This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 391 Now You Are Their God

Chapter 391 Now You Are Their God
What the Lich brought back was indeed good news. Xiao Moyuan was happy to 'mediate' the dispute between the game area and the coalition forces of human nations, but Bei Gaoyang could not come forward. The existence of the book cannot be brought to the surface.

But Bei Gaoyang doubted that he hadn't been exposed yet. It should be no secret that the "thousand-faced human slaughter" and his new "undead army" were among the top churches. I am afraid that the eyes and ears of the gods are indispensable at the scene of the bloody battle. What is there to hide about his existence?
But the complexity of human society should also be considered. The truth is one thing, and it is another thing to tell it clearly. If you know it, you can pretend you don’t know it. If you don’t know it, there is room for negotiation.

Anyway, his purpose was just to delay the time, and he didn't expect any good results to be negotiated. It would be a victory if the magic net was built on the 6th floor.

With multiple pressures, the construction of the 6th floor of the magic net is urgent. After talking with the Lich, Bei Gaoyang authorized him to represent himself to coordinate with the Little Demon Abyss.

I plunged headlong into the design of the 6-layer magic net, regardless of foreign affairs.

At the same time, the agency signing in reality is also coming to an end.

As the Beimi plenipotentiary carefully made the last stroke, the shutter of the camera rang out. With a smile on his face, Yu Qingdong also carefully wrote down the pen, signed his name on the last document, and the entourage of both sides took the document away. stamped on each.

The two parties shook hands and exchanged documents under the focus of the flash as bright as day, and faced the camera smiling together.

"... This moment is destined to leave a profound page in history. After 6 days of difficult negotiations, Beimi Yuan Universe Business Group and Canaan Company, known as the umbrella company, signed a full agency operation agreement. In terms of terms and conditions, we really did a good deal, almost without paying anything, we got the source code of the core game of Canaan and the agency operation rights of the United States!"

"... This moment is a disgraceful failure, destined to leave a page of humiliation in the history of the United States. The Beimi Metaverse Business Group, which was jointly established by the military-industrial complex and the Internet giants, finally compromised with the umbrella company Canaan. Bread, they betrayed God to Satan..."

"...Is this moment really a good thing for the United States, its culture, traditions, and the values ​​of the American people? We have noticed that these are not reflected in the terms of the agreement. The so-called equality is actually the biggest inequality for the United States. You must know that there are still doubts about the real producer of Canaan games, and there is still a lack of authoritative and scientific assessment of its impact on people's physiology and psychology. Huaguo has been in operation for a long time, and they have already run the 50-meter track [-] meters, and we have just started, considering Canaan's huge economic, social, and geopolitical interests, Beimi Yuan Universe Business Group should do better, instead of making premature compromises to the Chinese people like it is now."

"...fuck it, guys, I was at the signing ceremony, I saw that shit sign with my own eyes, I swear, even if there was a slight chance, I would press this guy's head and force him to sign sooner... Damn, finally freed guys, we Americans finally have the same right to play, this is so fucking cool, forgive me, I am so fucking excited right now!"

"...We Dongying suffered a disgraceful betrayal again. The Americans betrayed the tacit agreement reached by the Group of Seven, and at the last moment, they compromised with the Chinese. Now Dongying's position is embarrassing...the asking price is too high, causing Canaan Company The deadline for the signing of an ultimatum was issued. I don’t know what kind of favorable terms the Americans have won, but the terms of Japan must be very harsh, unless we surrender... Will we surrender? Give up Canaan, give up representing the top yuan Cosmic virtual reality technology, give up the big window of the global metaverse trend, and give up the huge benefits contained in it?"

"...The latest news is that we have surrendered. The delegation has submitted a contract application to Canaan Company. One of the clauses has not been changed, and we accept them all!"

"...With the signing of the contract documents by the North Rice delegation, it is expected that the other six countries will not last long. In the end, the 168 partners with agent qualifications will all complete the signing within the next two days. Next, the 6 test qualifications that everyone cares about There is a problem with allocation and zoning, please wait patiently, pay attention to the announcement on Canaan's official website, and don't believe in rumors or spread rumors."

"...I thought the American guy was so bullish. In the end, he signed it obediently. If you have the ability, don't sign it. You still want to bring your younger brother to fight in groups. Pooh... Everyone saw it just now, from Kangaroo Country That bearded man is about to have a heart attack. Damn, it's a fake thing... Hey, why did I receive a warning from the super tube? It's up to me, what I said is wrong... Damn, it's really banned ?”

"...I can only say it and cherish it. I'm afraid everyone's good days are coming to an end. The game is no longer as simple as it used to be. Unfortunately, this is the only game in the world. You have no choice but to pinch your nose. Recognize... I am yin and yang? I don't see any benefits to us from internationalization and agency operations. The terms of the contract are all paid by us. As for the income, you must know that the shareholding ratio of agents in various countries is not 51, and we are not 49. , plus their government’s shareholding, we are just a minority shareholder, but what have we paid? It can be said that we have paid all of them, and in exchange for such a thing... Ah, it’s banned? Damn!"


The signing scene was chaotic, some were happy, some were angry, some were concerned about the country and the people, and some... In short, this signing was not like the previous ones, which had the final effect.

Even the only superpower, the world's police, has signed, what else can other flamboyant guys do?Honestly offer your ass and get kicked.

Sure enough, no matter how angry the Six Nations Group was, the response of the Americans was an understatement. Before the signing ceremony was over, they all submitted the signing application to Canaan Company with integrity.

"'s over!"

Backstage, when Yu Qingdong received the good news that the last bone had been gnawed off, he smiled tiredly, as if he had finished the long march, he was relieved from the inside out.

"It's also because I saw the server equipment and source code."

The new deputy, who is also the executive of Project Zero and Canaan Corporation, laughed.

"It's true that you don't see the bones and don't scatter the eagle!"

"But it's finally done."


"The server equipment needs to be customized as soon as possible... Number zero is urgent."

"It may have something to do with the situation online. I heard that in Extreme South City..."

Then there is the delivery ceremony of the second batch of equipment.

It was another venue, but it was much more 'deserted' than the signing venue downstairs. The 'server' delivered to Argentina was covered with sky blue flannelette, and several large cabinets were covered by armed security guards, reporters. You can only take pictures more than ten meters away across the blockade.

The representative of the Argentine agency was already anxiously waiting. Seeing Yu Qingdong and his party, he greeted them with a sense of relief and shook hands enthusiastically.

The delivery ceremony was carried out quickly, the sky blue flannelette was lifted, and the real face of the agency server was exposed in front of the lens of the camera.

Although it was not the first time we met, the media were still crazy, and the shutter sounded.

Canaan's technicians pressed the power button, and the noisy chassis started to work, the huge LCD screen lit up, and the blinking cursor only stayed for two seconds before entering the dedicated 'operating system' interface.

The graphical window interface is extremely simple, with only a few icons on the desktop, just like an ordinary computer.

But click on one of the icons, the LOGO of Canaan Games will appear, and then a background login page.

While holding their breath, the technician entered the key generated for the agent, and then inserted a key protected by a password box. The verification page was skipped and the backend of the Canaan game was connected.

all the best.

[Welcome to log in, agent A-102, you have A2-level authority...]

The Argentine media burst into cheers, and the domestic live broadcast was even more jubilant. Yu Qingdong's hand was grabbed again, and he shook vigorously. One excited representative went down, and another excited representative came up. The laughter made his face almost smile. stiff.

In contrast, the domestic media is somewhat complicated.

The unified propaganda caliber required by the superiors did not jump out to ask some sensitive questions without fear of death. After a brief on-site Q&A, Yu Qingdong led the people out of tune in a hurry to catch up with the next schedule.

The special plane scheduled to fly to Brazil is already waiting at Modu International Airport, but the relevant approval documents have not yet come out. The Brazilian agent has called several times to ask for the exact arrival time.

Agent server equipment and source code programs are handed over, but they can be returned to the country. It is not enough to be connected to the power supply and the parent company's network. It involves infinite quality, involves portals, and there are countless sensitive issues to deal with.

Even if it is an established fact, it has to go through a cumbersome approval process. If nothing else, if Yu Dazui defected at this time, who would be responsible?
Huaguo could not afford to lose, so he had to be cautious. He had to take all possible contingencies into consideration, and had to have a corresponding plan before the approval would come down.

Fortunately, in the evening, he was finally allowed to travel.

He also traveled with a large delegation.

The special plane took off from Shanghai and flew to Brazil. It was not until the moment of take-off that Yu Qingdong's hanging heart settled down. This indicated that the control over him had been downgraded, and his superiors still trusted him.

This is commendable, it reflects the courage of the top management, and it also made Yu Qingdong let go of the last worry, and he felt relaxed inside and outside, as if he had eaten ginseng fruit.

Arrived in Brazil, received an unprecedented welcome.

This South American country fell into a national carnival, greeted the scene with colorful flags waving, enthusiastic cloud players paid homage to him, held up a huge portrait of him, and hung a banner with Chinese characters welcoming him on the hot air balloon. The top political and business circles , Celebrities in the cultural and sports circles pick up the airport, and the luxurious motorcade stretches for several kilometers.

After leaving the airport, the capital city has been plunged into a sea of ​​joy. Outside the blockade on both sides of the road, there are warm and welcoming crowds. Countless fanatical cloud players rushed to the blockade and stretched out their hands to his special car. Some people burst into tears , Someone yelled... Crazy, it stunned the members of the delegation who had never seen this kind of formation.

"Now you are their God!"

Inside the limousine, a celebrity in the business world said jokingly.

"...too enthusiastic, I am ashamed to accept it, I am ashamed to accept it!" Yu Qingdong was extremely satisfied, but still hypocritically modest.

"...Last time, it was Michael, right?" Another silver-haired politician asked with a smile.

"Who is Michael?" Yu Qingdong was a little dizzy, and didn't realize who the person who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him was.

"That dead American superstar."

"Oh, it's him!"

"Michael only brought us music, you brought us the future, incomparable!", the official agent interjected.

Yu Qingdong is not easy to answer, no matter how modest he is, he is hypocritical, besides, Brazil is deeply influenced by Omi culture, and self-effacing is not popular.

"In fact, they just want to be able to win the lottery." A football superstar with great influence in Brazil will get to the point, "Mr. Yu, how many places can be allocated to Brazil?"

"Well...needs coordination between agencies."

"Please give them serious consideration!" The football superstar said, pointing to the enthusiastic crowd outside the car window, "Their support for Canaan is pure and unreserved, and you should be able to feel it."

"I will!" Yu Qingdong promised.

The convoy drove slowly to the hotel it was scheduled for.

"I heard that Canaan has a death plan?"

Yu Qingdong was taken aback when he heard the words, and turned to look at the local agency partners.

"Damn it, do you have to say it at this time?" The agent of the big farmer was very angry.

The dignitary who asked the question seemed to have not heard, and said to Yu Qingdong with a smile: "Is there a quota of 2 people, right? Mr. CEO?"

Yu Qingdong's complexion was a little ugly.

"I am very interested in this plan, you may not know me well, Mr. CEO, I am..."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about this later, we are here!" The agent stopped with an ugly face.

——It seems that you can't cover the country?

Yu Qingdong said to his agent partner in his heart, with a slight smile on his face, he closed his eyes and regained his composure.

When they got to the place, it was a lot of bureaucratic tossing. Yu Qingdong's time was short, and he was going to fly to another agent's country in more than ten hours, so he hurriedly ended the meeting with the people on the scene, and answered a few questions from the media. After solving the problem, he led the technical team into the computer room of the Brazilian agent to help them debug the equipment.

The most important thing is infinite quality.

The computer room fully meets the requirements of Canaan Company, and the magic environment is barely built. The technical team led by Ding Jian successfully activated the huge magic pattern array, and the strong magic power filled the entire computer room.

The intense debugging went on smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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