This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 387 Is this guy detached?

Chapter 387 Is this guy detached?
Entering December, the weather in Shanghai is cloudy and sunny, and the morning is extremely cold, reaching the point where it turns into frost. This is rare for this city. Compared with its location and latitude and longitude, it is so early. Winter is still so cold, I haven't seen it for many years.

The closed-door meeting of "The World's First Metaverse Conference" at the International Convention and Exhibition Center has lasted to the fourth day. After the Beimi delegation left in anger yesterday, it was reported that the Omon Parliament did not pass the so-called "Metaverse Act" "The news cast a shadow over the already clear cooperation.

Just when the cloud players of Beimi and Omon were worried about it, this morning they suddenly heard that the negotiations had made a breakthrough. Canaan Company's status as the parent company had been 'confirmed', but the independence of the branches in various places Sex is also explicitly guaranteed in writing.

The two sides have made concessions in terms of shareholding comparison, profit division, rights and obligations, and the haze that shrouded the convention and exhibition center for a while has been lifted like this?
As soon as the news came out, the Omon Council expressed its appreciation for this huge breakthrough on social media, and expressed optimism that the second round of voting on the bill will be passed. North America also made the same move, and it was even more praised from all over the world. .

The situation was suddenly reversed like this, as if the bad break up last night never happened.

The media from various countries expected to sign the agency agreement soon, but they did not expect the progress to be faster than they imagined.

Before noon, the organizers of the conference informed that the first round of agreement signing would be at 11 o'clock. The first batch of signed agreements were small agencies, but its significance made the media excited, because the agency plan also The exact version will follow with this signing.

In fact, there have been many versions of the operating agent draft of Canaan Games on the Internet. The people of Huaguo are very generous this time, and the generosity is amazing. They will not only publish the "source code" of Canaan Games, but also Carry out a "segmentation" and allow agents to "crack the ground to build a country" and enjoy the full power to manage and operate players and resources in the country. Huaguo is not ready to intervene and interfere?
Is there such a good thing in the world?

Amid all the praise, no one has ever thought that the reason why Canaan Company made such a big concession must be related to the "trouble" between Beimi and Omon some time ago. It is said, but it is said that Canaan games seem to have something to do with the human body. A major hidden danger threatens people's physical and mental health. Americans claim to have relevant evidence and want to make it public.

Not only that, they also questioned the "authenticity" of the Canaan game. It seems to have some amazing evidence?
Maybe it was because of the huge pressure in this area that Canaan Company was forced to make such a major concession?
In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider.

It's not that there were no "quasi-agents" who came forward during the closed-door meeting and asked Canaan Company to announce the truth in this regard, but the strange thing is that the American people are more anxious than the Lord, not only denying such accusations, but also facing Without changing his expression, he swallowed all the saliva he spit before.

Ha ha……

The so-called truth is just a layer of window paper. Whether Canaan has any damage to the human body should have been known long ago, but if they don’t shows that their level is not enough, and their qualifications as agents are doubtful.

In fact, regarding the qualifications of agents, the US delegation really considers the overall situation. Some small countries do not have the qualifications to represent and distribute Canaan games. For example, some Pacific island countries, if they are allowed to mix into the ranks of agents, Canaan games The 'Kepler Islands' is a sure thing.

The problem is that the Chinese people are extremely 'pedantic' on this issue. No matter how big or small an agent is, as long as they are authorized by their country, they are eligible to participate in the negotiation.

Besides, Americans are not all kind, they have deeper calculations.

The agency contract stipulates that the agency of a country can only be responsible for the Canaan affairs within the country, and the agents are equal and must not interfere with the normal operation of other agents. From the very beginning there was constant bickering.

Forget it, let's eat the benefits first.

Not only Americans think so, most agents think so.

Therefore, the signing of the first batch of agency agreements went smoothly.

On the fourth floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center, the camera lens was like a jungle, and the anchors who spoke various languages ​​were talking to the camera. Some of them were excited, some were serious, and they all took the messy signing scene as the background.

When the music with Huaguo characteristics sounded, all the shots switched to the rostrum.

Yu Qingdong ushered in the brightest moment in his life.

This time he is not a supporting role, but the protagonist, and he is accompanied by the senior management of Canaan Company and representatives of agents of various skin colors and national costumes.

A group of hundreds of people walked to the rostrum and took their seats under the intensive bombardment of flashing lights. An executive of Canaan Company showed the agency contract to be signed to the media in the audience.

The agent representative who came up first came from Brazil. This person is the largest farmer in Brazil. It is said that the farm area he owns is larger than Zhejiang Province in China. Most of the agricultural products he grows, especially soybeans, are exported to China. Therefore, the relationship with this side is good. This time, Canaan Company has made a lot of effort in defeating many domestic competitors and obtaining the authorization of the country.

Of course, just gossip.

This 50-year-old top [-] rich man in the world was as happy as a child. He led a huge team of lawyers and contract signings to sit on the other side of the rostrum. As soon as he came up, he gave Yu Qingdong a big hug and pulled him involuntarily. The samba dancing in front of the world's media.


Yu Qingdong apologized in embarrassment and awkwardness. The big boss danced, and the professionals on both sides were not idle. They seized the time to review the contract stripes that had been reviewed countless times, and confirmed that there was no change before pointing to their respective bosses. nodded.

Signing begins.

Yu Qingdong picked up the first pen, and under the guidance of someone beside him, carefully signed his name on the blank space.

The 50 richest people on the other side have already signed the documents, and they are proudly showing the documents he just signed to the frenzied cameras and the media.

this person...

Yu Qingdong smiled and put on the second pen.

"Is this guy out of touch?"

In a certain teahouse in Yanjing, the backbone players of the Xiongbatian Gang in Yanjing gathered in the lobby on the second floor while chatting and watching the live broadcast. A trendy man dressed in fancy clothes pointed to Yu Qingdong and Mr. Yu on the TV screen and said.

"He? It's just a puppet!"

A son of a leader of a powerful department in Yanjing said disdainfully that he looks more than [-] years old, but he is more fashionable than a should I say 'avant-garde', he looks good, but his face is full Arrogant, drinking tea, with one thigh resting on the snow-white thigh of a beautiful woman in a flag dress.

"How to say?"

Another young man sitting opposite asked.

"This guy is just a figure on the table, he has no real power." Brother Gongzi said in a tone of knowing the inside story, showing his connections and well-informed.

There are many people here who don't like him. If you didn't dump him in the past, no matter how deep your offline connections are, you can't control them online. Are you afraid of suddenly?
But now it's different, Canaan is about to be operated by agents, and as soon as agents of all sizes come in, the players' lives will not be as easy as before.

"Fuck, what are you tossing about?"

A fat man said indignantly, Brother Young Master glanced at him, wanted to say something, but was stopped by the eyes of the beautiful woman in cheongsam beside him, so he curled his lips and took a sip of tea.

"94, why is internationalization so important? Just how many people in our country can't get in the queue..."

"You don't understand this, hehe..."

"You know, you said it!"

"Can't say, can't say."

"Fuck, I hate half-talking guys the most."

Everyone was discussing while watching the live broadcast. After a while, footsteps came up the stairs. A young man with the game ID Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, whose real name was Xiao Jiabin and known as Xiao Shao, was accompanied by a middle-aged man who looked like a leader. come up.

"Brother Xiao!"

Brother Young Master quickly stood up to say hello.


"Big guy!"


Amidst the echoes, Xiao Jiabin nodded politely to everyone, "I still have something to do, I'll come down later, you guys watch the live broadcast first." After speaking, he went upstairs with the leader.

"Who is this guy?"

After the person left, someone asked.

"It should be an official, not young."

"Is not this nonsensical!"

"At this juncture, the president summoned us again... There must be something, maybe it has something to do with this internationalization."

"That's for sure."

"Wow, we can all participate in such a big event? The president is the president, awesome!"


Brother Young Master had a fit of showing off, and endured it for a long time, "Cut~" pretended to be disdainful, and said, "Is this person considered a high-ranking official? Sijiucheng will catch a lot of them, so the position is more important."

"How do you say it?" It was still the same joker.

"This person is just a small division chief. He is indeed from the second division of Yanjing Virtual Currency Trading Center. Do you think it's not important?"


Everyone suddenly realized.

He quickly guessed Xiao Jiabin's intention for inviting this person.

The exchange rate has skyrocketed recently, making the guild's funds extremely tight, and it has been exaggerated in the past two days, no matter how much money you have, you won't be able to receive it.

Ordinary players are clutching their wallets, and they don’t take out a single coin. The two major trading markets only see food that is rarely sold, and ordinary people are just fine. It is said that there are thousands of players waiting to join the gang, and the daily expenditure is a huge amount of copper coins, let alone a few high-ranking players who are counting on getting more meritorious service before the end of the expansion.

Gao Zhan wanted the gang to support him, otherwise what would the gang do?
This exacerbates the tension in capital flow, but it cannot be collected online or offline.

"Yesterday, no one sold me at 1 to 150 fucking, shit!"

"I'm running out of money to buy potions."

"It's impossible to play like this."

"Yeah yeah!"

"It's time to rectify the exchange rate. I hope the boss will get more inside information."


It involves the vital interests of everyone, and they don't watch the live TV broadcast.

After chatting for more than half an hour, batches of contracts began to be signed on TV. Each time agents, large and small, showed the agency contracts they had just signed to the camera, the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic. As if grabbing a gold ingot in his bosom, everyone in front of the TV watching had mixed feelings.

At this time, Xiao Jiabin came down to compensate the director, chatting and laughing all the way, there were two beauties beside Xiao Jiabin, each of whom was hugged by two men.

Sent to the elevator entrance and sent the powerful director away, Xiao Jiabin and the two beautiful players turned around and cursed: "It's really the King of Hades who loves to deal with little ghosts!" Everyone laughed for a while.

"It's going to be difficult now. The higher-ups don't have the energy to manage the exchange rate for the time being. Let's wait for a few days and wait for the evil wind to pass." Xiao Jiabin briefly talked about the inside information he had found, and then Looking at the screen, Yu Qingdong is smiling at the camera like a big guy, "This guy is shaking."

Everyone followed suit, and Xiao Jiabin waved his hand to let everyone sit down, "They are all brothers from a gang, and they all live in Yanjing. This time I came to discuss with you, what should I do in the future?"

"President, what do you mean?"

"This expansion pack is coming to an end, and we won't be able to grab much of the remaining three melons and two dates. The supervision will be very strict in the future. We need to make plans early."

Everyone didn't understand what he meant.

Xiao Jiabin first dismissed the beauties around him to check the doors and windows, and saw that no outsiders were there, and then said, "Someone has found a way to apply for immigration and get to a place with less strict supervision. I'm thinking about it."

What, immigrants! ?
Where is this going! ?
Many people are confused, but there are also those who turn their heads quickly, "This idea is good, but I don't know if it can be done? After all, players used to not even give up the country."

Xiao Jiabin waved his hand, "Now and then, 6-test players are not rare anymore, at least not as rare as they are now, they can be found all over the world, but some places will have strict supervision, everyone should be mentally prepared. "

"What kind of strict law?"

"I don't know yet!" Xiao Jiabin said, "At least it's nothing compared to what it is now. Besides, immigrants don't let you live on islands. What's going on now will be what's going to happen in the future. The good thing is..."

"The advantage is that it is not under the control of the country!"

Xiao Jiabin smiled and said, "Yes!"

"You can continue to enjoy domestic convenience!"

"This thing is not new, many people do it."

"President, what do you mean... all immigration?"

"We are all in the same gang, so what if we have different nationalities? It must be done together!"

Having said that, many people hesitated.

Xiao Jiabin said, "It's not decided yet. Let's see how the actual situation of the 6th test will be. Let me talk to you first. I have a mental preparation, and I have time to think about it... There is only one thing, keep it secret!"

Everyone naturally promised not to leak it out.

In this way, before the thunder fell, the insects and birds sensed the thunder and began to look for places to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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