This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 386 It can't be described as a game

Chapter 386 It can't be described as a game

An exciting police chase is taking place on a highway in Beimi.

A black Toyota off-road vehicle fled in front at a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour, followed by dozens of police cars chasing with whining sirens, low-altitude, circling armed helicopters came at high speed, and the vehicles along the way dodged thrillingly , In a short period of time, there have been several car crashes and fatal accidents.

Five kilometers ahead, the roadblock has been set up, and the heavily armed national guards are ready, with large and small caliber guns aimed at the direction of the black Toyota off-road, and there is a short and powerful command voice in the communicator.

Soon the fugitive came into view and noticed the roadblock ahead. The black off-road came to an emergency brake. Amidst the screeching tire friction sound, an obvious brake mark was left on the road.

The people in the car slammed the steering wheel, and after an obvious tilting movement, the off-road vehicle smashed through the guardrail, rushed off the high speed, and rushed into the field full of weeds.

Gunshots rang out, but they all avoided the body and headed towards the wheels of the off-road vehicle. With a bang, the left front wheel of the off-road vehicle burst, the body lost its balance, and fell into a shallow ditch.

In the sound of short orders, the heavily armed national guards rushed out of the blockade, some of them stopped the police and FBI who were chasing after them, and some surrounded them in a fan shape, holding bulletproof shields, and cautiously approached the fugitive vehicle lying in the nest .

"Listen, people inside, you are surrounded..."

With a sound of "Boom!", the car door was kicked up by the people inside, and a big man comparable to the star O'Neill got out from inside. He was wearing retro armor and holding a steel shield as tall as a person in his left hand. , holding an oversized and heavy fire ax in his right hand, his face was hidden in the metal visor, only his brown braids and strange patterns (magic patterns) covered with dark skin were exposed.

"Warning, warning, squat down with your hands on your head, repeat..."

As if a strong man of steel from the Middle Ages stepped on the ground suddenly, "Boom!", like a heavy hammer hitting a drum, the shock ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, and the guards in front seemed to be drunk. Yes, stumbling around.


"Da da da……"

The brawny man raised his huge shield, and there was a dense, rain-like "dang, clang, clang...", the shield blocked the firelight of the bullets like a firefly's bite in vain, the brawny man pretended nothing had happened, but the commander behind him was dumbfounded.

The impact force of the bullet no longer exists?

At this time, a thin and slender figure stepped up and down from the rear vehicle covered by a strong man and a shield.

This is a female.

She was wearing a white vintage robe, her long golden hair was tied behind her head by a headband made of green leaf branches, she was holding a weirdly shaped wooden stick (staff), and she sang in a mysterious, melodious, low-key unknown language stand up.

The commander's pupils shrank, and he was about to order the large-caliber automatic weapon to fire when he felt that the sky suddenly darkened, and a strange black fog filled the surroundings, his field of vision was greatly restricted, and the target had disappeared from the locked position. .

"Retreat, retreat!!"

But the communicator only had a noise similar to electromagnetic interference, and the commander fell into a thick fog where he couldn't see his fingers. The infrared device didn't work, and bright red was everywhere.


A scream close at hand awakened the commander from his bewilderment. He got into the panic-stricken command armored vehicle and ordered the team members to retreat with a loudspeaker.

He commanded the armored vehicle to start, the engine roared, and rushed out of the dark fog without knowing the direction, and collided head-on with a police car that came to support.

Cough cough cough...

He climbed out of the armored vehicle in a state of embarrassment. The police car was already on fire. The life and death of the police officers inside was unknown. He led the civilian staff around him to rescue them, supported each other and ran for more than ten meters, and heard "boom!" With a bang, a wave of air sent them flying to the ground.

"Da da da……"

Looking back, the strange thick fog gathered and did not disperse, covering an area of ​​tens of meters. National Guardsmen kept escaping from it, and people kept firing inside.

The armed helicopter came, but it could only hover above the head in vain. There was only a large area of ​​red on the infrared and vital sign display instruments, and the enemy could not be seen, nor could it tell where our own people were.

When the brigade of police and the FBI came, they could only stay outside the black mist. The only thing they could do was to block the black mist.

"Fake, my people are still inside, you want me to retreat now!?"

The commander of the lieutenant colonel snarled in front of the rushing bureaucrats, with a frightening look of choosing someone to kill.

"Lieutenant Colonel, obey orders!"

The same National Guard colonel as his class reprimanded him.

"Fack, Fack..."

Those who could escape, uh, all escaped, and there are still 11 guards trapped inside. The scene is like a battlefield, and even fighter jets roar past from low altitude.

The strange thick fog was surrounded and impenetrable until it suddenly dissipated in the next second.

The field of vision and detection instruments were all restored, and there were only seven or eight guards lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and no trace of the fugitive was seen.

"They're still alive!"

The rescue started quickly, but the fugitive was nowhere to be seen, and there was no one in the slumped black off-road vehicle.

At this moment, an armored vehicle on the periphery suddenly started up, knocked over two police cars blocking the road, and roared onto the highway.

In the co-pilot's position, a burly black man lifted off his metal visor, grinned at the guards and the FBI outside, cut his throat, and walked away.


"They took hostages?"

"How did they get up there?"

"Why didn't anyone find out?"

There was a burst of chaos, and the armed helicopter above the head reacted first, and caught up with the armored vehicle. The large-caliber cannon on it was a warning chain of ammunition, blocking the front of the vehicle.

A white man with green hair poked his head out of the car window. He stared at the low-altitude helicopter, drew a strange gesture on his chest, and muttered something in his mouth. The gunship swayed like a drunk , deviated from the locked position, and fell headlong to the ground.

"Oh, my God!"

The helicopter "woke up" at the critical moment when it was about to hit the ground, as if it had been a demon, the pilot pulled up the nose with all his strength, passed the heads of everyone dangerously, and flew up again. safe height.

Seeing this, other armed helicopters dare not approach again.

"Why not destroy them!?"

The commander of the lieutenant colonel roared angrily.

"That's not what you need to know!"


Two men, two women, and two players in the off-road vehicle screamed ghostly, the gunship stopped chasing, and there was no pursuer behind them. The road to a new life of freedom is at their feet. How can they escape from that ghost base? Not happy?

"Boss, a guy who says he's from Homeland Security wants to talk to us."

Jobs, a strong black man sitting in the co-pilot, listened to the car radio with headphones, and said to the female mage behind him.

"Homeland Security?" Kardashian, a female mage player, was looking behind with a binoculars, turned her head when she heard the words, and said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's what this guy said." Jobs took off the earphones and shook them.

"There must be some conspiracy!" Lei Jia, the third priest player, yelled strangely. He was sitting on the other side of the back row. It was he who nearly crashed the helicopter gunship just now through prayer.

"Listen to what this guy has to say." Kardashian snapped his fingers, Jobs unplugged the second level, adjusted the channel, and after a while, a gentle male voice with a Washington accent appeared: "You don't need to run away. Yes, the Grand Commander has pardoned you."

"Liar!" Lei Jia shouted excitedly.

"You should be aware of some of the recent changes. Congress has approved the establishment of a brand new metaverse business group company funded by American companies such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing Defense, and Raytheon, to act as an agent to operate Canaan Games in Beimi. In other words In other words, the ban on Canaan and Canaan players is about to be lifted, and the crimes you committed before will be pardoned by the White House, provided you cooperate with us."

The players in the car didn't speak for a while after hearing the words.

"Where can you escape to? Until now, you have maintained great restraint in your actions. You don't think that you can challenge the world's only superpower with your strange...abilities. Defeat a mighty army, right?"

"Damn, boss, we can't trust those politicians, think what they have done to us?", Lei Jia shouted.

"Com Ang, mature guys, the past is the past, think about it carefully, once the Miguo Yuan Universe Business Group Company is established, acting as an agent for the management and operation of Canaan Games in Beimi, you will all be subject to it whether it is online or offline. U.S. government and legal supervision... cooperate or resist, be rational, you know how to do it."


Smoke and sparks came out of the car radio that Jobs punched, which also interrupted the hateful voice claiming to be from the Department of Homeland Security. Three players, two men and one woman, started arguing, and Kardashian stretched her head out irritably. , Lei Jia, who was spitting at herself, kicked back and shouted: "Do you think I forgot? No, but that guy is right, we have been targeted, and Tiaozi has been following behind these days, and there is no time Going online, and the damn agency operation, this news is true, the damn Canaan Company is ready to compromise with the White House, we have been betrayed, it's that simple!"

"Why did Canaan Company... Ah, aren't Huaguo people always tough?" Lei Jia parked the car on the side of the road, scratching her hair in distress.

"Businessmen and capitalists always pursue profits!" Jobs, a strong black man, was relatively calm. "If Canaan wants to be internationalized, it cannot avoid North America...and Europe."

"But what should we do? When I think of the days when I was locked up in the base as a guinea pig, I wish I could kill them all." Lei Jia growled with red eyes.

"Patience, buddy, patience!" Jobs, who was the biggest and had the best temper, comforted his companions, "That's fine, more players will definitely make that day come earlier."

that day?

Lei Jia was at a loss, but Kardashian knew what Jobs was referring to.

This is because Lei Jia's "seniority" is relatively low. The players "rioted" just after being captured in the base. It is said that one day in the future, when the real and the virtual, when the offline and the online completely overlap, all decayed, depraved, and oppressive things will be destroyed, and the world will usher in the birth of a new era. The rebirth of the subject...

Kardashian: "We are the Rebels!"

Jobs: "We're going to smash an old world and create a new one!"

Lei Jia: ...

Shouting slogans frantically, the expressions of the three of them calmed down. At this time, an honest Dodge car came from behind and stopped not far away. A bald middle-aged man in a suit got off from it. He raised his hands to indicate that he was not malicious. , walking slowly.

"I'm Dyson, I just got through the phone!" Dyson made a call gesture and smiled at the three players who walked down.

Ten minutes later, the three players cooperated honestly and boarded a military vehicle specially photographed, left the blocked highway, and flew away by helicopter.

Dyson completed the task, ignored the protests and roars from the FBI and the local police station, and rushed to the next scene where the player was being chased.


Two days later, he returned exhausted. The director listened to his report and nodded with satisfaction, "Thanks for your hard work, buddy. The good news is that the bill has been passed in Congress. In the future, such work can be done by the FBI. That elephant party The chief of the bureau has been fired by the commander-in-chief."

"That's great."

"Go back and get some rest and a shower and say hello to Kate for me and the kids"

The White House has finally cleared the obstacles of Congress and the Elephant Party. The ban on Canaan games and players will soon be abolished. On the way home, Dyson encountered a group of extreme protesters who clashed with the police and opposed Canaan , Anti-China and even racially discriminatory banners were thrown everywhere.

At home, his wife Kate, who works in an import and export trading company, is also very concerned about the major events that are happening. In the living room, she and her two children who are on 11 level training are watching Huaguo's 24-hour news express.

"Are you done, dear?"


"Hunting players?"

"Don't worry, we are very restrained."

"Thank God those politicians finally made the right call."

At this time, the news anchor just said that there was a major disagreement in the three-day closed-door meeting, and the TV screen showed the US representative slamming the door, the scene was chaotic, and the flashlight was as bright as day.

Dyson shrugged his shoulders, "The Chinese people don't seem to understand how much concessions the United States has made."

His wife Kate comforted: "It will always pass. The world needs cooperation rather than confrontation, especially in this matter."

"I hope so!" said Dyson wearily.

"Dad, can we play Canaan games in the future? I want to be a player."

Dyson frowned slightly, hugged the eleventh-grade twin daughters in his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "You can't use 'game' to describe it dear, it's a competition, go all out That, we've fallen far behind."

(End of this chapter)

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