This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 390 The 2nd Meeting of the Gods 2

Chapter 390 The Second Meeting of the Gods 2

Bei Gaoyang really felt the pressure everywhere.

Those from the earth, those from the abyss, those from the coalition of human nations, those from the Mage Union, those from the gods, and those from allies... are almost enemies in the world, and the so-called allies are nothing more than mutual use, and cannot be obtained from either side. Gain even a modicum of strategic security.

The only thing we can rely on is the magic net. Players are attached to the magic net. If there is no problem with the magic net, the players are his solid support. Once there is a problem with the magic net...presumably they will not mind blasting him as the leader of the army. Big boss.

Therefore, the magic net is his reverse scale, which is tied to his wealth and life, and the false god of the system is an important node on the magic net. Corroded, that's why he was so annoyed and reacted so violently.

But after dealing with Mitheus, he regretted it a little, and now stability is the most important thing!

Although the false gods were deterred, wouldn't it be easier for the abyss to sneak in under the fear of the rabbit and the fox?
You know, fear is the best catalyst.

It also tore off a veil on the false gods. Although this veil is like the emperor's new clothes, they all understand it, but they can still deceive themselves if they haven't exposed it.

Now this veil was torn off by their creators, telling them, what gods, you are just tools, and crushing you to death is no more difficult than crushing a goblin.

The human heart is very subtle, and the false gods who have gathered too many human desires actually have a more serious "sense of crisis" than him. It is a brand-new life form without any precedents to follow. Thinking in another way, even if it is He himself didn't have that kind of thought in the first place, so he should think about it now, right?
This will inevitably increase their mental gap.

Josephine said that when there are gaps in your mind, they will penetrate everywhere... You are so right, so it is unnecessary to look at dealing with Mitheus. The correct approach should be to be vigilant, secretly monitor, Cold treatment.

——If you are influenced by your emotions, you will make mistakes!

Bei Gaoyang wakes up secretly, the work has been done, the big stick has been dropped, and it is time to comfort him with a sweet date.

How useful it is is another matter.

"Xiao Ai, haven't we sat down and talked for a long time? Tell your highnesses to gather at the Pantheon."


It was against this background that the second meeting of the gods in the magic net was held.

On the surface, the false gods are no different from before.

The 'Light of Faith' that permeated the whole body showed no signs of being polluted or blackened.

This cannot be disguised, especially in front of him, the creator, controller and owner of the magic net.

All the highnesses came in real bodies, and sat down in front of the circular conference table. The layer space opened up by the system resources does not count the cost. Although the Pantheon is just a "title", it also has a strong sense of sacredness, majesty, mysterious progress, and huge scale. .

The towering pillars, the end-to-end palaces that can't be seen from the front, back, left, and right sides, the strong power of faith is as viscous as water, and everyone present, except for Bei Gaoyang, are all black people in the deep pool. Catfish.

It's really apt to describe it with 'giant catfish'.

Xiao Ai: "My lord?"

Bei Gaoyang: "Uh... Sorry, I was distracted, are you all here?"

"Everyone is here except Metheus, my lord." The Sun God replied with a more respectful posture and tone than before.

Bei Gaoyang even recognized the... flattery in this tone.

Not only was he not happy, but his heart sank.

But with a gentle and harmless smile on his face, he said, "Today, everyone is called here, and the first thing to do is to talk about the forest goddess Metheus."

The false gods didn't see any special reaction, but a few of them leaned forward slightly.

"Unfortunately, on the way of our entrepreneurship, one of our partners fell behind. For our common cause, I had to deal with it decisively!"

"...Mishus...has she...really fallen, my lord?" Thias, the veteran who was second only to Xiao Ai in seniority, asked back with a lot of uncertainty. Not only was Bei Gaoyang not unhappy, but He said patiently and firmly, "Yes, she even separated her second 'personality' to escape the monitoring of the system. When I asked her personally, she even chose to deceive and conceal it. This is undoubtedly a betrayal!"

Tias lowered her head sadly, "...I still remember when she just woke up...she was innocent and lively like a...little girl."

"You taught Metheus yourself, Tias?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Yes", Tias was not shy, "She has been performing very well, I didn't expect..."

"Since Mitheus has fallen, she is our enemy and hinders our common cause, so there is nothing wrong with your lord's handling!" Kelenvor, the god of death, said in a flat tone.

"We should take this as a warning!", the Sun God added.

"Helios is right, my lord's handling is decisive!" Diana, the goddess of the moon, followed suit.

Then the false gods expressed their attitudes one by one, driving with a clear line.

Bei Gaoyang sighed in his heart, but smiled gratifiedly on his face: "I am very glad that everyone can realize the necessity of this move. I think you should all know that our interests are in the magic net, our roots are in the players, and the earth is behind us. Any move that bypasses the magic net, endangers the players, and disrupts the rear is harmful to our fundamental interests. Don't believe in any demagogy that can break free from the magic net, it is impossible, leave the magic net, Disengaged players, I am nothing to you, like a pond where fishes leave and birds lose their wings."

"Yes, my lord!", the false gods answered in unison.

"But the reasons for Mitheus' depravity have to be carefully examined." Bei Gaoyang said unhurriedly, "His 'second character' is to use the impatience of her 'main character' to tempt her to degenerate a little bit. Yes, eager to succeed, eager to become a veritable forest goddess who holds the authority over the forest and wasteland, she is too eager to become a unique existence in the magic net, even independent of the magic net, not bound by the magic net."

Hearing this, the false gods fell silent again.

"I believe that this problem is bothering you more or less. In view of this, I think it is necessary for us to have an open and honest talk. First, we must firmly clarify our way forward, and second, we must dispel our doubts."

"Let's talk about it, what's confusing or dissatisfied with the status quo? It doesn't matter what you say, just speak freely."

After a while.

"No one is talking? Tell me, Tias." Bei Gaoyang called the veteran's name.

Tias hesitated and looked around.

"It doesn't matter, boldly speaking, if there is any confusion or incomprehension about the current situation and the future."

"Okay, my lord," Tias thought for a while, and said cautiously: "If you talk about the current situation, the biggest problem is that the players lack due...respect for... us."

When the false gods heard the words, they all moved when they were 'uncomfortable'. It can be seen that Tias' words touched everyone's pain points.

"This has formed a knot that is very difficult to untie. With the current mode of the magic net, it is impossible for players to have real...respect for us. Without respect, how can we talk about faith? Without the collection of beliefs of all beings, Definition and sublimation, how can we draw strength from it, so as to condense a pure and cohesive divinity? Without divinity, how can we talk about lighting the fire of God? Let alone ascend to the altar and condense the uniqueness in the authority of the domain?"

"You all have such confusion?"

The false gods hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Bei Gaoyang let out a long breath, "Very good, this is very good, we will solve the problem together...I thought I had already explained the problem of Tias to you, or we have reached a tacit understanding, see I thought it was too simple, but this time I will explain in detail my thoughts on the magic net, the main material world of Canaan, and the future order of the entire crystal wall system, as well as your position in this order. Of course, this is just an idea, and it can also be said to be the final blueprint to be realized under the most ideal conditions."

"But it has a premise, that is to overthrow the rule of the gods, at least in the main material world, and make the magic net the only and dominant rule in the main material world, just like the operating system, everyone must use it, everyone Only through it can we get to the core of the underlying rules."

"When the magic net becomes the only and explicit rule in the main material world, then everything will be under its tolerance and definition, including gods."

"What are gods?"

"Now the gods are under too little restriction, so that they have fallen into the conservative forces that are extremely stubborn, cruel, ignorant, and reject any change, so that the civilization level of various intelligent races, the productivity of social development, etc., have not changed at all for tens of thousands of years. They imprison the thoughts of intelligent creatures, restrict the behavior of intelligent creatures, and only require believers to move closer to them, and go to extremes one after another, becoming extremely selfish and selfish creatures, in the main material world, material world, The lost planes, even Heaven Mountain and the Abyss, spread conflicts and wars, plagues and famines, diseases and difficulties... All living beings are either numb or become extremely ignorant in such an order and rule."

"Believers are like lambs. They don't need to think wildly. They just need to graze their heads and donate their flesh and soul to them. This is obviously an extremely backward, primitive order that hinders the progress of social civilization and the development of productivity. The ultimate goal of the magic net is Destroy it."

"After destroying it, if we want to build a new order, we can't keep this backward, primitive and barbaric belief relationship."

"The gods in the future, that is, you, can only be the gods under the magic net system. The first goal of the belief of all beings and players is to go to the magic net system. Your harmful parts are being fed back to you for you to condense your divinity, ignite the divine fire, condense the uniqueness of the field of authority, and then ascend to the altar."

"This blueprint, I have said it a long time ago, and the system has repeatedly explained it. I thought you all understood it, but it seems that you don't understand it."

"But, my lord, this model...doesn't seem to exist?" A false god asked.

"That's right, but it doesn't exist now, so it doesn't represent the future." Bei Gaoyang said confidently, "There is no road ahead, and there will be a road if you walk a lot. As long as there is a magic net, there are players, and there are ever-expanding games As long as we continue to indoctrinate, influence and shape their minds, we can open up a way out if there is no road, and we will be such pioneers in rags."

"...The purification and transformation of the magic net...can you explain it in detail? How is it different from the current method?"

"Essentially, there is not much difference. The soul power and beliefs that the system feeds back to you have also undergone preliminary transformation and purification. It's just that the level of the magic net is still too low, and the base of the players' aborigines is still too small. , the belief is relatively loose, not cohesive and pure enough, which makes you feel that it is hopeless to condense the divinity, but it is different from the 6th floor of the magic net. Why have I not stopped you from meddling and influencing reality, despite the risk of chaos in the rear? It is precisely because of this consideration.”

"The players don't respect you enough, it's only now and in the future, when Canaan becomes the 'dominant language' offline, when players... Forget it, you should understand all of this."

"My lord, what about the player's soul? I mean the soul of a normal death. We all know about the 'Death Plan', and we all noticed those people who are not players but can be reincarnated in the game area..."

"The player's soul does not belong to anyone!" Bei Gaoyang interrupted the false god, and said firmly, "They can only belong to the magic net, and belong to the players themselves."

The false gods have different faces.

Why do they care so much about the belonging of the player's soul?
Because it is very important for them to perfect their respective teachings, gather divine authority and even uniqueness.

To look at the background of a god, you can know it by looking at the petitioners in his god's country.

Especially for these false gods who haven't even condensed their divinity.

"What if it's not a player?"

Another false god followed suit.


Bei Gaoyang didn't think about this question well either.

The difficulty is that soul belonging is a core part of belief that must be resolved. Even if the magic net bears the direction of belief, this problem still needs to be resolved.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust?

No, if you don't occupy this highland, the enemy will occupy it, and some ghosts and ghosts will use it to confuse people's hearts.

Don't you have a 'departure plan' now?

The soul is the core of the mystery. It is impossible for a person to die like a lamp is extinguished. Then it seems reasonable to realize the "reincarnation" through the magic net and hand over the believers in the magic net to the gods they believe in?
Become a petitioner in the Kingdom of God?
Bei Gaoyang hesitated.

"Let's talk about this question later!", Xiao Ai saw his hesitation, and immediately interrupted the topic, "Do you still have any doubts about the prospect and path that your lord just described?"

The false gods thought for a moment and stood up to pay tribute.

Bei Gaoyang felt that they were much more "convinced" now, no matter what happened in the future, at least for now, he had stabilized his house and promised 6 layers of magic net to solve their divinity problem.

"...This family is not easy to manage." After the meeting, he and Xiao Ai sighed.

But Xiao Ai said, "Nicholas is back, Xiao Moyuan should be good news."

"I hope so," Bei Gaoyang said wearily, "let him in."

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone
(End of this chapter)

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