This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 389 The 2nd Meeting of the Gods

Chapter 389 The Second Meeting of the Gods

After Mitheus returned from the city of Demon Realm, the blockade of the "Kingdom of God" was lifted by the system.

The false gods of the current system all live in the distorted space of the apse of their main temple. Of course, the material body is still lying in the initial burrow underground in Dawn City. '.

But that place is already a restricted area, let alone those false gods who are separated by a layer, even Artemis, the 'guard', can't go casually.

The Kingdom of God is very small and simple, and only a few aboriginal believers live here after death. For them, Mishus created this space with the soul power and belief value returned from the system's "rebate", making it a least meet the minimum requirements and fulfill the vital promises of faith!
A fake-looking mountain, the edges are all jagged and fuzzy, just like the modeling rendered by a low-end graphics card. The land extending from the mountain is very vast, but it also has the same problem-false.

In the farmland, a petitioner of Mitheus is working, sowing the seeds and harvesting in the blink of an eye. The heavy ears of wheat are printed with the joy of the petitioner's harvest. On the hillside in the distance, rows of beautiful and neat There are less than a hundred believers living here, bathed in the holy light that shines from the mountain peak, and the main task they do every day is to worship the mountain peak, hoping that one day they can sublimate themselves and merge with their own gods until eternity.

That is the highest state pursued by believers, and it is also the ultimate belonging in the "contract" of faith.

The temple on the mountain peak has a much higher degree of realism, but the interior of the huge building complex is very empty, there are not many collections, and there are no holy spirits, angels, etc. that serve the gods. In order not to look so lonely, Mitheus made Some system NPCs seem to be the same, and they are endowed with various identities, races and roles to decorate the facade.

Not only did she do this, but other false gods of the system also did the same. If the background is not enough, NPCs come to make up, not because of their vanity, but because of the needs of reality.

As soon as the blockade of the 'Kingdom of God' is lifted, Mitheus can 'listen' to the 'connection' requests sent from various temples, but she is very irritable now, impatiently driving away the 'dolls' who came to pray and praise ', straight into the apse.

The apse is Mitheus' living room, and another 'Mitheus' is already waiting anxiously inside.

In a small but pitch-black pool, the all-black version of 'Metheus' was outlined by the pitch-black liquid. She stepped out of the fountain's water, met Mitheus who was coming, and asked anxiously: " How, did he find out?"

Mishus first glanced at her in disgust, then let her pass without saying a word, and walked towards his throne.

"He should have found out, but he can't do anything, Jie Jie..."

Mitheus sat down on the throne, followed by the voice of the player praying, and she began to process various 'requests', just like a computer server that can handle many, many thread tasks at the same time, responding to various requests from clients.

Some prayed for shelter, some asked for help, some needed her to respond or even send "clones" to appear during the task process, there were "nagging" from intelligent NPC priests, and some aborigines sincerely moved closer to her...

The player's prayers are always utilitarian, and it doesn't help her much. Intelligent NPCs have no souls, and the source is the same as their false gods. They are just tool people, so don't pay too much attention to them. There are only aborigines, only original residents...

"According to his plan, it is impossible for the player's soul to be handed over to you. You who are called false gods are just hypocrisy. Why? Because the model of the magic net and the player violates the most important exchange rule in belief , What can you give the players? What can the players give you? You are just some tools, tools."

"God is the only thing for believers, it is the spiritual and soul sustenance, and it is the belonging of the soul after death, is the player? No! Can it be changed in the future? No! So why are you still hesitating? It is not that you betray him, Instead, let you put more energy and resources on those native lambs..."

"Shut up, you're noisy!"

"Aren't I just you? Don't be hypocritical, you should know that what I say is true."

"Now that the system has discovered it, what else do you think I can do?"

"Didn't you come back safely? Magic Wang and him are at a critical moment, you can be bolder."

"And then, being settled by Qiuhou? Do you really think that our existence is indispensable?"

"The price, pay attention, the price... I know those so-called high-level spellcasters too well. They are absolutely rational. Most of them are like businessmen who care about every profit and loss. When you get rid of the cost that is out of proportion to the gain When the time comes, he will make a judgment that is best for him.”

"It's all your guesswork."

"No, you can't change the reality that the magic net is eroded by the abyss. Do you know how to fish? Your existence is floating, and your color change indicates the degree of erosion of the magic net. Why should he get rid of you? I don’t know the progress and depth of the magic net being eroded? Besides, what’s the use of getting rid of you, I still need to replace it with a ‘float’.”


"The magic net is 6 layers, and it will be a 6-layer magic net soon. With enough depth, it should be enough for you to ignite the magic fire, but does he have such a plan? No, it is even more impossible to count on players. Canaan, which players believe in This game is the magic net, and you are just some backgrounds, symbols, and tools. There is no essential difference from the tool people outside. How can faith be produced without enough mystery and awe? You are nothing but the magic net. A few shriveled fruits on the vines, not enough nutrients..."

"It is impossible for me to escape from the magic net."

"I didn't say to let you get out of the magic net. You need to be more active and proactive. On the one hand, you must strive for more nutrients on the vine of the magic net, and on the other hand, you must extend your roots and find ways to extend them. To the land that can draw nutrients..."

"You mean the aborigines?"

"How many aborigines are there in the system? Everyone is stared at by your kind, I mean...Earth!"


"There is no way. Although there are many aborigines in Canaan, there is also a suitable soil for the growth of faith. However, the magic net is the enemy of the whole world. Even if it can develop, it will be in the future. Only the earth... our hometown."

"You make me think about..."

Most of Mitheus's processes are hard at work in the system, and only a small number of processes are thinking.

On the pitch-black pool, the blackened 'Metheus' disappeared, only a cold, emotionless eye appeared on the water surface, staring at Metheus on the throne, just like a snake staring at a frog on the shore , has locked her firmly.

"Close it!"

Bei Gaoyang said to Xiao Ai.

The picture on the fluorescent screen dissipated, and Xiao Ai was not as excited as she was when she first saw 'Blackened Metheus'. She was silent for a while, and she said, "I didn't expect her to be so 'degenerate' that she had split into a second... personality, my lord"

"This is unavoidable, it was doomed from the time we got involved in the bloody battle in the abyss." Bei Gaoyang sighed, "It's just that I didn't expect it to come so soon and be so hidden."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xiao Ai who was uneasy, and said with a smile: "About her obsession, do all false gods think so?"

Xiao Ai opened her mouth...

"Look, it's easy to start a business, but hard to keep it. You've just made some achievements, and you've got all kinds of messy thoughts." Bei Gaoyang's eyes were murderous, "The magic net advanced, and they naturally followed suit, why are you in such a hurry? Or, as Mitheus's 'inner demon' said, are you dissatisfied with the core operating mechanism of the magic net and the player? Are you coveting the player's soul?"

"...not as serious as you think, my lord."

"This Mitheus can't stay!" Bei Gaoyang stood up and said, "Think I'm afraid to make a move? Hmph, self-righteous, I'll see who dares to make trouble for me at this juncture."

Killing a system false god is just to Bei Gaoyang, similar to killing a chicken, a simple command can 'format' her 'material body' including 'software core', after the data is deleted, a new one will naturally be born The forest goddess, but it will not be Metheus.

Just do what you say, and act vigorously.

In the underground hall of Chenxi Town, the pool where the player was born has expanded into a huge lake. Countless metal pipes combined with blood vessels extend to the bottom of the lake, and a large amount of active substances are injected every moment.

The 'lake water' is crystal clear, densely packed with millions of 'eggs', lying all over the lake bed, connected by capillary-like pipelines, each 'egg' is translucent, and some are seriously damaged The body of the player character is repaired inside, and there are also a large number of "cloned and developed" bodies waiting for the souls from the earth to settle in.

Looking around, it is both vast and weird, and combines two styles of science fiction and mystery at the same time. Even their creator, Bei Gaoyang, is dazzled by his masterpiece.

But he soon came to his senses. The core hardware of the magic net is here. This is the computer room and the crucial control center.

In the middle of the lake, on a small island, the power of the magic net even rejected the underlying rules, confused space, and interfered with time, forming an indescribable folding and scattering phenomenon of geological space and timeline, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Piercing through the nothingness shrouded in the center of the lake, only Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai, who was allowed by Bei Gaoyang, can not be blocked by the infrastructure on Chopper Island.

In the next moment, he and Xiao Ai appeared on the pier of the island, and they were exposed to the thick air like water.

Numerous digital symbols, magic pattern symbols, and composite symbols of the two flow around, and the aurora-like colored spots extend a passage to the destination. This is a bit like being in the turbulence of time and space. A similar experience is When crossing the barrier of the crystal wall system and going back and forth to the earth.

There is no scenery to see along the way, and Xiao Ai knows little about it. In Mitheus's computer room, the metal and electronic hardware from the earth have been replaced by biological components. Out of the shape of the cabinet, there are a lot of blue, green, and red light spots flashing on it, as well as the humming sound of the fan running...

A console-shaped biological structure separates from the 'cabinet' and grows a fluorescent screen that flashes Mitheus' data.

Bei Gaoyang started to operate with a sneer, and tapped on it skillfully with his ten fingers, "You know, Xiao Ai, I don't need to ask her at all, this way is more direct."

The furious master made the hard-working, dedicated and restrained assistants also shudder, and Xiao Ai was silent, watching Bei Gaoyang operate.

"Look, look, it's said that people's desires are hard to fill, and I don't think she's giving in too much. I didn't expect that she would accumulate so much resentment. Did I treat her badly? Did the system treat her badly? Not reconciled The identity of a chess piece? Without this identity, there would be no you, you can only be a bunch of lifeless numbers!"

Hitting Enter heavily, Mitheus's 'cabinet' vibrated, as if a giant wanted to wake up from a deep sleep and call back the wandering conscious soul.

"Struggling!?" Bei Gaoyang asked coldly.

It was another carriage return, and the trembling of the cabinet became more violent.

The kingdom of God roared in panic, and the few petitioners felt the wrath and fear of the gods. They also became fearful and angry, and began to worship the temple on the top of the holy mountain.

But their number is too small, their strength is insignificant, and they cannot provide enough anchors for the gods. They can only watch the temple collapse, and the gods they believe in leap out of it in panic.

Mitheus' form began to collapse.

A hand or a foot collapsed into light spots without any attributes or data.

"No!", Mishus yelled in fear, and desperately sent a connection request to the outside world, to Xiao Ai, but they were all rejected by the system, and he could not leave the 'Kingdom of God', because everything here was 'quarantined'.

No resistance!

The blackened second 'personality' grinned strangely in the dark fountain, and it was also collapsing, and the water in the pool was drying up a little bit, as if the scars were being healed under the repair of the body.

The third carriage return falls, 'Format' goes deep into Mitheus's consciousness and soul imprint, and the Kingdom of God begins to collapse. Mitheus freezes in the scene of the 'God's Kingdom' when the 'Doomsday' arrives, his eyes become empty and confused .

In the next second, the last bit of thought and consciousness turned into nothingness, and the scattered light spots in the sky began to rain heavily.

The last carriage return and everything is done.

The trembling of the cabinet calmed down, and it had been forcibly turned off, so Bei Gaoyang clapped his hands, turned around and said to Xiao Ai, "Tell those highnesses, we must take precautions."

Xiao Ai agreed with a slight bow.

The anger of betrayal was vented, and Bei Gaoyang regained his calm. He glanced at the shutdown cabinet, hesitated with his finger on the power button, turned around and left with Xiao Ai.

Back in the Mage Tower outside Buck City in a blink of an eye, Angel of Fallen Light Josephine was wearing sexy silk pajamas and doing manicure for herself.

"You... ah..."

After the clouds gathered and the rain cleared, Bei Gaoyang stroked the black and white wings that were still trembling in his arms apologetically, "I lost control just now."

"I have experienced it too." The Angel of Fallen Light wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "When there are gaps in your heart, they will penetrate everywhere."

Bei Gaoyang said, "I'm under too much pressure, I just need to take a break", said, got up and left without nostalgia.

(End of this chapter)

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