This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 380 Forming the Design Team of the 6-layer Magic Web

successor station.

Here it comes, here it comes, finally here it comes.

The epilogue of a series of expansion packs - the final battle (post-excitement station [-]) is finally online after all the peripheral strongholds, fortresses and resource points have been conquered by players.

The last feast of the 5th test, the players are naturally gearing up, vowing to make up for all the regrets left by the previous expansion packs.

Almost everyone thinks that they did not perform well in the past few times, took a lot of detours, and did not do their best. This time they have enough time to prepare, so naturally they did their best.

The sky at the successor station has been dyed red, and various summons and servants poured out from several huge different-dimensional summoning gates. Most of them belonged to chaotic demons. There are servants of intelligent creature professionals in the plane, and there are even servants of heaven, the kingdom of God, and the main material plane.

It is not uncommon for angels to stand on the side of the chaotic abyss. How can the devil's background be so easily discovered?

This was because the high-level demon had given up on this flanking battlefield and hadn't made a move, otherwise the battle would have been ten times more intense.

The huge summoning gate no longer has new summons and servants pouring out. The system's air knight troops are still dominated by professional template NPCs. The battle situation in the sky has the upper hand. On the ground, the ocean of players has been replaced The surrounding area is flooded.

A huge stitcher fell down with a roar, and stepped on its corpse. The players skillfully purified its flesh and blood. After a while, only a large piece of huge, deformed white bones remained. The monsters are completely consumed, and the real body is exposed to the player's concentrated fire. All kinds of chaotic halos, talent skills that corrode and manipulate the mind, powerful physical damage, and chaotic aura that is immune to magic damage... all complement each other for more than ten minutes. , in the process, countless players were sent back to the city by the demons.

But... no use!
Why doesn't the middle demon know this, the opponent can't be killed, can't be cleared, and the magic effect (magic net) that is constant in the air is not cleared, these undead, which are more than ants, are enough to grind themselves to death.

But to understand is to understand, but it is not something his rank can do.

The reason is very simple, if the magic net can be destroyed so easily, the higher demons will not give up the 97th floor of the abyss. Although the magic level of the magic net is not high, it can be easily perceived, but there are hundreds of thousands of monsters from different crystals. The soul summoned by the wall system uses such a "heavy" soul as an anchor, supplemented by a huge collection of thoughts (faith, belief), just like a towering mountain, which can be shaken by a mere median demon ?

In the end, after failing to break through several times, this powerful mid-level demon was enraged on the spot.

The burst of aura drives players crazy, but the most valuable loot is obtained by the system.

Killing a median demon, most of the "attention" fed back by the abyss consciousness is accepted by the system. At present, this "attention" has not been used, but it makes the magic net more suitable for the environment and rules of the abyss, greatly reducing the power. Consumption, especially the fluency of the fourth natural disaster, allows the tide of players to rush to any place designated by the system.

But it's hard to say that this kind of "attention" is a good thing. Maybe everything including the magic net was eroded and corrupted that day?
Secondly, for the death of a median demon, the system can fully "analyze and model" him, and collect a lot of precious and unique "data", which will be used for the system and magic net to "copy" and mass-produce medians in the future Demons are good.

Now so many demon players directly benefit from this, and it also helps the system to find the 'life code' of the hidden race of demons, so as to expand the depth and breadth of the magic net.

In the end, the corpses and souls of the middle demons were a huge treasure, these players couldn't use them, and they were all accepted by Bei Gaoyang with a smile.

In his laboratory, the specimens and materials listed are enough to make any spellcaster envious.

And what did he pay for it?

Equipped with props?

However, it is an attribute supported by the magic net after paying a certain amount of resources. Compared with the income, this payment is less than one percent.

Experience, feats?
These are just progress bars for system statistics and virtual numbers that can be issued infinitely...

Strengthening the player, especially the player's soul?

This is really hard to say.

For Bei Gaoyang, this is just an incidental 'unexpected' harvest, not from his original intention, and it has brought a series of troubles now, if it was the original intention, he would rather not have it.

The earth is the rear, the source of high-quality souls, yes, yes... He is crazy to make troubles in the rear of his own home. What good does it do him to change the environment of the earth and let the mysterious invasion happen?
It's a pity that this incidental result does not depend on his subjective will, and there are still a lot of troubles waiting.

After paying attention to the battlefield at the station for a while, seeing that nothing unexpected happened, Bei Gaoyang withdrew his attention from the high alert through the magic net.

The mage tower in Demon City is still being perfected. The huge, white body of the tower uses many new "composite" materials that he just obtained from the laboratory, such as the "super magic composite" inspired by "Thunder Warrior". Module awareness induction metal', this kind of metal is widely used in the mosaic of the surface of the tower and the interior wall and ground decoration, which can provide additional defense and convenience without changing the magic pattern matrix and lines of the mage tower itself.

The silver-white metal modules can be assembled and connected arbitrarily, and the comfort and convenience that can only be enjoyed on the earth no longer need to use survival or take up precious haste.

On the huge silver-white desk, the outline of the design of the sixth floor of the magic net has already accumulated more than one person tall. The soul servant opened the door and walked in, helping him to bind together the newly designed technical outlines by categories.

A pair of tender white hands touched his shoulders from behind to help him relieve his fatigue, Bei Gaoyang closed his eyes and rested his mind, and asked after a while, "Is the guest here?"

The Angel of Fallen Light didn't answer, and Xiao Ai's voice sounded from a corner of the laboratory, "I've been waiting on the first floor for a while."

"Nicholas' efficiency is not bad!" Bei Gaoyang stood up and stretched, "Let's bring them up."

"My lord, are you really going to pack the design work of the magic net?"

"Why, haven't you figured it out yet?" Bei Gaoyang said indifferently, "I've explained it to you no less than 10 times, manpower is exhausted, and the design of the sixth magic net is too complicated and cumbersome. It was a last resort."

"We can take our time."

"We don't have time to take our time!" Bei Gaoyang became a little impatient, "It's not like you don't know what's going on on the other side of the earth, and there's also the main material world. They are preparing to destroy the magic net in one fell swoop... They are not demons of the chaotic camp, but behind them are the gods who want to unify the main material world."

Passing through a teleportation light door, Bei Gaoyang appeared in the living room on the first floor of the mage tower. The guests from afar were sitting on the earth-style leather sofa. It can be seen that these old-fashioned people are not used to the softness and comfort of their buttocks. With the support of their backs, each of them straightened their waists, and the leather sofa gave them the feeling of sitting on a tiger stool.

Bei Gaoyang couldn't help laughing when he saw it. As a mage, he naturally understood the mage's psychology, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I am Rumsfeld. I am very happy to meet you."

The guest got up quickly and silently saluted the host.

Bei Gaoyang returned the mage salute, and saw that there were 9 of them, the lowest was a 4th-level intermediate mage, and there were 2 great mages, all of them from the mage union of Xiaomoyuan.

The old mage who led the team looked old and out of shape, shriveled and thin, but his eyes were piercing. He looked at his master curiously, and said after Bei Gaoyang took his seat, "Thousand-faced Rentu... I remember You, the most talented student ever in the secret society."

These old Huang Li Bei Gao Yang didn't care about it long ago, he waved his hand and asked, "Who are you?"

The old man smiled with his mouth missing two front teeth, "I forgot my name a long time ago, so you can call me Hei Yan (translation) now."

"Welcome, Your Excellency Black Flame!", he said and looked at another great mage.

Anyone who can be crowned with the title of Archmage must have seven or more rings, and it is rarer than giant pandas on the Internet. There is no essential difference between seven and eight rings. Nine rings are the apex of all things. The old monsters who are no longer hiding in that corner are smarter than foxes and more slippery than loaches. With Bei Gaoyang's current reputation and appeal, he may not be able to attract them.

The second archmage will be much 'younger', of course, compared to the master here, he is still not good enough.

He looks like he is in his fifties, with a sad, long face, deep nasolabial folds, a huge aquiline nose, and a thin mouth that gives a sense of meanness.

Without waiting for his master to ask, he said: "Hall, Hall Korchagin"

"Welcome, Your Excellency Hall!"

Archmage Hall Korchagin nodded and fell silent.

Bei Gaoyang will not inquire about the remaining seven mid-level and high-level mages one by one. Nicholas has already informed them of their origins, resumes, and lives.

Generally speaking, the first cooperation with Xiao Moyuan, the other party is very enthusiastic and sincere. Considering the nature of each mage, these people have been carefully screened, and each of them has undergone strict review. There will be any hidden dangers that will appear on the recommended list for him.

Whether they are archmages or mid-level and high-level spellcasters, they all have one thing in common, that is, 'research house', that is, those who are more inclined to theoretical research, and their skills are loose, and they rarely fight with life and death. Yes, they can stay in the lab until they study until they die.

This is good.

Gain pleasure and a sense of accomplishment from the process of exploring the truth and unveiling the veil of mysticism. Even if the secular world collapses and the world ends, you will not be distracted. You are indifferent to fame and fortune, and there is little threat to yourself. seems so.

Don't talk too much nonsense when dealing with these things. After a simple greeting, Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands. As soon as the 'bionic robot' combined with soul servant + super magic composite module consciousness sensing metal came in, it aroused the attention of these research nerds. Add technocratic attention.

"Good idea!", the skinny Great Master Heiyan took over the design module of the 6-layer magic net from the 'bionic robot' and praised.

"...What kind of metal is this? I'm afraid it's not the material of the main material world, right?", Archmage Hall said with emotion, compared to Archmage Heiyan, he knew a little more about the world, and he asked about the "technical secrets" of his colleagues as soon as he came up. up.

"Metals that can be converted between liquid and solid!?" A high-level mage poked the 'bionic robot' very rudely and said.

There was a buzz of discussion below, and the research houses were completely different from just now, some were admiring, some were thoughtful, some were delighted to see the hunt, and some were itchy...

"Everyone!" Bei Gaoyang patted the armrest of the seat, "I have everything I need to finish my work!"

All the sorcerers reluctantly withdrew their sizing eyes and turned their attention to the documents in their hands.

The A4 paper is as white as snow, smooth and clean as a mirror, and the printed common language characters are exactly the same size and the same spacing. The middle and high-level mages don't know how to do it yet, but the two archmages further appreciate the power of the employer from such details. , Mysterious and unimaginable background.

Yes, without such power, mystery and background, how could it be possible to become a spellcaster of the same level as him at such a young age, how could he get a foot in the bloody battle of the abyss, and win an unbelievably brilliant victory, occupying a whole layer abyss plane.

Feel the magic effect that is constantly around, it is obviously not high-level, but it gives them a sense of mystery that is as vast as the sea, towering as mountains, and like stars, feeling that it is all-encompassing and inclusive, trying to incorporate everything into it control and definition.

This thought, this arrogance, this courage... made them not know what to say, otherwise, no matter how ignorant of the world, the pride of being an archmage would not be as humble as they are at this moment.

There is a more humble one.

Nicholas appeared and stood quietly behind Bei Gaoyang, while the same archmage was like a servant, adding to the mystery and background of the master.

After a while, there was only the sound of paper being flipped.

Once devoted to a certain job, mages are extremely focused. Bei Gaoyang has prepared living rooms, laboratories, and meditation rooms for each of them. The 'keys', except for some key positions in the mage tower and Bei Gaoyang's private domain, do not prohibit them from moving freely.

The employees left in a hurry without even saying hello. Xiao Ai had been observing for a while, but she was not as resistant as before.

"These people... are pure"

"No!" Bei Gaoyang's attitude was reversed, "Pureness is relative and conditional, no harmless mage will be vegetarian, remember this!"

Little Love:……

Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands in relief, and the next station was conquered. The design work of the 6-layer magic net was on track, and it was time to solve the problem on the earth.

Xiao Yu, you must never lose the chain at this time.

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