This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 382 Agency Operation

"This time we have launched new functions such as online answering questions, fishing, logging, identification and collection, and the feedback is very good. Most players are very welcome to these not-so-hard-core online auxiliary functions, especially life and leisure players. , we have collected online and offline feedback, and are preparing for further in-depth development, making more modifications and supplements to the mainstream game process and content.”

"The programming department has already grasped Canaan's development model, logic and language. In the next step, we will continue to recruit talents from major scientific research institutes and universities, organize more and stronger elite forces, and strive to make Canaan games Incorporate more Huaguo culture and elements."

"The marketing department is relatively optimistic about the overall intelligence of the 6th test. Although the public opinion propaganda has not yet started, it has already set off a related upsurge offline. Various places have spontaneously organized prayers and celebrations related to the 6th test. It is highly anticipated and waiting for the qualification of the game. The method of distribution... It's just that it's not appropriate to delay any longer, the last battle expansion pack for the 5th test has already broken out, and we don't expect much time left for us."

"Last quarter, the legal department filed lawsuits against several major infringement cases, which saved tens of billions of dollars in economic losses for the company, and cooperated with the international department to effectively provide a solid and powerful escort for the promotion of the game... reached an in-depth cooperation The number of countries and regions in China has expanded to 38, covering a population of 2 million. However, the level of economic development in these regions is low, and security and stability are a major problem. Therefore, the number of players provided has not yet formed a breakthrough, but the trend is good. The wealth-creating effect of Canaan games and the unique identity and status of players have formed a huge appeal in these regions. If the import tariffs on game equipment can be lowered through negotiations and the entry barriers for games can be lowered, it will definitely be able to gain popularity in the local area. Set off an upsurge no less than that in China..."

"The manufacturing department stated that with the current production scale of the special precision manufacturing factory, once the 6th test starts the game qualification draw, it will meet the storage and supply of no less than 3 million game helmets within 500 working days... Currently 12 The special precision manufacturing project has trained 20477 skilled workers and provided 2098 special types of talents for many scientific research institutes, and now there are more than 5 junior skilled workers who are training in various production positions... just infinite quality Supply is an issue, and the current stockpile will be depleted in two weeks."


"Overall, the company's operating conditions are good, the cash flow is abundant, the employees are full of motivation, the morale is high, the atmosphere in the company is vigorous, the company is proud of the company, the company is the home, and the world is leading the Metaverse Being a member of the technology group company makes even the lowest level of employees feel proud!"

"...Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu?"

"Ah? Tell me, I'm listening."

The executives in the conference room looked at each other, and one of them coughed and said, "Very good, very good. The company and the board of directors have seen everyone's hard work and achievements. I hope everyone will continue to work hard and win the tough battle of the 6th test... Let's end the meeting like this, and the personnel above A3 will stay."

Yu Qingdong was noncommittal, more than half of the people in the big conference room got up and left, leaving only a dozen or so people, and the atmosphere was different from before.

Silence for 5 minute.

"Old Yu, don't be dumbfounded, you should tell me what to do!"

The executive just urged.

Yu Qingdong leaned back in his chair tiredly, and said weakly, "Whatever you say, I'm also resigning myself to fate."

"Don't do anything?" An A2 executive shouted anxiously.

Yu Qingdong rolled his eyelids and glanced at him, is this one sent by that 'mother-in-law'?She usually regards herself as 'Nurse Rong' and doesn't even pay attention to him, so she is worried about the matter of Chang Gong's family?

"Aren't the Americans over yet?"

"Your news is lagging behind, and people have formed an alliance."


"Overseas operating rights, source code, development control rights...they are quite a lot."

"give them all"

"Hehe, it's easy to say, what if people want everything except Huaguo?"


"You're really greedy, and you're not afraid of dying?"

"He has a good mouth, he is holding onto our pigtails, so don't try to ask for a price."

"It's time to bargain."

"There's nothing to talk about, it's an ultimatum."


"It is absolutely impossible to agree."

"Look, he's coming back now, that's why he said to resign himself to fate."

"What should we do? If it is announced, let's... let's just..."

"Maybe we have to close down, and then we will face condemnation from all over the world, and the public opinion environment, tsk tsk... Maybe it will become a scapegoat."

"Cough cough..."

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu?"

"Ah!?" Yu Qingdong woke up like a dream. Seeing everyone staring at him, he asked in confusion, "Is the meeting over?"

The former executive sighed, and said helplessly, "Let's end the meeting, these few smarter."

Everyone dispersed worriedly, and after a while, Yu Qingdong was the only one left in the conference room. Secretary Xiao Wang came in to remind him that there was an important foreign affairs event at [-]:[-] pm, which made him temporarily come out of his confusion and depression.

——Willing and powerlessness!
It was his most intuitive feeling in recent days.

Watching the bad news come one by one, but can't do anything, can't exert energy, can only passively wait for the verdict that can decide the fate of him and the company, the feeling is really... like torture.

It's fine if you haven't owned it before. Once you have tasted the taste of rights, it is undoubtedly a kind of suffering to give up.

He is naturally not reconciled, but he can't do anything. He used to be able to 'respect himself', but this trick is not easy to use now.

In the office, No. [-] still hasn't replied to his message, Yu Qingdong is already desperate.

Forget it, so be it.

As far as he knows, after the Miou reached an agreement, the situation is unstoppable, and their request is absolutely impossible to agree to. The American people turned the table and used the evidence and the so-called truth to attack Canaan wantonly. It became a certainty.

Once the scam of Canaan Games is hammered into stone, it will definitely trigger a tsunami of international public opinion. Canaan Company and him, Yu Qingdong, are the No. Or 'Prelude and Attempt to Invade Earth'.

There are already hints that he is prepared to deal with this situation.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but he already feels that his every move is under some kind of monitoring, and he is also very sensible. He has no plans to go abroad or even travel by plane in the near future. He believes that once he shows a little The act of crossing the line will break the seemingly calm pool, which is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to him.

He absent-mindedly dealt with the formula for the whole morning. On the surface, the preparations for the 6th test were in order, and the situation was very good. Although there were various discordant voices, under the conscious or unintentional control, no trend was formed.

When he was about to get off work, he hurriedly read a copy of the various "concerns" in the educational circles about the Canaan game's "corroding students' minds" and affecting the century-old education plan. He yawned boredly, signed it casually, and sent it to the public relations department.

It's off work!
He stood up and stretched himself. Recently, he has time to go home. The yellow-faced woman at home looks much better, but she is not clean. Those who inquire about news, those who require the qualification of the 6th test, this unit, that classmate, this relative , that leader... It seems that these people have almost forgotten what happened in the espionage case.

Also, was it 3 tests or 4 tests at that time?Looking back, it seems like a long time has passed, but in fact it is less than a year.

Sitting on the luxurious and low-key land cruiser, Yu Qingdong saw a team of cloud players coming from the southern province for a 'pilgrimage'. It was rare that there were a few players from South America mixed in the team, and they seemed to belong to the same family.

Seeing them carefree being led into the headquarters building by the beautiful staff, Yu Qingdong sighed enviously.

If only I was an ordinary player.

"Why did you come back at noon?"

His wife took his briefcase strangely, and handed it to his younger son who came up to show his hospitality.

this kid...

"Dad, help me get a few places for this 6th test, there is no need to draw lots."

Yu Qingdong lay relaxed on the sofa, enjoying his wife's gentle service, and waved slightly to the secretary and security captain at the door, with a lazy demeanor of a big man, "Who is asking you this time?"

"Hey, friend... I really can't shirk."

"You can buy the quota that I got for you last time. It's not good to buy who. You just bought it for... almost got yourself in. Forgot that your uncle is still closed?"

"It's real this time, I promise!"

"You are also a player, and I haven't seen you play well. You can't do anything, and you try to follow some crooked ways. I will be mad at you sooner or later."

"You refused to give me some insider information..."

"What, you still blame me?"

"No, no, I only want 5 places. I'm really a friend. I haven't won the lottery all the time. That's why I'm begging you."

"It's fine if you give it away, but if you use it for profit..."

"Absolutely not, absolutely not!", the youngest son was overjoyed, he didn't expect his father, who had always been difficult to talk, to be so happy, he quickly slapped his chest and agreed, and he just swore an oath.

"Friend? Male or female?", but the wife's focus was in another direction, "Let me tell you Yu Qing, if you are the same as last time..."

The younger son hurriedly interrupted: "Both men and women can do it, Mom, you are so long-winded!"

His wife and children were nagging beside him. If Yu Qingdong had been annoyed before, now he just closed his eyes and listened lazily.

His wife covered his face with a hot towel, and felt that the pores on the skin were all open, all releasing fatigue, stress, and frustration. He moaned comfortably, and the sleepiness flooded him like a tide, and soon submerged him.

In a daze, Hao Zuo had a dream. In the dream, he was sitting on a high throne, receiving dignitaries from various countries. Suddenly, a team of players broke in and fought with his guards.

The battle is very stalemate, the players can't be killed, and there is an endless stream. Although my side is strong, it is worn down by the players little by little.

At a critical moment, under the protection of his loyal security captain, he escaped into the space fighter parked on the roof and flew towards the huge interstellar battleship that had been hovering over the city.

This battleship is like the one that the sci-fi promised Independence Day. It is shaped like a huge disc, covering the entire city. Numerous space fighters came to guard it, and players appeared in the sky.

They rode griffins, dragons and all kinds of fantastic flying mounts, and fought with space fighters...

"Kill, that's the boss behind the Umbrella Canaan Company!"

"Fart, he's just a mob, and in the end the boss doesn't know who it is!"

"Get rid of him first, and get the plot points!"

"Come on!"

"All are technological arms, look at my 'Psychic Storm'"


Yu Qingdong panicked, the space fighter plane rained down, the huge interstellar warship did not make any rescue actions, it seemed that a huge shadow shrouded the fighter plane, and a pair of indifferent eyes stared at him coldly.

Look carefully, the owner of these eyes is clearly himself!


"What's the matter, old Yu, have you had a nightmare?"

Yu Qingdong broke out in a cold sweat, opened his eyes and was still in the living room at home, someone vaguely came outside the door, and his youngest son was talking to him with a playful smile.

"Who's here?"

Yu Qingdong took the towel from his wife and wiped his face.

The wife shook her head and pointed to the ceiling.

...There should be news.


Either way, whether it's life or death, give it a good time, otherwise it's really unbearable like it is now.

Yu Qingdong went out, shook hands with two Chinese tunic suits he didn't know, and sent away his youngest son, who had no eyesight, and brought them to the study.

"Number Zero has made contact with Americans."

Yu Qingdong's scalp exploded when he heard this, and he took the file that was handed over.

"...this information cost us a lot!" The other man in a tunic looked solemn, his eyes bloodshot.

Yu Qingdong said: "I've contacted Number Zero, but..."

"We know!" said the first Mao suit, taking out a laptop-like thing from the lockbox, but much thicker, "There is an important meeting in five minutes."

Yu Qingdong nodded, looked at the two Chinese tunic suits and began to assume small instruments such as satellite receivers, and arranged them in the study.


In the early morning of the next day, Yu Qingdong changed his usual exhaustion and rushed to the company vigorously. The first thing he did was to inform the management above B1 to hold a meeting in the conference center on the [-]th floor.

At the beginning of the conference, he ordered that the work related to the 6th test be formally moved from the preparation to the implementation stage, both at home and abroad. The domestic game quota is tentatively set at 250 million, and this quota does not include the number of future players.

The executives who knew the inside story were surprised, and before they asked, Yu Qingdong said lightly that the 6th test was the beginning of the company's real internationalization, and the board of directors had already made a major move, deciding to transfer the operation, management and certain development of Canaan Games Authority, authorized to regional agents who have reached cooperation intentions,

As soon as he said a word, everyone in the room was shocked.

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