This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 374 It's Time To Leave, Friends

Chapter 374 It's Time To Leave, Friends

"Just wait until the 6th test starts."

In the dark mine, a few ragged miners sat down and chatted while resting.

A blue-faced orc player with fangs said longingly, "Newcomers come in, we old people always have some benefits? For example, new battlefield expansion packs or something, otherwise how will newcomers catch up and upgrade?"

Another elf player spat hard and said, "Fart, you take it for granted. This game is different from the previous games. The previous games were about how to retain players and how to balance the gap between players." , What about this game? Do you need to keep people, do you need to care about the perception of ordinary players like us, do you need it? No, so, the probability of newcomers coming in is the same as ours. It’s possible to take off.”

The third dwarf player heard it and shouted: "Wouldn't it be that we will never be able to catch up?"

"No way!", the elf player said angrily, "This is a big shop bully. I really hope that a game of the same type will come out to compete with it. Oh, I'm so anxious that I will quit!"

Retirement and the like, that is, Fang Fangzui's first fun, no one will take it seriously, even if he is a beggar in the game, he is still a player, the lucky few among the 70 billion people have both money and career. With status and face, who can give up?
The elf player looked at the expressions on the faces of several people, and said bitterly, "It's your attitude that makes Canaan Company push forward and don't take us seriously. Every time there is trouble, it hasn't made a name for itself , just because of tasks, time, making money, spawning monsters, and giving up halfway. If this continues, the tail of Canaan Company will be raised to the sky, and we can only be slaves."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dwarf player looked at his attribute panel, "Damn it, I don't know when my stamina is fully recovered. I wasted a few minutes. Work, work, let's talk after work."

After finishing speaking, he got up, picked up his shovel, and went straight to the mine that he had already spotted.

Now the orc player was unhappy, "I said, this position is mine!"

"Your? Did you write your name?" The dwarf player raised his shovel, disapproving.

"Hey, didn't you see that I marked it?", the orc player was anxious.

"did not see it!"

"Your uncle!"

Just like that, the two people who were standing in the same camp denouncing the shady scenes of the game a moment ago started arguing and cursing because of a mine position. The elf player sat for a while with an indifferent expression on his face, then sighed resignedly, and picked up his own Mine shovel, go to Canaan Company as a 'slave'.

Mining day and night, the elf player finally collected enough money, and bought a green wristband that he urgently needed from the unscrupulous equipment dealer. The combat power increased by 50 points, and he was about to touch the threshold of 800, which is the threshold for entering the battlefield. up.

The goal is right in front of him, and the spontaneous desire makes him clean and clean, and he is extremely difficult to move towards this goal that has pinned his hope of turning around.

Two days later, the combat power of 800 was finally reached, and the level had already been surpassed. Without a title or a cloak, he rushed to the Alpha plane to sign up with his red eyes staring.

After successfully registering, seeing that he was still at the front of the queue, he sighed with sadness and satisfaction, as if he had completed a major event in his life, he went offline with satisfaction.

After waking up in the game cabin in reality, the moment I opened my eyes, I was put into a dark and sweet sleep. This sleep can be described as dark and dark, and I didn’t wake up until around 4 o’clock in the afternoon the next day.

It is convenient for a single dog to be in a wandering and rootless city. He gets up first to serve his already hungry and unconscious stomach. When he walks into the kitchen, he hallucinates as soon as his eyes are dark.

He didn't panic, just stood there and waited for the hallucination to pass, quickly cooked a pot of noodles for himself, took a large bowl of noodles and sat in front of the computer, devouring them hungrily while reading posts on the forum.

Experience exchange posts, trading posts, gossip posts, etc. on the demon battlefield are often browsed, as well as equipment rankings, characters and equipment information on the level rankings. It’s really... delicious to eat with these things.

It has been 10 game days since the big counterattack of the expansion piece. The rest period is over. NPCs began to release the strategy tasks everywhere. The big scene where hundreds of thousands of players gathered is gone. It is divided into dozens of directions. A city and resource points occupied by hostile camps, on the huge map of the abyss on the 97th floor, there are more and more red dots on the marked war icon, centered on the relay station and the city of the demon realm, the spreading sparks are on this map On the huge map is a prairie fire.

How many tasks, how many merits, how much equipment, how much combat power, how much experience...

He angrily took a mouthful of noodles and continued to watch.

There is also news of 6 tests.

The news released on the official website has been rummaged for a long time, and I suddenly saw a new one. If you find a treasure, click on it quickly.

It is expected that the fifth test will end after conquering the successor station (the capital of the original 97-layer abyss plane), and the 6th test will start immediately. On the premise of not interfering with the normal game and business activities of players, the new technology updated online will be built and opened in an orderly manner. The game server will be expanded again to accommodate more players and tourists to experience the magical second world online. ...

There is a lot of nonsense, and elf players only focus on what they need.

It also said above that the access issue in the battlefield that everyone is concerned about will usher in major adjustments during the 6th test period. The original entry frame and restrictions for the purpose of protecting players will be temporarily cancelled. Inaugural players can go to the battlefield for rapid development and accumulation, but the focus of the 5th test will no longer be the abyss battlefield, but the enhancement of the gameplay in the game area... The minions of the alliance of gods and the coalition forces of human nations are already here The border of the southern city may cross the line at any time to invade the game area and the spiritual home of the vast number of players.

Damn, it's finally being canceled.

But I managed to reach the target with great difficulty. Doesn't this mean doing useless work?
OK, play me, right?

The elf player didn't know whether to be happy or resentful, and took another big mouthful of noodles, his cheeks were sore from chewing.

Out of sight, out of mind, I closed the official website and browsed in the gossip section again.

[280 gold, 280 gold, the alchemist's admission certificate was auctioned at a sky-high price in Punk City, and all the professional players in life gave everything for it]

I rely on!

Hurry up and click in.


On the second floor of the Baldwin family cemetery dungeon, with the fall of BOSS Del Baldwin, the long-awaited (Gold Medal [-]) system prompt has finally been obtained.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao happily hugged each other to celebrate, Xiao Niao Yiren and Xiao Ma, who had already died and returned to the city, screamed ghostly in the team channel, and the barbarians at level 35 gathered and scattered, only grinning silly...

Not easy.

Even if there are two masters and masters on the combat power rankings, the second level has to be repeated three times before barely clearing the level, mainly because of cooperation, either there is a problem here, or there is a problem there. The problem is the most. If it weren't for the fact that he and the two thighs belonged to the same family, Xiaoniaoyiren and the crazy dismounted brother would have kicked him out of the team long ago.

The family channel sent a congratulatory message, and Yijiang Chunshuiliu spread the word on the world channel, celebrating the promotion of three members of the family to the third-level professional Lingjue.

After the excitement, Du Shiyu was the first to calm down, and called his teammates to talk to Del Baldwin's fallen soul. As he wished, he received the follow-up mission from Bob Baldwin, the former lord of Buck City.

There is a third and last level in the dungeon, but it is no longer a dungeon for promotion and assessment, but a content of adventure, treasure hunting, and drops. The final boss, Earl Baldwin, is said to be a pervert no less than a lizard. Now the player's strength is needless to think about, but I heard that the first master in the legend, the guy who even hid his ID is forming a "first day group" to challenge the third level of the nightmare level, trying to outsmart Earl Baldwin Fali City, I don't know if it is true.

Leaving the dark, weird, depressing, and crazy environment of the dungeon, Buck City is bathed in the early morning sun, and the towering temples are ringing the worship bell, and many NPC aborigines and players are sending their prayers in twos and threes. Temple collection.

The solemn atmosphere of religion is extremely strong at this moment. After suffering countless losses, even the most escaped players will be honest and responsible at this time.

The team gathered near the entrance of the dungeon, chatted excitedly, and went to exchange for the [Ling Jue] cloak.

The meritorious businessman is so cute at this moment. His fat, smiling face is sometimes like the God of Plague, and sometimes like the God of Wealth. When he has meritorious deeds, he can say anything. The root of the tooth is itchy, which makes people hate, but there is nothing to do with him.

"Oh, let me see, let me see, two beautiful ladies, you have really passed the test of the fallen White Walkers... This is really good, we rebelled against the ignorant rule of the gods, smashed an old world, The power to build a new world has grown a little bit, and the leader of the legion will be very happy... Ling Jue? No problem, I have various styles of Ling Jue cloaks here, blue, red, green, luxurious, Introverted, flamboyant..."

When the cloak reaches the third level, you can choose multiple styles. You don’t want to be stereotyped like Chaofan and Chuchen, and you can also have various customizations and changes that show your personality. You only need to pay a little... yes, just a little (the meritorious merchant’s original words) fees, the Association of Alchemists and Enchanters is happy to meet the reasonable demands of ladies and gentlemen.

Xia Miaomiao thought he was farting, and couldn't wait to open the exchange interface, and directly turned to the page for cloak exchange. Ling Jue's cloak was divided into more than a dozen styles and listed one by one.

There are different models for men and women. Men should be bigger, rough and sharp, and women should be more graceful and beautiful. On this basis, you can also add ID abbreviations, family gang slogans and advertisements, and show love to someone. Food and so on, but the most expensive thing is to embroider the badges of nobles and fiefs, the logos of nobles and military ranks, etc.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu would not spend such unjust money. The style of the cloak had been chosen long ago, and they couldn't wait to exchange it immediately.

No matter what level of cloak it is, it is 400 meritorious service. The difference is that as long as the combat strength and level of the supernatural and dust cloaks are up to the standard, everyone can exchange them. Lingjue is different. The gold medal becomes a mandatory requirement, otherwise there will not be so many people. How much money, experience, and feats would be worth in exchange for wasting so much time in the dungeon of the Baldwin family's purpose?
The gold content of Ling Jue's cloak is unquestionable. The diversion of players is strictly enforced from this stage. Only with gold medals can there be a cloak. Without gold medals, even if the combat power and level meet the standards, there is no.

Different styles of Lingjue cloaks focus on different attributes. The cloak exchanged by Xia Miaomiao has the agility, speed of fire and range necessary to conquer a ranger. The basic attack attribute is higher, and the enhancement to +3 is almost three times that of the original cloak.

That is, the enhancement level cannot be inherited.

As soon as the cloak was put on, the combat power jumped to 6417. Before Xia Miaomiao waited for her best friend, she took out 10 third-level cloak enhancement stones that she had prepared earlier, and went straight to the enhancement NPC.

[Ding, the enhancement was successful, and I got [Ling Jue Cloak +1], Combat Power Score +51]

[Ding, the enhancement was successful, and I got [Ling Jue Cloak +2], Combat Power Score +109]

[Ding, the enhancement was successful, and I got [Ling Jue Cloak +3], Combat Power Score +233]


He succeeded in strengthening three times in a row. It's really shit luck. The total combat power score has risen to 6650, and there are still 3 enhancement stones left. The strong impulse makes Xia Miaomiao want to continue to strengthen.

Fortunately, the best friend found out and pulled her back.

"Are you crazy? Strong 4 only has a 30% success rate"

"...I feel that I am lucky now, and I will definitely succeed, but there are not enough strengthening stones, and there is only one more!"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, her best friend is a gambler, sometimes she looks like a gambler, but maybe it is because of her character that she has come to where she is today?
No matter what she said, she would not let her continue to be strong, Xia Miaomiao could only give up regretfully, and gave her the remaining 3 stones.


Xiao Hei suddenly appeared, staring blankly at the enhancement stone. Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes and shook the stone in her hand, "Xiao Hei, do you want it? Let me make a wish once and I will give it to you." How about it?"

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu have prayed many times in the past few days, and the prayers have also ranged from difficult "magic costumes" to adding a little luck, but they all failed. The 16 gold was in vain. Miao almost vomited blood.

"Meow!" Xiao Hei actually nodded.

Du Shiyu gave it a [level 3 cloak strengthening stone], Xiao Hei took it and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

[Ding, your pet has gained 2 talent points, and the hidden attribute of the talent value is enabled]

[Ding, the degree of compatibility (favorability value) between you and Doraemon has increased by 5]

Du Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and Xia Miaomiao yelled, "The wish is successful, and I will get the BUFF of 'the success rate of the next reinforcement +85%', which lasts for 2 hours, Xiao Yu!"

Say the other side.

Xiaoniaoyiren and the crazy pony brother exchanged their cloaks, left the team tacitly, and walked into an unoccupied side hall of the Temple of Kelemvor, the God of Death.

Xiao Niaoyiren slowly turned into the appearance of the devil Tracy, giggling and staring at the thick cloth curtain in front of her.

Crazy Little Pony is expressionless.

The black pharaoh came out from behind the curtain, nodded at the two of them, and made way for the passage behind them.

The central demon Tracy twisted her snake-like lower limbs, and was the first to swim in.

Once inside, a passionate and magnetic black voice came over.

"It's time to leave, comrades, it's time to break through the siege and teach those people a lesson..."

 1 group is blocked, please add 2 groups 792663562
(End of this chapter)

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