This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 397 6 Test Open Day

Chapter 397 6th Test Service Opening Day ([-])

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the 6th test server was launched.

At this time, New Year's Day is approaching, the old year is about to pass, and the new year is coming. Canaan Company chose this day as the opening day, which naturally has its deep intentions.

In Canaan, the 6-layer magic net has been built, large and small, tens of thousands of Novice Villages with uniform specifications and models throughout the public game area are ready to go, thousands of "copy and paste" functional NPCs have already In place, a large number of novice materials have also been raised in place, old players log off, log in with new players, and wait for this important moment together.

Offline, the grand opening ceremony of the server has ended, and the live broadcast of the satellite is still rebroadcast on TV programs in various countries and regions. Waiting to start your own second life journey.

The computer rooms of agents in various countries are also busy. The so-called "black technology" is covered with a layer of specious skin, but it is full of unknown things. The so-called source code can be understood by a single line. When copied to other hardware, it will be full of errors and omissions, and all you get are some garbled codes with unknown meanings.

Without a soul that has a mysterious effect, the miracle of Canaan cannot be replicated by purely technological means, let alone the Canaan game can only be a layer of skin in the real world?

A small number of countries that have mastered the secrets of infinite quality and soul participation, such as Beimi, cannot replicate the magical application of Canaan, but the leak of infinite quality and related technical means still allows them to find inspiration. It is said, but it is said that Congress of the United States With the approval of a counterfeit project, a huge budget has been allocated to try to develop a virtual world that is not inferior to Canaan.

This is the beginning of the conflict among the Americans.

In their hearts, they don't believe that Canaan is just a game, but all the evidence shows that it is. In the face of the evidence they have been constantly grasping, the previous inferences and conclusions have become less reliable, and another group of voices supporting the opposite view has gradually become louder. It is believed that the people of Huaguo have obtained an epoch-making metaverse virtual reality technology, and have made major discoveries and breakthroughs in the study of human consciousness, thought and even soul.

How can Lao Mi, who claims to be the kingdom of God, bear this?

The reason why the gentlemen of the Congress are so generous this time is that they have fallen behind the reality of Huaguo, just like the Artemis project to return to the moon. It is related to the fundamental struggle between ideology and system superiority, and they cannot be tolerated. any flinch.

On the one hand, they worked overtime to make their own imitations, and on the other hand, they needed more Canaan operating data and technical secrets. Therefore, the Americans did not make any trouble this time. Whether it was the lottery or the current server opening preparations, they were very cooperative. Huaguo's Canaan parent company prepared a lot of plans to no avail.

Beimi's huge countdown to server opening has reached the final stage of 10 minutes. The more than one million lucky winners of the 6th test of the whole Mimi have all laid down in their respective game warehouses early. Capitalist countries are direct, and most of these players have got a certain amount of money. With the support of some commercial groups, or as a collaborator of a certain research group, the high cost of equipment is not a problem at all. Almost everyone has a game warehouse of the highest level, all of which are high-end goods imported from China.

However, in some impoverished and turbulent areas, the game warehouse is a luxury, and it is a blessing to have a game helmet.

Even the lucky few who win the lottery under the siege of black-box operations, game license sales, game immigrants from rich developed countries, etc., will face high fees, robbery, kidnapping and even murder. It is difficult to see the picture of celebration. Instead, there is only smoke and mess left by violent protests, conflicts and fires.

The identity of the player cannot be made public. The overall quality of the player is much higher than that of other countries and regions if he can break through the siege, obtain game equipment, and survive until the server is opened. There are hardly any good men and women.

I won't talk about the swords and swords behind it here.

On Times Square in Manhattan, Beimi, the opening day was ringing along with the New Year’s bell. Under the lock of countless cameras, at the center of the whole meter’s focus, Jonas, the president of Beimi Metaverse Affairs Group, pressed the button with a solemn expression. up a symbolic red button.


The huge and crisp electronic prompt sound is like a train whistle, indicating that this train heading towards a new era has begun to turn its wheels, heading towards a direction full of unknowns, hopes and challenges.

[-] million game devices all over the world are connected to Huaguo's "server" at the same time, and the massive "requests" are responded almost instantly. The magic power reserve unit on each device starts to function and activates the corresponding magic power. Patterns, flowing in the cumbersome and mysterious magic configuration.

The magic units and circuits start to work one by one, acting together on the human brain.

Thousands of "soul bodies" were born, and the observed separation of spirit and body caused all research institutions that are closely collecting "data" to fall into a huge "shock" or "ecstasy".

The 'code' of the soul was cascading on the screen, as if God revealed his true face and fully demonstrated his authority to them.


It is also the sound of nature to stop in Catherine's ears. The cheerleader of the 14-year-old rugby school team with a good family background, a good birth, a beautiful personality, and a moment ago was chatting with her best friend about her nervousness and expectations. After hearing this sound, he yawned without warning, and naturally fell into a sweet sleep.

Outside the game cabin, her parents, grandparents, and maternal grandparents immediately opened the door and broke into her private space. Looking at the flashing red and green lights on the game cabin, the old, senior The retired engineer's grandfather murmured prayers to God, and watched his relatives open the game compartment in a daze, and confirmed that Catherine was just asleep, and the problem they had been worrying about did not happen.

"She... went to another world?" Mother Martha said incredulously, "She looks like... dreaming?"

"It's the soul!", the grandfather is also in great ideological conflicts and emotional ups and downs, this devout Protestant looks at the granddaughter of "Peaceful Dreaming" with a complicated face, "They have meddled in God's domain, this is crazy, too Crazy..."

Catherine didn't know that she was surrounded by her relatives in reality, and all the elements that constituted her had been aggregated into a pure consciousness body, placed in a majestic temple.

This good girl, who has never experienced any ups and downs since she was a child, looked curiously at the statues standing on the temple. There is a huge base under each statue. From her angle and field of vision, she should only be able to see a part of it. Yuyu is right, but now she can see all the statues in her eyes.

But each statue has only an outline, and the gods represented by the system have different postures, some are gentle, some are majestic, some are majestic, and some are gloomy... The holy emblem on each base represents their " priesthood field'.

Among them, a god statue is at the forefront. This is a goddess, and the details of the face are also unclear. She holds a shield in her left hand and a pen suspended on a blank book in her right hand.

The god of guardianship and record - Artemis.

Almost equivalent to the main god of the system, the sense of presence in the game is not strong.

【Souls who came from afar, after signing this contract, you will be recruited, put into a sacred and great cause, and go to a world full of unknowns, mysteries, and wonderfulness to start another life adventure of yours. 】

Artemis's voice was surprisingly nice, even though it was an interpreter's accent and the grammar was a bit weird, Catherine fell in love with it right away.

Why not Artemis?
How wonderful is the goddess of the moon.

If it is the goddess of the moon, I will believe in her.

An old parchment scroll was unfolded in front of Catherine's consciousness. On it were the game terms of the official article. Seeing that it had the seal of Canaan Company and the issue number issued by the United States, Catherine felt a little regretful—she really almost missed it just now. Just immersed in the atmosphere and narrative created by the temple, this contract reminded her that it was just a game, and all of this was artificially written.

"I am willing!"

[The contract is established, you are welcome to join, please choose the race you were born in. 】

"Elf!" Without hesitation, Catherine simply made a choice in her consciousness.

[Successful elf race selection! 】

[You can now adjust the initial character. 】

The most critical moment has come.

For Catherine, the biggest attraction of Canaan is here.

What could be more fun and exciting than changing the body of a character and starting another life full of unknowns and excitement?

A general-purpose elf character template appeared in front of the pure consciousness body, and all kinds of buttons and sliding frames could be operated consciously. She told herself to calm down, and recalled the face pinching data customized at a high price from a professional design company in Huaguo According to the plan, he began to adjust the appearance of the general character template according to the steps that he had practiced hundreds of times on the simulation software.

It is a common problem for new players to waste a lot of energy on character creation before entering the game, but it is not always the case. Players in some areas don't care about the height, beauty and ugliness of the characters at all.

In a land in the Middle East that is still ravaged by war, the roar of armored vehicle engines gradually fades away, and the shock wave of shell explosions almost destroys the shelter built under the ruins. When the smoke and dust clear, a bearded man carrying an AK automatic rifle The man leaped through the door curtain and walked in, and the armed woman guarding the entrance stepped out of the way.

The tunnels in the ruins were extremely narrow, and some places had already collapsed. Under the shaky dim light, tired figures sat on the ground one by one, and nodded silently when they saw the leader coming in.

The bearded man went straight to a relatively intact cement room covered in ruins. The diesel generator beside it started rumbling. Several wires extended into the room and were connected to a silver-white drop-shaped game pod. .

The very sci-fi game cabin is incompatible with the environment here. Under the blue and green flashing lights, a resolute and sleeping face appears in the leader's field of vision.

The leader's hand stroked the transparent alloy cover on the surface of the game compartment, as if touching some priceless treasure.

Abdullah Hussain was also placed in a majestic temple, appearing in the presence of a purely conscious body in front of Artemis, the god of guardian and witness.

[Soul from far away, I feel that your soul is full of anger, confusion, unyielding and bravery. Canaan World welcomes people with stories like you to join. After signing this contract, you will be recruited and put into a In the sacred and great vision, go to a world full of unknowns, mysteries, and wonderfulness to start another adventure of your life. 】

"I am willing!"

[The contract is established, you are welcome to join, please choose the race you were born in. 】

The situation of Abdullah and Catherine is different. The race option that appeared in front of him has an extra dark, huge and hideous shadow, marked with a hidden race - demon.

Most players have no hesitation when encountering this kind of thing, but Abdullah is different. The hidden demon race is not in his plan, so it is ignored.


[The orc race selection was successful! 】

The other character templates disappeared, and a burly, tall, and strong orc came out of the shadows. He had a green face and fangs, and he carried a two-handed ax as tall as a man, roaring silently.

The skinny sniper, Abdullah, liked it right away.

[You can now adjust the initial character. 】


He easily skipped the options that would take a lot of time for most players.

[Please name your character. 】


[Sorry, the name contains prohibited words, please rename it. 】


[Warning, please make allusions to reality, you still have one chance to name it. 】

Abdullah felt a little regretful, but there was no surprise.

"Lone Warrior"

[Duplicate character names detected, because the renaming opportunities have been used up, the system adds a special identification suffix for you]

[Character name: 'Lone Brave 123' was successfully named, and the game ID was generated: GD-X-10047. 】

[Character construction is complete, do you want to land in Canaan? 】


In Canaan, there are more than [-] novice villages all over the map of the public game area, covering almost all the resource points. The continuous white light makes the dark sky bright as day, and everyone is confused, stunned, shocked, and unbelievable. The figure, being pushed and squeezed by the online players behind him, left the limited teleportation array and was placed in the rudimentary novice village.

Catherine smelled a smell that she had never smelled before. The light stimulated her eyelids and made her eyelashes that had been adjusted to the most perfect shape tremble. It was as if the whole world sighed and screamed.

Her eyes opened, and she received the first ray of light from another world amidst the huge sound waves.

This ray of light illuminated the darkness and shot into her soul, making her feel as if she had been shot, that she had been hit by something.

This kind of thing is called-moving!
(End of this chapter)

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