This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 393 6 Test Announcement

Chapter 393 6 Test Announcement

[Several important explanations about the major update of version 1.10 of the Canaan Metaverse large-scale virtual reality online game and the joining of operating agents around the world]

[Dear players, time flies by like a fleeting horse, and wonderful moments are always so short. Looking back, Canaan Games has accompanied you through nearly 18 months of life without knowing it. Looking back on the past, the first test of hundreds of people The initial state of opening the server is really impressive and embarrassing.

Today's Canaan games have spread all over the world, and countless players regard it as their spiritual home and second hometown. 74 five-test players pay, harvest, and experience together in this wonderful, fantastic, and turbulent virtual world. Laugh together, be together... It is because of you that Canaan games are popular all over the world, making countless cloud players dream about, and letting countless potential partners see the potential of Canaan and the great significance it represents.

Canaan thanks for having you!

Life is always accompanied by regrets and falls, but every fall makes us more mature and stronger.

Along the way, Canaan games have also experienced ups and downs. As an unprecedented new thing, it is not easy.

The price of growth is always accompanied by loss. Today, Canaan games will also face a major adjustment. It is not an exaggeration to call it a major innovation-whether to close the door to become unified, or open the door to welcome visitors from all over the world. ?
We chose the latter.

Since the Canaan game came out, there have been constant controversies. It is precisely because of ignorance that conspiracy theories have the soil to breed, and many people are full of distrust of Canaan.

Hostility and misunderstanding caused by countries, regions, ethnic groups, different cultures and skin colors should not exist in Canaan games. Canaan should be a world of great unity, and everyone, every country and region should have equal gaming rights.

Because, Canaan is not just a game.

Therefore, we decided to go out and face the ups and downs outside. Please understand this, especially the cloud players in Huaguo, when the server resources and game qualifications are still very tight.

In this update, we will work with 138 agency partners to operate together. In addition to the central intellectual brain, which enjoys the highest S-level authority, all operating agents, including Canaan Company, have A-level agency operation authority. Canaan games will be launched Zoning, in principle, all agency operators will enjoy many rights such as game management, development, special gameplay, value-added game business in their own country and region, and have the right to decide the size of affairs in the division, and other agents and Canaan parent company have no right to interfere .

Has the right to decide the policies in the zone and the rules of the game at the regional level (provided that there is no conflict with the central brain with S-level authority).

The right to tax transactions, the right to give organizations and individual entities no more than A-level game permissions within the jurisdiction, and the right to reward and punish organizations and entities that violate zoning policies and rules of play, but have no right to influence And deprive the player of the basic game rights.



Sincerely, all colleagues of Huaguo Canaan Metaverse Large-scale Virtual Reality Technology Group Company!
The following are the specific measures and adjustments for this update and the launch of the agency partition. 】

[Updates of Canaan Oline version 1.10:
1, 138 game agents and operators have functional permissions online, enjoying A2-level permissions.

2. Divide the public game area and the agent-operated game area. The public game area includes the game map centered on Dawn City, including Buck City and Punk City, and bounded by Extreme South City, Extreme North City, Extreme East City, and Extreme West City (novice The village is not included, it is rented by major agency operators to accommodate new players who come online on the 6th test, and the last new player will be taken back after level 5).

The agency game division includes four development directions in the southeast, northwest, and game maps developed by the agency operator organization, and can enjoy complete A2-level authority.

3. Improve and upgrade the gang gameplay, officially launch the city building and country building modes, upgrade the family and gang alliance system, and the gangs and city alliances authorized by the agent can establish a national organization.

4. Improve the gang war system, launch trial versions of city war and national war, and expand the authority and scope of gang daily and exclusive missions.

5. Increase the player's faction division, increase the player's place of birth and native place (display), the system uses "native place" as the default player's operation and management authority, and the local operation agent provides more detailed services.

6. Lower the entry threshold for life profession alchemy and enchanting, and provide more support for life profession leisure players.

7. Improve the belief system.

8. Improve the hidden race management and production gameplay of the demon battlefield.

9. Optimize the combat experience and optimize the balance between races and occupations.


11. Subsequent optimization and update content will be supplemented according to the specific situation.

[The update plan of Canaan Online version 1.10 and the game behavior during the non-stop service period are silent.

Dear players, this test is a non-stop server and online update mode. The server resources have been greatly upgraded. In order to better complete the upgrade work, during the major update period of the system, it will no longer be released that requires a large-scale player gathering. Large-scale missions, including regional missions, story missions, and world missions, will prohibit players from participating in team battles with more than 10 players, and will suspend the mode of gang battles and city battles. Thank you for your understanding.

The estimated online update time is December 12-21, and the game time is 26 days. During the update period, please focus on business exploration, entertainment and leisure game content. 】

[Explanation on the distribution and selection of qualifications for the 6th test

Dear players, cloud players who care about Canaan games all over the world, the good news is that the server resources of this test have been greatly increased, theoretically able to accommodate millions of people online at the same time.The bad news is that system resources are still limited, and most people may not be able to enter the Canaan world until the next time when system resources are more abundant, please understand.

The total number of the first batch of qualifications issued in the 6th test is 500 million, excluding existing players. After friendly consultations and negotiations, the major agents have reached an agreement. According to the comprehensive situation, the qualifications are allocated, and then each agent adopts a distribution method that is in line with their actual situation and does not deviate from the principle of fairness and voluntariness. Huaguo's group lottery mode remains unchanged.

The 5th test will officially end at 5 pm today, and the 6th test will officially start, and the system upgrade will be launched at the same time. Players are requested to arrange the game time reasonably and prepare in advance to avoid unnecessary losses. 】

After reading the announcement online, the brothers and sisters started a lively discussion.

"It is necessary to prepare in advance, otherwise the good gang resident will be ruined!"

"Go ahead, the game will be silent at five o'clock in the afternoon, there is still plenty of time"

"What is this called? From the very beginning of the 5th test, it was said that we would build a gang, and we got the order to build a gang early, and it was delayed until the end of the 5th test, and the gang resident has not yet been laid down."

"It's not Chunshui's fault, the place we've been looking for has been robbed."

"It's not you. One has something to do today, and the other one is offline tomorrow. He has been procrastinating, busy with his own affairs, and has been procrastinating until now."

"If you can't establish a gang before 5 p.m., you will lose a lot. Who knows what it will be like in the 6th test."

"Partition, nation-building, shit, is there still Omon and NATO? Canaan Corporation's bones are too soft."

"I have known this day for a long time. With Canaan's influence, it's no wonder that capital and rights in reality are indifferent. Canaan Company is already very good. It is backed by the big tree of Huaguo to resist until now. , If you try it in another country, how can there be 6 tests, maybe 2 tests and 3 tests will be snatched away, so what else can we do?"

"Partition building, we haven't even established a gang, alas!"

"There don't seem to be many gangs now, right? Let alone the player city."

"The pace of the system is too big, and I feel very anxious. Let's say that this test has been released for less than a month, right? One month, coordinate all aspects of the relationship, and establish a Canaan branch all over the world , Equity distribution, organizational structure, server coordination, power and responsibility division, benefit distribution, cooperation and coordination... My God, think about 138 agents representing 138 countries, covering the whole world, you don’t think such efficiency is weird Is it?"

"Whatever, we are just ordinary players. When the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up. I'm only worried about the rumored influx of tens of millions of players. Let's not be drowned by this flood."

"Drowning is a must, try not to drown!"

"I see Xuan, ten million levels, what the hell, I never thought that I could play a game with a server of ten million levels in my lifetime. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle... How many people would it take?"

"Don't block the city gate and you won't be able to get in."

"I think Xuan, the main city of the current system is still too small, and it may be too big to expand ten times. For details, refer to the big cities in reality."

"Tsk tsk... I really went to the second world."

"Stop talking, spring water is here."

When Shao Bing took Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu into the NPC tavern, more than 50 members of the family had already arrived.

He didn't have time to greet them in the dusty world, so he said directly, "We've got everything in touch, and we'll set off in 10 minutes."

"So fast, I haven't repaired my equipment yet!"

"I'm going to buy supplies!"

"Me too"

"Go together, go together!"

Seeing this, Xia Miaomiao said angrily: "Why did you go so early? You're all chattering here, right?"

Shao Bing said quickly: "Go and come back quickly, we don't have much time."

When these people left, Du Shiyu complained that his buddies spoke badly and made people unable to get off the stage. Shao Bing helped Xia Miaomiao to smooth things over, saying that they were all his own people, they didn't pay much attention, and no one blamed them.

Looking at his busy back, Xia Miaomiao sighed, and told Du Shiyu that the gang leader would not do anything to ask her for money, and he would have to smile at everything, and there was no breeze from the gang leader.

Du Shiyu said, it's because of you, the first master, don't coax him, he is not like this in front of others.

As they were talking, Huaguoshan Saint Warrior and Truth, who were acquainted with the family, approached within the magic range and asked them about their plans after reading the 6th test announcement on the official website.

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior said mysteriously, "Someone asked me to send you a message. If you want to do game immigration, he has a way."

"What? Immigrants!?"

"Shh, be quiet."

"How to say?" Xia Miaomiao was very curious.

"You don't know yet? It's just that after the 6th test, the supervision will be very strict, such as taxation, PK, etc. In short, you understand, but some agents have different divisions, so it's easy to talk about."

"Huh?" Xia Miaomiao never thought that this could happen, and looked at her best friend.

The best friend pondered for a moment and asked, "Is there a tax discount?"


"anything else?"

"That's when people open districts and build a country, you contribute, but it's not for nothing. Those who have the task of opening districts and building a country."

"Monkey, are you going to do it?"

"I'm not, but you are not as popular as the two of you. It's just over the top. The conditions they offer can't compare with you, but if you want to immigrate, you can get a good condition if you bring me."

"Okay, so you paid attention to this... Truth, you also want to apply for immigration?"

The truth said within the range of the spell, "The tax rate is too high. If it doesn't come down, I will change my nationality."

It is true that the progressive tax rate for players is too inhumane. Like robbery, it can reach up to 67%. What you collect in the game, you have to pay in reality, especially for top players like them. Speaking of which is full of resentment.

"Then it's settled. If the tax rate doesn't change, let's change the district."

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior agreed with a smile on his face.

When the people repairing equipment and selling supplies came back, Shao Bing immediately ordered to set off, and more than 50 people took the teleportation to Jinan City, where they joined people from the other 4 small families.

There are more than 5 people in the 200 families, and there are only about [-] people in Lingjue.

This is the entire lineup of the Brothers and Sisters Gang. The few families that were planning to unite have already looked down on them or have already joined forces with other families. Gao Wan is almost lost to everyone.

Speaking of this makes people sigh, he used to be Xia Miaomiao's thigh.

The target city of abandoned people is located in a mountain depression 50 kilometers northwest of Jinan City. It used to be close to the civilized world. It was said to be an abandoned people's camp, but it was actually the white gloves of a certain nobleman on the outskirts of the abandoned wasteland.

Therefore, this camp has complete facilities, including a magic-weave city wall more than ten meters high, complete defense facilities, more than a hundred city guards whose systems are marked as 'elite bandit soldiers', and more than a dozen professional soldiers. A high-end force composed of

The perimeter of the camp had already been cleaned up by Shao Bing. The arrival of these two hundred players made the camp feel like a formidable enemy. Centaurs even appeared on the city wall.


"Damn it, the NPCs in the city have invited foreign aid, we have delayed too much time!"

"Don't panic, don't panic!" Shao Bing shouted loudly, mainly to appease the other small vassal families, and also pulled Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu away, and used these two top 100 masters to control the situation.

"Whether there are centaurs or not... Chunshui, we only have this chance." Xia Miaomiao said to Shao Bin.

Shao Bing gritted his teeth, "I know, this camp must be taken down today."

In reality, it is noon, and there are still 10 hours of game time. Whether you can catch the last train depends on this trick.

Xia Miaomiao stopped talking, picked up the golden sun-shooting bow, and looked towards the top of the city.

In 5 minutes, the siege battle broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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