This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 399 6 Test Open Day

Chapter 399 6th Test Service Opening Day ([-])

Regardless of the test, it takes time for newcomers to enter the state. Some people adapt quickly and can enter the state earlier. Some people adapt slowly and may take a long time to enter the mainstream game content. This is not uncommon.

However, when the base number is enlarged to tens of millions, and the real number is 1002w people online at the same time, the depth, breadth, diversity, gameplay and other aspects of the game have undergone qualitative changes.

No matter which novice village is overcrowded, there are players in various states, some yelling, some unbelievable, some moved inexplicably... There are also some who let themselves go, and have done things that are different from reality. A move that would be done easily, in such a real environment, the pleasure you get when you try to break the taboo.

Well, as the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest. These are people from more than one hundred countries and regions, with different nationalities, skin colors, different histories, cultures, traditions, and even different educational backgrounds and values. More than a thousand people Wan, what kind of sparks will be created when they collide together?
Let's imagine!
I won’t repeat all the out-of-order reactions, but in Xinshou Village No. 367, a group of landscapers are busy taking pictures everywhere, facing the sunset, the sky, and their companions with green faces and fangs... like locusts After punching in one place, they rushed to the next place. The humble Xinshou Village seemed to them a place of interest. One of the bearded dwarves suddenly lifted up the long skirt of his elf companion, causing screams and laughter. , Seeing them, Zhang Miao could not help curling her lips as if she had seen herself during the first test, sitting in her booth bored in every possible way, dealing with inquiries from curious babies.

"Old player..."

"A lot of good stuff."

"Wow, there are also colored equipment?"

"Can it be used at level 4?"

"Excuse me, sir, may I ask which country you are from, do you accept credit card payments from Swiss banks?"

"Boy, have you heard of the Chicago Blood Gang? Are you Asian and live in that neighborhood?"

"How many times do you dig..."


In this test, players from other countries no longer need to pretend to be Chinese players. All kinds of greetings, accents, and slang are translated into languages ​​they can understand.

For these inexplicable strike-ups, Zhang Miao didn't pay any attention, the old god just sat there, anyway, most people couldn't afford these things.

The so-called old players go fishing and new ones take the bait, the opening day is the prime time for a large number of old players to make a profit, if you don’t take the opportunity to receive a wave of bonuses, how can you be worthy of the goodwill of not deleting files for testing?
The newcomers see everything fresh, and their attention is quickly attracted by other things. One group leaves, and another group comes back, repeating the previous process.

Occasionally, one or two things are sold at a price far exceeding the actual value, and Zhang Miao is not very happy. Today should be the last day... the last day of being an 'veteran player'.

"Wow, this person is out of dust, old player... Shall we meet in the past?"

A pleasant voice, like an oriole singing happily on a branch, awakened Zhang Miao from recalling the glorious years in the past and lamenting the desolation of the present to hang out in Xinshou Village. He raised his eyes and saw five big and three thick dwarves.

Sorry, most players can't tell the dwarf's gender. The iconic beard covers the bulge of the chest like a Wangzai steamed bun. Zhang Miao secretly said in his heart that it's a pity. You must regret it if you do such a foolish thing.

Some girls who are beautiful in real life like to do the opposite in the game, choose orcs, dwarves, or make themselves full of personality, so as to show that they don't care about appearance and only want to pursue the "advanced" connotation. But soon, reality will teach them to be human.

Canaan is also a world of face, especially when players do not have the unique aesthetics of dwarves and orcs, they will find that they can no longer enjoy all the conveniences and preferential treatments in reality. Can rely on oneself.

That is sad.

Most of the girls who do this have the same plan as Zhang Miao-suicide and start again, but Zhang Miao is unwilling to be lonely and seizes the opportunity to fight again, while they want to get back the badly hit. destroy self-confidence.

The dwarf in front of me is obviously a kind of person who pursues "connotation". Zhang Miao loses interest after taking a look at it. Her companion seems to be a friend in reality. Judging from the body movements, it must be a green leaf that sets off the flowers. She looks shy, introverted, and not so confident, but she pinches herself like a flower, and if you look carefully, she looks a bit like that celebrity named Zhang Tianai?

Zhang Miao felt that it was necessary to make her sister realize the serious mistakes she had made, so she greeted 'Zhang Tianai' with a smile on her face and ignored 'Huang Liniao'. 'Zhang Tian'ai', who was secretly happy, left, muttering softly, another ordinary person who only looks at his face.

Sister, most of the world is laity!

I also dealt with several groups of players who approached, inquired, and harassed, and sold a lot of things one after another, earning 2 gold and 45 silver.

How about cuteness? The 'purchase price' of this batch of items is less than one-tenth of this price. They are all second-hand goods that have been scoured from the garbage dump. Some attributes seem to be good, but not a lot It lasts for a long time, but the requirements are extremely high, or there are other deficiencies and restrictions. Newcomers can't control their hands without knowing much, so they have to pay tuition.

Zhang Miao was in a better mood after receiving the 'tuition fee', but when she thought of paying taxes several times, and after committing suicide again, there was still an 'inheritance tax' waiting ahead, and she became weak again.

Depend on!
A bunch of vampires!
Close the stall, close the stall!
There were not a few things left, and it was too late to wait. Zhang Miao closed the stall and left, ignoring the strike-ups along the way. In the eyes of all the cute newcomers who were amazed, curious, awed, and admiring, they took the extravagant teleporter and transformed into As a white light, he left this noisy Xinshou Village.

It’s only been two hours since the server opened, and all of Punk City’s players are old players. The grocery store is crowded. They used to dispose of the tatters, but now they bought them back at several times the price, and stuffed them into the backpack with the largest capacity. , the incarnation of Glory is specially designed to deceive cute profiteers, and rushes to each teleportation point without stopping.

Time is money!
The old players were all smiling, tens of millions of fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, it was a blue ocean, more enjoyable than the battlefield of the expansion pack.

Finally it was Zhang Miao's turn. He was about to make a big purchase when a burly figure squeezed up from behind. With a twist of his fat buttocks, he easily pushed aside Zhang Miao, who had 17 points of strength and 22 points of physique. .

"Excuse me, give way!"

Zhang Miao looked back and glared, and saw that it was a female orc player, wearing a heavy armor, but it was tattered, it had been repaired many times, and it was about to run out of durability, with a green face and fangs, and a dusty face, just like someone who had been doing farm work in the fields for a long time Like an old farmer.

Zhang Miao: "Why did you jump in line!?"

The female orc player stared bullishly: "Why did I jump in line, you didn't see a sign in front of you?"

Zhang Miao followed the location she was pointing at, and there was a small sign the size of a palm with the words 'occupancy' written on it, and she couldn't help being speechless.

The female orc player walked into the grocery store triumphantly, cheered and turned into a shopaholic, and took out several backpacks with the largest capacity at once, without even looking at the items on the shelves, and stuffed them all at once.

This posture is to sweep everything up.

The players in the back were not happy, and shouted one after another, but the female orc players ignored them, and at the end of the sweep, almost all the shelves were emptied.

"Damn! Wasting my time!"

"Who is that, is it too ugly to eat?"

"Who is this person? I don't care too much."

"I know her, I pick her up in the morning, she used to be in the same family as me, but was kicked out later, a famous rascal."

"No wonder!"

"That bastard is ruining my mother's reputation... so it's you, you're a stick, you're itchy, right?"

"Sister Hua, how dare I, didn't you just say something casually? Well, I won't delay your fortune, bye!"

"Bah, rubbish, cowardly coward!"

Such a tough female player really deserves the name of an orc. Zhang Miao thought she was unlucky, and hurried to the next place where she could sweep the goods.

It took more than an hour to replenish the goods successfully, and took the teleportation to the next Novice Village.

Novice Village No. 1097 is crowded with people. Players from all over the world with various accents and grammars are like free-range ducks in a farm. They are in a variety of situations and run around. Zhang Miao is used to these things and looks after himself. I found a good place, squeezed away a elf Mengxin who was kneeling and kissing the soil and still crying, and set up a booth in the busiest weapon shop.

As soon as the stall was set up, another person came next to him, and he looked sideways. Coincidentally, it was the fierce orc female player——Chaohuaxishi.

"...I'm exhausted, but I like stealing money, quack!" Zhao Hua Xi Shi was chatting with someone, the orc's unique loud voice didn't mean to hold back at all, but unfortunately her voice was still clear and melodious The voice line: "Now we have reached Novice Village No. 1097. There are a lot of players on the international server here, and there should be a lot of Kaizi Feiyang. The only bad thing is that there is a nasty ghost next to him who is robbing business."

The annoying Zhang Miao touched his nose and silently moved the booth away.

Put carefully selected all kinds of useless garbage on the shelves, mark a price that can be called unconscionable, and start fishing.

Zhao Huaxi picked up his booth and took a look, then went back and changed the price slightly lower than his.

Such people……

Zhang Miao didn't bother to argue with her. While waiting for Yu'er to come to her door, she clicked on various chat channels to plan the upgrade route after "suicide".

With the opening of the 6th test, another large number of people who have consciously abandoned their account training, or who are unsatisfactory, or who have better choices... are going to use the reincarnation token to get a chance to start from scratch.

Re-choose a racial occupation, start from scratch, correct the detours you have taken before, and make up for the regrets left in the process of growing up... Doesn’t it sound beautiful?
But this means giving up most of the things you have now. How many days and nights of hard work, hard work, hard work and sweat are these things obtained?
If there is no other way, who intends to commit suicide and start over?
Thinking of this, Zhang Miao felt bitter in his heart. Just as he was secretly sad, the first batch of fat sheep...ah, no, the guests came.

The visitor is an elf, who should be a player of the international server. With an ID concatenated in English and Arabic, the parent and child at the beginning of the uppercase M seems to show his different identity?

Listening to the root behind him, he vaguely called some prince... Zhang Miao's tiger body shook, and immediately entered the 'sage' mode, with a reserved smile on his face.

The elf player suspected of being a prince clicked on his booth, and browsed through the dazzling array of products with great interest. I bought a level 3 machete with green quality, but the strength requirement is as high as 11 points.

This piece of equipment was priced at 1 gold.

Just bought it without bargaining?
He is a rookie, where did he get so much money?
"Come, come, walk around and take a look. They are all the most powerful equipment in the novice stage. The green equipment starts, and the blue equipment is also available. There are three suits. The artifact before the newcomer changes jobs is the one-on-one kobold dungeon. The BOSS is nothing to worry about!"

Seeing that there is a moat here, Zhao Huaxi picks up jealousy, and grabs the business unruly.

The prince was indeed attracted and left Zhang Miao's booth.

Zhang Miao got angry, and asked her privately, but Zhao Huaxishi said confidently that each business depends on its own ability, and the old lady doesn't understand the rules and regulations.

Uncle can bear and aunt can't bear, Zhang Miao also yelled, and even brought out several items that are extremely affordable for novices, successfully attracting His Royal Highness back.

"The price has been reduced, the price has been reduced, a new store opens, 8% off!"

Zhao Hua Xi Shi bought flashy goods in pursuit of maximizing profits, the prince and his followers were not stupid, they only bought a few small things from her, and then returned to Zhang Miao's side.

Chaohuaxishi was in a hurry, and took the lead in offering the price reduction method. Zhang Miao was not to be outdone. I will reduce as much as you want. In addition, when he chooses the goods, he picks and chooses. What newbies need, those are necessary, buy When you are young, you will focus on it, unlike picking up flowers in the morning and sweeping everything, it seems that Mengxin is all stupid and let her kill them.

As a result, they were inferior in terms of goods and had no advantage in terms of price. His Highness the Prince and a large number of international server players who heard the news surrounded Zhang Miao's booth, and within a few minutes, the shelves were sold out.

How long has it been since the server was launched? The spending power of a novice village is limited. Only a small group of people, such as princes, have spending power. Miao, no one cares about the flowers that are picked up in the morning and evening, and all the people around are poor ghosts like beggars, buzzing like flies.

"There is a kind of ID!"

Close the stall and leave, Zhao Huaxi picks up his teeth and shouts at Zhang Miao.

Zhang Miao pointed her middle finger back, got on the teleporter and left.

There are still many fat sheep in Xinshou Village waiting to be slaughtered, but there is no time to pay attention to such inexplicable people.

This is the last wave of dividends before suicide and restarting. Zhang Miao is still counting on earning back the inheritance tax.

(End of this chapter)

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