This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 384 Canaan of the World

Chapter 384 Canaan of the World

The Canaan company's international press conference has just ended, leaving a mess all over the place, the seats are overturned, and the traces of the scene are still torn and scuffled. The security guards in black suits are cleaning up, cleaning up the blood stains left behind .

Ha ha……

This is really... beyond words.

The whole world has seen the 'conflict' that just happened, including Americans, Nordics, and Japanese... Even the Kangaroo Country has come together, thinking that Canaan Company is a soft persimmon, and want to pounce on it and take a bite?
On the rostrum, the press release officer of Canaan Company had a big bag on his head, which was smashed by a photographer from the United States. He sat there, rubbed his red and swollen forehead, and looked at the developed West with a gloomy expression. The national media left the venue one after another, while casually coping with simultaneous inquiries and comforts, they took out their mobile phones, wondering how to report to the big bosses above when they had a headache.

But now no one pays attention to this commotion. An extremely explosive news has spread to the whole world, causing an explosive chain reaction.

Half an hour after the press conference, Beimi held a press conference, expressing its disapproval of the so-called "Canaan International Agency Operation" model, accusing Canaan of concealing a very important truth, and not believing that "everyone should enjoy Equal gaming rights' has risen to such a high level that Canaan Corporation should cooperate with the 'international community' frankly and work together to deal with a series of hidden problems and major crises.

Canaan Company subsequently refuted it, and stated that it will disclose the source code, operation and management rights of Canaan games, so that players from all over the world have equal rights to enter the "spiritual homeland of all mankind", the "second earth", and conduct For 'New Life', the 6 tests will be open and transparent. Potential partners in any country or region can contact Canaan Company to obtain the details of the agent's recruitment.He has repeatedly reiterated that no matter where Canaan settles, he will abide by local customs, human relations, laws and regulations, and bring the highest metaverse technology to the local area, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this epoch-making technological breakthrough. The 'virtual reality' revolution of the...

The company will never and will not accept the "monopolistic cooperation plan" proposed by some countries and regions. We welcome cooperation if we have any doubts. The Canaan Company will never give in.

This response has won universal acclaim in addition to the western developed world, the "appreciation" of Canaan Company, the interest in the "agent" model, the prospect of Canaan and Metaverse's high-tech settled in the local area... fools can see it, Needless to say how to choose a side?

The situation of international public opinion has thus changed. Within an hour after the press conference ended, Canaan International received over [-]% of the letters of intent. Even some traditional allies of Beimi and Omon also voted with their feet. Shame The shy and veiled "goodwill" indicates that the situation has been reversed by this blockbuster.

Not to mention the doubts caused by this in China, just say that the so-called draft has also reached the final review stage.


Yu Qingdong was staring at the chat interface with his bloodshot eyes, and a modal particle with an ellipsis on the zero number made his heart hang.

"Have you finished reading the chairman? If you are not satisfied with something, we can modify it."

"Agent's Rights and Obligations Item 14"

Yu Qingdong quickly flipped through the thickly bound document, turned to the corresponding page number, and stared at the densely packed text on it, which was as big as a head.

"The sixth small catalog, the third article."

"Yeah, tell me."

"Not only agents, even if you don't have the authority to publish world plots, you can be higher than agents, but you have to negotiate with agents. The development of world plots and mainstream game progress and content can only be 'intelligent' Self-deduction."


"Canaan is a highly realistic game. Countless conditions, variables, and constants collide with each other, creating infinite possibilities. The future of the game process is not under anyone's control. This must be understood, including me. .”

"Okay, okay", Yu Qingdong scolded some people in his heart, and while wiping his sweat, he submissively agreed.

"Bidding Method for Agents, Item 21"

Yu Qingdong quickly turned to that page.

"Don't make it so complicated, keep it simple and pure. The agency can only be a private or public-private joint venture entity. Don't mix too much with the national political level, and try to downplay my personal existence... Xiao Yu, I still trust you, don’t you represent my rights on the board of directors? Be bold, I’ll back you up, haha”

Yu Qingdong slandered in his heart, you support me?Why didn't you say it before, bold?Do I fucking dare me?

The person sitting here counts as one, who am I?

"Thank you for the chairman's trust. I will definitely live up to the expectations of you and the board of directors."

"Well, the rest are just minor problems... Forget it, let's do it like this, let's try first."

"Then... About the organizational framework of the partition?"

"I just made some design changes according to the requirements. It's very troublesome. I guess it will take some time, but it's basically according to your plan."

"Chairman, the most important thing is the management and operation rights of various agents to players from all over the world, this..."

"In the future, players' identities will be marked with places of birth, nationality, etc. The system will subdivide them in the form of gangs and national entity camps, but it will not force them to accept the leadership of various agents, but it will give They have certain permissions and resources for them to use in daily operations and management...but be careful, this part of permissions and resources are separated and intercepted from the players!"


"The system has delegated authority and resources. How to operate and manage and make players accept it is the business of agents, including you. Agents cannot manage across regions, and the common game area does not accept jurisdiction including yours. Now some, Test 6 will be taken away."

Yu Qingdong opened his mouth, which meant the loss of a very important right and resource.

But there is no way, according to the latest method of the draft, Canaan Company only has the operation and management authority of Huaguo, and the public game area and resources are not included in this list.

"The Novice Village...can be handed over to the agent for 'renting' to accommodate new players for the launch of the 6 test..."

"The function, content, and style of Xinshou Village are the same. Agents can't make too many changes. All changes and agent-specific gameplay and content need to pay for corresponding resources... er, currency."

"The draft will add this point, currency, chips for resource exchange between agents and operators and the system, measured by the number of players, online activity, players' contributions to gangs, countries, and divisions... Is this too complicated?"

Yu Qingdong couldn't do anything but smile wryly.

Zero on the Canaan side was silent for a while, as if he had discussed with someone, half an hour later.

"This currency can't be less, let's use platinum coins. Agents and operators use platinum coins to pay and exchange corresponding resources to the system for their own unique gameplay. Platinum coins can be traded and incorporated into the current currency system. Compared with fixed exchange, 1 platinum coin = 100 gold coins."

Yu Qingdong quickly agreed.

"Partitions can be free, and the permissions of partitions can also be given, but the country, gang, and family gameplay are the main game content of the system, and they need to be handled according to the established rules of the system. Therefore, the construction of this country must follow the established steps of the system. , Agents and operators have no special authority in this regard, and this must be reflected in the plan.”

"Agents and operators must not interfere with the normal process of the game. They can create 'laws' within the scope of authority and management, which only restrict players and game behavior within the scope of authority and management. Players do not abide by or resist, and can only use online It is very important to restrict and punish the situation on the Internet and the rules of the game. I don’t want to see too many morals and values ​​​​of the earth, as well as legal provisions appearing on the Internet, which will greatly interfere with normal game operations. ,especially important."

Yu Qingdong agreed with both hands and feet on this point. He wanted to add it when the draft was specified, but his position was awkward. In order to avoid people doubting his intentions, he has been holding back until now.

Sure enough, No. [-] discovered this huge loophole and filled it up.

However, the time is so short, and the interests involved are so huge, it is impossible to take care of all aspects. The loopholes are indispensable, and it is not realistic to completely plug them. We can only check and fill in the gaps later.

So there is also a 'disclaimer clause' that can be supplemented and explained at any time.


In this way, No. [-] said that he didn't want to worry about it too much and found it troublesome. Speaking of its nature, he really found that the draft was like a broken net, and it really couldn't stand serious confrontation.

This was the result of the concentration of thousands of elites and experts overnight, and it must have been impossible to mature without a long period of grinding and perfection.

But now I have to use it, and I can't delay the time, it's really...

This is how the day goes.

Yu Qingdong and the team led by him kept their ears to the outside world, and even handed over the company's affairs, focusing all their energy on this plan.

The blockbuster dropped by the press conference ignited public opinion all over the world. Overseas cloud players were overjoyed, but domestic players...

Lose power and humiliate the country!

Cut meat to feed tigers?

Traitors and traitors!
... (Sensitive content self-brained)

At this time, all the doubts about Canaan disappeared.

On the contrary, Canaan's exchange rate market is soaring, forcing the two major virtual currency trading markets to suspend trading. A hot market sentiment has created a series of unimaginable wealth apotheosis. The already high exchange rate and prices It's like a wild horse that has run free and can no longer be controlled.

Until the evening, the press conference caused a change in international public opinion, and each country and region showed unprecedented enthusiasm and praise, and the exchange rate (black market) soared through the jaw-dropping 1:100 mark.

That is, 1 copper coin is equal to 100 RMB.

Oh my God!
Considering the huge amount of copper coins in the world, the conservative valuation of Canaan Games has surpassed that of Japan, the third largest economy!
Some small and poor countries consider trade-offs differently from big countries. They are not very interested in metaverse virtual reality technology that is suspected of alien black technology (even if they are interested, they can’t eat or digest it), what they care about is reality. This is comparable to a huge gold mine in the third largest economy, and for those small countries with few people, it is no less than a super money printing machine.

In the past, no matter how good it was, it belonged to someone else’s family, and they could only drool enviously, while being jealous, cursing, and smearing it. Now they can, and their own family can also enter the market for a share. All countries, big or small, are equal. They like this tune too much Although it is still unavoidable to be influenced and manipulated by a big country.

Therefore, the draft here has not been brought out yet, and there is no word on how to operate the agency and the operation law. The delegation, the plenipotentiary ambassador all came, and even a political leader of a country sent a letter, nothing at all. reserved.

Such fluctuations in the exchange rate also affect the normal operation of the game.

This time, Bei Gaoyang has no choice but to forcibly lower the exchange rate by 'spreading coins' will not work. The current Canaan is not the previous Canaan. Doing so will not extinguish the fire, and it may even make this fire burn more prosperous.

The market sentiment has been out of control, and this has intensified within two or three days, and it has already affected the progress of the final battle of the expansion pack. Players have started to count copper coins one by one, and prices have skyrocketed. Let the players shake their heads, the gradual formation of the "dual currency" operation, the "gamification" of the renminbi and the detour of "internationalization" to become a reserve currency plan suffered a major blow.

This is undoubtedly a major matter that must be resolved, but in the current environment, it can be postponed again.

Because, three days later, the dystocia draft finally came out.

"...That's it, try it first, and adjust if it doesn't work."

On the Canaan side, Bei Gaoyang yawned with the energy of an archmage, not to mention Yu Qingdong on the Earth side, if it wasn't for the support of the secret medicine given by the chairman last time, he would have fallen down a long time ago .

"Well, well, then we will go down and implement it?"


"Chairman, don't worry."

at last!

Yu Qingdong looked at the draft that had been changed beyond recognition, and just wanted to fall over and fall into a coma. The whole team members looked like 'zombies', with panda eyes and bad smell.

"All, all rest, rest for two hours."

Before the words were finished, there was a lot of snoring around, and Yu Qingdong couldn't hold on anymore. Before the medical staff rushed over, he fell on the armchair and fell into a sweet sleep.

Naturally, such a major event would not stop because of them. The draft was reprinted and bound, and the second press conference was held on time. This time, almost all the media and attention were gathered.

The live broadcast images are simultaneously played on five continents and four oceans, day, night, Antarctica and North Pole.

From now on, regions, languages, races, skin colors, and camps are no longer barriers, and a common interest connects the 70 billion human beings around the world for the first time.

The Canaan of the world becomes a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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