This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 394 Devaluation

Chapter 394 Devaluation

"Mom, hurry up, we can't catch up."

"I'm coming."

Before dawn, Xie Xiaomeng and Aunt Xue went out with a full set of things. A relative who came from his hometown acted as the driver, driving the off-road vehicle that Xie Xiaomeng sold the day before yesterday, and moved the big and small bags to the car. .

The community is still dark, and there is no one there. Under the beam of the street lamp, there are only moths, insects and mosquitoes that have been busy all night, and they cannot be driven away.

I expected to queue for a long time at the registration office, but I didn't expect it, but as soon as I drove near the registration office, vehicles and tents were blocked all the way.

Xie Xiaomeng and Aunt Xue had to get out of the car. They moved all the contents of the trunk under the steps in front of a clothing store, set up a tent, pretended a simple camp bed, and a portable stove. It's time-consuming and old-fashioned here.

But after a while, there were more than a dozen tents behind them. The line in front was unknown how long. Some people might have been on guard all night, and they didn't know how to deal with the urban management.

As soon as he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Vehicles from the DMV were blocked at the entrance of the alley and couldn't get in. The law enforcement officers shouted on foot with loudspeakers that they could not illegally occupy the road and asked everyone to evacuate immediately.

But no one listened to them, a couple started the stove and cooked breakfast in front of them.

Xie Xiaomeng looked at the time, looked at the sky, "Mom, you just stay here and wait for me to go offline, and don't leave if anyone comes."

"Yeah!" Aunt Xue nodded obediently.

"Then I'll go to school first Uncle, help my mother look after the place, don't let people jump in line."

The uncle nodded and smiled honestly.

Xie Xiaomeng just left. It took more than half an hour to arrive at the school, and found that the campus was already brightly lit. The aisles and the playground were full of mess left after the celebration last night. More than a dozen cleaners were cleaning the classrooms. There was no one in the dormitory and only Lao Wei was sitting on the podium, writing something.

"Little Meng"

"Teacher Wei."

"Get ready for early self-study!"

Xie Xiaomeng looked at the classroom with messy desks, chairs and benches, and the blackboard with all kinds of winning slogans graffitied on it. He opened his mouth, but he was speechless.

He lifted up the desk, chair and bench that he had fallen on the ground, took out the textbook from the drawer, and spread it out in front of him, but his mind was blank.

The clock on the wall was ticking forward, and another half an hour had passed, the sky outside was already getting bright, and there were three or four students sitting in the classroom, all of them looked restless, as if there were needles growing under their buttocks, no matter how hard they sat Can't live.

Teacher Wei is still making lesson plans.

The bell rang for the start of early self-study, the classroom door was pushed open from the outside, and a boy with a flat head rushed in. He didn't notice the old Wei on the podium, and said eagerly, "Oh, what time is it? You still have the mind to go to class." , while talking, rushed to his seat and pulled out a backpack, and rushed out in a hurry.

Xie Xiaomeng looked at the podium. Old Wei was still working on the lesson plan, so he didn't respond at all.

She suddenly felt a little unbearable. Looking around, a girl quietly stood up and slipped out of the classroom through the back door.

At this moment, Teacher Wei sighed, adjusted his reading glasses, stood up and said: "The school decided to take a 3-day holiday, you..."

Before the words were finished, a few 'honest' students cheered, stuffed the books into the desks, and rushed out of the classroom impatiently.

Teacher Wei froze for a moment, waved to Xie Xiaomeng who was the only one who was still in the classroom, and sat down to do her lesson plans again.

At this time, the campus had become empty, and most of the teachers were gone. She returned to the computer room assigned to her by the school, and lay down in the game room with complicated emotions.

Online is not affected by the offline atmosphere at all.

Now it is 'quiet game behavior', larger tasks and larger activities are not open, and there will often be 'delay' and 'stutter', most of the players are crowded in the game area, digesting the 5 tests especially The dividends obtained on the abyss battlefield, diligently cultivate internal affairs.

Therefore, the safe area is extremely lively, and the stalls can't be seen at a glance. In the auction, there are hundreds of pages of various equipment and props, and many good things that are usually cherished and rarely seen appear on it, but the price is touching. Players are beyond reach.

It is worth mentioning that the current exchange rate and prices are showing a downward trend. Many people are shocked by the "tens of millions of people" online at the same time. After the 6th test is predicted, the supply of copper coins will definitely blow out. Now The exchange rate (black market) is too exaggerated, and everyone knows that it is not normal, and it will definitely fall. The opening of the 6th test is a pass.

Of course, there are also people who hold the opposite opinion, thinking that not only will the exchange rate not fall, but it will skyrocket due to the emerging demand, and you will know when you look back at the beginning of each test.

There is no way to go up or there will be a sharp fall. Different people have different opinions. It all depends on personal judgment.

Take advantage of this time to quickly sell things you don't need, buy things you need if the price is right, and basically do this when you go online.

Looking at the stalls one by one, it is more lively and crowded than the offline temple fair. You must know that this is one of the thousands of safe areas in the game, and it is not the main city of the seven major systems.

Ten minutes later, she fell in love with a high-quality blue wristband with double resistance, and was negotiating with the stall owner in private. Someone chatted with her in private and asked if her undead flame skeleton horse was still for sale?
This kind of news has been received frequently since I helped a friend last time, and Xie Xiaomeng doesn't care. Her current combat power is still not perfect, not that it is not enough, but that she can't form a good team.

Combat strength is a hard indicator. What level of team and team is like class composition. A low-level team and a high-level team are asking for leadership, and a high-level team enters a low-level team. There are few such good things waiting for her.

So you have to do everything possible to improve your combat power. You say you have a good operational awareness, but others don't know it.

It is true that the combat power does not fully explain the strength of a player. The difference of one or two hundred combat power is counter-killed from time to time, but if the gap is too large, such as more than 500, it is rare.

The operation is not enough, and the combat power comes together.

Now players are more and more cognizant of this, leading to a large number of "handicapped party" mixed into the "revolutionary team", which has made some hardcore players criticize.

Xie Xiaomeng is just a commoner player. The Undead Flame Skeleton Horse is her biggest gain since playing the game. Don't even think about her own equipment. It is reasonable to sell it in exchange for the most helpful resources.

Therefore, she was going to sell this horse card, but no one had come up with the conditions that would make her heart flutter.

The blue top-quality wristband couldn't be bargained for no matter what, and the stall owner was annoyed by her pestering, so he refused to accept her news.

Xie Xiaomeng left the booth resentfully, and soon got into the next round of bargaining, forgetting about the unhappiness just now.

Naturally, there are also private chats about buying undead flame skeleton horses.

Until it was time to go offline, the money was not spent, and the mouth was sharpened a lot.

Don't worry about Aunt Xue. She has set a time in the game. When she goes offline, she usually cleans up the chat interface and turns to the one who bought the undead flame skeleton horse.

"... 6 test qualifications for your skeleton horse, definitely not a liar, interested + V chat, the number is..."

6 test qualifications?
Xie Xiaomeng dubiously wrote down the V signal number, and after going offline, he left the empty school and went straight to the scene where the registration group was drawn.

It feels like the whole city has come to a standstill.

The shops along the street were empty, and most of them were closed. There were not many cars on the road, only buses with few people coming in and out. The weather was extremely cold, and the northwest wind blew on the face like a knife.

However, the dozens of streets where the lottery was held did not feel the cold at all. The roads were all occupied by all kinds of vehicles and tents. The posture of playing a protracted war.

People can pass, but vehicles cannot. Xie Xiaomeng struggles to squeeze forward in such a crowded, lively, and noisy environment, jumping among other people's pots and pans, and being careful in the midst of chasing and fighting like children in the New Year. The gap between the choices made, and accidentally stepped on a sleeping man...

The tweeter of the helicopter hovered at low altitude, trying in vain to persuade the citizens to go home. They also said that the online registration channel was unblocked, and organized tens of thousands of volunteers to go door-to-door to register...but it was useless.

I don’t know who spread the rumor that the on-site registration group has a high winning rate, and they also cited so-and-so... a lot of examples to prove that, in line with the principle of preferring to believe it or not (she herself registered on-site The one who won the lottery in the group), did not stop the 'superstitious' Aunt Xue from following the crowd.

What if?
This is the 6th test qualification.

It is rumored that tens of millions of people are online at the same time, so the chance of winning the lottery is high. In the past, one in ten thousand was chosen, but now it is one in a thousand or one in hundreds of people. The probability of winning the first prize is similar to that of the 3D group selection. How crazy should people buy it?
In the matter of winning the lottery, no one takes it lightly. Even those who have never cared about Canaan cannot ignore its huge wealth-creating effect.

The front was even more congested. It seemed that two families had scuffled together because of the queue jumping. The scene was chaotic, full of mess and misunderstandings.

Xie Xiaomeng did not expect that the scene would be so crazy, from the [-]-year-old old man in a wheelchair to the kindergarten children who couldn't walk steadily, and more people came after hearing the news. Paralyzed by it, if something unexpected happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

An aunt who opened a snack bar filled the entrance and exit of her house with a basin of water and poured the whole family into ruins. The security guards of the hotel not far away forcibly drove them out. A police car was abandoned by the side of the road, surrounded by tent troops. A seven or eight-year-old boy was standing on the green belt and crying for his mother. A helicopter with emergency rescue and disaster relief printed on it just passed over his head, and the tweeter was playing again. This street bombed again...

What's the matter! ?

It's just a rumor that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Finally squeezed to the place where Aunt Xue used to be, but she didn't see anyone, Xie Xiaomeng felt a little regretful about the chaos, and only after calling the phone did she realize that she had to go to the front. By the time she found someone, it was already almost 12 o'clock at noon.

At this time, it was already tents and the ocean, and the smell of instant noodles was everywhere. Aunt Xue and her relatives and uncles took in a little girl who was separated from her family. She was sitting on a spare tire that no one knew who discarded it, eating instant noodles.

"Mom, how's the situation?"

"Hurry up, at this pace, it will be our turn tomorrow."

Xie Xiaomeng looked at the registration office hundreds of meters away speechlessly, it was even more crowded there, and there was no place to stay.

It's all here, if you give up, all previous efforts will be wasted, Xie Xiaomeng hesitated again, suddenly remembered the message in the game, and added that person's V letter.

This person was quickly contacted, but Xie Xiaomeng seriously suspected that he was not alone in the game. It felt a bit like chatting with Taobao customer service. Yes, all kinds of questions about her have long been planned.

"You said that you are the 'licensed purchasers' entrusted by the Nubian embassy? Do you have any proof?"

"Yes, please wait a moment."

Then the other party sent her a large number of 'licensed' documents in both Chinese and English, with the seal of the Nubian embassy in China on it, and then a video of the signing authorization inside the embassy...

Quite like that!
Xie Xiaomeng was worried about some new type of fraud, so he took a screenshot of the chat and consulted a friend he met in the game.

"It's true."


"Many embassies are doing this now, especially those in small countries, poor countries, and unstable areas...Use the game quotas that are about to be allocated in their hands to recruit senior players to immigrate, or to exchange for strong and scarce materials in the game Props, and then in exchange for what they need, such as mortgages, geopolitical interests, etc., it is very complicated."

"Then it doesn't matter in the country?"

"I can't control it. The legs grow on the human body, so they can't be tied up?" the friend said jokingly.


"I think, a 6-test qualification is not as expensive as imagined, and it is not worth it to exchange it with a flame skeleton horse... Think about it, you have to immigrate after obtaining the qualification. It is difficult to say a lot of things when you change your nationality. , especially for players, it’s okay now, what if, what if there is a repatriation in the future, wouldn’t you be caught blind?”

"Is it possible? Push the player out?"

"No matter how expensive things are, once they are more, they will not be rare. Don't look at the enthusiasm for the 6 test qualifications. You will look at it when it really reaches the tens of millions online."

"I heard that the future supervision will be very strict?"

"Strictness is absolute, and there will be no more preferential treatment in the future."

"There is no preferential treatment now, the tax rate is so high."

"The tax rate is high? Have you never thought about how easy it is for players to come in for money? Any player who goes out and cuts a few mobs at random can get money that other people can't make in a week or even a month in reality? Do you think it's fair? "

Xie Xiaomeng: ...

"Let's just say that you yourself have made a lot of money, right? From the perspective of fair distribution of social wealth, do you think that your gains are directly proportional to your efforts?"

"When you reach tens of millions online, Canaan is no longer a game. You can no longer use the previous model and inertia of thinking. It will become a systematic knowledge, an overall social problem that needs to be considered comprehensively..."

Xie Xiaomeng didn't bother to read her friend's long-winded speech.

Since it was true, she told Aunt Xue about it.

After hearing this, Aunt Xue said without hesitation, "If you don't change, you may not know what will happen in the future. It's best to win the lottery this time. If you can't win, you will still have a chance. Even if you don't win, you can still be a tourist. Your The things are different, sell them quickly while they are worth money now, and don’t throw them in your hands.”

Aunt Xue and her friends said so, which made Xie Xiaomeng realize that the 6 test qualifications may not be as expensive as she looks like.

This means that the player's identity will be devalued.

(End of this chapter)

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