Chapter 372

"Dark night...eternal..."

The final BOSS of the Church of the Night camp fell down without knowing how many times he said melancholy lines, and Du Shiyu's team channel cheered.

It's a pity that it's the mission clearance mode, except for the gold medals that everyone needs, Mao didn't give a single one.

"You have good strength, are you interested in joining our family?"

The captain is still the patriarch of a small family, Du Shiyu left a deep impression on him, and came to recruit him before leaving the instance.

"No, I have a family."

"Oh, the family?"

"Family of Brothers and Sisters"

"Uh... What kind of weird name is this? It's really LOW. Our blood gang are all high-end, professional players. In the future, it will be very convenient for missions and gang building..."

"No, I am very happy in this family."

"...with you."

[Ding, you were kicked out of the team by the captain Blood Gang Wolf King]

Du Shiyu didn't care. After leaving the dungeon, he went straight to the meritorious NPC, exchanged for the Dust Cloak, and equipped it.

After advancing to the second-level profession, the Golden Dragon Might Staff can be used.

Unable to wait to take out the equipment, she felt a surging warm current pouring into all parts of her body from the palm holding the staff. The strong stimulation made her close her eyes for a long time, feeling her body became lighter, and her consciousness was unprecedentedly clear and agile. There is also an indescribable, mysterious sense of solidity, not from the body, but... the soul?
The solidity of the soul, what is that?
No wonder it can't be described.

I feel that I have grown a lot taller. Of course, this is just an illusion. The field of vision has expanded by at least 10 meters. The magic power in the body is cheering and growing in the cheers...

It took a few minutes for her to get used to it. The sense of solidity did not disappear, but settled down, becoming the background that supported her to become 'tall', 'strong' and confident.

Look at the properties panel again.

The cloak adds 400 combat power (deducting the extraordinary cloak), and the staff adds 2812 (deducting the original blue staff), so her current combat power is the original 2477+3212=5689. , and become one of the top players with more than 5000 combat power.

Level 29, combat power 5689, soaring to the 279th place in the combat power list like a rocket, and her golden dragon power staff even parachuted to the fourth place in the top 10 equipment list.

The Wolf King Xue Gang who just kicked her out of the team passed by, glanced at her, let out a surprise, looked her up and down, and finally landed on the staff in her hand.

The wolf king's face changed, and he opened the leaderboard and quickly found the answer, "Cut!", facing Du Shiyu's looking back, he shook his head pretending to be disdainful.

After walking not far, they exclaimed on the family channel about the discovery just now. There was an uproar in the family channel, and they all looked at the rankings and started discussing.

This one said it must be a trust, that one said it must be the real Xiaomi of the big water hose, and the one who said he wanted to report... Anyway, no one was convinced.

Du Shiyu was immersed in his own joy, so he naturally didn't know that someone was slandering him.

Even if you know it, you won't care.

Now her emotion management ability is getting stronger and stronger, just like a real mage, few things that surprise her or lose control of her emotions happen, holding the Dragon Might Staff, this kind of control is even more powerful, as if the world is falling apart. Couldn't make her move.

"Haha, Xiaoyu, I saw it, 5689 is still not as tall as me, haha..."

Buddy is another style.

Enthusiastic, passionate, happy, energetic, and full of vigor, the temperament and personality of the two are undergoing subtle changes, but the parties involved are accustomed to it without knowing it.

"You still have two suits!"

Only with his buddies, Du Shiyu would be serious and engage in unnecessary emotional disputes.

"I still have Dragon Crystal. Someone offered 5 meritorious service to buy it. For 5, I can exchange it for meritorious purple."

"A sword of light and cold nineteen states? Do you want to sell it?"

"...If you don't sell it, you can't do it. He caught it with words... What should I do, Xiaoyu, I just said it casually. Who knew that he really made so many achievements...It's so tangled."

"Look at you, the 6th test is about to start, and the 4th level occupation and orange equipment will be released soon."

"I think the same way, but I don't know if it's hard to make an orange suit. If it's too difficult, I might as well sell it now, but I'm not reconciled..."

"You just have to look forward to Shu. Choose one between now and the future. It's just a gamble... In my opinion, it's no big deal if you lose the bet. You can sell it when the time comes. Even if the price falls, where can you go? On the contrary, if you sell it now, it's equivalent to Sold an opportunity in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes, I won't sell it, I'll tell him now."

"Pay attention to your tone, isn't this person a princeling of Yanjing? Beware of retaliation."

"I'm in Wudu, so I'm not afraid of him."

"There is no need to offend others."

"Got it, got it, it's really long-winded... you come back quickly, waiting for your copy."

"Understood, it will be over in a while."

With the support of her buddies, Xia Miaomiao was determined, and immediately chatted with Jian Guanghan Nineteen States privately.

"Little girl, are you playing with me?"

"not me……"


[System prompt: The other party has already blacklisted you]

so stingy?

It's over, will he retaliate against me?

The princelings in Yanjing are all high officials at home.

Xia Miaomiao thought in her heart that even if she didn't care about the reality, the hero in the game is still a colossus, her own small arms and legs...

"What's going on, Miao Miao, why did you fall out with someone who dominates the world?"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu soon sent a private message. It seems that this worry is not because of the villain's heart, and the retaliation came so quickly.

"How did you know?"

"A member of the other party's external relations department told me that it's a weird thing, shit!"

"I didn't sell him!"

"Dragon Crystal? 5 meritorious service?"


"...Don't sell it if you don't sell it, don't worry, we all support you."

"Will it affect Jianbang?"

"Let's just be careful. Besides, with you and Xue Wu as two masters, Jianbang is still easy to catch?"

Xia Miaomiao felt much better from the comfort of a river of spring water, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to the family."

"You can see outside while talking, right?"

In fact, Yijiang Chunshuiliu's heart is not as relaxed as it says on the surface, but the child has no mother and he has a long story to say, and he bears the pressure by himself, so there is no need for Gao Zhan at home to worry about it with him.

How to unite and organize people is a science. No matter how stupid a river of spring water is, it will not do things that destroy the Great Wall itself.

The trade-offs and calculations here are irrelevant.

A few more chats.

"In this way, how about you and Xue Wu ascending to the top of the ranks, and the family organizes a party?"

"Party? Online or offline?"

"Online and offline, it's best to do it together. I'll ask your opinion first."

"Okay... It feels like I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I don't know each other."

"You know all the old people, there are many newcomers, and there are few opportunities to meet... Take this opportunity to discuss the establishment of a gang."

"Is the old fence still there?"

"It's already been captured, it's too difficult to think about such a good thing now."

"It would have been better if we attacked at the beginning..."

"It's not a big deal, one step behind and one step behind, but fortunately, the formation order is still popular, and there are many families allied with us, plus you and Xue Wu, two masters, we have more confidence in speaking gone."

"It's over, Chun Shui, it doesn't make sense for you to keep saying that."

"Haha, wasn't I afraid that you would be poached away... Then that's it, I'll find you after I discuss it."


After the call was over, Xia Miaomiao sighed very much. She still remembered the day when she hugged Chunshui's thigh back then. At that time, she would never have imagined that there would be a day when Chunshui hugged her thigh.

Metaverse real estate is really a huge pit, and the spring water in the pit has not yet recovered. In terms of his operation, awareness, and liver speed, he has only just reached 3000 combat power, which is naturally a high level for ordinary players. Miao Miao's eyes were not enough.

Like Du Shiyu, who just came out of the dust, Ling Jue has no shadow yet. He is busy all day long and doesn't know what to do. It can be seen that families and gangs are really not something ordinary people can play.

When the best friend was teleported to the relay station, the two went offline together. In reality, they rested for more than ten hours, and then went online after being revived with full blood, ready to finish the copy of the Baldwin family in one fell swoop.

Du Shiyu went through the promotion task process first, and Xia Miaomiao took the opportunity to privately chat with Xiao Niao Yiren and the crazy little Ma brother. After the two got the news, they even left half of the task and ran over.

"Boss Miao Miao"

"Sister Miao Miao"

"Well, after my friend finishes the process... there is still room in the team, it's best to form a barbarian, do you have any?"

"All the barbarians I know are the ones with the back legs," said the crazy pony.

Xiao Niaoyiren has someone to choose, but she was worried that this person's strength would not be in the eyes of 'Sister Miao Miao' and she complained, so she held back and said nothing.

"Then I'll call someone casually."

Xia Miaomiao yelled on the family channel, and received more than a dozen text messages for private chats. There were barbarians, paladins, even mages and thieves who came to join in the fun and begged the boss to lead them. Most of them didn't know each other. , she chose an old family member she knew, sent the coordinates, and asked him to come over.

This person's ID is Jujusansan, a barbarian at level 35, and he can tell how advanced his liver is from the level. You know, the one with the highest level is only 37.

Xia Miaomiao looked at her own experience. Level 32 was 41%. Now it takes hundreds of thousands of experience to upgrade to a level. Killing a monster of the same level is only tens or hundreds of points higher. How many monsters do you need to kill?
As for the game area, don't even think about it. Even if there are so many high-level monsters, it is impossible for them to emerge endlessly in the abyss battlefield. Moreover, the high-level monsters in the game area are generally a bit smart, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and their efficiency is even worse. Now, when will it rise to 33, it can only rely on the explosive liver day and night.

Thinking of this, she envied her best friend to have a god pet, with a halo of 120% experience, if there was a pet ranking list, Xiao Hei would definitely be number one, and she didn't know what kind of shit luck the best friend had.

Is she the main character?

In less than half an hour, Jujusanfan, a level 35 barbarian, arrived panting. Xia Miaomiao was polite to him while pulling him into the team to check the information that the captain could see.

Level 35, 2941 points of combat power, from the perspective of the style and precision of the equipment, there is still something on him, and he belongs to an elite player.

The level of Jujusan is the highest, but the combat power is the lowest, so they are very polite. Xiaoniaoyiren and Xiaoma are also very enthusiastic because of the big brother Miao Miao. The atmosphere of the team is very good. Wait for Du Shiyu to pass the third-level occupation The previous two challenges.

This wait was several hours.

Gathering and dispersing are a little restless, how much experience can I gain in these few hours, wasting time is wasting money and life.

But he, a mogul with the lowest combat power, didn't have the confidence to speak. In desperation, he clicked on the online answering question - answering 10 questions correctly gave 5 experience points.

Xia Miaomiao chatted enthusiastically with someone, giggling and laughing on the private channel, not paying attention, Xiao Niao Yiren and Brother Xiao Ma came back from a stroll, and saw that he was so stupid that he even missed 5 points of experience, he couldn't help being in awe, Feeling guilty, he also started to answer the questions.

The online answering questions are naturally produced by Canaan Company.

Some online and offline game content and rules, including laws, regulations, life and history common sense, etc., are entertaining and educational, but only 10 points of experience are obtained by answering 5 questions correctly, and the probability of answering 100 questions in a row is very low 'Crit', gaining experience and a big gift package of copper coins, and entering the top 100 rankings, there is a so-called mysterious prize... It's too expensive, and players don't really buy it.

But such a small game is the one with the strongest offline and online presence, and it is also the first time that Canaan and Huaguo are closely intertwined, which makes Canaan's producer a lot less suspicious... It highlights Canaan Company's right to speak online, which in turn greatly increases its authority.

People come and go at the relay station, the system NPCs and the demons of the allied camps have almost restored the 'market', but the hub of the teleportation array has not been opened. Without the plane business traveler, the most critical vitality is lacking.

The demons of the allied camp, the player's contact with them has to be filtered by the system. What they see and hear, often have garbled characters, mosaics and other content that is not suitable for children, is filtered out by the system's firewall. Demons are not without it. Resist', but when the high-level demons, especially the demon lord Bayero, exercise restraint, the middle-level demons can't shake the increasingly large and formidable behemoths that have gathered the beliefs and thoughts of hundreds of thousands of players. After a long time, It also loses interest in developing business among players.

The demons in the relay station are all lazy, in stark contrast to the energetic players.

The more you observe the group of players, the more puzzled the demons become. Why do these strange undead look more and more like the chaotic camp?Their actions are disorderly, lack of obedience to order and authority, they fight and kill each other, but in a blink of an eye they can hang together shoulder to shoulder, they...they...

I can't say anything, and I can't say enough, it's just very weird.

Although the demons accept the command and arrangement of Bei Gaoyang and the magic net, they can passively slow down their work, deliberately delay and embarrass when handing over tasks to the players, which slows down the operating efficiency of the system.

In this regard, Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai have nothing to do, they can only add more system NPCs to neutralize it.

I feel like I am entering the recuperation period after the big meal of the expansion pack.

(End of this chapter)

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