This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 383 Game Division

Chapter 383 Game Division
"Xiao Yu, I am very pleased that you can do this. You have worked hard during this time. How is it? Are there any difficulties?"

"No, no, Chairman, it's really... not easy to make such a decision in China this time"

"I know, I understand. Since you are so sincere, I will naturally reciprocate... Let's leave the matter of agents in various countries to Canaan Company to make overall arrangements."

Yu Qingdong was overjoyed, "Thank you for the chairman's trust... What kind of arrangement is this overall arrangement?"

"I don't have the time and energy to talk to them one by one. Canaan can do it first. I only have one request. Come on, the 5th test is coming to an end, and the 6th test server should be built soon."

"Understood, then... on the division of some interests and rights?"

"I don't care about the interests of the other side of the earth. You should be very clear about my behavior style."

"Yes, yes, what I'm talking about is mainly online, how to distribute and manage agents in various countries, and if players from various countries are crowded together..."

On the Canaan side, Bei Gaoyang frowned.

"Chairman, as you know, various...agents are most concerned about the division of online interests and rights. Naturally, they all think that they have natural ownership and jurisdiction over their respective players. Hehe, we are no exception. If this Players from all over the world are gathered in one place, and each agent has jurisdiction..."

"What's your suggestion?"

" about partitions?"


Partition Canaan?
This concept is not new, isn't it just staking out land and dividing up territories and national boundaries just like offline?
But Canaan is not the kind of game where adding servers can open unlimited "new servers".

Is it...

"My lord, it might be better this way!"

When Bei Gaoyang was thinking about the trade-offs, Xiao Ai appeared, "It is not difficult to implement at the system level, it is conducive to checks and balances on agents, it can also enrich the gameplay, content and depth of the game, and it can even eliminate offline... Disagreements and conflicts, uniting offline vested interests and ruling elites, directing their interests to overlap with ours ... the benefits are many."

"But..." Bei Gaoyang still hesitated, "This will extend the offline ruling order and class to the online."

"It doesn't make much difference to us, my lord." Xiao Ai persuaded: "No matter what kind of order it is, as long as it is order, our position is transcendent."


"But I'm afraid they'll discover Canaan's secrets."

"It is inevitable for a small group of people to know the truth. Just like Canaan, a spellcaster like you has a deep understanding of the truth of the world, can't change anything. Many elites like you have chosen to follow the truth of the world. The gods join forces, and besides, within the magic net, we will only be stronger than the gods and have deeper control."

That's a good point, even what the players see, hear, and perceive are all under the control of the magic net, so why worry about what they will cause?


Sorry, it doesn't work well in Canaan.

Perhaps, with the intelligence, organization and civilization of the people on earth, one day they will be able to find the "loopholes" in the magic net and the system, and become the "awakened ones" like in the movie Matrix, but that will be a long time later. , what is there to worry about now?
"In terms of partitioning, I agree in principle."

Yu Qingdong on the other side of the earth let out a long sigh of relief. In the base of No. [-] Project, the dialogue text on the big screen made countless people inside and outside the scene hold their breath. Many people were very excited when No. [-] replied. Someone cheered and celebrated in a low voice, but was quickly stopped by people on the left and right.

"But the existing game map cannot be partitioned... How about this, I will send you a map, and you can receive it."

"Okay, okay."

Soon, a map of the game area was transmitted.

It’s not very big, and it’s quite brief, but it was copied and made into a more detailed and refined map for the first time, and it was divided into dozens of versions, marked with detailed descriptions and explanations. Occasions for 'negotiations'.

Countless eyes, either old, or majestic, or joyful, or excited, or scrutinizing and doubting, watched it, not letting go of any detail, as if there were some shocking secrets hidden in it.

In Canaan's Mage Tower, Bei Gaoyang began to refer to the map and said: "... Chenxi Town, the current Chenxi City is the central city of the system, and it extends out from this... The nearest main cities of the system are Buck City and Punk City, which belong to the northwest The three cities and the associated area of ​​about 120 square kilometers are the core area of ​​the system and cannot be divided."

"Yes Yes!"

Knowing that No. [-] could not be seen, Yu Qingdong still nodded his head, not knowing that he was sweating profusely all over his face.

"The outer periphery is the main city of the four systems of extreme north, extreme east, extreme south, and extreme west. They can also be regarded as four fortresses. The area inside the fortress is the current game area. They cannot be partitioned, but the outside can be."

Yu Qingdong looked at the large unlit black area on the map, and asked cautiously: "These places... need to be captured by ourselves, right?"

"Not bad!" Bei Gaoyang from Canaan sent the voice over with a smile, "Among them, the extreme north city is close to the core area of ​​the abandoned wasteland. Only special races can survive in it. It is equivalent to the north and south poles of the earth. It is too barren. Although the system has included a large area of ​​land that can be lived and multiplied into... the rule, it is not prepared to invest too much resources in this direction. "

Yu Qingdong: "En, um", I just need to write it down in the little notebook.

"Extreme East City, you should be familiar with it. The outer edge of the Fairy Forest is the key point of the 6th test. Since it needs to be partitioned, let the agents organize it themselves. Let me talk about the general situation of the Fairy Forest first."

"This forest is a treasure trove, but it's a pity that it has an owner. You should have noticed it through the various tasks and clues released by the system. There is a fake... very powerful natural spirit living in the fairy forest, which can also be called a god. , called Asius, the entire forest is equivalent to his body, which can also be called a domain. This is a very... unexplainable creature, and it is difficult to deal with. When the 5th test was just started, because the system violated his territory, the result A large number of monsters came out of it, so a series of beast hordes broke out. Later, seeing that the system and players' behavior were still restrained, the monsters retreated. This is a small warning from him. "

"But the 6th test is different. The system and players already have the ability to wrestle with him. The direction of the Fairy Forest can be partitioned. This part of the area is vast, rich in resources, and there are countless kinds of rare and exotic beasts. It should be of great research value, and there are many intelligent races such as wild elves and dungeon smugglers living there. There is an urgently needed aborigine population in the system. The system is going to invest a lot of resources in development, but it will take a long time to conquer it. See how courageous that agent is.”

Yu Qingdong fell in love with this as soon as he heard it... Fairy Forest, or the East, has a special plot, which just echoes reality.

Thinking of this, his heart moved, why can't we divide it with reference to the real geographical location?

It is conceivable that in order to better divide the location, various countries... well, the major agents must go through protracted wrangling. It is not a secret what is good and what is not good, just like the introduction of No. [-] The extreme northern city is not a good place. So far, few players have been to it. It is a famous deserted place.

And the tough centaur...

"The west is also the Extreme West City in the direction of Buck City. There is the famous Giant Dragon Mountain Range 500 kilometers ahead. Of course, the giant dragon has become an endangered species now. Except for the rumored Dragon Island, the main material world has rarely been able to see it." I saw a giant dragon, but the system found one."

At this time, No. [-] seemed to be very talkative, and he talked endlessly, but he seemed to know everything without saying anything. It can be seen that the change in reality made him very happy, and more agents were more in line with his interests.

Judging from his contact with the people in Beimi alone, it should be irreversible. It is both helpless and pragmatic to come to this point in China.

Yu Qingdong has accepted the fact that Canaan Company is 'split', but how to 'split' and what kind of situation to organize and connect after the 'split', can this reputation be kept... But life and death are at stake, and it is also so tense and tense at this moment. Serious reason.

"One or two giant dragons can't change anything, but the former giant dragon mountain range has become a paradise for necromancers, wastelanders, strange ghosts and monsters. In terms of chaos, it is even worse than the fairy forest."

"Crossing the Giant Dragon Mountains is the territory of the famous Rheinster Empire. This empire, which was newly established in the last two hundred years, has a vast territory, numerous ethnic groups, prosperous military forces, clear politics, and clear affiliation of beliefs. It is very difficult to deal with. This time the Allied Forces of the Motherland The Western Legion was established with the Bauhinia Glory Knights of the Rheinster Empire as the backbone, and the current Hunter Van Rheinst is said to be the chosen one of the God of Light..."

"The last is the south, the focus of the 6 tests, and it is expected that the battlefield expansion will be launched soon in this direction."

"The former site of Extreme South City is the Rock Fortress. The stragglers after the defeat of the centaur coalition forces are currently gathering in the vast ruins and wasteland of the city... the coalition forces of the human kingdoms stationed troops outside the city... the principalities and nobles who were destroyed by the centaur coalition forces The nobles who lost their fiefs and the duchies who lost their land are all eager to take over their territories, but the system has already brought this vast land that has been reduced to ruins under its rule, and the tribes that have completely wiped out the centaur The remnants must go deep into the game area, so this battle will break out sooner or later, the calmer it is now, the more intense the battle will be in the future... In my mind, if it is necessary to divide it, why not come to 'seek the prince immediately'?"

"This...we can't make decisions on behalf of Lishang, chairman."

"Forget it, but there is one thing. All the land obtained by launching expansion packs in the system is... er, the public game area, and you can't let you build a country."

"Then... we must explain to the agents, explain!"

Yu Qingdong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Here, both he and No. [-] avoid using words such as national entities and use agents. This can be seen as a new tacit understanding reached by the two parties after some communication.

Yu Qingdong's intention here is obvious, Bei Gaoyang is too troublesome, and he doesn't want to get involved in the complex geopolitics and national interest disputes on the earth.

Anyway, I will treat you as an agent or a second-level agent. If you have any disputes, you can argue with the first-level agent. If you really can't solve it, I will act as an arbitrator. This position is more detached, and it can save countless troubles.

From his point of view, it is a trouble, but from Yu Qingdong's point of view, it is indeed a huge benefit and right. Naturally, he flocks to it and is easy to talk about.

In this way, the four strategy directions of the game area have been roughly explained. Compared with this dark map that occupies the vast majority, a vast and unimaginable new continent is presented in front of you. The significance of discovering the new continent with Columbus cannot be compared with it , coupled with the so-called 'game agency rights', this dog bone is really fat enough to make people dizzy, and temporarily ignore the hidden dangers that come from it.

For example, the player's soul mutation and mysterious invasion issues.

A simple agency and game division is easy to say, but it is really complicated to do. Negotiating with various countries is a protracted and extremely cumbersome matter. Naturally, Bei Gaoyang will not allow time to be wasted on these Above, therefore, Canaan Corporation has the space to advance the future organization structure of rights, and even influence the distribution and structure of forces around the world...Of course, it cannot be stated clearly.

Since there is no time, it is natural to set the rules and regulations. What is the agency method? Is it the Beimi Branch of Canaan Metaverse International Group Company, or Huaxia Canaan Game Publishing and Production Company and Beimi Canaan Game Agency Publishing and Production Company... here How could Bei Gaoyang understand the particularity and tricks?
But Yu Qingdong and Hua Guo can't go too far. If they go too far, it will lose the meaning of handing over the agency rights. How to control this degree is very important.

No, only a few hours after finalizing each item, Bei Gaoyang became impatient, or couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Canaan Company to hurry up and come up with a draft. After reading it, he felt that there was no problem. Just announce it to the world.

After ending this "negotiation" that was destined not to leave any traces in the course of history, but which had profound significance, Yu Qingdong felt exhausted both internally and externally, but the intricate work had just begun.

That night, elites and talents from all levels gathered together. Thousands of people held a short and tense meeting, and then began a day and two nights of drafting.

There is not much news from the outside, but this is for ordinary people, and they will soon know everything they need to know, including the draft that is being formulated.

——Huaguo and Canaan Company are planning an important decision regarding Canaan games and metaverse high-tech technology! !
Now it's the Americans' turn to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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