This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 385 Dividing Factions

Chapter 385 Dividing Factions
Successor station battlefield.

According to common sense, the abyss will not have large-scale cities, but the reality is just the opposite. At least in the order camp, large-scale cities abound. It has been reduced to complete ruins.

In fact, it is understandable that cities and civilizations appear in the abyss. In a sense, demons are actually relatively "pure" creatures. What does purity represent? The order of construction is clearly manifested in the devil.

It is not human, it is gray, pure one color, like a brightly colored poisonous snake.

The demons in the order camp advocate all orders, whether it is the order of light or the order of evil, and are good at finding exploitable 'loopholes' or 'shortcuts' from various orders and rules, taking advantage of human greed and selfishness, Come for the benefit of yourself and the abyss.

The demons in the order camp advocate construction, have superb artistic taste and elegant behavior and etiquette. Compared with human beings, they are "models" of keeping promises and contracts. Once the contract is signed, they will strictly abide by the terms, but this clause It's hard to say what will happen to 'Party B' in the end.

The demons of the order camp claim to be "excellent providers of solutions to life's dilemmas", and will tailor particularly cost-effective and attractive contract terms for all kinds of employers or partners, but such terms are often sugar-coated They do not hide this fact. They take pleasure in appreciating the repeated struggles of employers and partners in hesitation, contradiction, human sublimation and degradation, and they enjoy it.

well, let's get back to business.

The post-shock station has reached the most critical moment.

The power of the fourth natural disaster has undoubtedly been manifested. Several "gathering wind" casters who came from the rear looked ashamed, watching the tide of "high-level intelligent undead", drowning the defense line built by chaotic demons. The color-changing monsters and powerful middle- and low-level demons are like reefs in the tide, being washed away, crushed, divided, and finally submerged.

After seeing the strength of the employer and understanding what they are designing, if the 'research nerds' realize something, their ideas and inspiration will flow like a fountain after they go back, and they will no longer feel at a loss as before.

Take turns collecting folk songs until the end of the follow-up battle.

For the Mage Tower in the Demon City, the employer has put forward a lot of new requirements, and some design plans have to be pushed back to the original.

I feel that employers are changing every day.

Bei Gaoyang smiled and said: "Everyone understand, understand, and when the work is done, I will pay you a lot of thanks."

What will be changed this time is to add a faction division module.

That is to draw different symbols for players according to their daily behavior and choices during the task process.

This symbol is the alignment.

In the past, there were only two camps in the game, the rebel camp and the hostile camp.

The neutral camp, alliance camp and so on were added later.

However, the presence of divisions and agents complicates the situation and content of future games, and the number of players has exceeded one million, millions, and may reach tens of millions... As the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. It is no longer possible to use simple system bans and town decrees to restrict the behavior of the game as before.

The laws that all players must abide by are too rigid, Bei Gaoyang instinctively resists putting all thoughts, words, deeds, behaviors, and choices in the same order module, which is too risky, and it may come back to him in the future .

How to do?
At this time, a more detailed camp division is imminent.

First of all, the three divisions for the highest level, the hostile camp, the neutral camp, and the allied camp, are still reserved.

Secondly, within the rebel camp, implement justice, evil, and neutrality to distinguish and characterize players.

The rebel camp naturally advocates order, so order is justice, order is evil, and order is neutral. Players' behaviors and choices in the game will affect their respective camp scores. When a certain score is reached, the camp will switch. The gods also make this distinction, only players of the same camp can choose the gods of the same camp, and vice versa.

The advantage of this is that both players and agents can be restrained. The camp is a "personal design" that needs to be managed. It can't be evil today and have justice tomorrow, so as to achieve a very macroscopic level of restraint.

Think about it, an agency that is actually operated by a state entity is classified as an orderly evil by the system, how to explain it, how to fool the public and voters?

In reality, there is no and it is impossible for someone to designate a state entity, but it is possible. It is not easy to operate a human design, so what else can be done to destroy the human design?
This is Bei Gaoyang's countermeasure after discussing with Xiao Ai, try it first and see how it works.

As for the resistance army, the hostile camp will add the logo of "hostile" followed by an order or chaos logo to indicate their camp, such as [hostile · chaotic evil], which means the demons, ghosts, and fallen people of the chaotic camp , The logos of the servants, the Alliance of Human Nations is a logo such as [hostile · orderly evil] or [hostile · orderly good], but there will be no neutrality.

Neutrality is also reflected in neutral camps and alliance camps, such as abandoned people in the abandoned wasteland, intelligent races in the fairy forest, business travelers traveling to and from the system game area, dark elf drow and centaur remnants in the dungeon, and so on.

Everything has a camp, and everything has rules to follow, which is more conducive to system induction and control, and it is also convenient to extend more tasks, content and gameplay.

There are so many benefits, just adding a simple module, with a depth of 6 layers of magic net, it's not a big deal at all.

After talking about the design requirements of the new module, the "coolie" who came back from Caifeng went to work scratching his head. Bei Gaoyang sat on the sofa and let out a long sigh of relief. He has been too busy these days.

Who can be the shopkeeper, but the job of the shopkeeper is also exhausting, and he doesn't even have time to meditate and recover when he is busy.

"Tell me, good news or bad news?"

Nicholas, who had rushed back from the extreme south city, stood out from the shadows at this moment, saluted, and said, "There should be spies from the gods at the rear shock station, and the human coalition forces in the extreme south city show signs of mobilization."

"At this time..." Bei Gaoyang rubbed his scalp and smiled distressedly, "I really know how to seize the opportunity."

After pondering for a few minutes.

"Are you sure you can hold them for a while?", he said to the lich.

Nicholas: "It's hard, unless..."

"Unless the players make a big comeback from the backstage battlefield?"


"I'm afraid this is their purpose?"

"...We have no other choice, the extreme south city cannot be defended."

Bei Gaoyang pondered.

It is not impossible to transfer some players back to aid, but it is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution.

Although the construction of the 6-layer magic net can be 'non-stop server', it should not be subject to violent shocks. It needs a not-so-long construction period. It is a coincidence that the coalition forces of human nations are just in time for a few critical moments.

Perhaps their original intention was to test, but unfortunately, they just seized the opportunity.

This is how to do.

Calling players back to support is equal to the postponement of the 6th test. This delay will last for a long time. Once the fight starts, who knows when it will end. The battlefield situation at that time is far more complicated than it is now, and the intensity may exceed it. However, the high-level demons of the chaotic camp gave up early on the flanking battlefield.

"What do you mean?" He asked the lich for his opinion, one person counting the short, two counting the long.

Now that Nicholas has a deep understanding of the magic net and players, he also has a deep understanding of the sensitivity of this juncture. He hesitated and said, "Can... try to negotiate first?"

Bei Gaoyang frowned, but he quickly understood what he meant, "You mean...delaying time?"

The lich nodded.

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly, "I'm famous outside, but it's inconvenient to show up."

"You don't need to come forward, let the Mage Union negotiate on your behalf, through some private channels, those old guys on the council are very familiar with this aspect, they already have private connections with the coalition forces."

Bei Gaoyang nodded.

This is a good idea.

It's just that I owe the 'favor' of the Masters Association again.

Those old men on the council are all foxes who have become spirits. Although they are easy to talk now, they are simply responsive to requests, but when it is time to show their fangs, they are not vague at all. They are to themselves, to the magic net, I am very interested in the player and even the earth behind the player...

Sigh, forget it, if you have too many debts, you don’t have to worry about having too many lice. As long as the magic net and players grow up, what can I do if I renege on my debts?
"Let Heiyan...ah, not Huoer?"

"Let me go!", the Lich volunteered, "The work of Hei Yan and Hall must not be left behind, it is time to race against time"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Sending the Lich away, Bei Gaoyang looked at the design outline of the 6-layer magic net that had been greatly changed. He always felt that this matter would not be so simple. Time to do it?

No, not at all.

Bei Gaoyang couldn't think of a reason for the Lich to betray him.

The coolies from the Mage Union have just arrived, and Mowang and Xiao Ai are closely monitoring it. It is impossible for Xiao Moyuan to know the details, let alone the minions of the gods!

Is it a coincidence?

Do not!
It's better to be cautious.

Bei Gaoyang got up and went to Hall and Hei Yan's laboratory.

It is not so easy to enter the laboratory of the archmage. Even if he is the master of the mage tower, their employer, he must first obtain permission before teleporting in.

Hall and Hei Yan stopped their work, looking a little tired, they sat casually on the leather sofa, saw their employer coming in, and slightly got up to salute.

"You need to speed up your work!" He cut straight to the point as soon as he came up, "My enemy is not allowed to dawdle any longer."

Master Heiyan's expression moved slightly, "Is it the south?"


"That's troublesome!" Without further words, Hei Yan understood the reason for the employer's urgency.

magic net...

What a genius idea, a miraculous creation.

What is in the head of this caster of the same level, how can he have such a wonderful idea.

The Book of Canaan...

Hehe, what a coincidence, he happened to get it.

Hei Yan discussed with Hall, "...It can be implemented in stages, first realize an overall framework, and then gradually improve the designed parts, what do you think?"

"Yes!" Bei Gaoyang said without hesitation.

"Then it's no problem, seven days, seven days I'll hand over the part I'm in charge of to you"

Hall also assured, "Seven days should be fine."

"Then please."

After speaking, send and leave.

The employer broke into the large laboratory where mid-level and high-level spellcasters gathered for cooperation, and bluntly stated new requirements.

A high-ranking mage was about to protest when he heard this, frowning and crying.

"First realize an overall framework, and then slowly fill in the follow-up work."

"But in this way, the construction period will be greatly extended." A mid-level mage reminded weakly.

Bei Gaoyang was shocked when he heard the words, yes, the construction period has been greatly extended, these people must be permanent, and it is impossible for them to be sent away as soon as the work is finished.

Could this be the real intention of Hei Yan and Hall?
Is it too suspicious?
Bei Gaoyang thought about it, but he couldn't imagine any conspiracy and tricks that could threaten him in the fortress at the core of the magic net. Back, it's not unstoppable.

In this way, it's not that the current players can defeat them, but that they can't pay that price, and they don't have that kind of determination.

never mind!

No matter whether there is a conspiracy or not, the 6-layer magic net is always a matter of wealth and life. As long as the 6-layer magic net is built, more players will pour in, and there will be more "anchor" to stabilize itself, even if it is a clone of one or two gods How about going off in person?
If you can't beat you, you can't bite me, so what can you do to me?

But there can't be any changes on the earth, and there can't be delays!

——Xiao Yu, don't let me down!
At this time, Yu Qingdong sneezed in the cold wind. It was already winter, and the autumn tiger was completely a thing of the past. The chill of early winter began to show its power this morning. It was foggy outside, and the temperature dropped below zero for the first time.

But no matter how thick the fog is, it cannot block the white light from the flashlights, and no matter how cold the weather is, it cannot extinguish the enthusiasm of the scene.

——The first Metaverse Conference was successfully opened at the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Yu Qingdong could only stand on the left side of the rostrum near the entrance and exit, reduced to a role like a passer-by, with a standard smile all the way, welcoming the cameras from the media from all over the world like radar.

The bureaucracy on the rostrum has come to an end, leaders from more than [-] countries and regions gathered together, shook hands, smiled at the camera, and then took their seats.

After a short opening speech, enter the link of closed-door meeting.

Yu Qingdong was honored to attend.

The exquisite and detailed draft has been turned into an exquisite 'tender document', with the sound of a piece of paper turning in the Security Council-like circular conference hall.

There is no camera, no media, everyone has relaxed a lot, and the buzzing sound gradually rises.

——How will history record this day?
Thinking of this, Yu Qingdong was so excited that he didn't even hear the start of the meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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