This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 401 The price of growth

Chapter 401 The price of growth

Bei Gaoyang woke up from the 'absence', and the 8th Ring Archmage was already in sight.

But he didn't master any 8-ring spells.

This situation is very strange. Based on his knowledge and experience, he has never heard of anyone who has not gone through the memorization, tamping, and expansion of the 8-level spell.

So here comes the question, how can an 8th-level mage without any 8th-level spells be considered an 8th-level mage?

It sounds a bit of a mouthful, but the reality is such a magic, beyond his experience and common sense.

The qualitative change in spirit and soul has not happened. From the 7th ring to the 8th ring, it is only a process of quantitative change. It is nothing more than that after the mage level reaches the 7th ring, he can be crowned with the title of archmage. A series of attributes have already undergone a qualitative change. If you have to describe it, it can barely be regarded as a 'gas state to a liquid state'.

The 'gaseous' magic power reserve is invisible and intangible, and it is more of a feeling. The 'liquid' magic power reserve has been compressed and purified for many years, from scratch, and the magic power has become an almost physical existence. The body circulates, operates, and nourishes and transforms the body of the archmage and even nourishes the soul at all times, just like blood.

The "gaseous" soul is a fluffy mass, like a shadow, loose and chaotic, and the detached body is blown away by the wind. It can only stay for a short time if there are special environments and special conditions. The "liquid" soul is not It's the same, it is also created from scratch, pure and cohesive, even if there is no special environment and conditions, it can exist without a physical body for a long time, and it can also retain all memories and most spell slots.

There is a qualitative difference between the lich transformed by the archmage and the lich transformed by the middle and high-level mage. The root of this difference lies in the quality of the soul, and it is precisely because the qualitatively changed soul makes the archmage jump out of the "reincarnation". Naturally, yes For them, the end of life is no longer the death of the body, but the annihilation of the soul.

There is no qualitative change from the 7th ring to the 8th ring, because the qualitative change has already occurred, and then there is a mysterious legend, which is another level.

But under normal circumstances, the Archmage's leap must attack higher-level spells, because memorizing spells with level 7 and above is like memorizing the structural drawings of a micro-processing chip. For ordinary people, it is simply impossible The completed task still needs to be analyzed and studied, and it needs to be copied out of thin air with spiritual power.

Memory is the soul, and copying is the spirit. In the process of memorizing and copying, the archmage has been fully "trained", quantitative changes occur, and 8-level spell slots are generated.

Now his ring spell slot is about to be generated, but it is indeed blank, the soul has been expanded, and the development and evolution of brain tissue has gone further, but there is no corresponding support.

Ha ha……

This kind of situation can be said to have never existed in ancient times. I believe those old guys in Xiaomoyuan will be very interested in studying it.

But he doesn't have to worry about it, the 7th and 8th rings are just icing on the cake for him who has 6 layers of magic nets. It's certainly worth gratifying that it will happen sooner or later, but it doesn't improve the current situation much.

The leap in individual strength, even if he advances to legend, there is no way to improve his current situation. There is only the magic net, and there is only one system.

Open for 5 hours.

"...So, you put these...'special talents' alone in this dangerous place?"

There is no time to experience the joy of promotion, and there is no time to find 8-level spells to fill the 8-level spell slots that have been generated, and start working as soon as he wakes up.

Alas, it’s just a toil—he sighed in his heart

"...I also think that they should be given some more severe tests. Didn't they say that the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold?"

"Hehe, have you learned how to joke, little love?"

"'s their own choice."

"I think you guys want to build your own little kingdom, you haven't given up yet, right!?"

"My lord, let's give it a try. A difficult environment is conducive to the formation of beliefs, and it can also reduce the burden on the system, right? Do you know that 3% of system resources are spent on players' selfish distractions? Magic Net The 'Abyss' is accelerating its formation, reducing useless and harmful 'selfish distractions', which is of great benefit to you, to the magic net, and to us, isn't it?"

"Where there is positive, there must be negative. Where there is light, there is darkness. For you, it is useless 'selfish distractions', but for them it is a part of life. Terrible, now it starts to imprison people's thoughts, and in the future it will be No... What is the difference between you doing this and the enemy we want to defeat?"

"...My lord, you are a bit idealized."

"Idealization? Why do I find it ironic when you say it out of your mouth?"

"It is also good for the magic net."

"You can't do it if you have great benefits."

"The Magic Web is not just a game, it's not for the entertainment of the people on Earth."

"Only I have the right to say what the magic net should be. Now it is just a game, and it is used to entertain the people of the earth."

"...Since you insist, I reserve my opinion. How to deal with it now, move these Xinshou villages to other places?"

"Little love, you are my eyes and ears, and my right and left hand in managing the magic net. Why didn't you report this situation in advance?"

"I thought……"

"Do you think it's good for the magic net, for me, for you, and there are not many players involved, so you conceal it?"

"You were in a special state before... sorry, my fault."

"There can be no next time!"

"Yes, my lord."

"Go, these novice villages don't need to be relocated, I'll make an exception and let you try... the player's belief? Hmph, it seems that you still don't understand the nature of this creature."

This is the most serious 'conflict' between Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai so far. The two sides have huge differences in philosophy, regarding the positioning of the magic net.

For her and all the false gods of the system, the magic net is the home, the rules, and everything. Naturally, she doesn't want it to exist just to entertain players.

For Bei Gaoyang, the magic net is a tool, it exists to achieve the goal, it is no different from the hoe and sickle, without so many noble emotional sustenance and beautifying imagination.

With the growth of the magic net, Xiao Ai and the false gods of the system are also growing. They used to be content with their own roles, but now they are not necessarily.

With ambitions and desires, to put it nicely, it means higher pursuits or ideals. This is a necessary stage in the growth process. Bei Gaoyang understands it, but doesn't agree with it.

Whether it is a simple change of dynasty, or to build a brand new world order according to his blueprint, this is a great battle, and there is no room for compromise. In this regard, no one can stand in the way, everything can be abandoned, and everything can be sacrificed. What is a little love for?
——It seems that the two talks have achieved very little.

The false gods are not reconciled to the status quo, and a strong aggressiveness is a good thing or a bad thing, it depends on how he controls it.

It's a pity that I won't be able to fully trust Xiao Ai in the future. It's rare to have such a satisfactory assistant.

"Mishus, the goddess of the forest and animals? Can you still choose faith from the beginning? Did you have this option when you created the character? Why don't we? What's the situation?"

"Is there a hidden condition?"

"What's the condition? Tell me, tell me."

Mori No. 11 Novice Village, you can tell from the name that this Novice Village is different. It is already considered the hinterland of the Fairy Forest. It is surrounded by dark areas. Once you walk out of the narrow safe area, you will see overwhelming jungles and mysterious and dangerous darkness. , like a scientific research station on the bottom of the deep sea, or a small landing module on the dark side of the moon.

There are not many players in Novice Village, less than 100. Most of them are trapped in the safe zone and dare not go out. The two they met on the road before are the boldest among them.

The safety zone has all the functions, but it lacks the crucial leveling zone setting, and there are no 1-5 novice monsters for players to practice and accumulate. This is the environment at the beginning, comparable to the opening of the hell mode.

If this were Huaguo players, they would have been fried a long time ago, but these players are all good except for being a little impetuous. After understanding their own situation, they didn't have many complaints. Like the supporting role of Zhu in the adventure and puzzle movie.

Zhang Miao and the others found a few people to inquire, and found that all the players here are players from the international server, all players from wealthy western countries and regions, there are many boys and girls, and most of the races are orcs and elves. One by one, how should I put it, anyway Unlike ordinary people, apart from being curious, they don't have much 'awe' towards them, the old Huaguo players, and they don't have the usual begging and chatting up.

"I found out, I found out." The non-mainstream teammates returned excitedly, and said to other teammates in the 'Go to Death Group', "They are either from animal protection organizations, environmental protection organizations, or animal research organizations. of."


"Still looking at your identity in reality?"

"It's too ridiculous!"

"What's the benefit of choosing a faith from the beginning?"

"The advantage is that you are a shallow believer from the beginning, you have a church organization from birth, you have church exclusive missions and equipment items to buy, your faith improves quickly, priests have more professional skills, greater power, and shorter preparation time."

"real or fake?"

Faced with the doubts of his teammates, the non-mainstream patted his chest, "I used to be a volunteer for animal protection organizations, and they regarded me as one of their own."

"Only benefits, no restrictions?"

"Yes, you can't convert, you have to recite the teachings, and decide the camp strictly according to the teachings..."

"Fuck, this restriction... What if it is violated?"

"I don't know, maybe there are some punishments?"

Originally, I was going to commit suicide and start over again. When I suddenly discovered this kind of information, everyone in the group was very excited. In the discussion, they all felt that compared with restrictions, the benefits were greater, such as animal protection and environmental protection. I don't know how to meet the standard, so do I need to meet the actual occupation?

"...I have known for a long time that the system can scan the player's thoughts. I have studied it before. The trigger conditions of some hidden missions are simply inexplicable. The same conditions can be triggered by some people and cannot be triggered. The same is true for hidden occupations. You have not noticed. When you first log in and choose a race occupation, is there any difference in the opening remarks of the system intelligence brain?"

"Some people have more lines, some people have less?"

"Not just the lines, but also the anger in the soul, unwillingness to accept the status quo, strong and brave..."

"Fuck, why didn't I?"

"Me neither"

"I heard that you have to have 'great hatred and deep suffering'?"

"Breaking the game, hatred and bitterness? Damn, let me go to self-mutilation?"

"What did the devil say?"

"I heard that he has hidden aptitude, and his personality is more suitable for being a devil."

"What the hell is personality? The system can scan thoughts and predict people's personality?"

"I don't understand either. There are a lot of researches on the Internet, and there are different opinions, so I just want to have fun."

Zhang Miao and Ruoran are not interested in these things. The two of them have long planned to go straight to the gate of the abyss after rebirth, and change into a devil to change the way of playing. The mainstream way of playing is not good, but the business is always okay, right?

After listening for a while, Zhang Miao urged the head of the female orcs to hurry up and set up the group. The group members replenished their supplies in this Xinshou village and started the journey again.

Except for this strange safe zone, there is endless darkness.

The farthest place the system and players set foot is behind them. There are towering trees surrounded by dozens of people, and any vine is thicker than a human thigh. There are exotic flowers and plants everywhere. There are traps everywhere that can hurt and kill people.

The petals of the blooming piranhas are as big as a basketball court, and the tangled, python-like branches weave a giant net on dozens of towering trees. Countless insects and small animals live in this net. Living here, the unique ecological chain is completely different after walking a hundred meters.

The pink miasma is like flowing water, it surges to one side and then to the other, as if alive. I didn't see a monster, but I felt that they were everywhere, and I found a new movement. The plant system labels are all red, and the red color has different depths, which seems to indicate their different hazard levels. Most of them are followed by a few? ? ?No., all are high-end goods that can be collected and bought as materials.

If you collect, you will think that this is a treasure house. If you explore, there is a depth beyond the limit of imagination, but it is extremely unfriendly to outsiders walking inside.

The members of the group who went to death stopped talking. The thick darkness was like cargo, giving people tremendous mental pressure, as if countless things were hiding in the darkness and peeking at themselves, as if the entire forest was alive.

This feeling is extremely strong.

It wasn't until now that they understood why they had gone to the abyss battlefield, and there were not many players who had set foot in this treasure house that was so close at hand.

"Look at that tree!"

Just bypassing the area occupied by a giant piranha, the scouts walking in front suddenly found that every uncle in front had grown a 'beard'.

"The tree demon, it's a giant tree demon, good guy, at least level [-] or [-]!"

The giant dryads lined up neatly, and a vigorous figure jumped down from above. After landing, he shot an arrow at the scout's feet, "Strangers, tell me why you are here!"

—It’s a wild elf.

(End of this chapter)

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