This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 395 Qualification Distribution

Chapter 395 Qualification Distribution

In the morning of Canaan, as soon as the golden sun appeared on the horizon, the sound of rumbling horseshoes broke through the tranquility of dawn. Horses leaped out from the grove behind the mountain ridge, and several centaurs wandering around the edge of the grove blew their mouths. The whistle sounded, and not far away, a tribe with only a dozen centaurs put away their tents, hung up the few remaining supplies on the grazing livestock, and fled in a hurry.

More and more knights jumped out of the woods, gradually breaking through a hundred people. Seeing the fleeing centaurs, the leading knight rode his horse and jumped onto a big rock, built a pergola with one hand, and looked into the distance.

After the tireless exploration of the players, there are very few 'black areas' in the game area, but there is continuous darkness a few kilometers away.

In the darkness, people's voices and horses neighed, and an army of 'humanoid monsters' was camped in the canyon between the two peaks.

This is already the edge of the game area, one of the southernmost protrusions of Jinan City, the player's footsteps are the farthest to explore here, and further ahead is a stronghold of the human coalition forces on the semi-encircled front.

The centaurs avoided the player and the darkness, made a big bend, plunged into a stone forest with dim vision, and disappeared.

Xia Miaomiao stepped forward immediately, took a good look at it, and flicked his horsewhip handsomely, pointing to the thick darkness and said, "The distance is too close, less than 20 kilometers, isn't it Chunshui?"

Shao Bing nodded, looking solemnly at the enemy hiding in the darkness, "No way, only these outer camps are left."

Truth looked at the surrounding environment within the range of magic and said, "It is also good to be close to the border. It will be very convenient when expansion packs explode in the future, and it will have a first-mover advantage."

Shao Bing laughed and said, "Yes, danger and opportunity coexist, it depends on our ability."

Die Lianhua, the patriarch of the Huamancheng family, rode back with a few core members of his family. Before they arrived, laughter came first, "This place is not bad. I just saw the stone forest over there. Abandoned mines, surrounded by a lot of abandoned farmland, the soil is very fertile, and the water conservancy facilities are still there, as long as enough aboriginal NPCs are recruited, it will not be difficult to restore it to the past."

Shao Bing: "I also chose to build a gang here because of this. From now on, from here to 'Flower City' is our territory."

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and then looked at the surrounding environment, a kind of excitement and hope of starting a foundation surged in them.

This was originally the familiar land around the Rock Fortress, but it was destroyed by the centaur tribe coalition forces, which made it appear so desolate and depressed. Although the war that may break out at any time makes most players who are ready to form gangs discouraged, there are other places that do not have it. the benefits of.

Because it belongs to the border of the civilized world, defense, farming, transportation, workshops, mining, etc. are very developed.Of course, it is not worth mentioning from the perspective of the earth in this developed world, but it also depends on who you compare with.

Most of the abandoned camps deep in the game area are in some 'sinister' places, nothing else, just a terrain, terrain and traffic, just like this place, players can also take teleportation, what about NPCs, What about the caravans of the neutral camp?

Without transportation, there would be no economy, and without ancillary infrastructure, we would not be able to gather enough aboriginal NPC populations. Without population, how would we multiply and develop all kinds of industries, and how would we build a city?

These require players to spend a lot of time, energy and money to build, but here they are available from the beginning, and only need a little restoration.

"And the most important thing you all forgot."

The head of the Langya# family, Yuanyue Machete, said with a smile, "In the future, this area will belong to the public game area, and it will be difficult for anyone to build a gang in the public game area in the future. Based on this alone, everyone is afraid that they will not be able to develop in the future. Is it? Building a city? It’s a trivial matter, Chunshui might be able to beat the grand duke, king or something in the future.”

"Grand Duke, king? Should we change our name to Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty the King, please accept my respect!"

"The King of Chunshuiliu? It's not cool enough. Why don't you change your name to King George I?"

"Fart, well, what is the name of the gang of Huaguo players, George? I think it's better to call it Yingzheng."

"Damn it, Daqin?"

"It's a good idea, let King Qin get it."

"King Qin? Then, should our gang also change its name? Great Qin Dynasty?"

"No, wouldn't another gang with such a big tone have to die of laughter? I think it might as well be called the Daqin Guards. In the future, the gang will expand, and it can also form guards, guards, imperial forests and so on... I also think more What do you think, Chun Shui?"

Shao Bing laughed in shock: "Are you serious?"

"Don't you think it's good?"

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a gang who doesn't want to build a country is not a good gang. This is called ambition. Besides, it's just in the game. What are you afraid of?"

"That's it. That's it."

It was just joking and booing, but everyone became serious after talking. Even high-level backbones like Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu felt that the name of the "Daqin Guards" was higher than that of brothers and sisters. too much.

"I think the guards are ready." Xia Miaomiao said jokingly, "We will talk about Daqin after the gang upgrades, at least after the city is built. People in the province laugh at us for yawning toads."

The words of the number one expert have weight, and many people support it without thinking, and even more people think that this name is more "reliable" than Daqin and the like, so they also support it.

Shao Bing said uncertainly, "Then it's called the Guards?"

The heads of several other joining families glanced at each other and nodded.

Shao Bing breathed a sigh of relief, "Then everyone has a unified prefix, so there is no distinction between Brother, Spike, and Huamancheng?"

The family heads readily agreed.

After the capture of the camp, this matter has been hanging in Shao Bing's mind. Although his family is the main family in the alliance, and the order and task of building a gang are also his, but it is an "annexation" after all. Ideas, unite in private, and create a situation where the customer is the main one.

Although Shao Bing is not afraid, but the foundation of the grassroots can't stand such a toss, and now it can be solved smoothly, which can be described as a surprise.

Seems pretty good?
After inspecting her own territory, a group of more than a hundred members with mounts was about to go back. Xia Miaomiao was greedy for the small centaur tribe she had just discovered, so she formed two teams to leave the large army and come hunting.

During the 6th test server construction period, the game behavior was silent, and the maximum number of participants could only be two teams of 10 people. It just so happened that the centaur tribe was not too big, so it was the right prey.

The centaur tribe allied with the system also runs the ranch of Punk City and the Alpha plane, which requires a large population of centaurs to enrich. Everyone has been leading this task for a long time, and the reward is generous. It also gives the centaur the prestige of the allied tribe, and there is a chance If so, no one will let it go.

The large force was brought back by Shao Bing.

The captured abandoned camp has become their territory, and a total of 109 usable abandoned people have been captured. At this time, these people are working outside the earthy city wall.

Clean up the deserted farmland, dig the ditches again, and introduce the river water not far away... There is not enough manpower, and the players who stay behind are waving hoes to help.

Scenes of players working in the fields are rare. Seeing these people riding tall horses come back, these players shouted and cursed, but most of them were joking...

With these 109 more mouths that need to be filled, the newly formed Yali Shanda not only has to manage their food, but also solve their housing. Tuweizi is a refugee camp, and the original buildings failed the system assessment. Reconstruction is required after purification.

It is another cost to invite the priest NPC.

The worst thing is that even the only stone building in the city is not up to standard. In the words of the NPC priest, every stone here is stained with depravity. A curse that is easily dispelled.

This stone building is the City Lord's Mansion. By the standards of the earth, it is at best a broken house of stone yards. Not to mention the air leakage on all sides, there are misunderstandings inside. Hell, he and his gang have long been engaged in robbing and looting businesses for a long time, dealing with the black market and slave traders, offering sacrifices to the great nobles of the neighboring kingdoms, and doing dirty work with white gloves, in order to survive in such a border area .

Now all of this is laughed at by the players.

The bandits and ghosts have been cleaned up and turned into players' experience and trophies, including this land of crisis and hope.

Although not much better than the kennel, Shao Bing is still relaxed when he comes back here. Once the city gate is closed, he feels a sense of security. The original defense facilities on the city wall were completely destroyed when they attacked the city. The NPC hired at a high price recovered, stealing teachers while working as supervisors.

Shao Bing and the others are disbanded, everyone has a place to go, and all businesses in the city are waiting to be flourished. Passing the system acceptance after 5 days is the top priority.

The first one to resume is teleportation.

This is also the most expensive key point, all the building materials and the best resources are used in this warehouse-like building.

The Teleportation Array is located in the southwest corner of the city center. The inner walls are all made of hard rocks. The height is 3 meters. The surface is engraved with this cumbersome magic pattern. Most of the expensive materials such as fine gold and mithril are used in these patterns. up.

When you walk in, you can see that the inside is much more orderly than the mess outside.

The NPC stonemason is polishing each stone, clang clang is required that the surface should have a brilliance, and the length, width and height should be approximately the same.

Behind the stone field as tall as a person, a flat stone substrate has been spread out in an area the size of a basketball court, and the teleportation array was built very quickly. Under the cold blue magic light, it is already in place.

Shao Bing would never have been able to build such a large teleportation formation without the system subsidizing a large part of it. Even so, this newly formed gang was burdened with heavy debts, and the consolation is that it was not his personal debts.

There is no room for defaulting on debts owed to the system. However, if you have too many debts, you don't have to worry about it, and if you have too many lice, it doesn't itch.

He was satisfied with the progress of the teleportation formation. Next, he inspected various construction sites in the city. The progress was different, but they all showed a prosperous atmosphere.

If you want to talk about the problem, it is not the gang funds that have dried up long ago, but the manpower.

It's okay to let players work as laborers... In a short time, it's okay, everyone has a fresh idea, but if you do this for a long time, this newly established gang may be separated and disintegrated.

The population, especially the aboriginal population (the system NPC is too expensive), has labor and can buy precious time to build the gang's infrastructure before the end of the "silent act".

But, where to find so many aborigines?
Shao Bing was very troubled. He went back to his dilapidated residence and looked at a map of the surrounding area. The aborigine population that can be found on it was marked with red circles. It seemed that there were a lot of them, but in the silent mode of the game, Can't have too much movement.

Just as he was about to use his skills, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu led the team back, returning with a full load.

Seven or eight centaur captives were dejected and shackled by heavy system chains, followed by dozens of large livestock, many of which were strong horses that could serve as mounts.

Players who didn't have mounts circled around several times, and a small internal auction was staged in the middle of the noisy construction site.

Mounts domesticated without systematic pastures are wild and hard to get rid of, and it is very difficult to capture them in the wild, but the situation is different now, can they be caught repeatedly? Anyway, the rope for capturing is not expensive. Yes, some players prefer this more 'vigorous' mount, unlike the systematically domesticated one, which is as docile as a tool and not exciting enough.

The 6 horses were bought at a high price, and the remaining livestock could only be handed over to the gangs as public goods. It happened that there was not enough manpower. These livestock could be handed over to the aborigines for domestication to solve part of the labor shortage.

Capturing the centaur is a task, which must be handed over to the system. Shao Bing looked at these unruly demi-human intelligent races with regret. It would be great if they could stay as aboriginal population.

Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu were called over, who were busy 'dividing the spoils', and told them about the problems the gang was facing now.

"It's not easy. Xiaoyu and I led the team and scanned the nearby maps." Xia Miaomiao readily agreed without making Shao Bing waste much time.

Shao Bing was naturally happy, thanked him for his efforts, and it was time to go offline.

It's comfortable online, but there's a lot of bullshit offline.

The daughter is watching TV in the living room. Not surprisingly, it is still news of the 6th test group draw.

While making dinner for his daughter, Shao Bing listened to the news that regarding the distribution of qualifications for the 6th test, agents from various countries resolved their differences in a 'lightning' manner and reached an agreement.

The unreasonable request of the United States was collectively rejected by the agents, and Omon also disagreed with the distribution rules that the Americans insisted on starting from the "economic aggregate" and following the principle of "strength and status", and supported the distribution based on population coefficient, economic development level, and infrastructure improvement. and the will of the people as a comprehensive reference.

The distribution ratio of the qualifications for the 6th test is roughly determined, and it is not surprising that Huaguo occupies the first place with 25% of the total.

The 27 Oumeng member states have obtained the qualifications of agents in large regions as they wished, and they have obtained 23% of the quota, ranking second.

The United States is third with 13%, Eastern Mongolia is the fourth with 9%, Japan is fifth with 2%, and the United Kingdom is 1%. The latter basically does not exceed one percent, including the fact that the population is the largest country.

The hardness itself is not strong, but it just protested a few times.

Similar hardness is also the Middle East...

But because of Canaan's huge economic and geopolitical interests, it refused to give up.

Canaan is not welcomed everywhere in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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