This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 392 The 6th Test Is Really About to Begin

Chapter 392 The 6th Test Is Really About to Begin
On the electronic map, the icons of more than [-] countries and regions were lit up one by one, and No. [-] repeatedly urged, the supposedly cumbersome and protracted process was greatly compressed, and Canaan Company sent dozens of technical teams to the project at the same time. All over the world, debugging equipment for agents.

Even so, it took more than a week of busy work to barely set up this "Canaan Network" all over the world. Mistakes were inevitable during the busy schedule. It is a big event in the sky, but under the strong request of No. [-], it is gently let go.

The higher-ups were very dissatisfied with such a "chaotic" situation, so Yu Qingdong could no longer fly around as a trapeze man. He was busy fighting fires, wiping his buttocks, and when he was battered, recalling the scenery of Brazil seemed like a lifetime away.

Under such circumstances, anyone could see Canaan Company's "urgency" and began to make up their minds. Things that could have been done in three days had to be dealt with after four or five days, and then they just made excuses. Asking for this and satisfying that, each of them is pretending to be a master.

Naturally, Canaan Company will not be used to it. After canceling the agency rights of several Pacific island countries, some agents who thought they were not qualified enough decisively followed the wind and completed the branch and office before the deadline. In the establishment of the agent network, some self-sustaining weights are sufficient but not cooperative. Canaan Company also resorted to the "6-test qualification distribution plan" and "prepared agents in the new area take the lead in opening the server". What about the country, the cloud players in their own country started to make troubles, and with a "plan for death" hanging in front, they were honest.

Seeing that his labor achievements on the map had finally been recognized by No. [-], Yu Qingdong felt a little exhausted. Looking in the mirror, the white hair on his temples could no longer be suppressed. His eyes were full of fatigue, his face was full of sadness, and his body was about to rot. up.

"Mr. Yu, it's time to make an announcement!"

"Is the online expansion pack over?"

"It should have ended a long time ago. Isn't this just to wait for the offline progress?"

"Then send it out, die early and be reborn early."


Yu Qingdong slumped on the seat, just wanting to sleep with him for three days and three nights, but it's not time to rest yet, as soon as the announcement of the end of the 5th test and the start of the 6th test is issued, there is still work to be done. The report applied for a "secret medicine" given by No. [-], and after drinking it in one gulp, the physical and mental exhaustion was swept away.

"Xiao Yu, I have no money."

"I still have some, how much do you want?"

"Give me 1 gold first"

"...Have you used up the 2 gold I gave you the day before yesterday?"

"Well, it's too expensive now, everything needs money..."

"Save it, the exchange is not open, the black market is like stealing money, it may take a long time."

"If I had known earlier, we wouldn't have exchanged money offline. It's a loss to me, and my heart hurts to death. How many gold coins are there?"

"You are here again, are you annoying?"

"It's all to blame. What about diversifying risks? Let's do it now. The RMB is exchanged at 1 to 20. Now the black market is 1 to 200. The difference is 10 times, 10 times."

"...This situation is definitely not normal, and it will fall sooner or later."

"But we've lost money..."

"Are you finished? I'm not a fairy. In the future, you will play your game and I will play mine, so you won't have to complain."

"Okay, okay, I'm still angry, let me just talk, and I don't blame you."


"Two sisters in one world, this little money is a waste of money, hurry up, don't be angry, give the uncle a smile."

In the follow-up station, the huge ruins have been cleaned up by the players. The system NPC and the demon servants of the alliance are restoring the central city of the 97-story abyss. There are construction sites and construction everywhere.

A remodeled war golem carried stones as high as a hill, and under the trend of a little devil, walked into the cargo yard with rumbling steps and unloaded dozens of tons of cargo. Smoke and dust were everywhere, and one could not avoid it The human servant was crushed to pieces by such a pile of big stones, but the NPCs and demons on the scene turned a blind eye to it, and the culprit, the little demon, laughed triumphantly.

Most of the players only regarded it as a plot, and they seemed to be familiar with it. Only a few like Du Shiyu turned away, not looking at the pile of stones that was bleeding out.

While bickering, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu went to a demon from an alliance camp to hand in the task.

After the successor station was captured, there were still some remnants of enemies roaming around, large and small chaotic demons were broken into pieces, and played hide-and-seek with the players. ', we all know that the 5th test is coming to an end, and we all want to make more accumulation before the 6th test starts, so we cherish the game time and opportunities more than before.

Under such circumstances, Xia Miaomiao did not dare to relax. There was a lot of trouble offline because of the agency operation, but it was very calm online.

A large number of players have gathered around the median demon to hand over tasks. Because of the protection of the magic net, the median demon has given up the idea of ​​developing customers among the player group, so it is lazy and ignores the players.

After waiting for a long time, it was Xia Miaomiao's turn.

This time, the assignment was to clean up a hidden stronghold occupied by a middle-level demon. After looking at her proof of completing the task, the middle-level demon took out something from a garbage dump behind her and threw it to the girl like a dog bone. she.

"Wow, the equipment was actually given!"

The players in the back exclaimed in envy.

Xia Miaomiao thanked him respectfully, regardless of whether it was useful or not, then happily took the equipment and went to the NPC for appraisal.

"This man!"

Du Shiyu, who was left behind, complained in her heart, and went up to hand over the task, but only gave the basic reward of 100 points of merit.

The same task, the same rating, Du Shiyu just wanted to grab the demon and ask him what is the criteria for judging, why his best friend has extra rewards but he doesn't.

But she knew that she had nothing to say to the NPC in the allied camp, so she could only leave resentfully, and then heard from her best friend that the blue equipment had been identified, and she sold it for 2 gold.


"Xiao Hei, you can bite her while she is not paying attention."


Sometimes, even Du Shiyu doubts whether there are any hidden attributes in the best friend, why all the good things happen to her, and she has the lucky bonus of Xiao Hei, most of the time she doesn't feel anything, but is the best friend... This Not once or twice.

At this time, Fan Chaoyue went online.

"How do you have time at this time?"

"Forget it, I'm here to arrest people"

"Ah, arrest who?"

"Who else is not my eldest niece who is on hunger strike!"

Du Shiyu remembered who this eldest niece was, and couldn't help laughing: "Why, she stole the helmet."

"Really, I can't control myself, and blame me for spoiling her daughter."


"Who else is there, my brother, my sister-in-law... let's not talk about it, I will arrest people first, and then contact them after I catch them."

Xia Miaomiao came back triumphantly, just in time to see Fan Chaoyue's back in a hurry, and asked strangely: "She is online at this time... Doesn't it mean that she has no time for filming? Liar!"

"No, the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang ran out of the house and stole the game helmet. I don't know where to hide and go online." Du Shiyu explained for Fan Chaoyue.

"Her!" Xia Miaomiao also laughed, "This family is really, what is more important than Canaan now... Zhu Zhuangzhuang is a demon race, right? Tsk tsk... I heard that the devil's territory will soon be entrusted. Sex play, I really want to try it."

"Don't try, the opportunity has come... Chun Shui just chatted with me in private, and finally found the gang's resident."


"Near Extreme South City."


"The good places have been divided up, and it was hard to find an abandoned city somewhere, so I don't have time to pick and choose."

"But that place is about to become a battlefield."

"...Talk to Chun Shui yourself, help Zhan in an hour, he is looking for you."

"So fast?"

The two left the ruins and rushed to the nearest safe zone. On the way, Yijiang Chunshuiliu explained to her the reason for being so anxious.

"I'm rushing to finish the 5th test and the 6th test to open this time window... Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

After the call ended, Xia Miaomiao complained to her best friend.

"There are too many uncertain factors in the 6th test. Who knows what the divisions and sub-agents are like. If you don't grab everything you can now, something may happen in the future."


People come and go in the safe zone. This place used to be the nearest military depot to the front line, but now it has become the most important transportation hub. A large number of players gather and disperse here, for missions, for clearing up remnants from all directions, and for exploring new maps. The rumored Devil's Treasure... The fourth and last batch of 6 players with qualified combat strength and levels have only been on the battlefield for a few days. It's time to be hungry, and it's time to catch up with the end of the expansion pack and the opening of the 6th test. Just let them bump around like chicken blood one by one.

I don't understand anything, and I have to get involved in everything, so that now everyone who sees the title of 'Supernatural' despises it.

No, the scuffle is still going on outside the safe zone at the gate, and dozens of hundreds of players are killing each other in a dark and indistinguishable manner, among which the "Battlefield Mengxin" with the extraordinary title accounts for most of them.

Bypassing the battle group and entering the safe zone, the inside is not much better than the outside. As soon as you walk in, you will be greeted by waves of sound. There are stalls everywhere, and there are newcomers on the battlefield like locusts.

[System prompt: You are being stolen by the player's three hands...]

Xia Miaomiao grabbed the hand that was stuck into her backpack, looked back, and found that it was a particularly short and wretched player, raised her eyebrows, and called the NPC guard who happened to be patrolling nearby before the player begged for mercy.

"... There is a kind of name!"

The player was clamoring for revenge before being escorted away by the guards.

Xia Miaomiao opened the hidden title and ID without saying a word, and raised her chin provocatively at him.

"...Fuck, Ling Jue is amazing?"

Xia Miaomiao pointed her middle finger back.

"What does such an inexplicable person care about him?"

"Hee hee, fun"

"Let's go, Chunshui is a reminder."

The two of them trudged through the crowd, and the more they teleported, the more difficult it was to walk. It felt like the map was about to explode. If the positions could overlap, there was no telling how many people would overlap.

"Flame Skeleton Horse, there are people selling Flame Skeleton Horse!"

In the crowd, someone yelled, and suddenly there was a "boom", and they all rushed in one direction. Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were knocked to the side. Xia Miaomiao said in surprise: "Flame skeleton horse? It's a lie!" Bar?"

"If you know it's a lie, you don't mind, let's go."

"Wait a minute, I'll go take a look."

"...What's interesting, let's go!"

"Maybe it's true? Let's go, it's not too late."

Xia Miaomiao dragged Du Shiyu to a stone bridge at the corner of the inner city, and saw that someone was indeed selling the 'flaming skull horse' horse brand, and the price was not expensive, only 100 gold.

"100 gold, 100 gold can buy a flaming skeleton horse!" Xia Miaomiao was in a hurry, "The stall owner I chatted with privately, she didn't reply."

"There must be too many people chatting privately, so I can't see it." Du Shiyu was also envious when he saw the horse card hanging on the booth. Unfortunately, he was shy, "Isn't it just a joke?"

"Who would do such a wicked thing? Time is so tight?"


"How to do how to do."

"There are not many people who can take out 100 gold now."

"I asked her if RMB is okay."

"What's the owner's name?"


"I'll try too."

Xie Xiaomeng was about to be overwhelmed by the news of the private chat, she anxiously urged her friend, "Is your side alright?"

"We're talking, hold on!"

"I'm afraid of being scolded to death!"

"Don't worry, whoever can come up with 100 gold now, don't even look at what place this is, the poor ghosts all over the place, hello, hello."

"Hurry up."

"Well, I'll make another bargain."

Make a bad friend by mistake.

Xie Xiaomeng sighed and had to bite the bullet and stay at the booth.

She didn't really want to sell the horse cards, but to cooperate with her friends and use the horse cards to attract people's attention. The friends could take the opportunity to bargain with the stall owner.

This strategy was very successful, but the commotion grew louder and louder. Everyone in the security zone knew that someone was selling horse tags on the stalls. Even if they couldn't afford it, they would come over to watch the excitement.

"100 gold, I have collected it all, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Afraid of what to come, Xie Xiaomeng was so frightened by a voice in the crowd that he immediately took away the horse cards on the shelf. This made people see his intentions, and immediately cursed everywhere, and the crowd seemed so angry that they almost ate her up .

Xie Xiaomeng only had time to say something to her friend, and then went off the assembly line and fled.

After waking up in reality, I found that I was feeling unwell again in the computer room of the school. Seeing that the self-study outside should be over, I washed up lazily, locked the computer room, and rushed to the teaching building.

It's mid-to-late December, the first snow of this year fell last night, there was still fog in the morning, and the campus covered in silver was extraordinarily noisy. As soon as Xie Xiaomeng walked near the teaching building, he saw a large group of people walking down the stairs. Time rushed down, the boys screamed excitedly, and the girls chirped, all talking about the same thing.

"Xiao Meng, Canaan's official website has released an announcement. The 5th test is officially over, and the 6th test is accepting group registrations!"

"This time there are 500 million quotas, 500 million!"

Xie Xiaomeng just got off the assembly line, a bit confused, always talking about the 6th test, 6th test, has always been His Royal Highness Thunder and Heavy Rain, this has been delayed for more than half a month!

Are you really about to start the 6th test?

(End of this chapter)

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