This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 375 Where to Go

Chapter 375 Where to Go
In the middle of the night, Yu Qingdong was awakened by the piercing ringtone of his mobile phone.

"What? I'll be right there!"

Getting up in a hurry, my wife asked what happened.This
After finally going home, he left without paying the public rations?

There is no need to keep this matter a secret from his wife. There is something wrong with Beimi, and he has to rush to the company to deal with it immediately.

My wife is even more dissatisfied. North America has banned the sale. What can happen? It's a lie.

Yu Qingdong had no intention of entangled with her, and left the house with a few perfunctory words.

The driver, Xiao Liu, was already waiting outside the villa, along with his security team. A group of seven or eight people took two commercial vehicles and rushed to the company at full speed.

In the car, Yu Qingdong learned about the 'serious riot' incident in Beimi.

Externally, it can only be characterized as 'riot'. For some reason, the Americans hid the truth of the incident and instead sought 'help' from Huaguo through secret channels.

Speaking of help, in fact, there are more elements of threat. After all, it is the collective and extremely serious disease of so many players, which also "infected" the entire base, and then a "prison break" similar to biochemical crisis occurred. It was sent from the scene According to the pictures and videos, the players in Beimi are more seriously affected than those in Huaguo, and the Canaan game rules and content show signs of being "infected" by reality.

If this kind of truth is announced, it will coincide with the critical period of the sixth test, and it will definitely deal a heavy blow to Canaan's international sales. The accompanying conspiracy theories, the theory of alien forces leading the way, and the theory of spiritual consciousness viruses... will definitely The hustle and bustle on it brought a major blow to Huaguo's international reputation.

Damn, it happened at this juncture.

Yu Qingdong still can't get involved in such a big event, he needs more 'technical' analysis and suggestions to explain the reason for such a serious 'lesion' in Beimi.

"...maybe it's an exacerbation of game mechanics and content invasion reality caused by excessive concentration of players?"

In the video, a scientist who switched careers to specialize in occultism and Canaan issues puts forward his own point of view, "We have observed the distribution of players in China and the development trend of 'pathology', and we have come to a conclusion that the more players are concentrated, the more 'pathological' The greater the possibility, the wider the scope of the 'lesions', as for the severity of the 'lesions', it is related to the online and offline encounters of the players."

"Desire to be dissatisfied with the status quo?" another occult expert added.

"Yes... like Beimi, simply and rudely putting players into concentration camps, restricting and imprisoning personal freedom, and forcing them to participate in various human experiments will inevitably cause strong psychological and behavioral needs and desires to change the status quo. Dissatisfaction To a certain extent, Canaan’s mechanism and content invasion speed will accelerate and deepen, and when accumulated to a certain extent, it is even foreseeable to reproduce part of Canaan’s game environment in reality.”

"It's incredible!"

"Existence is reasonable, it has already happened, we need to deduce its internal root and law according to its phenomenon and cause..."

At this time, Yu Qingdong said, "These can be studied later, everyone, the senior management is still waiting for our analysis."

The occult experts in the video were silent for a while, and an expert in his forties who had fully moved closer to occultism, with a full set of dark clothes and cloaks, and even his face hidden under the hood, said: "The stronger the suppression, the stronger the suppression." The more intense the resistance will come, we must take it as a warning and never learn from Beimi's practice."

"If you want to help Beimi control the situation, maybe online?"

"Yes, proper appeasement and guidance are better than blind coercion and suppression."

"Currently, is it possible that there will be ... problems like Beimi in China?" In the video, a representative of the secretary asked.

"It's unlikely, but it can't be ruled out. We must monitor the extremists among the players and those who are strongly dissatisfied with the reality and the status quo. These people are unstable factors. The upcoming 6th test will exclude these people. "

"I see." The secretary representative nodded.

During the video conference, the team had already arrived at Canaan’s headquarters, and the International Department and the Marketing Department had already rushed to the company to start working overtime because of the sudden accident. Appearance problem.

For example, the impact on the image of Canaan Games, crisis public relations, response to domestic and international public opinion, how to unify the caliber, legal issues, etc.

"How serious is the situation in Beimi? Now rumors are flying all over the sky, saying that even fighter jets and tanks and armored forces have been used...Lao Mi has suffered such a big loss, won't he vent his anger on us?"

An executive who knew the inside story stayed after the meeting and asked Yu Qingdong quietly.

"Why are you inquiring about this? Go and do your thing."

"I understand, I understand!", the executive laughed and left.

As soon as this side left, troubles came over there.

"Mr. Yu, South Africa has clearly rejected our request to expand operations."

"What, isn't it close to a deal?"

"The other party said it was because of security concerns and asked us to show more sincerity."

"Damn it... the profit of the branch is reserved for these... Forget it, is there any more?"

"Maybe South America also..."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu Argentina is holding an emergency meeting. I heard that it is related to our company..."

"... News from Africa... I heard that they are planning a large-scale protest, demanding that we reveal the truth about the Canaan game..."

"There are also problems in South Asia and Southeast Asia..."

Damn it, this is really a crisis across the board.

Yu Qingdong was in a state of desperation, the marketing department, the international department, the legal department... and a group of people who couldn't disclose their identities were busy going around. Bad news came one by one, and the situation was extremely serious.

The benefits and benefits brought by Canaan are no longer enough to cover up the problems it may bring. For one reason or another, whether it is for public interests or selfish reasons, all places in the world have turned red lights on Canaan. The cloud player organization and hardcore fans of the game began to be suspicious, and turned to ask Canaan Games to announce the truth-what kind of impact the game will have on people's physical and mental health.

However, the country was peaceful, and there were some people who brought the news from the external network, but they didn't cause any waves.

Every time there is a new test, there will be such and such moths. There are nearly 70 living examples in front of us. The domestic people only regard them as low-level means to discredit and spread rumors and demand concessions in terms of game qualifications.

But this time is different!

People have the handle and evidence. If this is made public, there will be no room for denial.


The top management is still in a meeting, what Yu Qingdong is most worried about is not Beimi, but whether the country will back down because of this 'accident' of Beimi...

No, you can't sit still and contact Zero.

When the application report was typed up, I thought it would take a lot of effort to approve it when it was so sensitive, and it was approved as soon as the report was handed in before it arrived first.

Yu Qingdong had no time to think about the mysteries inside. After contacting No. [-], he talked about the latest incident with some anxiety.


"Chairman, the situation is not very good now. The Americans have been picking on us all the time. This time, we finally got the evidence..."

"According to what you said, they should have had this evidence long ago. Why did they have to wait until something happened to blackmail you?"


This point was ignored by Yu Qingdong, or it can be said that he didn't pay much attention to it before...

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. If you want to talk about the evidence, the Americans have already mastered it. So many players are locked up in concentration camps for secret research and experiments under their control. Why do you have to wait until this time to get it? come out?
"You talk to them first. I only need one requirement. The overall situation of the 6 tests cannot be affected. The minimum requirement of 500 million people online must be met."

"Ah, 500 million?"

"Why is there a problem?"

There are problems, of course there are problems.

Yu Qingdong wanted to say that there are only 200 million quotas in China, and 100 million of them have to share the risk overseas. This is far from the minimum requirement of 500 million, but can the country agree?
This is how to do.

"If you can't finish it, I can only find a few more operators." Zero said threateningly.

Yu Qingdong said quickly, we will find a way, we will study it and give you an answer.

He didn't get support or concessions from No. [-], but took a difficult task instead, and the pressure on Yu Qingdong became even greater.

Sure enough, at noon, I suddenly received a notice asking Canaan to suspend the preparation and publicity of the 6th test, and wait for the notice when it will resume.

This, this... The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

In the afternoon, I took the initiative to contact you on the zero day and asked how the minimum requirement was discussed.

At the same time, it also sent Yu Qingdong a Yahoo international email address, which was suddenly the mailing address registered by No. [-] in Beimi, which meant something self-evident.

This is not just a threat, but a serious one.

At 6:6 p.m., Yu Qingdong was notified to go to Yanjing to attend an emergency meeting. After the meeting, the interrupted [-]th test preparation and publicity work resumed. At the same time, it was heard that a secret delegation from Beimi had arrived in Yanjing.

He didn't sleep all night.

The next morning, a person in charge of Project Zero talked to him and revealed some content of the negotiations.

"Death..." Yu Qingdong suddenly realized, "How many places does the American want?"

"Quota? People's appetite is more than that. They require the operation and management authority of Canaan Games overseas."

"What!?", Yu Qingdong was shocked, "This is impossible!"

"Don't agree? They will call an enlarged meeting of the Security Council soon and pour dirty water over it. How can you resist?"

Yu Qingdong was silent for a moment, and tentatively said, "Can... we announce the truth in advance and hold the initiative in our hands?"

"What truth, you say, what truth?"

"It's, it's..."

"Is Canaan a game? Who is the producer of Canaan? Why do unscientific things like games invade reality, affect reality, and change the player's body and consciousness... How do you explain this?"

Yu Qingdong argued: "But this time Zero is serious, and it is impossible for us to give up on Canaan, not to mention 70 players, but to say that there are too many things involved, too many..."

The person in charge sighed, "These higher-ups don't know that we are now riding a tiger, like a fish, eating the bait bit by bit, and trying to spit it out again, it will hurt our muscles and bones."

"Even if we give up, what happened still happened, the impact has already been caused, and there is no way to change it... You can't go to the hostile side with No. [-], right?"

"It's impossible to give up. In this way... you can feed back the American's request to No. [-] and see what he says."

"If Number Zero agrees, we... can we really initiate overseas operations?"

"Excuse the sky and pay back the money on the spot. I don't think this secret will be kept for long. Everyone who knows should know. This reincarnation project may be a breakthrough point."

"You mean..."

In fact, the truth is far from being as serious as it appears on the surface. It seems that once the secret is leaked, Canaan will be ruined. Compared with the base of 70 billion, 500 million is nothing. There are more than this people who play extreme sports in the world. A few, the secret is revealed, maybe it will make Canaan more popular with certain groups.

Foreign countries are not as stable as domestic ones. Capital, warlords, strongmen, separatists, etc., can resist the temptation of the "rebirth project"?Can you stand the fear between life and death?Can you serve the public wholeheartedly and worry about the country and the people?Are they all saints who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the public?
These alone are enough for Canaan Games.

But these are of no help to Canaan Company or him, Yu Qingdong, and it is in the interests of No. [-] and not in his and the company's interests.

In other words, No. Zero still has a way to go. If it breaks up in two, Yu Qingdong and Canaan Company will be the most unlucky, and Umbrella Company may be ruined.

"Overseas operating rights? All right, you guys get it done as soon as possible!"

No. Zero ended the communication with just such a sentence, and Yu Qingdong felt extremely chilled by his tone of indifference or even disregard for the interests of Canaan Company.

"Our counter-offer is the right to operate Beimi."

In the middle of the night, the person in charge of Project Zero asked him to take a seat with a tired face. "The American people's request covers their traditional allies plus Europe. The Europeans somehow knew about it and jumped out to oppose it... This is completely messed up."

"The secret..."

"Don't worry, they are more worried about news leakage than we are now, let's wait until they come to a conclusion."

It seems that it is imperative to give up part of the benefits.

Canaan Company might be split because of this.

Yu Qingdong was mentally prepared. He couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or what. He returned to the company with a complicated mood and sat slumped on the boss alone, staring at the ticking clock on the wall, in a daze until dawn.

Ordinary people and players have no idea of ​​the undercurrent that is happening. They are still immersed in the grand event that the 5th test is about to end and the 6th test is about to start. They are waiting for the release of new game qualifications with great anticipation and praying for full Blessed by God and Buddha, I can win the lottery.

Foreign cloud player organizations and associations are also rejoicing.

Singing and dancing, and a great situation, who would know that Canaan Games has reached an extremely critical crossroads?

Maybe not just for Canaan games.

(End of this chapter)

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