This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 403 There are some things you can't touch

Chapter 403 There are some things you can't touch
The reborn System Forest Goddess Mitheus still continued the trajectory of her previous life, and it cannot be said that she is ignorant of repentance. After all, this time is a collective action of the false gods of the system, including Xiao Ai.

Mori No. 11 Novice Village gathers believers selected by Him. In reality, most of their identities are 'professional counterparts'. It only depends on the final effect.

For this, Bei Gaoyang responded with a sneer, let reality educate them, don't give up if you don't see the Yellow River, don't know how to turn around if you don't hit the south wall, and blindly stop it, but people will always miss it.

Escaping from the camp of the wild elves, the death group has been reduced by half. The wild elf believers secretly developed by Colson Jaeger, the missionary priest of the Church of the God of Death, together with the players, escorted the orphan of Marco Wells , and fled in a panic to the Novice Village of Mori No. 11.

The rumbling dryad chased after him, the ground shook, the deadly arrows seemed to be guided, and the grass, vines, insects and small animals fled to the land also opposed the players. It didn't feel like fighting wild elves. Even the whole forest.

Zhang Miao, a sorcerer, had no output environment at all, and escaped out of breath. If Brother Ruoran hadn't been by his side the whole time, he would have been hanged back to the city long ago.

Even so, he fell behind halfway, there was no way, his physique and agility couldn't keep up, brother Ruoran took his oil bottle, and was surrounded by wild elves unknowingly.


Yes, hunters never go out on the road, making melee barbarians like Ruoran useless, they just hide out of sight and in the shadow of obstacles, taking a shot is just an arrow, consuming Ruoran's physical strength, just waiting for the prey to show up The moment of opening.

Fleeing in embarrassment without knowing the way, he finally found a dead tree to rely on, and Brother Ruoran stood in front of him as a shield, allowing Zhang Miao time to chant spells.

Once the dusty Fa Ye has the space and time to output, his destructive power is astonishing, and soon the hunters tasted the consequences of playing with their prey.

[Detect hostile targets] is only a first-level professional skill, and it is not very useful in actual combat. Most players learn it because it is easy to obtain, and the spell slot is also empty. At least it can increase combat power by 50 points.

At this time, this slightly tasteless skill showed great utility.

First of all, this spell is a continuous effect.

For a period of time, it will remind the caster of the location of the enemy's target, and mark it in the field of vision with a light red color, which can be called an infrared night vision device.Secondly, its range of action is large, even exceeding the casting distance of most spells and the character's field of vision, forming an invisible halo centered on the caster and moving with it.

The elusiveness of the wild elves is useless. The only downside is that there are too many hostile targets around.

Zhang Miao's eyes widened, and he could distinguish wild elves from the hostile red targets. He raised his hand and sent a prepared fireball towards him. With a sound of "Boom!", it blasted a seemingly deserted bush in front of him.

Being passively beaten all the time, Brother Ruoran held his breath, applauded loudly, and rushed over with Brother Ruoran just like the gap that was blown out.

Arrows rained down from the shadows. Brother Ruoran used his body as a shield for Zhang Miao, and his blood bar dropped wildly. After pouring a bottle of Sun Water, it replenished in an instant.

Aiming at a wild elf showing traces, he swung the ax with one hand and threw it out. The second-level professional skill [Swinging Axe] some low-level housekeeping skills of small bosses are also powerful on the player. The ax accurately hits the wild elf from The tree fork was cut off, and flew back to Brother Ruoran, and then the system prompted a reminder to gain experience, showing the crisp skin of a wild elf.

"If there is a species, come out and single out!"

That is to say, the environment is not friendly. In another place, Brother Ruoran believes that he can deal with a dozen one by one. Not every wild elf is a professional, but they are elite militia level among humanoid monsters. It is not too much of a threat, and it is the environment that restricts the display of strength.

Another fireball flew out, and the blasted forest rumbled, causing the two dryads who were tracking the large army to turn around and walk here.

The wild elf sitting on the tree demon is not easy to dismiss.

The rangers, priests, and paladins in the wild elves are all available. The arrows shot are no longer purely physical damage. The priests cast magic in the back, and the paladins collide with Brother Ruoran like a tank, plus the level Guarded by the tree demon above level 30, the two fell into a bitter battle again.

Zhang Miao's fireball chanting time was only two seconds, but it was interrupted repeatedly, so she had to use a spell with a shorter chanting time to support her teammates, but such spells were weak, and they would not be able to deal with the dryad who threatened the two of them the most. guard.

The huge branches brought the whistling wind once again interrupting Zhang Miao's spellcasting, making him roll around like a lazy donkey and escape in embarrassment. Brother Ruoran was entangled by the wild elf paladin and couldn't support him for a while, so the two took the opportunity to escape. The wild elf militiamen who felt it jumped out nearby and rushed towards Zhang Miao who had just stood up.

Zhang Miao's instant [Repulsive Force Field], a first-level professional skill used to occupy spell slots, pushed two elite-level militiamen out, and additional spell damage appeared in mid-air, and it became two people when they landed. corpse.

"Old Nie, I found out that one sentence is quite correct!"

"That sentence!"

"There are no useless spells, only useless mages."

"Who said that, how come I don't know?"

"I said"

"Damn, are you still in the mood to joke at this time?"

"To be honest, I kind of don't want to kill myself."


"There is only one token for the reincarnation of the devil, and the two of us use it. It's too risky."

"Why didn't you say it before?"

"I'm waiting for you to quit."

"Grass, why don't you wait now?"

"I found that no matter how you play, it's all about playing. Sometimes you have to accept your fate. Demons may not be able to play well. The key is to look at your mentality."

"...Why did you suddenly realize it?"

"...You don't have to worry about me, get out, I'm flying back to the city for free."

"Really give up?"


"No regrets?"

"Rory is so talkative, get out!"

More tree demon guards and wild elf professionals came, and Zhang Miao couldn't get away anyway. Instead of dragging Brother Ruoran back to the city, he might as well give up by himself.

After such a battle, Zhang Miao found that his previous self had gone astray, only paying attention to powerful skills and high output, while ignoring what most players regarded as weak.

Up to now, he has not used a single level-[-] professional skill. Instead, the garbage skills used to occupy spell slots have produced very good results. From this, he pondered whether he cares too much about combat power, equipment, ranking, and powerful occupations. skills?

Wouldn't it be better to change a way of thinking and play a different way?
Most of the time, people are just like this, playing high games, what is considered high-playing?

High level and combat power count?

Zhang Miao didn't say that he suddenly came to his senses, but he figured it out. Suddenly, he felt that suicide was not a good choice. Besides, there was only one token for the reincarnation of the devil. It's time to quit, too.

Once the decision was made, the whole body was really relaxed, the pressure he had been carrying for a long time was gone, and suddenly even the tree demon guards who attacked him became cute.

[System prompt: You were killed by the LV32 dryad guard, and the rebirth mission failed! 】

The alarm bells in the Xinshou Village of Mori No. 11 kept ringing, and the newbies who had just been online for less than 8 hours heard that there was a "monster attacking the city", and they had mixed reactions.

If this were a Huaguo player, they would be screaming with excitement at this time, but here are specially selected international server players, and the order is relatively better.

Without the encumbrance of the crispy-skinned mage, Brother Ruoran, a level 33 barbarian, managed to break out of the siege and return to the team before the large army entered Novice Village.

"Where's your good friend?"

Chaohuaxishi shouted and asked.


Zhao Huaxi Shi laughed twice, "Is this the strength?"

Brother Ruoran didn't bother to talk to him, and there were less than 20 people left in the team list.

He hurriedly escorted the NPC into Xinshou Village, and as soon as the city gate was closed, a rumbling army of dryads came.

The light of Xinshou Village is like an isolated island in the vast sea, with torches set up on the city wall, the priests of the Forest Goddess Church looked solemnly at the more and more enemies gathered outside, and said to the head of the female orcs who went to the death group, You must guard this place and protect the cowardly Goddess people behind you...

The 'goddess' people' have no consciousness of being protected at all, some take pictures, take notes... It's hard to understand how they found pens and paper in the game.

Brother Ruoran saw that most of them were still at one or two levels, so he resolutely gave up the plan of expropriation.

These international server players really seem to come to "experience life". They don't feel nervous when monsters attack the city, and they are free to interact with the characters in the plot. After busying with NPCs, they actually help NPC residents to repair houses and clean up. , making wooden tools.

I feel that the game atmosphere of Huaguo players is very different, and the general routines can't be used on them.

Maybe it's because he hasn't tasted the benefits of upgrading and becoming stronger?
They care more about interacting with NPCs and don't miss any plot.

There is no time to think about it, the offensive of the wild elf tribe will arrive soon, and the giant dryad guard will act as the vanguard, followed by the wild elf militia. The real threat is the professionals hiding in the dark.

Arrows rained down on the city wall. As a novice village that went deep into a dangerous area, the fortifications on the city wall were still acceptable, and there were several defensive spell inscriptions engraved on it.

The dense arrows fell under the city wall under the action of 'gravity'. As soon as the branches swept by the dryad touched the city wall, thick flames burst out. Running, not being afraid, but busy taking pictures and recording.

"Ugh, buy it, vomit, buy it!"

"God, what did I see and why do I think it's all real?"

"... I actually saw a giant fern plant that has been extinct on the earth for a long time... Ah, what is that, the seed cannonball has evolved?"

"...Let's give way, let's give way, some NPCs are injured."

"...these Chinese people are too rude, wait a minute... don't hurt them, oh, I think we can talk and try to resolve it peacefully!"

Ruoran, who is so angry at the chaos in the city, just wants to kill people. They don't want to help and add to the chaos like the Huaguo players, but...

No matter how perfect the defense is, it is just a novice village. Soon, the magic reserve of the defensive magic circle was exhausted. The huge tree demon guard approached the city wall with a raging fire, and the thick tree trunk swept across, and a lot of white light brushed up. ... The advantage is that there are fewer troublemakers, and it is free to go to the death group.

Everywhere fell into a bitter battle. Wild elves climbed the city wall, and professionals appeared. The narrow terrain restricted the performance of the dead team, and they couldn't play effective cooperation. They had to abandon the city wall and retreat below to gather.

The NPC guards also suffered heavy losses. The precise and deadly arrows took away the life of a guard from time to time. Seeing the people around him keep falling down, the newcomers on the international server came to their senses and fled in a swarm, almost crashing. The formation of the dead group.

"Give me an AK rifle, I..."

"Get out of your grandma's rifle!" Ruoran kicked the Mengxin who was blocking his realization to the back, raised his shield to block the dagger stabbed by the wild elf assassin from the shadows, and stepped hard with his right leg, which was visible to the naked eye. The oscillating ripples retain the wild elf thieves who are about to escape invisibly, and a large mosaic will be cut down with an axe.

A few axes ended up the sneak attacking thief, rumbling, the city wall collapsed, and before the smoke cleared, a huge tree demon and wild elves rushed in.

——It's over now.

There are still too few people going to the death group, and no matter how many Mengxins are, there are only a few NPCs who can help. With these people, the fall of this novice village seems to be an inevitable result.

The first system city captured by a 'monster'?

Brother Ruoran was hesitating whether to retreat at the risk of failing the mission when reinforcements arrived.

The rear of the wild elves was in chaos. It turned out that the mission target, Colson Jaeger, the spy missionary of the system, came to support with many, many wild elf troops.

The chicken thief's NPC may have arrived long ago, and it was only at this time that he seized the opportunity to sneak attack from the rear. Anyway, this novice village belongs to the forest goddess Metheus, not the death god Kelanwo, and it doesn't matter if it is captured. thing.

In other words, he was the one who caused this trouble, let the Forest Goddess and Mori No. 11 Novice Village take the blame, don't underestimate the treachery of intelligent NPCs, they can do this kind of thing.

Anyway, the task is completed.

When the reinforcements arrived, the wild elves gave up the Novice Village that was about to be captured and retreated. The dead group also received a reminder that the task was completed, and rushed out to meet up with the intelligent NPC, Colson Jaeger, who made them suffer so much, and passed away. The task is now completed, and after obtaining the crucial "friendly" relationship with the Death Church, you can use the Rebirth Token to go to the Death Temple in Punk City to go through various procedures for "rebooting suicide".

But Coleson Jaeger refused to let them go, and issued a new task, asking them to attack the wild elf tribe with reinforcements, and avenge the followers of Kelenvor, the god of death, who died tragically.

I dare not refuse to go to the death group, and the door to rebirth is still in the hands of others, so I can only admit it with my nose.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The orphan of the elf Marco Vias thanked the dead group with tears in his eyes. Some people on the team channel said, how do you think this routine is a bit like a drama between a white missionary and a native of the northern rice continent?

Isn't it a bit like it.

Brother Ruoran looked at the sympathetic Pastor Colson Jaeger who was praying to comfort the believers of the wild elves who died in battle. A group of newbies in the international server were confused by the strong religious atmosphere, and they actually followed suit. He spat out in hatred, "Some things are really harmful and should not be touched."

(End of this chapter)

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