This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 381 Miniature

In the early morning, Aunt Xue opened the door and walked into her daughter Xie Xiaomeng's room. Seeing that the indicator light of the game compartment was still on, and her daughter had been lying there motionless for several hours, she sighed and opened the game compartment with her authority to help her. The daughter turned over, so as not to keep in one position for a long time, so as not to cause any trouble on her body.

In the game, the real body really has no consciousness at all. It is said on the Internet that this is a "dead corpse", which is similar to a dead person, except for breathing and heartbeat.

"How can it go on like this!" Aunt Xue thought to herself, spending more time online than offline, what to do with her studies, what to do with her future life, how to get married and start a family, how to have children?

These are very real problems.

Aunt Xue had been a tourist before, knew the charm of Canaan, and knew that no matter how much she tried to persuade her, it would not work. She just hoped that she had planned it herself.

It was another breakfast with only her own, and she received a call from the school halfway. The head teacher and the school leader decided to make a home visit this morning. Aunt Xue quickly agreed, and hurried out to buy something to entertain the guests.

After shopping, the daughter still didn't wake up, which exceeded the gentleman's agreement between mother and daughter, and Aunt Xue was a little angry.

She knew that the final battle of the expansion pack was going on online recently, and her daughter must have lost track of time while playing, but the school is about to come to visit her home, so she can't just lie down in the game room, right?
"Mom, is there anything to eat, I'm so hungry!"

Fortunately, Xie Xiaomeng went offline before the home visit, and was hungry as soon as she woke up, so Aunt Xue hurriedly went to the kitchen to take out hot meals, and by the way, she talked about the home visit.

"Come again!?"

Xie Xiaomeng disagreed, "My grades have never dropped."

"But if you don't go to school every three days, the school will have objections."

"Then drop out of school." Xie Xiaomeng said indifferently.

"Exiting school?" Aunt Xue's voice raised an octave, with strong disapproval.

"Mom, what do you think is the ultimate goal of going to school?"

Aunt Xue knew that she could never speak the truth to her daughter, so she pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

"It's about learning cultural knowledge and mastering future livelihood skills, right?" Xie Xiaomeng continued while eating, "First of all, I want to learn cultural knowledge. I can learn this by myself. I don't have to go to school, and let's talk about life skills. In my current situation, do I still need to worry about livelihood issues? Look at the big house we live in now, and me..."

"Okay, who isn't in school at your age? Let you play a game to make your heart go wild?"

"Mom, you have also been a tourist, you should know that this is not an ordinary game, you should understand its importance and future without me telling you."

Aunt Xue opened her mouth, but the words that came to her mouth couldn't come out.

"Mom, what is the purpose of a good university and a good job? I have already achieved these, why do I need to add more things to the snake? Do you think this is the reason?"

Aunt Xue couldn't refute, but she knew it was wrong, but she couldn't express it with her limited knowledge and vocabulary, so she simply came to a conclusion, "No, no, no matter how much money you earn, you are illiterate if you don't go to college. ?”

"Why are you illiterate? Is that diploma really that important?"

"I can't say no to you, anyway, I can't, you go to school well, and when the school leaders and teachers come, you give me an honest guarantee that you won't be absent from class... Otherwise... you won't be allowed to play games."

Xie Xiaomeng pouted dissatisfied.

The argument between the mother and daughter came to an end. After a while, Xie Xiaomeng rolled his eyes and said, "Mom, I have good news."

Aunt Xue pretended not to care and served her daughter soup, "What good news?"

"Visitors of the 6th test can log in, and your Xishi pancakes can be sold again. Is it good news?"

Aunt Xue was slightly absent-minded. Tourists were not allowed to log in from the beginning to the end of the 5th test. A lot of preparations were made during the 4th test to no avail. She was also very uncomfortable for a while... But she looked up and saw her daughter Eyes, humming pretending not to care, a look of not caring.

"Aunt York in Punk City is still asking about you. I heard that she has released a mission to find you. Several players have accepted it, haha..."

"Eat well!"

"Mom, I can't see that you are quite popular among NPC aborigines. How did you do it? Tell me, I have a headache every time how to deal with those intelligent NPCs. Please please, people hate you , Be cold, let alone dump you... Tell me, why are those NPCs so weird? They are so difficult to get along with."

"It's fine if you don't treat them as NPCs, but treat them as uncles and aunts in the neighborhood... Damn girl, you tricked me again, eat quickly, the teacher will be here soon."

"Hee hee, mom, you still say you don't care?"

"Anyway, it's not okay to drop out of school"


"Have a meal!"

Xie Xiaomeng started to poke the rice grains in the bowl with chopsticks, Aunt Xue grabbed her chopsticks and reprimanded: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat it."

"I'm still hungry~"

"I'll eat later if I'm hungry, the teacher is coming soon, go take a shower and change clothes, you smell your body, it's all rotten!"

"No, I'm pretty good. I log off regularly every day. Those... well, I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes."

Your daughter is getting older, if you really say one sentence, she has ten sentences waiting to refute you.

Originally, this family has always been decided by the daughter. Who made me a widow with no ability? I still have to rely on my daughter to support me. I finally found a profitable job (tourist). After a few days, they stopped letting me do it. well!
While her daughter was taking a bath, Aunt Xue tidied up the living room, arranged tea, snacks and cigarettes, and waited for the school to visit her home.

While cleaning up, a piece of news about Canaan suddenly appeared on the TV, saying that the official website has just officially confirmed the end of the 5th test and the opening time of the 6th test. It is expected that the number of online users and "authenticity" of this test will greatly increase , enriching the content of mainstream games and playing methods other than functions, it marks that the Canaan metaverse has matured, and the name of the second world and the home of the soul will be more and more reflected...

Seeing this news, Aunt Xue became distracted, and her daughter's words echoed in her ears again.


While thinking wildly, the school teacher arrived. Aunt Xue quickly picked up her mood and went to open the door, welcoming the teacher and school leaders in enthusiastically.

The home visit said the same thing.

Xie Xiaomeng's homeroom teacher is an old lady who is almost 60 years old. She has a unique "teacher's majesty" kind, the kind of special-grade teacher who receives special national allowances, has participated in the compilation and review of textbooks, and has given college entrance examination questions. The city can be called a national treasure. I don’t know how many parents dream of sending their bear children to the class she leads. Xie Xiaomeng can make her visit the door with "lower dignity". Good grades are just one of them. reason.

As soon as the old lady entered the door, she had a "halo" that made people feel weak. Xie Xiaomeng was full of confidence, but when she saw the old lady's face, her expression became unnatural, and she said hello, Teacher Wei.

"Xiaomeng, I thought you were still online." The old lady said very gently.

Aunt Xue quickly greeted her to sit down, served tea and water, very warm and thoughtful.

"Mr. Wei, I know why you are here. I have decided to drop out of school. Going to school is meaningless to me now. Look at the house we live in now... I have a high income now. Really, this is my Tax payment certificate...", maybe because of guilty conscience, or maybe to strengthen his determination, Xie Xiaomeng ignored Aunt Xue's staring eyes, and told the reason why he no longer needed to go to university or find a job step by step.

The old lady didn't interrupt her, and listened to her very seriously, "Xiaomeng, the teacher is very happy that you can support yourself now, especially considering your family conditions and environment, but, Xiaomeng, a person's life is not only Just what you said, the most important thing in a person's life is experience."


"Yeah, think about it, is going to college just for a diploma? Isn't it a very important experience in your life? Is it a pity for you not to have gone through college life? Will you regret it in the future? Don’t rush to tell me now, there is something more attractive to you now. When you are older and have more life experience, or in other words, you will be successful and famous. When you look back on the past, you will lack This very important experience in life can only be imagined and regretted from other people's stories and meetings, is it really good for you?"


"The teacher is not opposed to what you are doing now. The teacher is not so old-fashioned. The teacher just hopes that you can arrange your time reasonably and take care of both. For a smart and persistent person like you, it shouldn't be a problem. Is it difficult?"

"Listen, listen, what Teacher Wei said is so good..." Aunt Xue felt like opening a lid in her heart, and suddenly she understood the truth, but she couldn't say it if she was uneducated.

"Experience?" Xie Xiaomeng murmured.

The director of the political education department also spoke, "Student Xie Xiaomeng, you entered the school with the second place in the city. There has never been a precedent for a student like you to drop out of school in our No. [-] Middle School... You still have to consider the impact. Those games and tests make people panic, students don’t have the time to study, teachers don’t have the energy to preach, what’s going on in the long run?”

The director of the teaching office said: " are a celebrity in the school now, how many students are looking at you, you can't drop out of school...", the tone was almost pleading.

What can Xie Xiaomeng say, "I, I didn't say that I must drop out of school!", and simply refused to admit it.

"You still have to set an example for the teachers and students in the school. At the very least, you must ensure that you go to class every day...Listen to me first, in view of your actual situation, the school has decided to vacate a... computer room in the school. You use it alone, if there are more students or teachers in the future who will be selected for that qualification, then we will make arrangements... What do you think?"

"'s very inconvenient." Xie Xiaomeng protested weakly.

"Get over it, just like what your teacher Wei said, what to do at any age is a very important life experience. Only after experiencing these can your life be complete enough, and when you recall the past in the future, you won't be left behind. Sorry, this is our responsibility to you and our responsibility as teachers."

Look, look at other teachers.

Aunt Xue sighed and felt grateful. It is indeed a well-known school in the city and even in the whole country. The teachers are both responsible and competent.

In this way, Xie Xiaomeng finally nodded and agreed to a series of "coalitions under the city" under the persecution of Aunt Xue.

This was completely different from her original intention of looking for a chance to drop out of school. When the teachers left, she realized that she was very annoyed, and even complained to Aunt Xue. She went back to the bedroom and lay down in the game cabin again, landed in Canaan, and devoted herself to The final battle of the expansive piece of information.

The three teachers over there were also silent after going out, and they didn't have the ease and joy of winning Xie Xiaomeng.

On the way, I met a team of cloud players celebrating the end of the 5th test and the start of the 6th test. The gongs and drums were blaring, colorful flags were waving, and thousands of people were wearing COS clothes and props of various races and occupations. It was even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Looking at the shops on both sides, most of them are taking advantage of the heat. Don’t want too many things like celebrating the opening of the 6th test with a 8% discount on the whole store.

Although the passers-by on the street are not surprised, they generally carry lucky charms, small bits and pieces and small pendants of "good luck in the lottery". The frequency of Canaan and 6 tests in the streets and alleys is extremely high... Although the media did not Putting it in, the heat of national attention and participation seems to have spontaneously ignited.

Seeing this, the dean was worried: "How can this go on!"

The director of politics and education also said, "Farmers don't farm, workers don't work, students don't go to school, and scientists go to study Canaan... What about the real homeland, who will produce, who will manage, who will organize, and who will manage? "

The teaching director gritted his teeth: "Disaster for the country and the people, spiritual opium!"

Teacher Wei was noncommittal, got in the car, and went back to school in silence.

This campus, which has devoted all its life, has undergone a drastic change in its school ethos and style of study. Not to mention the students, even the young teachers have...

The magic power of Canaan is more corrosive to people's minds than drugs. It can make good students with good morals and academics lose their minds about their studies, and make serious and responsible teachers turn to support and support some "bad trends". How many times do you talk about it? Revolution, the prelude to a new era, it seems that people like them have become old antiques who don't know the current affairs.

Out of date?

"This is a proposal written by the famous education expert Xie Lao!" The principal took out a document in the office and said, "You all have a look."

Teacher Wei picked up the file and glanced at it, frowned, put it down, and said, "Is this a forced palace?"

"Don't say that, the current situation..."

"I won't sign!", Teacher Wei put down the document and refused outright.

The director of politics and education was very surprised: "How come, Old Wei, haven't you always opposed it?"

"Because I'm not sure I'm on the right side!" Teacher Wei said after a moment of silence, "I admit, I don't understand this era."

The director of teaching said angrily: "No matter how you change, education will never be outdated."

"But the way and method of education can keep pace with the times"

"Old Wei, you..."

"I will go to class."

After speaking, he calmly left the principal's office.

And this scene is just an insignificant microcosm of this vigorous era.

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