This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 388 The Fall of Metheus

Chapter 388 The Fall of Metheus

The No. 7 Special Precision Manufacturing Factory in the southern suburbs of Shanghai had been relocated a long time ago. With the [-]-story small red building as the center, it has degraded to an extremely primitive area within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

The abnormal weather caused by the magic power from Canaan has always shrouded here. As a result, once entering the 'isolation enclosure', it seems to have entered a different world.

Animals and plants are growing and mutating extremely actively here, and only then can they hide for a while, and a large Amazon jungle has sprung up on the bare ground.

Magic power also brings accelerated decay of some materials, especially metal products, and interferes with electromagnetism, chemical reactions and classical physical phenomena. The more sophisticated electronic components with high technical content, the easier they are to be damaged, and the flow of electric charges becomes extremely irritable and violent. Unstable, the flame brings not only temperature, but also...

As soon as the convoy entered the 'isolation enclosure', they lay down in twos and threes. As a last resort, Yu Qingdong and Canaan's high-level and technical backbones could only get out of the car and walk. One executive jokingly said, is this considered civil servants getting off their sedan chairs and military officials? dismount?
Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

The agency signing is still in progress, but Yu Qingdong is no longer needed to be present in person. Everything that needs to be discussed has been clarified, and it is just a formality.

Once the contract is signed, it begins to be performed.

The main purpose of this trip is for this matter.

How to act as an agent? You can't do it with a single contract. You have to give them "equipment", otherwise how can they act as an agent?

Speaking of this "equipment" is really troublesome, Canaan Company has not done it by itself, otherwise the most important "computer room" will not stay here all the time, because the "core technology" has not been thoroughly understood, and it is still in the usable state. But I don't know why it works.

Under the protection of the security team, a group of people sneaked in the Amazon jungle-like environment talking and laughing. The magic power is so strong that even ordinary people can feel it, as if the oxygen content is high, and they will not feel tired after a long time of activities.

A security team member walking in the front had just retired from the top special warfare brigade, his face was habitually painted with oil paint, and his equipment was no worse than when he was in the army. He brandished a machete to protect the people behind him. Opening the way, I just slashed on a vine that looked like a creeper. Unexpectedly, the vine screamed, splashing out pale pink juice that looked like blood.

Large areas of 'creepers' twitched and shrunk into the depths that could not be seen, and it suddenly became clear that there were not even a single weed left except for tall trees.

A group of people froze for a few seconds, and an executive smiled and said, "Infinite quality is self-sufficient, I think it is feasible."

The so-called infinite quality is nothing more than a modified version of the magic material. Zero said that if the magic power is strong, it is possible to 'evolve' the magic material in this small piece of environment.

The others forced a smile, not as relaxed as before.

The rest of the trip is a lot more careful.

Passing through the area that was originally covered by 'Creepers', a small stream appeared in front of it. The sound of flowing water made everyone relax, and the woods began to become thinner. From where they were, they could already vaguely see the location of the Red Mansion. .

Arriving soon, everyone decided to take a rest by the stream.

They were all pampered middle-aged people, and their physical strength was a little bit unbearable. Yu Qingdong sat on a big rock beside the stream, enjoying the gentle breeze, looking at the crystal-clear stream, and felt refreshed.

"The fish in this water should be delicious. Look, this is saury, right?"

"Why is there saury in this place? Isn't this the best freshwater fish?"

"Look, there's a big guy over there!"

"Wait a minute, I'll grab two and bring them up."

The stream was so shallow that it could only reach the knees. Seeing Lie Xinxi, a senior executive took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trousers, and was about to enter the water.

"Stop, danger!"

"Who, who!?"

Unexpectedly, there are other people in this place.

A man and a woman, two people who looked like travelers ran out from the jungle in front of them, waving their hands loudly to prevent the executives from getting into the water.

The security teammates went up to meet them, and after some negotiation, they found out that they were two experts from Yanjing University of Geosciences.

The two professors were not very old. When they came to the edge of the stream, they threw a piece of raw meat at the position where the senior executives were about to enter the water. Eating this piece of meat, looking at its gentle and harmless appearance, it is actually extremely ferocious. The rodent-like sharp teeth ate up a large piece of raw meat including the bones in just a few seconds. Afterwards, the water surface returned to calm.

The executive looked pale, and someone asked, "Could it be a piranha? Why are there piranhas in this place? Don't piranhas look like this?"

The two professors glanced around with heavy faces, without speaking, and left on crutches.

Now everyone is completely honest.

The rest of the journey was safe and sound, and they arrived at the core area that nominally belongs to the Canaan Company.

Looking at the seven-story red building built on the hill, Yu Qingdong could never have imagined that this building would become so important in the end.

It can be said that this building would not work without Canaan Company. Without it, the connection between online and offline would cease to exist, and management, development, and operation would naturally cease to exist.

Not to mention, a constant entrance is in this building, which leads to a mysterious and unknown world.

This different world is Canaan, Canaan in the physical sense... Everyone including him knows this, but no one mentions it tacitly, and pretends not to notice.

Is Canaan a game after all?

Canaan can only be a game!

The seemingly contradictory explanation is indeed the current fact. Even if it is not a game, it has all the characteristics of a game. Otherwise, where does the source code come from, and how does the management and operation authority exist?

Ding Jian was already waiting for them downstairs.

This young man was originally a worker at the No. [-] Special Precision Manufacturing Factory. He was selected as an apprentice by fate and joined Fayan No. [-]. Because of his talent and mood, he stood out from the crowd of students. Now that the students have changed three batches, he also Become the existence of a 'guest' professor, instead of No. [-] to teach the knowledge of another world.

He also became the de facto manager of this building, a special talent that even Yu Qingdong had to treat with care.

"Little Ding!"

"Mr. Yu, everyone has worked hard."

"Are you all ready?"

"It's almost there, let's go in and talk."


successor station.

The magic flies covering the sky and the sun were almost killed at last, and there were no traces of monsters in the rust-colored sky except for the Griffon Knights flying everywhere.

In the huge ruins, players are everywhere, and NPCs and player priests are purifying every inch of land here.

A large number of obese worms were driven out of the rust-colored underground and withered in the holy water. The competition between the magic net and the abyss was most intuitively reflected in the colors of the sky and the earth.

All the land covered by the magic net is dark and can be used normally, which is very intuitive.

Although the war is not over yet, restoration and reconstruction work has already begun.

——The fifth test has entered the countdown stage.

During the busy design of the 6-layer magic net, Bei Gaoyang was thinking among a pile of design drawings, and the appearance of Xiao Ai meant that something important had happened.

Seeing her, Bei Gaoyang gave him a headache, and now he was afraid of accidents.

"what's up?"

"The coverage of the magic net has exceeded 50%."

Xiao Ai is talking about the 97th floor of the abyss, and the magic net covers 50%, which means that more than half of the land and sky have been brought under the control of the system. Except for the underlying rules, the magic net has taken over almost everything inside, especially for the players.

This should be a good thing.

"Abyss consciousness?"

Bei Gaoyang soon realized what the bad news Xiao Ai was about to tell.

The consciousness of the abyss has never receded, and, with the spread of the magic net and the expansion of the "contact area" with it, the pervasive erosion has actually begun long ago. The difference is nothing more than that the magic net has a will, and Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system The authority is very high. With them, it is like a spider entrenched on a giant web. First, it can act as an early warning, and second, it can effectively resist and slow down the erosion of abyss consciousness.

"Metheus is... falling!"

Bei Gaoyang was taken aback by the bad news about Xiao Ai, "Where is she?"

"It's just outside."

"Let her in."

Depravity seems to be just a description of behavior and consciousness corruption, but it is like a kind of "rottenness" that has passed the "shelf life". ' edge, slightly blackened.

This blackness seemed to be a curse, and it seemed to be a manifestation of Mitheus's emotional overflow. Bei Gaoyang felt her inner struggle, fear and anger, as well as deep unwillingness, confusion and pain.

"Sir, save me!"

Mishus prayed to Bei Gaoyang with two different voices at the same time, one is familiar and the other is unfamiliar. The two voices are like two parallel lines, and the two parallel lines are intertwined and repelled together The 'tremolo' is like a moan, a temptation, a... lingering.

The feared thing finally happened.

"Don't worry, sit down and talk slowly."

"My lord, I don't want to be sealed, let alone exiled. I, I actually feel very good. Really, I never thought of betraying you. It doesn't do me any good. I don't even know who to turn to..."

"Sit down, calm down first, and listen to me slowly."

Xiao Ai was extremely wary of the 'fallen' forest goddess, looking at her as if she was looking at a different kind, Bei Gaoyang was much calmer, and comforted Mishus to calm down a little before standing up and saying, "There are seven deadly sins on the earth. The Christian Church also claims that people are born with sins, so they need to repent to God and use one life to redeem their sins... I thought, after all, you are different from human beings, and you will not have weaknesses in human nature. Now I know that you are wrong. You have assumed too many 'beliefs' for the system and for me, so they have been transformed and filled with all kinds of desires in human nature, and you have no experience in this area, which facilitates the erosion of abyssal consciousness."

Xiao Ai's expression was greatly moved when she heard the words, "My lord, we..."

"Listen to me first!" Bei Gaoyang slightly raised his hand to stop him, and walked slowly to Mishus's side, looking at this false god of the system that was originally full of forest and wilderness, "The abyss and demons tempting people to degenerate are just a description , refers to the fact that they use the various desires of intelligent creatures to create some urgent needs and make them a kind of "obsession". This kind of obsession is often extreme and extreme, so they use extremes and extremes to The other characteristics of the extinguishing intelligent creature make it...pure."

"The devil takes pleasure in appreciating the hesitation, hesitation, and struggle of intelligent creatures in this process. Ordinary people think that this kind of behavior is just a hobby of the devil, but it is not the case. It is a demand of the devil."

"In the process of making intelligent beings 'pure', intelligent beings will have two outcomes desired by demons, one is sublimation, which is upward, and the other is degeneration, which is downward."

"The extreme of sublimation is positive, and the extreme of degeneration is negative. No matter what the result is, the demons can get what they need from it."

"This kind of thing will make them appreciate the abyss consciousness. In other words, it is the abyss consciousness that needs this kind of thing."

"That is, in the process of sublimation and degeneration, human nature will volatilize a kind of...uh, factor, because this factor is pure and cohesive, and can be absorbed by the abyss consciousness, and the foundation of strengthening the abyss consciousness has become what the demons crave"

"For tens of thousands of years, the truth has long been covered up by ignorance, brainwashing, and prejudice. As far as the two outcomes of sublimation and degeneration are concerned, it is not necessarily a bad thing. It depends on what the obsession in your heart is."

"Misius, do you have a lot of dissatisfaction with the status quo? What do you really want to change?"

Xiao Ai became more vigilant when she heard the words. Looking at Mishus was like looking at some scourge, but Mishus calmed down, and the blackness overflowing with spiritual light became more active.

"My lord, you know it, why bother to ask?"

"Bold!" Mitheus's not-so-respectful question made Xiao Ai furious.

Bei Gaoyang raised his hand to stop it, and said with a smile, "Becoming a god?"

Mitheus didn't answer.

Yes, who wants to be a false god all the time, who wants to be a tool all the time?

These artificial intelligence beings "activated" by artificial intelligence programs actually have their own fundamental interests, including Xiao Ai, but Bei Gaoyang thought he had made it very clear to them. Upgrade, that moment will eventually come.

"I think you have too many restrictions on the use of players and the magic net, and the magic net takes into account too many and too many useless functions..."

"for example?"

"Life and leisure players are actually the burden of the magic net..."

"Nonsense, they provide us with the largest number of various resources for the magic net, including the foundation of your existence - faith!" Xiao Ai retorted sharply.

"They just do 'lamb' and the system can..."

"Stop!", Bei Gaoyang stopped Mishus from continuing to speak, and if he continued to speak, it would be the way of the gods, and he was extremely disgusted.

But what about this Mitheus?

After dealing with her, what will the other false gods think, and will they make everyone feel in danger?

Maybe it will accelerate the fall of some false gods.

If Mitheus came second, would it be so easy for Xiao Ai to find out?That is the consciousness of the abyss, moistening things silently, maybe I...

Forget it, forget it, stability trumps everything.

(End of this chapter)

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