Chapter 376
"Did you find out that the mainstream media didn't report on the 6th test?"

"That's what you said... yes, but why?"

"I don't know, but I read the news a few days ago. Canaan Company paid 8000 billion yuan in taxes and profits in half a year, which is equivalent to a tobacco monopoly bureau. But tobacco monopoly is a state-owned enterprise with a unique business. Strictly speaking, Canaan Company is It may be too eye-catching for a privately held private company to make so much money in the past six months."

"That's right, it's time to punish them. They are lawless, and the store bullies customers."

"The public opinion in the past few months has not been very good for the Canaan game. I am afraid that something will change in this test."

"Well, even if there is something wrong, it won't happen to us. At most, it's something wrong with the game qualification. It happens every time, and I'm used to it."

In the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Dawudu, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were sitting in the waiting area of ​​the VIP room, and a group of auditors and accountants were sweating profusely handling their business.

Because the amount involved is too large, a series of issues such as offline and online remittance procedures, audits, and tax amounts are very troublesome, so it has been more than two hours, and the vice president of the bank is still on the phone Scheduling with the head office, it seems that some policy has changed again.

The two of them were bored waiting, so they sat together and chatted together.

"Where's Xiao Hei? Why don't you see him?"

"Shh, how dare I let him out of this kind of place?"

"What's the matter, who knew it was a 'game cat', haha, the game cat is quite appropriate."

"Shut up, keep your voice down."

"Are you afraid of being arrested and researched? Well, there are so many strange things now, one more is not too many, one less is not much, the so-called law does not blame the public."

"You also know that there are many strange things?"

"How fresh, I thought I only knew about liver explosions, so I didn't hear anything out of the window? I also participated in a secret forum, which was full of strange things that happened to players and around them. I also knew the inside story of the last physical examination. Not to mention just pretending to be confused."

"Uh...then do you have any on you?"

"It's strange to say, why don't I have any on my body? Instead, I feel that my body is very good, and I feel delicious, quack, is this considered a talent?"

"See what you can do."

"It is said that the game has signs of being 'overdone' to reality. The so-called Chinese Academy of Sciences must be... Well, the technology of Canaan games may exceed the earth's dimension. The separation between games and reality is actually not so unbreakable. In the future, there will be Maybe you can bring the levels, skills, props, and equipment in the game to reality. Isn’t there a sign on you? Xiao Hei is the proof... In other words, when will you take me to the monsters, see if you can open them The aura of the protagonist on me? In reality."

"You..." Du Shiyu was speechless because of the big heart of her best friend, and the big things became small and positive things to her. Perhaps it was because of this special system that those strange things have never happened Find her?

While talking, the bank finally finished the formalities. This time, after paying high taxes and handling fees, the two people remitted the amount from online to offline, and there was still nearly [-] million left... per person!
"Haha, she will be a billionaire soon, are you happy or surprised?"

"If you have too much money, it's just a number."

As the Bonus Dragon and the bonuses obtained on the battlefield have been exhausted one after another, out of basic risk diversification considerations, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao remitted half of their net worth to reality and exchanged it for soft sister coins to ward off possible risk.

This half of their net worth has already made them billionaires. In the true sense, the freedom of wealth that has reached the standard no matter what standard is used has finally arrived. Du Shiyu found that she was not as excited as she imagined...

"That's right, it's just a string of numbers." Xia Miaomiao replied with a smile while happily signing various forms.

The vice president wiped his sweat and served the whole process with a smiling face. Finally, he asked the two rich women to deposit the money with them. The two of them didn't care.

Enjoying the meticulous and thoughtful service, a morning has passed like this. The reasonable and legal income has made Xia Miaomiao crazy about shopping, and finally freed up the offline time. How can I not enjoy it?
"Don't go!", Du Shiyu's nerdy fit, just wanting to lie down at home during this precious rest time, "You bought so many things and never used them once, did you forget?"

"We're going to buy a house. We're tired of living in a big villa or a small apartment. We want the one with a swimming pool."

"I'm not interested. The house is too big to live alone, and it's troublesome to clean."

"You, you, live in a big villa and clean it yourself, please hire a servant."

"Do you feel relieved to let someone you don't know live at home?"

"This one……"

"It's better to live in an apartment. It's more convenient to be smaller. I don't want to make a fuss. Besides, do you have time to move?"

"I really convinced you, so what's the use of earning so much money, lying in the bank and eating interest? You can't eat all the interest?"

"I'm going to share some with my parents, how about you?"

"My family...forget it, don't talk about it, what are you going to do next? Go home and lie down?"


"Yes, let's go to the Players Association, it's very interesting."


"Just don't reveal the game ID, if you are afraid of trouble"

"OK then."

Wudu's Players' Association is a semi-official organization, similar in nature to the Writers' Association. By default, every player is a member of it, but most players don't know that they belong to this organization, which shows that its sense of existence is extremely weak.

On the contrary, some players have turned this association into a club-like loose organization, regularly organizing salons, game information exchange meetings, etc., and only those with membership qualifications are allowed to participate. The change is like engaging in underground work.

Xia Miaomiao made a few phone calls, found the nearest party address, took Du Shiyu to buy a whole outfit first, put on makeup, and drove a luxury car that hadn't been driven a few times since she bought it, all the way Go straight to Hankou.

The bright sunshine, the picturesque street scene, reality and games are another kind of extreme, Xia Miaomiao is humming a song, holding the steering wheel with one hand and stroking the black cat in the arms of her best friend with the other, "Meow", Xiao Hei blows his hair , bared his teeth.

"Xiao Hei, this is your reward!"

"What are you doing!"

"I don't see him eating anything, so try this."

"Who... cats eat this."

"Man, you actually said that he..."


"Okay, okay, you're the human and I'm the cat, okay?"


"Ah, don't bite me...Xiao Yu!!"

[Ding, probability of biting state: bad luck +2, lasts for 24 hours. 】

During Xia Miaomiao's petrochemical process, he almost rear-ended the sprinkler in front of him. Du Shiyu said he deserved it, who told you to tease him?
"Xiao Hei!", Xia Miaomiao gritted her teeth, at this moment, a child crossing the road suddenly appeared in the center of vision, Du Shiyu screamed: "Be careful, Xia Miaomiao slammed the steering wheel, amidst the screeching sound of tires rubbing, Millions of luxury convertibles crashed into the guardrail with a bang. Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts, but they were almost suffocated by the inertia.

The A-pillar was deformed, and the door couldn't be pushed open. Xia Miaomiao was about to cry, but at this moment, she smelled a burnt smell.

Du Shiyu: The circuit is on fire!
Xia Miaomiao: Xiao Hei!


[Ding, Du Shiyu's wish is successful, and your bad luck will be lifted]

The sprinkler at the back followed up in time, and the sanitation worker saw the front of the car on fire, without saying a word, picked up the water hose and sprayed it over, the water jet extinguished the fire circuit, and turned the two into drowned chickens, and climbed out of the skylight in embarrassment come out.


Xiao Hei followed behind Du Shiyu innocently.

The elevated road behind was blocked, and many people got out of the car and pointed at this side.

Now the Players Association can't go.

Xia Miaomiao thanked the sanitation worker, and gritted her teeth when she came back and said, "Go home, go home!"

Du Shiyu cleaned up the mess on her body and rolled her eyes.

"Xiao Hei, wait for me!"


One person and one cat glared at each other, and the congested vehicles passed by slowly, but few people sympathized, and many people gloated about their misfortune. Some people leaned out of the car window and whistled at the two curvy beauties.

"Beauty, you have a good figure!"

Xia Miaomiao pointed her middle finger back.

"Okay, you stop the meeting!" Du Shiyu was extremely uncomfortable being surrounded by such a mess, wishing he could hide behind the car and not come out.

By the time this traffic accident was dealt with, it was already noon, and the rare time to relax and play was wasted on various procedures. The car didn't matter, and the loss from insurance would not be much. With the two rich and powerful, it was only a drop in the bucket.

When I got home, Xia Miaomiao fell on the leather sofa, "Xiao Yu, I understand you now, it's better to stay at home comfortably."

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes and went to take a shower and change clothes.

"Where does this look like a place where billionaires live?"

"No, I'm going to have fun, I'm going to have sex, I'm going to a nightclub to let my little brother undress..."



"Damn cat, bully me with your master, okay, just wait for me."


"Xiao Yu, is the cat delicious steamed or braised?"

"Xiao Hei, I'll count to one, two, three and you go bite her!"


Xia Miaomiao closed the door with force, and heaved a long sigh of relief. She was really afraid of Xiao Hei, good and bad spirits, if she got bad luck +2 on her, she would be doomed .

Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I stayed at home and surfed the Internet after taking a shower and changing clothes.

I don't want to go online, once I go online, there are endless things. Is it okay to relax for a day and lie in the game room every day? Although it feels good, but psychologically, I feel that my body is rusted.

Time slipped away while chatting with sand sculpture netizens on the Internet, and when I realized that my best friend and Xiao Hei were not there, it was almost dark outside.

"Are you not taking me with you!?"

The best friend must have taken Xiao Hei out again to 'spawn monsters'. I don't know why, but he just didn't want to bring himself. I mentioned it to her a few times, but she was perfunctory. Being released as a pigeon, could it be said that today's car accident was also intentional?What is Xiao Yu doing without telling herself?
Curiosity couldn't be suppressed, Xia Miaomiao laughed, took out her mobile phone and installed a small software to locate the location of her best friend, and ten minutes later, she dressed up and went out.

In the evening, the sky turned gloomy, and it looked like a torrential rain. The air pressure was very low. Qiuhu lived up to its reputation. It was almost winter, and it was still so sweltering.

The car entered the repair shop, Xia Miaomiao swept a shared electric car, rode it unfamiliarly, and tracked down the location of her best friend.


On the screen of the mobile phone, the flickering dots of light finally entered a large hospital. Xia Miaomiao parked near the hospital, put on her peaked cap and facial scarf, and only her eyes were exposed.

Walking into the side entrance of the hospital from the small path, the guards and security guards were so absorbed in watching TV that they didn’t even notice a large living person walking past them. Only a vague figure could be seen.

The lights in the building were dim and hazy. A man in a hospital gown slammed into the lamppost straight up and fell straight down.

The pale, pale uniforms of doctors and nurses are like monsters, 'patrolling' along a fixed route, the open entrances of each building are dark, and mysterious whispers are vaguely heard.

Xia Miaomiao was not afraid, but something awakened in her body, making her steps more vigorous and powerful, making her spirit and consciousness more clear and firm, and making his eyes more sharp and direct... ... Unconsciously, she touched her back with her hand, but it was empty, which made her realize that this was offline, not online.


Only then did she realize that the environment she was in had become very abnormal. The entire hospital was sealed off by an invisible force. On the street tens of meters away, traffic flowed and people came and went, but they could not disturb or affect the interior of the hospital at all. .

Xia Miaomiao also saw a taxi stop at the entrance of the hospital. The people who got out obviously came to seek medical treatment, but the moment they entered the gate, their expressions became confused, and then they turned around and got back into the taxi, and left in a hurry .

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Xia Miaomiao licked her lips excitedly, looked around a few times, broke off a branch from the tree, and tore off the bark to make a crude short bow.

[Ding, congratulations on mastering carpenter skills]

[Ding, successfully made a simple log short bow]

[Ding, you are equipped with a simple log bow]

[Short wooden short bow, quality gray, weight 1, durability 3/3, physical attack power 0-1...]

He chose a few straight branches and made some arrows. Holding such a simple bow and arrow, Xia Miaomiao's strong self-confidence returned to Xia Miaomiao.

Walking along the cobblestone path in the dense fog in the hospital at a standard search and alert pace, the mobile phone died, and the position of the best friend on the screen had not moved for a while, Xia Miaomiao's goal was the outpatient building directly in front of him.

Suddenly, she felt danger approaching from behind. Although she was conscious, her body's reaction was slowed down a few beats, and then she felt a pain in her back, and she rolled out of danger. Turning around, she saw that it was a black crow with glowing eyes.


More crows emerged and stood on the branches, layer upon layer, densely packed, pale figures appeared in the dense fog, Xia Miaomiao turned and ran away without saying a word.

Oops, it's too big.

Obviously, in reality, she does not have the strength in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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