This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 402 The Storm of Destruction

Chapter 402 The Storm of Destruction

The wild elves are the 'mountain remnants' of the elf race, referring to those tribal elves who are outside the rule of the elf court.

Like human beings, elves have also experienced the development stage from barbarism to civilization, from tribal clans to city-state alliances. Some elves' tribal clans have been preserved either because of wars, or because of sticking to traditions, or because of beliefs, or because of various struggles. Following a tradition that has not changed for tens of thousands of years, living in a wild and primitive place outside the civilized world, and thus continuing to this day, they have become the so-called wild elves.

Wild elves mean 'barbarians', a discriminatory term of contempt, but ironically, up to now, the elf king's court, which was once in vogue, has faded away, and the elf civilization retreated to the elf island as a whole. , the entire elven pantheon was excluded from the Twilight Conference, and was dominated by the former vassal—the human pantheon.

The human Holy Sees took advantage of the powerful church organization and population base to reduce the elves to a minority race. The land, territories, homes, and spheres of influence were gradually eroded. In the end, only the elves were left, and they degenerated into sea fishermen. Follow in the footsteps of the winged and orc civilizations.

On the contrary, the wild elves are widely distributed throughout the main material plane. They are born and raised, and they have been fighting against the dangerous environment, human adventurers, and slave hunting teams since they were born. , became the hope of the elves, and the elves turned around and "kneeled and licked", competing with indigenous demigods, false gods, and even great spirits like the fairy forest goddess Asius for the sons they had abandoned. civil.

It’s okay if the elf gods don’t come, the wild elves can still flourish. Although the various places are self-defense, they are also full of vitality. When they came, there was a huge ideological confusion inside the wild elves, and a huge split occurred , It also allowed other careerists and conspirators to see the opportunity, like a stinking fly that found a crack, took advantage of the vacancy, and competed for the belief of the wild elves.

It is hard to say that they really came for their faith.

Bei Gaoyang thinks that this is the Human Church's opportunity to infiltrate a growing ethnic group with sand, and eliminate a potential opponent with dangerous competitiveness.

But this also gave the system and the magic net an opportunity, so that the false gods of the system could send intelligent NPCs or simply their "clones" here to compete for the beliefs of the aborigines, and also acted as infiltration tasks.

In this camp of the wild elves, the players easily discovered the 'offline' secretly developed by the god of death Kelenvor, a wild elf woman who has secretly believed in the system of death.

"I know you guys!"

In a dark tree house, the wild elf who is regarded as a plot character by the player and leads the way sits in the shadow behind an oil lamp. She looks very old and tired, wearing a primitive green grass skirt made of linen, Behind him was an Ono elf who was peeking at the representatives of the three players with curious eyes.

When the elves were underage, they couldn't tell the difference between male and female, especially in this kind of wild elf tribe that still maintained the primitive tradition and way of life.

"The sky is about to change, the storm of destruction... This time, no matter how tall the canopy is, it can't protect us from the wind and rain, but many people can't see it, and bury their heads in the sand... You!"

Speaking of this, the wild elf's old and cloudy eyes sparkled, " the messenger of the storm, with the breath of the undead, the power to destroy everything!"

The leader of the female orc didn't receive the line prompted by the system, and didn't know how to reply. Zhang Miao stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"My people are too stubborn to see that the storm of destruction is close at hand. The forest...sees it, but...he also has his own persistence. What is my persistence? Stranger, tell me, I should How to do it?"

Zhang Miao asked anxiously in the team channel, and there were all kinds of answers. Chao Huaxi picked up an idea and said: What are you talking about with the NPC? Isn’t it the messenger of the destruction storm? Just say it, those who obey will prosper and those who oppose will perish, a traitor , the most knowledgeable about current affairs.

"Those who obey will prosper and those who oppose will perish, Your Excellency!"

The wild elf was shocked. Zhang Miao didn't know how the system translated, whether it could perfectly translate the concise and concise spiritual connotation of the Chinese language, but the wild elf was deeply touched. She murmured a series of incomprehensible words with trembling lips. (the system has no translation), raised his eyes and said: "I understand, it's not difficult to choose, right? The person you want to find is here...", and handed over a simple map drawn on torn mulberry paper and a token made of a wooden sign.

Zhang Miao and the others got the system reminder that the task was completed in stages as they wished. They breathed a sigh of relief, talked and laughed, turned around and left, and didn't bother to take a look at the useless wild elves.

Looking at the backs of the players, the wild elf's hand was dancing on top of the little elf's head, and muddy tears welled up in his eyes.


"Children, remember them!"

"What are they?"



"A group of profit-oriented people who regard life as a game, it is difficult and easy to get along with."

"I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter, there is still time in the future, there is still time..." The wild elf's voice gradually became inaudible, and his cloudy eyes were closed. After a while, the snoring gradually started.

The little elf waited for her to fall asleep, then walked to the door of the tree house cautiously and with hands and feet, turned to peek at the ancestor, saw that she was not moving, and then walked out happily.

A camp built on the canopy came into view.

The thick tree trunks are the main roads of communication. The tree houses lined up are like huge bird’s nests. Some are woven with green leaves and branches, built of bricks, stones and wood blocks, and some are decorated and repaired with natural tree holes. ... or tall, or solemn, or exquisite, or primitive and rough.

The wild elves who come and go also wear clothes that are very close to the forest and nature. Most of them wear colorful feather crowns on their heads. Most of them carry longbows. They are slender and vigorous. Like walking on the ground, the dense canopy was trimmed by them into passages surrounded by green shade. A tall, swift beast shaped like an ape was raised by them as a pack animal for the driver.

The beast's back was filled with bags made of various branches, and the bags were full of various specialties in the forest. The wild elves talked and laughed, and rushed in one direction very easily.

Word of the caravan's arrival had spread through the tribe.

"This place is nice, a bit like Avatar."

You can't leave after finding the mission target, there is still a "story" to go through, the goods brought by the players are piled up on the "square" in front of the temple, and the wild elves of the whole tribe are like going to the market, bringing various materials to exchange.

The original barter, unfortunately, players do not have pricing power, all listen to the system.

Every wild elf family is dispatched by the whole family. The booths set up by the players are full of adults and children. For human players, these wild elves are the most vigilant and unfriendly. Even children who don’t understand anything look at them. They seem to be full of vigilance. It seems that the shadow caused by human beings on all intelligent races is deep in the bone marrow, but don't think about the earth. It will be too monotonous to become the only intelligent species in the end.

Elf players are most "welcome" by wild elves. This kind of "welcome" is mixed with many ingredients. The character image provided by the system for the elf race is based on the "advertising template" publicized by the elf court. Therefore, a They're all...standard.

It's like when a bumpkin living in the country meets a handsome man and a beautiful woman from a big city, it is an emotion mixed with inferiority complex, yearning, fear and apprehension, and of course, guard and hostility.

In contrast, the orc and dwarf players were at ease, able to communicate with the wild elves without any barriers. The host was very hospitable and didn't seem to be very defensive about the guests. Some of them received invitations to visit their homes.

This is very different from the aboriginal NPCs in the main city of the system.

The simplicity is unbelievable.

The players instinctively smelled the opportunity, but unfortunately, they committed suicide and were in the 'story mode', otherwise, this 'sincereness' would probably come to an end here.

"It's good to open up wasteland!"

"Yeah yeah."

"Isn't this place very dangerous? These NPCs look stupid?"

"Maybe we can accept a few more pets?"

"How can elves be pets?"

"Partners are fine too"

This time the storyline was very long, and there was no reminder of the end for a long time. The patience of the players was gradually exhausted, and they ignored the 'NPC wild elf' and just chatted in the team channel.

"A group of bad guys are going to commit suicide and start over again, and they still treat the 'plot as a plot'." Brother Ruoran whispered to Zhang Miao, "I don't know that opportunities are hidden in these stinky Look, I'll come as I go."


"Don't worry about it."

"Go to that mission NPC, right?"

"Hey, you can see it too, that little elf might be a hidden clue?"

"Go, don't be found by them."

"Help me watch."

Leaving Zhang Miao to watch the booth, Brother Ruoran sneaked out without paying attention. The tree house where the mission NPC is located is not far from the square, but the location is relatively remote, separated by several tree crowns, and the branch and leaf passages opened up between the tree crowns are four The communication is well developed, just like a maze, most people will definitely get lost when walking.

Brother Ruoran had prepared early on, and marked the way along the way. When he sneaked back to the wooden house where the mission NPC was, he found a group of wild elf NPC warriors standing outside guarding. The NPC was dragged out from inside. A sacrificial-looking wild elf wearing a cumbersome feather crown scolded loudly in an incomprehensible language. The wild elf NPC sat on the ground without saying a word.

The more the priest spoke, the more excited he became, his oil-painted face was a little distorted. Suddenly, without warning, he pulled out the long sword of the warrior beside him, and chopped off the head of the task NPC with one sword.

——The system didn't even have time to give the mosaic.

The little elf rushed out crying, threw himself on the ancestor's body and wailed loudly, the priest lifted his head, kicked him aside in disgust, and gave an order to the warrior next to him.

The samurai drew his sword and walked towards the elf.

The system has not prompted to receive the task, Ruoran brother is indifferent, at the very moment, another group of wild elves jumped down from the canopy of the tree. The elf was rescued by a figure like that, and he was about to escape by grabbing the swinging vines.

The priest shouted something loudly, all the trees, branches and vines he was in were all 'alive', as if they had a self-consciousness, a huge shaking like a sea wave appeared in the entire camp, and the incoming black shadows fell one by one down.

The bloody fierce battle began.

The black shadows that attack are also wild elves, but they are all wearing cloth and leather armor, more like elves living outside, but they also have oil paint on their bodies, Ruoran guesses that it is another camp represented by the mission NPC, in other words In other words, the internal struggle in this small wild elf camp has reached the point of fighting each other and fighting to the death.

Those companions in the square... not good, dangerous!

When the 'earthquake' just happened, Zhang Miao was as surprised as everyone else. Without any warning, the half-wild elf boy who was picking goods in front of the booth suddenly pulled out a poisoned dagger from his arms, and buried his head in his hand. Chest rolled.

Zhang Miao was shocked, but a 'Silver Magic Wristguard' on his body saved his life. The passively activated defensive magic effect blocked the killing sword and pushed the wild elf far away. go out.

Looking at the very lively trading scene just now, it was already a rain of blood, and many teammates who were caught off guard were killed and returned to the city. The previous hard work was for nothing, and a huge amount of participation fee was paid. The next time the group is formed is uncertain. When was it, the poorer ones, the opening of the 6th test server was about to be missed. After returning to the city, I still didn’t understand what happened. I thought there were other players sneaking up, and I didn’t yell at them until I saw the system prompt.

But those who stayed at the scene had no time to pay attention to them.

[Ding, Rebirth Mission ([-]): The meaning of living, trigger. 】

[Ding, mission of rebirth ([-]): Just when you and your teammates were singing, dancing and getting along well with the wild elves, the mission linker: Marco Vias’s identity was exposed, and he encountered the stubborn xenophobic and conservative false god Mitheus The joint strangling of multiple factions represented by the church, the tragic death of Marco Vias witnessed by team member Ruoran, the orphan of Marco Vias escaped temporarily under the rescue of the Church of Death Kelanvor, but he personally resisted The army is outnumbered, and they are rushing here under the leadership of Brother Ruoran, hoping to get the help of other members of the "Death Regiment", but unexpectedly, the "Death Regiment" also suffered heavy losses in the sudden attack.

Mission [-]: Protect the orphan of Marco Vias from danger.

Task [-]: Find Colson Jaeger, the missionary pastor of the Church of Death Kelenvor.

Mission 11: Help the Reaper Cult led by Colson Jaeger to defend the Xinshou Village of Sen [-] and resist the subsequent counterattack of the wild elf tribe. 】

"I just want to 'die', why is it so difficult!", in the team, a ranger who was chasing by wild elves cried out in distress.

"The system is such a deadly virtue!" Zhao Huaxi picked up a knife and ended up with a wild elf who was overwhelmed, and touched the mosaic (bloody) on his face nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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