Chapter 377
The light in the outpatient hall on the first floor can't dispel the strange thick fog. The light seems to shine through the water surface to the bottom of the water, so cold, dim and erratic.

Xia Miaomiao rushed into the entrance, turned around and closed the glass door, picked up a broom next to it, pinned the doorknob, jumped up the two steps leading to the second floor, avoided the attack from behind, fixed her eyes, In the outpatient hall on the first floor, there were still pale figures like walking corpses.

LV1 patient affected by the wraith, LV2 medical staff cursed by the wraith, LV3 puppet whose mind was eroded by the wraith, LV4 servant of the wraith, LV5 ghost killed by the wraith...

Thick, pale voices, swaying red dazzling IDs... A formless LV5 ghost, like a human shadow, screaming, jumped over the heads of the 'monsters' and rushed towards her in the air. Xia Miaomiao subconsciously An arrow shot out, but passed through its body.

'Ding, your attack is invalid'

Xia Miaomiao turned pale with shock, and remembered the sound of heavy footsteps behind her, so she had no choice but to jump forward.

This jump spanned a distance of four or five meters, and Olympic athletes would feel inferior. They landed firmly on a triage table, surrounded by densely packed 'monsters'.

A pale hand was placed on her shoulder from behind. Xia Miaomiao turned around and saw a pale face covered by a head of straight black hair. The eyes on this face were only the whites of the eyes, and the mouth was open. A large bowl can be stuffed into it, and her head will be swallowed in one bite.

"Ding, you have resisted the spiritual fear of LV5 wronged souls."

"Ding, at a time of crisis, you have realized 'absolute calm'"

"Ding, the spirit has resisted the mental erosion of the wronged soul, and the wronged soul has caused -2 ​​damage to you"

"Ding, you understand the primary enchantment damage"

"Ding, your counterattack caused -5 damage to the LV3 Wraith"

Under such circumstances, even if a normal person is not fainted by fright, his mind will definitely be corroded by wronged souls, and then he will be controlled, just like a hall filled with 'monsters'.

For a moment, Xia Miaomiao's mind went blank, and she subconsciously used a countermeasure against ghosts' close possession that had been honed in the game, and slapped her with a slap in the face with her shimmering right hand.


With a clear voice that only rang out in consciousness, the ghost of LV5 was fanned out by her, and the appearance of shock appeared.

Messy nurse's uniform, a big hole in the chest, empty organs inside, hands, feet and limbs are extremely twisted, it seems that what inhuman torture he suffered during his lifetime, his neck lost the ability to support weight, his head drooped on his shoulders, Xia Miao Miao's slap slapped its head from the left shoulder to the right, which was weird and fierce, which seemed a little funny.

"It's none of my business, I'm just listening to Dr. Liao Yishan, help me, I'm dying so badly!!"

Xia Miaomiao frowned, and all the monsters in the hall shouted, "I died so badly!"

"Ding, accept the mission: Investigate the truth behind the group abnormal incident in Handong Putian Hospital"

"Ding, affected by the initiator of the instance, you cannot kill any normal type of monsters."

Xia Miaomiao just jumped out from the siege and attack of LV1, LV2, and LV3, and stood on the iron fence above the toll gate. When she saw such a prompt, she thought, who is the initiator of the instance?Sure enough, it has the style of Xiaoyu.

Ordinary monsters are those who are affected, controlled, and cursed by the wraiths?

There are people on top of people and monsters on top of monsters. It's like shooting a zombie movie. They're all calling me a terrible death... The LV5 ghost is gone.

Xia Miaomiao spotted a chandelier more than ten meters away, leaped over the monster's head, stepped on the top of a 'monster' halfway, and used her strength to rise again, like a martial arts movie.

She giggled happily, becoming a 'Superman' in reality, and suddenly found a small head protruding from the elevator. What was rare was that there was no red monster logo on the head, but a green one.

"Help, help!"

Xia Miaomiao understood her mouth shape, twisted her waist in mid-air, and abruptly changed her direction. Leveraging her right hand on the column, her figure spun around the column twice like a windmill, and finally, with huge potential energy, she moved across the column. Across a distance of tens of meters, it landed at the door of the pharmacy from the extended arms of countless monsters.


"Sister Superman, Mom, Sister Superman!"

"Qing...Qing Gong!?"

There were still normal people in the hospital. Some survivors hid in this small room. After entering, Xia Miaomiao was surrounded by them, all talking excitedly...

"Stop, can anyone tell me what happened to this hospital?"

"I know, I know!" It's rare that a doctor in a white coat didn't turn into a monster. Xia Miaomiao's right leg was hugged by a snotty little kid, and the alloy door behind her was slammed by the monster. Noisy, "you say."

"Recently there was a medical disturbance...", the young doctor said.

"What kind of medical trouble? You put people to death, concealed the accident, shirked responsibility, and forced the orphans and widows to jump off the building with you!" An old man in a hospital gown shouted angrily in the crowd.

Xia Miaomiao was not surprised at all, it would be strange if there was no such thing.

The doctor said with evasive eyes, "Yeah, it's not all the responsibility of the hospital."

"Just because he has no money to pay for the operation, you just watch him die?" Another middle-aged woman shouted angrily.

The monsters outside all fell silent, and then shouted together again, I died so badly, so badly... The people in the room trembled after being frightened, and the little boy who hugged Xia Miaomiao's thigh came back again. There are two more.

"Heroine, help!"

"What heroine, superman, superman!"

"I think it's a cultivator... Immortal Elder, help me!"


"Mom, I want mom..."


What a mess!
Xia Miaomiao has one head and two big ones, the monsters outside can't be killed, and the people inside can't be beaten, what should she do, what should she do!

When he was at a loss, he suddenly saw a red light hidden in the crowd.

Xia Miaomiao was startled and observed quietly.

"I'm rich, I'm rich, I'll give you money, save me, I don't want to die, woo..."

"It's none of my business, don't care about my business, I'm just an intern..."

"Why don't you rescue us, do you want money..."

"My sister wants money. My sister is a bad person just like a doctor..."

"Doudou has no money, mother has money, mother doesn't know Doudou anymore, mother bites Doudou, woo woo..."


The door slammed, and the people inside became more and more excited, and gradually became abnormal. The red light appeared again, and Xia Miaomiao grabbed it.

"I've caught you!" The bow and arrow, which had no place to use until now, had a place to use.

As soon as the arrow was shot, a familiar feeling awakened in Xia Miaomiao's body.

[Ding, congratulations on understanding the introduction to archery]

Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, the mindless system reminds her that she is used to it, the 'log arrow' is shimmering, everything in the air seems to be still, and a face with a strange smile stands out from the crowd Come out, in the effect similar to bullet time, all movements become extremely slow, only thinking is still functioning normally.

[LV5 Possessed ghost killed by wronged soul]

The ghost was possessed by a woman in business clothes in her thirties, and an arrow hit her in the head, -33. In the first damage value, the ghost turned into a thick, pale shadow and was 'shot' by the arrow come out.


The people in the house screamed in horror.

"Why, why is everyone blaming me? I'm just a little nurse, I'm innocent"

"I'm so wronged to die!"

"Ah!!", a hysterical scream.

"You, you are Nurse Xia!", a man boldly said while looking at the nearly solid ghost.

"It's me, Brother Fang, remember that I changed your medicine, tell this person, is my death wronged or wronged!"

"Nurse Xia is in charge of taking care of the mother and child who jumped off the building..."

Wraith seems to be the mother and son.

Xia Miaomiao was unlucky and was in a hurry to get started. This 'dungeon' does not seem to be a brute force clearance mode, but to complete the plot by solving puzzles: "How come there is no news outside of such a big event like jumping off a building?"

Nurse Xia's wronged soul covered her bleeding, pale face with both hands: "The hospital bought family members and the media... It's not that I'm desperate to save you, I even persuaded Director Liao, life is at stake, how can you just watch The patient died...the mother and child knelt on the ground begging, their heads were bleeding, but the hospital...I can't help it, I'm just a nurse, I..."

The plot seems very simple, it should be enough to find the wraith and Director Liao.

Xia Miaomiao was about to ask, when all of a sudden, the actions and voices of everyone in the room seemed to be paused, everyone's expression changed to the same, and with a weird sneer, they all made one movement, that is, stood up , turned, and stared at Nurse Xia, "Is it true, is everything you said true? Are you really innocent?"

Nurse Xia's ghost screamed in horror, the whites of her two eyes burst, and thick black blood gushed out like a spring, "Forgive me..."

Wraith is coming!

It's really... scary!

Xia Miaomiao watched with great interest, isn't this just the plot, just follow the plot.

"Little girl, do you want to meddle in your own business?"

Everyone under the control of the resentful spirit sneered at Xia Miaomiao. It was really creepy to see, and then, Nurse Xia's ghost collapsed in a terrifying scream. the gap at.

[Ding, task: Investigate the truth behind the group abnormal incident in Handong Putian Hospital, complete it, gain 50 experience points]

[Ding, accept the mission: resolve the grievances of the mother and child, find the culprit, Liao Yishan, and save all those who were innocently involved]

The copy of this kind of story mode is the most annoying, it is a grind, it is not as happy as a real sword.

Xia Miaomiao said, "How can you let the people here go?"

Mother and child resentful spirit: "Liao Yishan, I only want Liao Yishan!"

"Is he there?"

"He escaped and I couldn't leave this hospital."

"So you hijacked the entire hospital and took everyone hostage!"

"Liao Yishan must die!"

There is no reason to talk to Wraith.

Xia Miaomiao had a bit of a headache, and her best friend didn't know what she was doing, was she also looking for this Liao Yishan?
With such a big fuss, how will it end tomorrow?

I feel that the recent strange things are showing signs of expansion and flooding.

Wraiths and ghosts now, what will be in the future?Canaan Company must be the first to bear the brunt of what role the player plays in it.

But whether the Canaan game will be... Forget it, let the big shots worry about such things.

"I'll help you find this Liao Yishan, don't hurt them, how about it?"

"Liao Yishan must die!"

"Yes, yes, yes, that guy must die, don't hurt them yet, I'll find Liao Yishan and give it to you to dispose of."

"Before dawn!"

As soon as the mother and child resentful spirits left, the whole room lay down on the ground in ignorance, and the 'little monsters' outside stopped making trouble. Xia Miaomiao opened the door and went out, and saw them wandering around like walking corpses again.

There should be some people, like Nurse Xia, who were revenged by the mother and son's resentful spirits.

Their souls after death also linger in this hospital, because they died abnormally, so...

Look at the little monsters and shout: My death was so miserable and unjust, it was affected by these ghosts, and they are also the only monsters that can be spawned in this instance.

But as soon as the mother and child resentful spirits came out, they hid. Xia Miaomiao went up to the second floor and saw that everything was empty. The smell in the air, the light, the dense fog, the unusable mobile phones and elevators... all showed this' Although the dungeon is in reality, it is out of reality, in the fuzzy area between the game and reality.

The ward on the third floor is connected to the operating room, and there is blood everywhere. The toilet in the women's bathroom is still emitting a bloody fountain, and clumps of hair are gushing out along with the blood. The wrath of the spirit.

What a tragedy!
Will people in the future be as unscrupulous as before?

It is said that there are gods above their heads. When there were no ghosts and gods, they only feared power and the law. Now they have another thing to fear!

What is fairness and justice?
Judging based on simple likes and dislikes, reasoning based on subconscious empathy...

Forget it, what do I think these are for, let the big shots worry about it.

Outside of the operation, there was a bloody mark on the knee that was shocking. It should have been left by the ghosts of the mother and child. The hospital should have been cleaned up, and the 'duplicate' restored it.

Mother and child resentful spirits, there should be two, where is the other one?

"It's a dead body with two lives!"


Du Shiyu finally appeared, and walked out of the dark corridor with Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Yu, you... found Liao Yishan?"

Du Shiyu shook her head, looked at the blood on her knees outside the operating room, with a sad and indignant expression, "She is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, and she was bleeding at that time... The child was born outside the operating room... a dead baby!"

As soon as he said a word, the entire outpatient building "swayed slightly".

"What kind of hospital is this? Are they still human?" Xia Miaomiao gritted her teeth angrily.

"Reality is often more exaggerated than fictional stories. We all live in our own information cocoons..."

"Don't generalize Xiaoyu!"

Du Shiyu took a deep breath, "I know"

"Where is that Liao Yishan?"

"I just went to his house, but I couldn't find it"

"What should I do?"

Du Shiyu looked down at Xiao Hei.


The black cat nodded, its amber cat eyes became extremely deep.

(End of this chapter)

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