This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 398 6 Test Open Day

Chapter 398 6th Test Service Opening Day ([-])

During the 4th or 5th test, Bei Gaoyang once went to the Qiantang River to watch the tide, without too many entourages, just like an ordinary tourist.

Of course, he has seen too many natural landscapes of this level in Canaan, even Mount Everest, there is nothing unusual about it.

What he looks at is not the landscape, but the mood, the memory.

The most influential thing is not how turbulent and spectacular the tide of the Qiantang River is, but how the tide-watching tourists feel embarrassed because of underestimation when the tide comes.

At that time, like everyone else, he laughed out loud looking at other people's embarrassment, but he didn't expect that this time he would also be such a 'tourist' for a while.

Within a short period of time after the server was opened, the number of online users soared by millions, and within a short period of time, it touched the upper limit of capacity that was not touched by the 5th test.

He was also in a state of embarrassment due to insufficient estimation. Under the scream of Xiao Ai, he lost his composure and ran around. The novice village is already saturated. There are too many 'threads', and the instantaneous overload makes the part of the magic net "overheated", which in turn endangers the safety of a large area of ​​related circuits, and must be 'cooled down' immediately...

Fortunately, the most dangerous moment has survived, and the magic net has withstood the test, followed by great benefits, which made Bei Gaoyang 'lost' until now.

how to say!

The magic net of test 5 is like a deep pool, and more than 6 players have failed to reach the bottom, so they can only estimate a rough depth. The magic net of test [-] is like an inner sea. I know its approximate area in my heart, but my perception is not I can't touch its boundary anymore, I feel that the sea surface is infinite, the bottom of the sea is infinite, and the 'mystery' contained in it is also infinite.

The three infinities are just an illusion.


Given the high degree of connection between Bei Gaoyang and the magic net, would he still have an illusion about it?

This is because the 6th floor of the magic net is about to reach his mage level, and he can no longer look down on its overall situation as before, but almost head-up, and the relative "height" is reduced. What you can see and hear , Perceived, naturally not as comprehensive as before.

Of course, the most intuitive ones are the various resources.

Soul power is like rivers, lakes and seas, flowing in and out, astronomical amounts of water are exchanged between them, and belief values ​​are like roaring torrents, refreshing the previous cognition at a speed that catches people off guard and jaw-dropping.

The mud and sand are like the water of the Yellow River. The magic net needs to invest nearly one-third of the "power consumption" to purify it. The "impurities" that are repelled can no longer be ignored, and a space has to be temporarily opened to form the magic net. abyss'.

Yes, starting from the 6th layer of magic net, it can already touch and affect some superficial applications of space and time rules, and can cover and affect some generation and processes such as humidity, temperature, and "magic chain reaction".

What does this mean?

It means that the magic net has been able to control the climate within the coverage area and the occurrence and process of some physical phenomena, and then affect the results. Some "chemical reaction" conditions with magic power can weakly control the shallow space and time rules. put one's oar in.

The 6-level spell is already a high-level spell, and the 6-level magic net has also achieved a corresponding height, but compared to a single 6-level spell, the 6-level magic net is like an 'integrated circuit' of countless 6-level spells. The inclusive matrix collection is a screen composed of countless six-ring magic 'luminous points'.

On this screen, it is possible to display, simulate, restore and even create real-world, "low-pixel" things—what is this?
Not even his creator could tell.

Players are still online, and the power of the system is already running at its peak. Whenever it climbs to a limit value, there is another limit value waiting behind. Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system are like firefighters everywhere 'extinguishing fires'. The merchants took away the A-level permissions, but they couldn't help at all. Instead, they only knew to add chaos to the system.

Bei Gaoyang continued to be "absent", and what he never expected was that his spell level was loose, and without mastering any 8th-level spells, without touching the "barrier" set up by the gods, The soul is undergoing a 'quantitative change'.

The mental power pool that has not grown for many years is silently expanding, and the soul is naturally 'shrinking', compressing the 'volume', increasing the 'density', and then starting to 'grow' again, not only completely occupying the original 'room', but also It made him feel 'crowded', and thus the further 'exploitation' of brain tissue, increased brain folds, filled with gray matter that mind flayers would covet.

It feels like the fish under the water broke free from a layer of fishing nets and floated up again, further away from the dark, suffocating, and under pressure, exposed to more oxygen, saw more light, and saw more clearly The surface of the water has already penetrated the surface of the water, and the shore can be seen vaguely.

Words cannot describe this feeling.

Therefore, he could only continue to be absent-minded, unable to help at all.

He didn't know that Xiao Ai was already furious and was going to attack the agent with A2 authority.

In Xinshou Village No. 9011, the prince of a small African country is agitatedly pointing fingers at the GM who has A3 authority. Sometimes he asks to adjust his level, and sometimes he asks to pay him. His attitude is extremely bad.

Of course, this GM who also came from this small African country did not dare to resist. He explained to the prince that he did not have such authority in the rented Xinshou Village, and at the same time used the A3 authority to find loopholes that could be exploited everywhere, so as to calm the prince down as soon as possible. God's anger.

Not to mention, he really found it.

During the lease of Xinshou Village, the operating agent does not actually have much authority. It can only get a part of the "dividend" from the value created by the players in the country. Agents initially have a certain degree of credit and can temporarily 'borrow' this part of the funds from the system.

Platinum coins from 'loans' cannot be given directly to players, but they can be rewarded by posting missions. This guy began to post some wonderful missions to the prince, giving 10 silver for walking two steps (combat training) ( The highest limit), shouting that the resistance army is great (world background) will give you 1 gold... he can forget about it, but this prince still likes to make friends very much. Not all the players born in Xinshou Village are from this small African country. After a while, he not only called all his players to his side to swipe money together, but also took in his younger brother, one of the players who flattered him in everything, this one was 1 silver, and that one was 2 silver, which caused a huge commotion and congestion , you can imagine what the picture is.

The only thing left to do at the scene was to call Xianfu Yongxiang, Shou and Tian Qi.

This is the early stage of the game. Back then, the rookies were treated like dogs, and many people became beggars. They would fight for a copper coin...

Other operating agents are not so excessive. In fact, they will lose their own interests by doing so, but they are more or less using their own authority to engage in some small tricks. Peeping at the secrets of the system is just a routine operation, and it is still useful' Hacker' technology, trying to use 'source code' to find the so-called 'intelligent brain'.

As a 'smart brain', Xiao Ai is busy with her head, so she is naturally furious. If the system rules do not allow it, she is ready to send down the 'God's Punishment' to teach these troublemakers a lesson.

In view of this, when Bei Gaoyang was unable to be a director, in accordance with the principle of killing chickens and scaring monkeys, after discussing with other false gods, she gave the agent of this small African country the maximum punishment.

Cancellation of its A3 level authority.

This trick is particularly effective, and the small actions of the operating agents are much less, but Canaan's parent company is in trouble because of this.

Within an hour after the server was launched, Canaan's background has monitored more than 1 million players in Huaguo to go online (normally 430 million), which far exceeds the number of officially issued game qualifications and equipment.

Originally, the original intention of internationalization was for the risk of marrying abroad. Later, seeing that the international response was so enthusiastic, it directly changed the international public opinion, even the geopolitical situation and the international status of Huaguo, so it was mixed with other considerations and became positive. a lot of.

Well, there are so many black households popping up now?

Let go of the mouth a little bit, and you will jump back, right?
Considering that there are still many people who have changed their nationality and are not under the management of Huaguo Canaan Company, this number is extremely astonishing. The superiors were furious because of this and demanded a thorough investigation.

The first thing to check is of course Canaan Company.

On the server opening day, the first time of the agency operation model, how busy it is can be seen from the lights of the headquarters building all night. Tens of thousands of professionals are doing intricate work. There was a mess up and down.

We can't delay. After checking and checking, there is no problem with group lottery. Canaan Company is not responsible for it, and there is no problem with the precision manufacturing factory. Using methods such as missing', loss of equipment, damage, etc., internal and external collusion, deception, taking advantage of the urgency, rush, and chaos of the internationalization process, stealing several warehouses for storing game equipment, and selling them at high prices through secret channels. earn huge economic benefits.

Among them, 16 people from Canaan Company were involved in the case, and 1 executive above the A1 level. At present, the whereabouts of these people are all unknown, and the other people involved in the case do not know. .

At this time, an agent of Africa Effect came to add to the chaos again. The protest letter and legal documents handed over by the foreign affairs department made Yu Qingdong very dizzy. Any restrictions and supervision', 'All losses caused by the operation agent's negligence and being judged by Zhinao to violate the regulations shall be borne by the operation agent', which is a long sigh of relief.

After learning about the mindless operations that this agent operator was doing online, he was even more speechless. Such a non-technical thing, is it like a facade representative of a country?

Just canceled the A2 permission?

I still want to terminate the cooperation with you, hold you accountable, and recover the 'huge' losses caused by it!
Once the evil fire was vented on this unknown agent, Yu Qingdong and Mr. Yu felt much better, and left the rest of the matter to the International Department to wrangle.

Although such a large corruption case has occurred, the company's energy and resources are mainly focused on online.

"Doo... Customer service number 1022, I will serve you wholeheartedly. Players are drunk now and now. What problems do you encounter in the game?"

"Fuck, there is really an online customer service, brothers, there is a customer service."

"Excuse me, what problems do you encounter in the game that you need the customer service to help solve?"

"Ahem... this... that's that... my little sister is stuck in the game now (there are a bunch of: stuck, slow motion, noise that can't do anything), before, no matter how many people there are, it's okay Son, why do you have problems as soon as you act as an agent?"

"Thank you for your feedback. We will notify the technical department as soon as possible. Do you have any questions?"

"Canaan was really researched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences? It's amazing, it's my fault!"

"If there are no other questions, I wish you a happy game."

"Du... Customer service number 1022, I will serve you wholeheartedly. Players and monks must wash their hair frequently. May I ask what problems you encountered in the game?"

"Someone bullied me..."

"Sorry, this kind of problem is not in customer service..."

"They accused me of being a hooligan. They said they knew that I was not a good person just by looking at my ID. They rejected me and didn't take me on missions.'s not fun at all, it's disgusting!"

customer service:……

"Du... Customer service number 1022, I will serve you wholeheartedly, player ***, what problems do you encounter in the game?"

"NPC imprisons my personal freedom, I protest!"

"Excuse me..."

"You are breaking the law, let me out immediately!"

"Wait a minute, let me check the background data... Sorry, the NPC prison is part of the game content. You were sentenced to 24 hours of imprisonment for theft and obscenity, and you cannot intervene offline."


"No. 79 Xinshou Village bombed, do you care?"

"Is there any problem?"

"Someone blocked the door to prevent people from coming out. It's disgusting."

"Wait a minute... It has been verified that some players have used the novice protection mechanism to maliciously interfere with the normal operation of the game. The system has punished their actions and patched up related loopholes. At present, Novice Village No. 79 has returned to normal order."

"Great, I'm going to spawn monsters, oh yeah!"


"Someone is engaging in racial discrimination in the game, do you care?"

"Please wait a moment, the customer service will check the background data... The player you reported belongs to the agency of the US division, and we have already notified the data of his words and deeds to the Beimi partner..."

"Americans don't care about it. They all ended up playing in person. It's disgusting to use GM authority. If this continues, the game will be yellow."

"Are you reporting that the US operator used the authority granted by the system to conduct improper profit-making activities? Please wait a moment... Thank you for your feedback. It has been verified that the operation of Beimi's partners did not violate the regulations. Do you have any other Question?"

"I knew that the world is as black as crows. You must be in the same group. This game pill is boring."

No one knows if the game will be over or not, if this continues, I will be out of pills - the humble little customer service number 1022 thought to himself.

Online customer service is the Huaguo feature of Canaan games. Once launched, it has been widely praised. Players' grievances finally have a place to go. Judging from the current effect, it is very good.

After all, it solved the employment of 5000 college students!

(End of this chapter)

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