friend list was full, he deleted two people who had no impression, and then added them .

"But you have to wait, she's only 29, I'll take her to a higher level first." Xia Miaomiao said.

"Who, let our sapling boss take care of you like this?" Brother Xiao Ma expressed his envy. With such a master escort, and a beautiful woman, why is he so lucky?
"Quack, my best friend, in reality." Xia Miaomiao was about to leave the team and leave the dungeon, "Then let's do this first?"

"Sister Miao Miao, you can't leave me behind!" Xiao Niaoyiren really lives up to her name.

"Sure, sure, let's go, 88"

Quit the team and leave the copy automatically.

There are still many thieves preparing outside, noisy, sporadic one or two customs clearance, can't wait to find meritorious merchants to exchange for the third-level cloak, equipment, attracting envy and eyes.

Xia Miaomiao already knew the dungeon of the Baldwin family cemetery well, so she didn't panic at all, and just waited for her best friend to be promoted to a level 2 profession
But Du Shiyu's side is not going well.

"There is an idiot in the team... missing, the team will be wiped out..."

"Ah, as long as you control it well and don't let the boss call from another dimension, you can pass..."

"The boss has summoned, without interrupting, a level 58 wind elementalist is summoned, with a purple four-star mark, which is higher than the level mark of the boss in the third level."

Xia Miaomiao was speechless.

"Wait for me a little longer and regroup."

"Choose a reliable team this time."

"I don't know which person is reliable and which one is not... That's it."

The best friend's tone was anxious, and it seemed that she was very angry with her best teammates. Xia Miaomiao had no choice but to wait because she couldn't help her.

Staying alone is also staying, and I wandered around the entrance of the instance in Buck City.

Buck City has also expanded several times. The new city walls are no longer visible to the naked eye. The conical domes of endless high-rise buildings are one after another. The temple of Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, was originally a landmark building in the center of the city. Every temple built later surpassed it, and the later it was built, the more it spared no expense, making it look like a competition.

The taste of NPCs is stupid and clumsy. The temples are all cast with iron stones that symbolize hardness. The most belief tasks players receive are to collect this kind of basic building materials and contribute them to the temples to increase their faith.

It also purchased a large number of NPC merchants from this camp and the neutral camp, making Buck City almost a construction site, and this small urban area near the entrance of the Baldwin family copy is relatively quiet, so it has become a place for merchants, players, and guilds. , a flea market where neutral camps gather.

Temporary booths, illegal buildings everywhere, crowded to the point of nowhere, and the 'Gaowan' with the title of Ling Jue swaggered through the market, showing off, a little flamboyant, and even lit up the aura of the whole body's equipment, just like a human-shaped booth of.

Naturally, Xia Miaomiao wouldn't do such a dishonest thing. She boredly looked at the booths one by one, and bargained with people when she met a suitable one.

Suddenly seeing the level 3 cloak enhancement stone, the stall owner listed a price of 5 gold, as if he had never seen the money before, Xia Miaomiao countered the price with him, and after a few words, he became impatient-poor, can you afford it?
An angry Xia Miaomiao showed her purple aura, immediately shocked the stall owner, and took the initiative to lower the price to 4 gold, and then refused to let go.

The market price of the third-level cloak enhancement stone is 3 gold, but a large number of people who are optimistic about the room for price increase are reluctant to sell it. As more and more third-level jobs are employed, such stones will only become more and more popular.

There are many people who see this, and the price is 4 gold, and the stall owner has to pay taxes, which makes sense.

Xia Miaomiao spent 8 gold and took both of the enhancement stones from the stall owner.

In this way, her accumulated third-level stones reached 10, just waiting for the cloak.

——It seems that not only the auction house can buy good things.

The beginning of her Taobao trip shocked her spirits, and she looked through the stalls with more attention.

After visiting a dozen more stalls, I was amazed again.

[Granite Blessing, Amulet, All Classes, Equipment Level 25, Durability 10/10, Carrying Weight: 1, Quality: Blue, All Resistance +5, Soul Strength +1]

This is the blue equipment with the shortest introduction and attributes she has ever seen. There are very few talisman-type equipment, and the stall owner is also ignorant, so he just put it there with a price of 5 gold coins, which is the same as picking it up for nothing.

Xia Miaomiao resisted the impulse, looked at this piece of equipment again, and found something strange.

Since there is no combat rating?
Now the white board has a combat power score of 10-99 points, but a blue outfit with a rare jewelry slot has no score?
Look carefully again, and finally find a line of pinpoint-sized small characters at the footer of the page.

[City Guard Captain Johnson Lista's lost treasure, if you return it to him, you will get 50 favorability points from Johnson Lista]

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

Xia Miaomiao patted her chest in fear, then gave the laughing stall owner a hard look, and almost paid the 5 gold tuition fee, this person is really hateful.

Continue shopping.

It's a pity that there are no more surprises in the future. The products sold are all high-end products. The equipment is mainly green equipment and blue equipment that cannot be strengthened, which is of no help to her at present.

Here is a popularization of the upper limit of combat power that various equipment can add.

The lowest level of the system is novice equipment, gray quality, only one basic attribute or defense is added, it cannot be strengthened, and the combat power score is between 1-9.

The equipment obtained by the player starts with white quality, usually one item, and the best item has two attribute bonuses, which cannot be strengthened, and the combat power score is before 10-99.

Green quality equipment is currently the mainstream for players and cannot be strengthened. Garbage only has basic attribute bonuses. Extra attribute entries will appear in the top grade, just in the position of advanced attributes. Depending on the quantity and practicality, the value varies. The combat power score is Between 100-300.

The blue quality equipment is the current high-end equipment, which can be strengthened for the best, but not for the ordinary blue equipment, but the ordinary blue equipment may also have additional attribute entries, the number starts at 2, and the degree of practicality varies, depending on the application environment and the player's preferences, combat effectiveness The score is between 300-1000.

It is difficult for suits to reach this upper limit infinitely. Ordinary blue equipment hovers around 300, and super blue equipment can break through the upper limit of 1000 after strengthening, but... it is just a theory. With such money and resources, wouldn't it be better to pursue better purple equipment?
The exception is suits. A single suit can also be strengthened. If multiple suits are assembled, the total combat power bonus and actual effect may exceed that of purple suits, but this is a matter with a lower probability of bursting purple suits. The blue suit can only be sold as the ultimate blue, unless it is in the hands of players who need it, it can be sold at a high premium.

Needless to say, purple equipment, no one has ever sold it, and the drop rate in the game area is impressive. Currently, only gold boxes are available, and no boss has ever dropped it.

What's more, they are all losing meritorious service.

It can be said that purple clothes are the most powerful props to support the value of meritorious deeds. Other meritorious deeds can be exchanged for titles, military positions, fiefdoms, etc. At present, even the big water hoses will not be wasted on these things, and they will only pursue more direct and rough , Effective gang building orders.

It is even more useless for ordinary and civilian players to ask for it.

What does it mean to have a home in the metaverse? The real estate in the metaverse is a huge pit. Many players and institutions in the past have used bloody examples to warn future generations. I am afraid that these concepts and gameplay will not become popular until the public beta.

The more I wandered, the more disappointed I was, and I was about to ask M's best friend about the progress of the dungeon, when Yijian Guanghan sent a message from Nineteen States.

"5 meritorious service, where can I trade it?"

Xia Miaomiao didn't realize it for a while, and was taken aback for a moment before remembering what he was talking about.

5 meritorious service to buy dragon crystal?He's crazy!

I quickly watched the World Channel and found that the price of meritorious service has not dropped, but has skyrocketed.

This is strange.

"You... seriously?"

"Well, it's hard to get enough."

5 meritorious service also bought?
Xia Miaomiao wondered if the value of the dragon crystal was so great, could it be worth a purple dress?
Even if it is the main material for making orange equipment, but the fourth-level occupation is not opened, it will be after level 45... Ah, by the way, the 6th test is about to begin.

She suddenly fell into a huge tangle.

Orange outfit!
Is it a bet on the future, or a plan for the present?

5 meritorious service is enough to replace the less important meritorious service purple.

He is still a meritorious purple of a second-level profession, and his combat power will be increased by one or two thousand in one fell swoop.

It can be dressed in orange.

"You won't go back on your word, will you?" said the one who sent the message after she didn't reply after a long time.

How to do how to do……

The 5 meritorious service was just casually said, I didn't even want to sell it.

(End of this chapter)

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