This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 379 Looking for a few more agents?

Liu Liyuan from Wudu Criminal Police Team went out to buy a pack of cigarettes for her master, and when she came back, she was reprimanded by Du Jiachun, the deputy director of business who led the investigation. This little girl who just graduated from the police academy this year and is still in the internship period shed tears of grievance , her master is an old fritter, smiled and comforted a few words, and hid at the corner of the stairs on the second floor of the outpatient building, puffing away.

"Your master is just an old fritter, don't listen to him for everything in the future." Colleague Xiao Wu came to comfort her and handed her a document that had just completed the on-site analysis. Liu Liyuan took it and finally wiped it. Tears, walked to the tent built outside the building.

The Wudu Public Security Department issued a military order to solve the extremely serious murder case of Putian Hospital within 3 days, but as the investigation deepened, a strange atmosphere filled the case handling team. Explained by the public and superior leaders.

Du Jiachun, the deputy director who led the team, was so angry that his mouth was full of anger. Seeing that Liu Liyuan went out in violation of the order at this time, he naturally had nothing to say.

All the places in the hospital are the scene of the crime. In order not to destroy it, the increasingly large investigators can only set up simple tents in the open space outside. Especially the colleagues in charge of the interrogation are busy like spinning tops and are sealed in the hospital There are hundreds of patients, each of whom is involved in the case, to identify their suspicions and comfort their emotions...Wang Xiaoli, who was assigned to practice with Liu Liyuan, cried several times in anger. The criminal police are doing odd jobs, which is already considered good.

Du Jiachun was having a meeting with the business backbone of the criminal police team and technical experts from various departments. The tent was surrounded by smoke, and everyone was frowning, staring at the snowflakes on the monitor, as if they could see something.

When Liu Liyuan's document was delivered, Du Jiachun casually flipped through it a few times before throwing it aside, and waved her weakly to let her go out.

"Xiao Li, turn on the exhaust fan!"


"Don't look, all the surveillance cameras failed at that time, leaving no clues."

"What a ghost!"

"There really is a ghost, the ghost took revenge, killed 7 people, tortured and killed!"

"...This is unscientific, and the case cannot be closed like this!"

"But what about the murderer, where are you going to find a murderer?"

"The murderer must be hidden among those patients. Give our criminal police team a little more time, and I don't believe we can't find it!"

"Today is already the third day, and the municipal committee hall is still waiting for our statement."

"...Director, do you want to fight with the higher-ups for a little more time?"

Du Jiachun slammed the cigarette butt out, staring at Lao Liu of the criminal police team, "How long will you have? How long will these hundreds of patients be detained?"

"We request to further expand the scope of the investigation of the suspects, who is connected with the crime scene and the parties involved at what time, who, what relationship and motives are connected with the crime scene and the parties... The intensity must be strong, The scope of screening should be wide, and clues can always be found."

"Old Liu is right, director. I suggest that the Municipal Party Committee take the lead in setting up a special task force, mobilize experts from all over the country, and fight a big battle... The current strength is definitely not enough."

"Yeah yeah!"

"The case will definitely not be solved within the time limit."

"You all have this opinion?" Du Jiachun asked.

A few people who tended to believe the conclusion of 'ghost revenge' didn't speak. Du Jiachun sighed, and was about to admit that the military order to solve the case within three days could not be completed, and he wanted to go to the superior to ask for punishment, when the cell phone rang.

Seeing that the number was very familiar, he quickly connected it, called Secretary Wang respectfully, and then began to nod, um, um, nodding.

After being silent for more than a minute, he hung up the phone and said to everyone, "This case will not be under our control from now on. Everyone sort out the information on hand and prepare to hand it over to the unit that will take over."


"Don't ask too much, and you won't tell me if you ask. I can only tell you that this case has exceeded our scope of investigation... That's it, start working and prepare for the handover."

"Is it really..."

An open-mouthed boss who has always believed in evidence, science and logic.

"What about these patients?"

Du Jiachun didn't speak, but went out with a wave of his hand.

This hot potato, this mysterious department took over in a timely manner. If it weren't for them, I really don't know how to explain it.

At the same time, the magic capital.

"what happened again!?"

Yu Qingdong sat on the boss's chair and rubbed the center of his eyebrows, looking exhausted as if he hadn't slept for several days.

"This is the document transferred from the base, you sign it."

Yu Qingdong casually opened the file, glanced at it briefly, and then frowned. He rolled his eyelids and looked at the curious confidential secretary, and chased him out like a fly.

... The abnormal incidents in the whole country have shown a blowout trend in recent days!
...The scope of the abnormal time is getting wider and wider, and the people and social classes involved are getting wider and wider, and the degree of abnormality is getting more and more 'deep'.

...... The huge murder case of Putian Hospital in Wudu, the ghost festival in Chuzhou, the lost land in Liu Jiaji Cemetery in Xiangzhou, the summoning of pen immortals in Tanzhou Electronic Technology School, and a player named Wang Jifeng using the game-based reality The ability to commit crimes and turn people into monsters...

It's all a mess.

The 6th test is still pending. Fortunately, No. [-] did not urge him, but the time left for him and Canaan Company is running out.

Beimi and Europeans are still arguing, and more and more people are smelling it. At present, Dongying has also joined in, trying to represent Canaan Games in its own country.

I feel like Tang Seng, everyone is going to cut off a piece of meat from himself to eat.

At this time, some kind of abnormal event jumped out to make trouble again. Is this a leak in the house and it rains all night?
Mysterious Invasion!

The problem is, even if Canaan is banned now, the invaders will not retreat, the higher-ups won't be so short-sighted, right?
If you want him to say, what the hell, weird, nothing major, sporadic and partial outbreaks in the current social development environment, at most add a little after-dinner talk, under the powerful state machine and unparalleled organization and control Under the strength, there is no big storm.

As Number Zero said, this is both a challenge and an opportunity.

But the question is whether this opportunity is grasped by oneself, or gifted by others.

Yu Qingdong guessed that this might be the biggest concern of the top management.

But No. [-] also hinted that his pursuit is different from the secular pursuit. On the day of success, he will retreat bravely and transfer all rights to his partners.

Will he?
Yu Qingdong personally tends to believe it emotionally. He thinks that people like Zero are people who cannot be judged by common sense...

But if such an important matter is placed on the hints and promises of one person, presumably the top management will not be at ease.

Here lies the unresolved difficulty.

Rather than the possible troubles of the West.

Yu Qingdong could do nothing but wait.

Fortunately, we don't have to wait too long.

Canaan, the 97th resource point in the direction of the successor station on the 17th floor of the abyss.

"How wonderful this place is, it's a pity that we can't build a gang."

Yijiang Chunshuiliu salivated as he looked at the bones of the building that had just been laid.

The rust color is receding from the earth and the sky, and the black soil marked by the game area is forming around it. The NPC priests silently recite the name of the gods, purifying the newly laid land inch by inch.

Players are scattered everywhere, and the sporadic monsters and demons that are still resisting are like fish drying up on a land pond. The room for struggle is getting smaller and smaller, and they are about to be wiped out.

Right in front is a fortress made of white bones, which is surprisingly majestic and beautiful. The head of a huge, unknown monster stands at the highest position on the top of the city. Players like ants are attacking various places on the city wall. In the dim light , the skill aura that blooms in an instant is like stars shining inside and outside the city wall.

The No. 17 resource point takes this fortress as the core, and spreads dozens of resources that can only be obtained in the special environment of the abyss. The more famous ones are soul stones, soul crystals, and magic crystal veins accumulated over tens of millions of years.

As we all know, the abyss is the place with the strongest magic power. The magic power of the main material world and many lost planes is diffused from the abyss, but the magic power here is contaminated with the magic energy that is "venomous" to normal creatures. It is rich in ravings and curses that corrode the mind, and harmful elements that amplify negative emotions, and are associated with abyssal consciousness.

Only after the transformation of the time and space of the plane and long-term precipitation, the magic power will fade away from the harmful components and return to the most primitive elemental spirit.

Shao Bing's exclamation was not because of the magnificence and magnificence of this fortress, but because of the nearby resource points.

If you can build a gang here, at least you don’t have to worry about resources. Whether it’s adventure, exploration, or game functions and gameplay, they can be effectively combined with the environment and resources here. If it continues to operate reasonably, it will definitely become a cornucopia. , attracting a large number of players to come frequently, even building a city is no problem.

Unfortunately, only players of the demon race can obtain fiefdoms in the abyss.

Sighing casually, he led dozens of family members to escort hundreds of bulky beasts of the NPC caravan, loaded with various materials for reconstruction, into the fortress that was still in flames of war.

"The system has named it, and resource point No. 17 is named Behemoth Fortress."

"Fortress of Behemoths? It's just right for the occasion."

"The successor station is not far away, is it? I see that the map is already very close?"

"Well, it is estimated that in a week, the expansion pack will be released again."

"That's great!"

The family channel was full of joy, and Yijiang Chunshuiliu also showed a smile. He escorted the pack beast convoy to find the NPC frontline commander. After completing the mission plot, he successfully got the team reward.

"The rest of the time is free!", he said on the family channel.

"Is there anyone in the team?"

"Sapling, sapling?"

"I have a group."

"Is there any room left, sir?"

"Ask Snow Dance"

"There's no room left."

"No, boss, please bring me!"

"Next time, next time, hee hee."

Yijiang Chunshuiliu: "Gather in two hours, don't forget to play, we go to the game area to build a gang, we have an appointment"

"Don't worry, boss."

"no problem"

"It's finally time to build a gang."

"There are more than a dozen gangs now, right?"

"Well, the two gangs of Xiongba Tianxia and Field Fighting Bahuang are going to build cities."

"Building a city? How about blowing it?"

"That's what people say anyway."

"Who is willing to be a vassal for them now, well, well, it is impossible to build a city before the 6th test, there are not enough players."

"What are the conditions for building a city?"

"do not know……"

Shao Bing found two pillars, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu, and told them not to miss the upcoming gang building battle. The regiment rushed.

A Stitcher as high as a three-story building still occupies a ruin, and hundreds of monsters are besieged by more players. I heard that there may be a median demon, and the nearby players are rushing there, waiting for Xia Miaomiao When the team arrived, the stitchers were surrounded by people on the inner and outer three floors.

"Bloodthirsty will clear the field, clear the field!"

"Fuck you, it's the bloodthirsty society's garbage again, let's kill the garbage first!"

"It's your bridge again!"

"It's me, your grandfather!"

"Fuck him!"


Xia Miaomiao led the team forward with difficulty, and somehow got involved in the battle group. After being attacked several times for no reason, she was also angry. She shot an arrow and instantly killed a jumping favorite player. Find the arrogant bloodthirsty players who claim to clear the field.

Du Shiyu's persuasion didn't work. Seeing that his teammates had completely forgotten about monsters and demons, they threw themselves into the PK melee as excitedly as if they had been pumped out of chicken blood. Reluctantly, they picked up their wand to follow, and made a fireball to rescue a teammate who was bathed in blood. At the same time, several children were sent back to the city for free.

"The attack is so high!"


"There is a powerful mage here!"


Xia Miaomiao was very dissatisfied when her limelight was taken away, [Lianzhu Arrow] was fired instantly, and the energyized arrow shot out took away a white light, even a barbarian with a full body of steel armor and a level 30 full blood was facing each other Drinking hatred on the spot, leveling half of the blood with A, and a pervert with a high rate of fire, he can be called a humanoid harvester.

The two led the team, and it was true that people blocked and killed people, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas. Wherever they went, they gave way to the inner circle of the battlefield.

"let's go!"

Xia Miaomiao proudly put away her sun-shooting bow, and swaggered with her teammates into the battlefield besieging the Stitcher.

All of them are large gangs and families.

"You guys come from a family?"

A team commander inside saw someone coming in to snatch food again, and shouted in a rather unfriendly tone.

"Brothers and sisters, what's the matter?"

In the team, Ling Jue Manzi, who was already level 36, shouted back.

"A family of brothers and sisters?"

The team commander thought that some little-known little family was about to threaten to drive them away. Someone in the team said, I have seen this family before, and there are two high-ranking members of their family on the ranking list.

"Gao Zhan?"

"One is in the top 100, and the other seems to be in the top 200. They both have six or seven thousand fighting power... Well, that's the ranger and mage."

Only then did the team commander pinch his nose, acquiescing that the team came in to get a share of the pie.

Players are like this, most of the time they are rebellious, most of the time they are extremely pragmatic, this has been verified both online and offline.

The natives of Canaan were impressed by this and thought it was an extremely rare quality, but in reality it was a different story.

With the clearing of the No. 17 resource point Behemoth Fortress, the successor station is equivalent to opening the door to the fourth natural disaster. With the capture of this last and most iconic stronghold, the 5 tests have come to an end.

The 6th test is imminent, but the situation on the other side of the earth has been delayed. In view of this, Bei Gaoyang wondered if the pressure was not enough?
Maybe, really need to find a few more 'agents'?

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