This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 396 Players in the slums

Chapter 396 Players in the slums

It's hard to imagine a dirtier place in the world.

In a slum in New Delhi, Singh got up in the morning and came down from the crumbling attic with a toothbrush and a toothbrush. He ignored his mother and sister who had already started a hard day, and swaggered to the sewage pit outside the door. Scooped a glass of water in the tank, squatted next to the sinkhole and brushed his teeth.

The narrow road in front of the gate was full of pedestrians. A tricycle piled up loads taller than a person was struggling to move forward on the bumpy path that looked like the surface of the moon. Among the barefoot women pushing behind was a young girl, and Singer stared at it. Looking at her waist and hips, she was extremely engrossed, with gloomy eyes, just like a hungry wolf evaluating its prey.

Amidst the rattling sound, a fat and strong man with his upper body naked was solving his physical problems on the dirt wall beside him. While yawning, he rubbed his eyes with his black hands, took off a ball of eye feces, and wiped it on the dirty Xi's pants.

The pungent smell forced Singer to stop cleaning his personal hygiene. He rinsed the tooth bowl and toothbrush in the water tank, regardless of whether it was the family's domestic water or whether his sister got up early from far away. Call back the facts.

In the cramped and cramped shack, the blind grandma was doing her daily homework - scolding Singer's mother for being slow in her hands and feet and delaying her time to leave the stall.

Singer's mother resigned herself, quietly packed the tools for making flying cakes, and went out with her daughter, who was also silent, with a heavy salute on her back.

"Hey, wear a face mask!" Singer reminded his sister in a rare kindness.

The younger sister hurriedly agreed, took off the face towel and wrapped it around her face.

Singer curled his lips. Grandma had already scolded her daughter-in-law's dowry for how poor it was, as if the family's difficulties were all because of the insufficient dowry.

Singer was in no mood to respond to the old calendar. He absent-mindedly ate the breakfast prepared by his mother. He stirred the yellow curry with his left hand, spread it evenly on the hot pancake, took a big bite, and sighed comfortably.

——This taste is really... the hardest food in the world!

After a delicious breakfast, Singer was thinking about where to go to pass the time today, when someone called his name outside.

The person who came was a well-dressed young man with fair skin and fashionable clothes. In particular, a pair of black leather shoes were polished and spotless. He walked his feet carefully, trying to avoid the dirt everywhere.

"Master Azim!" Singer smiled coquettishly when he saw him, and stepped forward to greet him, "Why did you come in person?"

Achim said, "There is a big deal today, 1000 rupees, daily settlement."

"I'll do it!" Singer didn't ask what he was doing, but agreed with a pat on his chest.

Achim tilted his head, and Singer followed, and went to another door.

A young man similar to Singer was called out, and he said the same thing, so he had an extra follower.

After a while, there were more than a dozen attendants behind Achim, and walked across the street to the main road outside the slum without anyone else around.

Across the street, there are two worlds.

Traffic is busy, pedestrians are like weaving, skyscrapers and low-rise shacks form an interesting contrast, luxurious specialty stores coexist harmoniously with small vendors sitting on the ground, and there are rules on the road, but not signal lights and traffic regulations, but long-pressed cars Horns and squealing car bells.

The three-wheeled trucks and taxis are ready for use, the dilapidated Alto rampages, and the rickshaws are used to pull goods and carry people. It is not enough for the riders to shake the bell, but also to raise their voices.

Of course, motorcycles are also indispensable. No one on the street stacks arhats on motorcycles to drink coffee, but they can carry goods and carry people, and have such high efficiency that the country is ashamed.

——Not to mention, the strong breath of life is full of unique vitality, which makes Singer feel that it is worthy of being a world-leading metropolis, and there is a strong national pride spontaneously.

Achim didn't say where he was going, and Singer and the others didn't ask. They walked lazily for a few minutes, and two Caucasian women walked towards them, followed by a group of young and middle-aged men watching.

Obviously these two women are tourists, and it’s winter, and they don’t wear cool clothes, but the body lines wrapped in tights and jeans are as eye-catching as if they were naked on such a street. The two were frightened by the man following behind His pretty face paled, seeing the same group of young and middle-aged men walking towards him, he stopped hesitantly.

Singer resisted the urge to whistle, and his eyes were wolf-like again, but the woman's complexion made him a little scrupulous.

"A bunch of pigs, untouchables, scum who have never seen a woman in their life, their reputation for hardness has ruined them!", but Master Achim was very angry. This kind of woman started talking.

Singer and the others wanted to go there, but they were stopped by Achim's eyes. The two female tourists were obviously frightened. Master Achim called a 'regular' taxi for them in a gentlemanly way, and before sending them to the car He also said that they are welcome to come and travel.

After finishing this matter, Achim's mood improved a lot, and he explained to Singer what he was going to do.

An hour later, Singer came out of the majestic government building, holding a thick stack of forms, and could hardly suppress the urge to yell.


When he got home, he found all his relatives, friends and neighbors, took out the thick stack of forms, and asked them to go to the people in the slums to register and sign a "voluntary" form. The legal documents for the transfer of the results of the lottery are naturally transferred to Master Achim.

Relatives and neighbors were not surprised. They are familiar with this kind of work. Whenever there is an election, this kind of drama is often staged. The price of 50 rupees is still fair, and they can deduct a small part. rich.

This made them very grateful to Singer, and praised him as a promising young man, who will definitely have great promise in the future.

These people moved quickly, and the work was done in one morning. Singer went to Master Achim with the signed documents.

Achim is very satisfied with Singer's high efficiency, and the others have not been seen yet.

"You also know Canaan?" Master Achim listened to his request and looked at him strangely.

Singer was working hard to polish Master Achim's shoes, squatting on the ground with Master Achim's black-backed wolfhound, and raised his head and smiled charmingly, "Master, you always need some helpers when you go to Canaan."

"You are very clever!", Master Achim laughed, "You will definitely be promising in the future."

Not long ago, he also said the same thing, and Singer took it for granted, but this time it was different, his whole body trembled with excitement, as if he had really "promised".

"It depends!", Master Achim yawned, beckoned for the maid, and beckoned her to take Singer out.

Singer had no choice but to get up on the hand-woven fluffy blanket in disappointment, and under the leadership of the maid, he left Master Achim's mansion.

"Bah, it's just a 'Vaishya', what's there to be proud of?"

Out of the mansion's unoccupied place, Singer spit towards the gate, still not relieved, walked to the corner, unbuttoned his pants and urinated on the wall of the mansion, feeling as if he was urinating on Master Achim That hideous face felt much more comfortable.

How valuable are player qualifications?

Singh, who often surfs the Internet, knows it. His knowledge is top-notch among young people who grew up in slums. He often scolds netizens from various countries on Facebook and other social media. He knows that the identity of Canaan players is very important. What it means to a man like him.

How to do.

Master Achim's method worked, but he had no money.

It's okay to have no money and power, but...

When he got home, he was anxious like a mouse on a hot pot. The lottery will start tomorrow. There are many people like Master Achim who use money to clear the way. If there is still a penny left, he will directly 'determine' a spot. Yes, Singer thought about it, but there was no way.

It is a fantasy to register normally and then win the lottery. In this country where corruption and bribery are unspoken rules, even the police on the street will find extra money in various legal and illegal names. Master Achim figured out a way.

But how could it be so easy for a player qualification to be granted to himself? Didn't Master Achim spend tens of millions of rupiahs on his head?It is not certain whether it can be hit or not.

How to do!
Anxious in heart, he always has a good face towards everyone. When his mother and sister came back to see him in a bad mood, they were very careful with what they said, lest they would make him angry.

Finally, the next day, there was still no news from Master Achim. Singer went to his mansion in the hope of just in case, but there was no one there, not even the servants in the whole villa.

He went back dejectedly. He didn’t see any signs of an organized lottery on the way. Although there were broadcasts on the news, they were all at unimportant time slots. When he went to the lottery to watch, he didn’t see the usual queues of people in other countries. It was deserted. The gate, people in twos and threes come in and out.

This made him hope in case.

Singer went in to register, and after a long wait, the arrogant public servant told him that his identity information had been registered and he had "transferred" the lottery result.

Singer thought it was Master Achim and even his share... Then he realized something was wrong, he had never filled in any registration information, and the moment he rolled his eyes, he started making noises in the hall.

The guards came to chase him away, but he yelled and refused to shut up. The batons hit him bang bang bang. The lottery result has been transferred.

The commotion became louder, and the civil servants began to panic, because he saw a reporter from the Hard Times coming down the stairs, accompanied by his boss.

With a dark face, the boss yelled at the guards to drive Singer out. Feeling the pressure, the guards dragged him out like a dead dog and threw him outside the gate.

Singer lay moaning on the rubbish pile outside the door, his eyes fixed on the door, and when the pain subsided, he limped in again.

three times!

He was almost beaten to death by the guards, once he was hit on the back of the head, and he was already in a coma. It was the ruthlessness in his heart that kept him going, and also prevented the media reporter from pretending to be deaf and dumb, and came to ask him what happened .

"It's unreasonable, sir, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen now!?" The reporter asked angrily, "Is it an exception? Or..." The official at the registration office was sweating on his forehead, and a young civil servant whispered behind his back Asked Singer what he wanted, Singer said, let me win the lottery, otherwise I will find the major media to expose it.

The civil servant looked at him like a madman.

"I am Kshatriya!", Singh told a big lie, but the fairer complexion and the profile of the "upper class" convinced the civil servants, and Singer showed another token from the Kshatriya temple (stolen ), which changed the face of civil servants.

He hurried to the official's ear and whispered.

In modern times, although caste still exists, it is not as strict as it used to be. On the surface, the caste system has been abolished, but a Kshatriya, even a down-and-out Kshatriya, must be careful under thousands of years of tradition. , Singer can make a fuss.

The officials of the registry are also Kshatriyas.

He looked at Singer seriously, frowned slightly, and then waved his hands.

The young public official came back and told Singer to go back and wait for the winning notice.

Does this solve it?
Singer was in a dream, but he didn't dare to continue entanglement. The lie would be exposed as soon as it was poked, and he just gambled that if people knew that he was pretending to be a high caste, he would end up miserable.

"It was just an accident and it has now been resolved."

Send Singer away, the official explained to the reporter with a smile.

The reporter took the envelope handed over by the official and said righteously: "This lottery draw has attracted worldwide attention. As the largest democratic country in the world, we must set an example for the world. Everybody knows."

The officials have repeatedly stated that they will not, and they must keep their eyes open all the time to ensure that the result of the lottery is fair and just.

The reporter nodded in satisfaction, and when he came outside the door, seeing that there were few people, he was even more satisfied.

"Hua people's game is not good," the official said shamelessly.

The reporter said: "People's enthusiasm is not high. In the future, we will make metaverse games ourselves, and it will definitely become popular all over the world."

The official asked: "I heard that the project has been approved?"

The reporter said: "That will be an epoch-making project, and it is expected to be launched by this time next year."

The official said happily: "That's really great. What Hua people can do, we hard people can do, and we can do better."

Besides, after Singer went back, he waited in fear until night.

There was not even a live broadcast of the lottery draw at night, only recorded and broadcast images.

Not many people in the slums cared about it. Only after the lottery ended, there was a little festive atmosphere on the other side of the street. Some people lit up fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate their winning.

Singer dialed the number to inquire about the results of the lottery with great anxiety. After waiting for a while, he heard a heavenly sound of winning the lottery.


He screamed like a madman in a slum full of sewage and garbage.

(End of this chapter)

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