This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 404 Chinese players are all profiteers

Chapter 404 Chinese players are all profiteers
The main temple of Kelemvor, the God of Death in Punk City.

Brother Ruoran took a deep breath, feeling like he was about to step on the execution ground.

Two priests in deep black hoods lead the way. The dark and long corridor is not lit, but with a dim light. This kind of light cannot reveal shadows. Legend has it that the god of death, Kelanvor, is the biggest. "Shadow" is accompanied by life and light, where there is life, there are conditions for the birth of life, and it exists.

If you want to say who has the strongest sense of presence among the system gods, the god of death Kelanwo can definitely be ranked in the first series.

Death is an extremely powerful priesthood. Player priests who believe in Kelenvor have a certain emphasis on skills. In addition to the general skills, everyone is the same, Kelenvor will also bestow special skills to a very few lucky people. The famous resurrection technique is one of them.

If you believe in other gods, it is not possible to refresh the meritorious merchant until the second-level profession, and the priest of the god of death can learn it at the first-level, so I ask you how to choose.

There are so many players who 'believe in' the god of death, the temple of the god of death is naturally majestic and tall, and every inch of land in punk city can support such a large church... How much is the land worth?

Ruoran is respectful on the face, but there is no sense of respect in his heart. It is also a common problem of players to turn around these thoughts of disrespect to the gods, so the belief can never be raised, and it has always been between superficial belief and general belief.

Shallow belief is actually enough, who really believes in the gods in the game after playing a game?
Is this kind of person sick?
Except for those enthusiasts who are not so clear-headed, and those who are extremely researched and love the background of the game, I have never heard of that player's beliefs reaching more than superficial beliefs.

In other words, the NPC walking in front has a really good figure. Even the bag-style burqa can't cover up her beautiful figure. Look at the inadvertently exposed waist-hip curve, a sexy goddess who is properly put into reality, but I don't know what it is Race, if it is an elf, it will be against the sky. As we all know, elves are all 'flat', and a few 'genetic mutations' will kill them wherever they go.

Perhaps sensing Brother Ruoran's increasingly presumptuous eyes, the man in the burqa who was walking in front suddenly stopped, turned around and glared at him dissatisfied.

Dying, dying!
Brother Ruoran hurriedly lowered his head, but he was screaming in his heart, she is a nun, she really is a genetically mutated elf!
No matter how long the corridor is, it has an end. At the corner near the spiral staircase, the elf nun with a 'genetic mutation' pushed open a heavy door and turned her head to signal for Brother Ruoran to enter.

This is about to go to court?
Brother Ruoran takes a deep breath, stepping into the house, it will shine brightly. With the space compression technology, an inconspicuous room is as big as a football field, with tall columns, round arched dome, and colorful narrative pictures. The men in black robes on both sides.

In the middle is a passage leading directly to the altar. On a dozen or so steps of the altar stands a high priest of Kelanvor, the god of death.

Wow, for me as a player, the scene arranged by the system is not small.

With a respectful face and a very relaxed mind, Brother Ruoran walked slowly along the passageway where the man in black robe stood erect to the bottom of the steps, knelt down on one knee as prompted by the system, and recited his lines.

"...the grace of our lord is only given to those who respect death and make great contributions to our lord..."

Brother Ruoran hurriedly sent the proof of completion of the mission of passing away.

"... Rebellious soul, you have no humility towards death in your heart, your arrogance fills this room..."

Brother Ruoran frowned slightly, what's going on, this line went beyond the outline of the script?
Fortunately, the system prompts that nothing has changed.

"I've done what I should do, Lord Sacrifice, and besides, I'm not a believer in death. My belief is the wilderness of nature and harvest, Her Majesty the Goddess Tias who bestows abundance and happiness on the earth and life!"

The high priest of death on the altar smiled slightly, "Is that really the case?"

what the hell?

It took a while for the lines prompted by the system to appear this time.

"I'm here with a keepsake, to offer sacrifices to your lord."

"Don't worry about it, young man, this is just an old guy's nagging. Since you brought the token, death will give you the grace of rebirth... Are you ready?"

Finally entered the normal process.

Brother Ruoran, who was afraid that something would happen again, nodded quickly.

"Very well, you come forward."

Brother Ruoran got up and walked up the steps, and under the gesture of the high priest, he lay on his back on a stone platform under the statue of Kelanwo.

The high priest took out a long black sword from the nun's hand, held it upside down, pressed the tip of the sword against Brother Ruoran's chest, and chanted a mysterious spell.

It should be a prayer, but the system does not provide a translator, Ruoran can't understand what he is shouting.

I just think it's just a simple plot, so it's necessary to make it so complicated. There will be more players in the future, so why don't they just spend a long time like this one by one?

Imagine that the hall is full of dead players, and the NPC high priest is still there nagging and sending people off one by one, and there is a lot of noise below, just like a vegetable market... Brother Ruoran smiled, If one didn't pay attention, he felt a chill in his chest and a black field of vision, and his soul was already separated from his body, attracted by the huge gravitational force, and sent into the 'blender'.

A whirlwind.

When it returned to normal, it was already in the character selection interface when it first logged in to the game, in front of the statue of the God of Guardian and Record.

This low-key system god is much more straightforward. After a few lines, the character race selection interface appeared in front of his consciousness.

Humans, dwarves, elves, orcs... demons! !


If there is a body, Ruoran jumped up happily, and was about to choose, but found that there was a lit option behind the character's rotating turntable?

Consciousness shifted over, the little devil with the general image of the devil slid away, and a birdman with wings walked out slowly.

Brother Ruoran thought it was the Yiren that was launched in the previous tests and then canceled, but after a closer look, he found that it was not.

This angel! ?

Fuck, when did the Angel Hidden Race launch?

Angel! ?
It sounds like... more powerful than a demon?

Do you want to choose?

The preparations that can be done are all for the devil, how to play the angel, there is no strategy on the Internet.

Brother Ruoran was very hesitant, counting down and moving forward quietly, there was no time.

Forget it, forget it, no matter how good an angel is, if the gameplay is unknown, it’s better for the devil to be more insured. He can stay in the devil’s battlefield for a long time. And more than that.

Choose the devil!
Demons don't care about pinching their faces. No demon player can guarantee what he will 'look' in the future.

The little devils are all carved out of the same mold, and the distinction is nothing more than 'tattoos'. Some devil players who show their individuality will do this. Facts have proved that this is completely thankless.

As we all know, the devil's housekeeping skill is disguise. It can pretend to be any racial profession, and can also learn the skills of the corresponding profession. It cannot be violated or powerful, but the devil with the 'tattoo' is different. The greatest concealment is gone. Because the tattoos are worn along with the disguise, other players can identify the real body of the devil through such 'tattoos', revenge for revenge, revenge for grievances, and regret these devil players to death.

The predecessors have stepped on the pit, if the brother naturally won't do it again, it involves inheritance, the name ID can't be changed, but it doesn't matter, the ID can also be changed when the devil is disguised, what is needed is this kind of bad thing, The sufferer can't find the pleasure of being an enemy, hehe.

The image of the little devil was fixed on the role selection stage, Ruoran's consciousness floated over, and he felt thrown into the blender again, and felt his body again.

First, I heard a loud noise, and my eyelids felt the stimulation of light. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the rust-disappeared sky was light gray, and the dark land was still wet, as if it had just rained heavily, and it was as dilapidated as a refugee camp. In the camp, many little devils sat on the ground and set up stalls regardless of their image, and there were no normal players, and it felt extremely desolate and deserted.

Going back to level 0 made Brother Ruoran very uncomfortable. When he walked out of the teleportation array at the resurrection point, the little devil who set up the stall raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then lost interest.

A loud sound came from behind, and some "vigorous" little demons rushed back to the safe area like a group of messy ducks, chasing a platypus-like monster in large numbers. Stopping in front of the boundary line of the safe area, a little demon 'monster' showed its shape, spat angrily towards the safe area, and led the 'platypus monster' arrogantly walked around the entrance for a few laps before Shi Shiran gone.

"How do demons play? It's too difficult to play when you get beaten when you go out." A little demon player with the naming characteristics of Filipino shouted.

"Can you commit suicide and do it all over again! I was tricked by the boatman's strategy!" Another little devil from Vietnam yelled.

"I'm still level zero!", the last little devil player who didn't know who came from the agency cried out.


Brother Ruoran curled his lips, can't poop out the gravity is not enough?A bunch of foodies.

He looked at his dwarf-like body, touched the two small horns protruding from his forehead, and flapped his cute little wings. He jumped two or three meters from the ground and fell down.

"Another idiot!"

"This guy committed suicide, right?"

"Another idiot who was fooled."

"Ha ha……"

"I thought in the past, I could hang out in the game area, but now I'm all fucking working hard in the abyss. If I can rise to the big devil, I will consider him powerful."

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't. Everyone who is reborn has an inheritance, okay?"

"Who is a good mess who commits suicide again?"

Brother Ruoran cast a contemptuous look at the little devils who set up the stall, sent friend requests to Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin, and then went to the NPC to handle the inheritance transfer procedures.

"Whose news?"

"Brother Ruoran, those guys"

"Has he finished his mission of rebirth?"

"I'm already a Lord Demon now, okay?"

"This guy's movements are quite fast, it's all right now, he won't let him out until he is promoted to the Great Demon, hehe."

"That's the devil's battlefield. The people here, with so many newcomers, want to go there. Besides, how fast the devil upgrades, the big devil is very simple."

"How did I hear that it's not easy to level up demons now? If you don't let them go back to the game area, the monsters on the battlefield are too powerful. The little demons at level 0 are nothing but dishes."

"Never mind him, Brother Ruoran has a solution... Oh, don't talk about it, I'm here for business."

Novice Village No. 2178, the base camp of Omeng players in the international server, there are many old money game players, I heard that they are very "tough". Started a promising career as a profiteer.

It has been 6 hours since the 18th test server started (realistically), and almost 3 days have passed in the game. The newcomers finally found the situation and started to follow the mainstream game process.

There are many hardcore players in Oumeng, and the game atmosphere is no weaker than that of Huaguo. On the contrary, in various aspects such as "immersive plot" and "in-depth game narrative", he has higher patience and research spirit than Huaguo players. The focus of their games is the same as that of Huaguo players, but there are also many differences. Some things that Huaguo players think are useless are very popular here.

"Hello, how do you sell this treasure map blueprint?"

An elf player from Ou Meng came to the door. Zhang Miao first looked at the top of his head, which was hidden, and then looked at his clothes. He estimated that it was about four or five levels, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"Hello, although the blueprint of this treasure map was identified to be only of green quality, it was discovered from the scene of the kobold's sacrifice ceremony to the evil god. I'm not kidding. Look at the introduction above... because the place where the treasure is buried It's too remote, players in Huaguo have been reluctant to go..."

"It's not that I don't want to go, but it's more profitable to sell the treasure map?" The elf player looked very understanding.

"You're right. During the 5th test, there are many opportunities. The battlefield expansion pack is opened continuously. Everyone's level has risen, and these low-level things are not very attractive. But isn't it the 6th test now? ?The situation is different. Veteran players are not rare, but new players are different. Not to mention the things that may be obtained from the treasure, but the selling points that may be related to sacrifices, evil gods, and kobold tribes. "

"Just tell me how much it is."

"The price has already been marked, at most there will be a discount."

"How much discount."

"[-]% off"

"The 3% discount of 9 gold is 2.7 gold, are you sure such a broken treasure map is 2.7 gold?"

"My friend, this is an opportunity. Is it possible that what you offer is worth far more than 2.7 gold? Just started the server, and opportunities are lacking everywhere. This is a very good opportunity, right?"

"Too expensive, 5% off."

"Impossible, I can't even get in, at most 8% off."

"6% off! I'm leaving if I don't sell it"

"The minimum discount is 7.5% off, so it's time to make friends."

"7% off for the last time."

" are too good at!"

Reluctantly, Zhang Miao changed the price and asked the other party to sell it.

"Hua people are all profiteers, taking advantage of our first-mover advantage to suck our blood everywhere, Fake!", the elf player said with pain a year before he left.

(End of this chapter)

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