"The era of the end of Dharma has finally passed, and Taoism is now holy, and our generation will be greatly prosperous!"

"Brother, brother, I recently meditated and visualized, and the feeling in it is really wonderful!"

"It's a pole, it's a pole"

"Good days are yet to come, drink!"

"Brother, the Great Sage teaches that every word and action should be restored to the ancient method... This is practice!"

"It's fucking annoying to chew on words every day!"

"Practice, practice!"

"Okay... that... go one, what does Gufa say?"

"Drink this cup full!"

"Then fucking... drink this cup to the brim!"

A barren mountain, a ruined temple (belonging to cultural relics and historic sites), three or four swindling wild Taoist priests, but within a dozen days of effort, they have transformed themselves.

The dilapidated temple has been rebuilt, and the dilapidated place has become "incense flourishing". The pilgrims and believers are really talking and laughing. There are merchants and high-ranking officials... The "Legend of the Rivers and Lakes" of the three wild Taoists with magical powers spread quietly, and more believers travel thousands of miles away. The 'navigation' came to the remote mountains.

There were no outsiders around, and the three brothers and sisters showed their breasts and their faces were flushed red from drinking. All the immortals and other worldly experts were thrown into the sky.

"Brother, what about Putian Hospital?"

"No hurry...why, is that Liao here?"

"Well, just wait outside."

"Haha, let him wait, that mother-child vicious spirit has quite some magic power, wait for it...wait for it... a drum, a drum..."

"Yes: one bang and then three exhaustion?"

"Yes, that's what it means. The third child is a college student, so he's fucking educated."

"Play, play, hey!"

"Yes, it's acting."

"The great sage taught that the prerequisite for Taoism to be holy is to cater to, what to cater to? To cater to history, culture, to cater to the personality set up by countless predecessors for thousands of years, to cater to the existing concepts and established imaginations of the world... otherwise we will stay in the What are you doing in a place where the birds don't shit, practice, this kind of place should be lived by an expert in this world..."

"Yes, yes, what the senior brother said is very true."

"When we have achieved success in Taoism, we don't have to be stuck in this situation. We can enter the world of mortals and experience it. It's also a practice... so-called, so-called... tell me, third child!"

"The big hermit hides in the city?"

"That's right, the big hermit is hiding in the city, and when the time comes, the young models in the clubhouse will walk up..."

The three brothers and sisters ate and drank happily inside, but one of them was walking around anxiously outside.

Putian Hospital is Liao Yishan's family business, and Wudu is an important part of the entire Putian family. As for the appearance, the promotion is too much.

But there are some fools who believe it. I believe that a private hospital can cure a disease that cannot be cured by a public tertiary hospital. Do you think this is Beimi?

Even if it's Beimi, poverty can't be cured, the most annoying thing is those entangled ones!

I run a hospital, not a philanthropic hall. If you don’t have money, you can treat any disease. Go home and die.

Liao Yishan was not afraid of such a person before, but now... oh, what a bad luck.

Who the hell did I provoke?

Liao Yishan and these three swindlers...ah, no, it was the Taoist priest who got acquainted and was introduced by others.

More than a week ago, some strange things began to appear frequently in the hospital, such as howling ghosts, dead bodies, nightmares, women in red singing and washing their hair in the water room, which made people panic.

He has done too many unconscionable things, and it is inevitable that there will be dark ghosts. In addition, Liao Yishan would rather believe in such things, so he approached the three brothers.

The eldest brother is in his fifties, with white hair and a childlike face, with an immortal demeanor, and is known as Taoist Chongxiao.

The second senior brother is about forty years old, with a dignified appearance and awe-inspiring uprightness. He is known as Daoist Chongyun.

The third junior brother Chongxia Dao has a tender face, and he is also a little boy, with a bookish look, and he is a 'sincere' person at a glance.

The three of them used some means to restore the tranquility of the hospital. Liao Yishan was astonished as a man of heaven, so he naturally flattered him vigorously. The most important thing is that after the generous "incense money" was presented, Taoist Chongxiao told him that today's He is going to experience this 'ghost robbery', which is extremely dangerous, so if he sees something, get out immediately and don't stay in the hospital.

Now all these signs have been confirmed one by one, Liao Yishan also escaped to the gymnasium, not knowing what is going on in the hospital, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"Daozhang Chongtian!"

Taoist Chongxiao burped, but there was no smell of alcohol. The "Taoism" is so miraculous. A person who is as drunk as mud squeezes a formula and becomes refreshed. The so-called wine and meat pass through the Buddha's heart and stay, wonderful , Wonderful!

Thinking of this, Taoist Chongxiao became more devout, first he made a gesture of calmness to Liao Yishan, lit a stick of incense, and respectfully enshrined in front of the seat of the 'Mother of the First Saint'.

This 'prince holy old mother' is an ancient power who 'was awakened' before Taoist Chongxiao ended more than a month ago.

Gu Yun, the first holy old mother.

If there are players here, they will definitely be wondering, why is this 'Mother of the First Saint' so similar to the monsters on the Devil's Battleground?

After finishing a whole set of homework, Daoist Rising Sky signaled Liao Yishan to sit cross-legged in front of him, "The old Taoist already knows about the troubles of the benefactor, what a crime... The benefactor still needs to do good deeds to accumulate virtue."

"Master Dao, here is a check for 200 million..."

Taoist Chongxiao raised his eyelids, "You think the old Taoist saved you for money?"

"No, no, no, this is a charitable donation, please use it for... well, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue."

"Forget it, since the benefactor is busy with affairs, let the old man do the hard work for you." After saying this, he accepted the check, and someone came forward to check the authenticity.

After taking the money, it will be easier to talk more.

"The mother and child twins really have some magical powers, the benefactor just let her make trouble for a few days, vent her anger, and the poor will be able to save her."

"How can this be done? If there is a big trouble, the hospital will just..."

Daoist Chongxiao smiled, "The benefactor thinks that after tonight, this matter can still be kept a secret?"

Liao Yishan was speechless.

"The old man can only protect you alone. Who knows, the people related to this have already... Oh, what a crime."

"Dao, Daoist, what do you mean, other people have...could it be..." Liao Yishan's face turned pale with fright, "How could it be, how could such a thing happen, it's unscientific, it's unscientific..."

"The era of the end of the Dharma has passed, and the new era of Dao Dharma has come. In the past six months, the aura between the heaven and the earth has skyrocketed, and some ghosts have taken the opportunity to come out and make trouble. Uh... this hell has not yet opened, and there will be more and more ghosts like this in the future. , benefactors should be more careful in their actions in the future, the so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, stay on the line in everything, such things must never happen again."

Liao Yishan nodded absentmindedly.

Taoist Chongxiao was about to send Liao Yishan away when he suddenly heard a meow.

"The cat?"

He muttered in his heart, raised his head, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Liao Yishan looked out of the window with a dull expression, his mouth was slightly opened, and his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

Taoist Chongxiao followed his line of sight, only to see a huge, upside-down, amber iridescent hole occupying the entire window.

He was stunned for a moment, then screamed, jumped up from the futon, and frantically picked up the formula, "He, where is the monster, dare to come here to be presumptuous!?"


There was a loud cat meow, and then the huge eye moved, and a huge, pitch-black cat claw stretched in, and with just one scoop, Liao Yishan was caught in the claw.

Taoist Chongxiao didn't work even a few spells to exorcise demons and distinguish ghosts, so he threw himself down in front of the "Mother of the First Holy Mother" in horror, and quickly recited the scriptures to summon the "Great Sage".

The statue of the 'Mother of the First Saint' trembled.

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother!?"

Master Chong Xiao jumped up from the futon with a loud roar, and found that he was still drinking with his two juniors. He just dozed off and had a strange dream.

"Did I just fall asleep?"

"Haha, brother, you're drunk!"

Master Chong Xiao looked around in amazement, it was indeed like a dream, but this dream was too real.

"Where is Liao Yishan, go out and see him!"

"What is Liao Yishan?" The second junior brother laughed at Taoist Yun, "It's that fat sheep...ah, no, the benefactor?"

Daoist Chongxiao broke out in a cold sweat, "Don't be kidding, don't you know Liao Yishan?"

"The one from Putian Hospital?" Taoist Chongxia said nonchalantly, "Brother, didn't you say that this person's unrighteous actions will cause trouble...did you send him away?"

"What, what!?"

"Brother, please recall again..."

The statue of the "Mother of the First Saint" behind the three of them shimmered, Taoist Chongxiao recalled according to his words, as if, maybe... it was indeed such a thing.

He slapped his forehead in relief, and said with a smile: "I really drank too much, I'm a little confused."

"Then shall we still drink?" Taoist Chongyun asked knowingly.

"Drink, I will return when I am drunk today!" Taoist Chongxiao said proudly.

At the same time, Putian Hospital.

When Liao Yishan appeared out of thin air outside the operating room, the whole hospital was silent for a moment.

The wind stopped blowing, the people (strange ones) stopped moving, and the lights stopped flickering... Except for Du Shiyu, Xiao Hei and Xia Miaomiao, everything was pressed to pause.

There was a moment of suffocation.


"Liao Yishan!!"

A shrill cry mixed with a female voice and a baby's voice resounded throughout the hospital. At this moment, everyone who was dominated, affected, and eroded fell asleep, and a few ghosts hiding in the dark were terrified. Screaming, like a premonition of doomsday.

Liao Yishan looked around in confusion, and suddenly his eyes widened.

There was the sound of staggering footsteps, and a ray of blood rushed from the depths of the corridor. Du Shiyu restrained the excited Xiao Hei, and pulled Xia Miaomiao back.

"Ho, ho..." Liao Yishan was sweating profusely, his mouth was tongue-tied, and his face was pale as he watched the blood pouring in.

In the light of blood, a pregnant woman with a big belly walked towards her with blood gushing out from her legs.

Covered by the pitch-black hair, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao couldn't see her face, they could only feel the real resentment as if being pricked by needles, which made the exposed skin feel a slight tingling sensation.

"This vicious spirit is at least a level 25 elite in the game." Xia Miaomiao murmured in a disconcerting voice.

Du Shiyu's mood was agitated. Hearing this, she gave her an angry look. With full of sympathy, she watched the fierce spirit of the mother and son reveal their real bodies.

Neither of them was afraid, and they didn't think there was anything to be afraid of. Compared with the Devil's Battlefield and the Baldwin Family Cemetery, this kind of scene was not even a pediatric case.

It's just that the plot is a bit old-fashioned and boring - Xia Miaomiao thought to herself while yawning.

Because it is in reality, Du Shiyu's "sense of substitution" is much stronger than in the game. Afterwards, there will naturally be revenge for injustice, revenge for revenge, mother and son's fierce grievances, the scene of venting is extremely bloody and amazing .

(To avoid harmony, 500 words are omitted here).

When the screams that resounded throughout the hospital stopped, Liao Yishan was dead, and his soul was swallowed by the fierce spirit of mother and child.

The resentment shrouded in the vicious spirit receded like a tide, the thick fog around him also began to fade, and the dungeon returned to its normal rhythm.

In the end, the vicious spirit returned to its former appearance, an ordinary woman in her thirties. She bowed to thank Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao, and then acted as if she would obey the order and no longer resist.

[Ding, task: resolve the grievances of the mother and child, find the culprit, Liao Yishan, and save all the innocent people involved. Complete, evaluate B-, get 100 experience points]

【Ding, congratulations on your promotion to level 1. 】

Xia Miaomiao was pleasantly surprised, "Can it be upgraded in reality?" At the same time, a familiar yet unfamiliar warm current surged through her whole body.

"Little black!"


Xiao Hei is about to 'eat', and Du Shiyu is in trouble again. This is one of the reasons why she is not willing to come out to 'spawn monsters'. Based on her simple sense of justice and morality, she can sit back and watch Liao Yishan die tragically, but she will not Doing it by herself, she can dungeon, spawn monsters, and accept that she can also upgrade to become a 'superman' in reality, but she is not very willing to face such a time.

What a pity, but Xiao Hei wants to 'eat' her!

Xia Miaomiao didn't have such bad intentions as her. She saw what her best friend was struggling with at a glance, so she stood in front of her and said, "Don't be stupid, she is dead, and we are helping her by helping her fulfill her wish." , do you still want her to continue to harm people like this? Xiao Hei, what are you still doing, go!"


Xiao Hei listened to her this time, and rushed over impatiently.

Du Shiyu sighed and did not stop.

She also knows that she is in love, but... There is always a psychological process for transformation, and it takes time, not everyone is like a buddy.

As the resentful spirit disappeared and the hospital returned to normal, the moonlight and the sounds from outside all came in, and there were 'sleeping' people everywhere inside and outside the hospital.

"Go, don't be found."

"Xiao Hei has upgraded."

"Wow, I finally upgraded. I thought this guy couldn't upgrade. I just upgraded too. In reality, hehe."

"Well, let's go out and talk."

"Such a big movement must not be hidden, let's not be caught by the camera."


"what happened to you?"

"This world is becoming more and more incomprehensible, and I don't know what it will be like in the future."

"That's good, how interesting?"

The two of them chatted and laughed and left the hospital through the side door, looking relaxed, as if they had just returned to the city for supplies from the place where the monster was spawned.

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