This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 405 Pig teammates will destroy everything

Chapter 405 Pig teammate will destroy everything
"Jonathan, Jonathan, don't tell me you're playing again?"

"Mom, brother turned into a vampire? Only vampires lie in coffins."

"You can ask him when he comes down, damn it, I'm going to throw that coffin on the street sooner or later, I'll do what I say!"

"Don't, don't, don't, Mom, I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Jonathan, you have been lying down since yesterday morning. Look at the time dear. It's 9 o'clock. Don't you need to eat? Are you hungry? Don't you need to go to the bathroom? Or can these be solved in the game? ?”

"Ha, mom, this game is blowing up, do you understand? Eat? You can also taste delicious food in the game, just like in reality, it also requires superb cooking skills..."

"Don't tell me that, I'm not interested!"

"Mom, this time is different. Really, I have a hunch that it will become popular all over the world. Everyone will be inseparable from it, including you. Everyone will make a home on it, including little Nubia."

"Nubia also wants to play games, but she doesn't want to lie in a coffin."

"That's not a coffin. How many times do I have to say Nubia? It's a game warehouse. The latest model, Huaguo Golden Dragon Version 2.1, is a global limited edition. It's blown away."

"By the way, dear Jonathan, speaking of this, I recently received a huge bill of 18 yuan. Do you have anything to say about it?"

"I'll give it back to your mother. It's very profitable in the game. Do you know how much a copper coin can be exchanged for? 21 meters. Do you know what that means? You can earn a blue-collar worker when you go out and fight monsters casually." Money for 8 hours of work... the exchange rate is crazy, the game is full of gold, I can pay the bills, rest assured, up to three days, oh no, a week."

"Three days, a week?"

"I need to let the game characters grow up as soon as possible, mom, I'm short of money in the early stage."

"Well, you can pay your own bills, but you also need to arrange your time reasonably... Speaking of this, Father William has been waiting for a long time, he is your godfather, you will not forget what day is today, right? "

"Ha... That old guy... Okay, I haven't forgotten, I also prepared a gift."

Mariah Carey, a gold-collared banker and a single mother, took her two sons, Jonathan and Nubia, to pack up and go out. The sun has come out, and the snow on the road has not yet melted. This is a neighborhood where the middle class and the rich live. It is still covered in silver, with pure white snow covering the lawns of every household, single-family villas, and evergreen shrubs in all seasons, with a movie-like beauty.

Beimi's server opening day has passed, and today is the second day. Jonathan, who was forcibly "woke up" from the game by his mother, yawned and looked out the window boredly. Compared with the scenery, it feels inferior.

While driving, Mariah Carey observed the demeanor of her eldest son from the corner of her eye. She felt that he was quite normal and had no symptoms of worry, so she was slightly relieved.

Because of work, Mariah Carey is not ignorant of Canaan. The bank she works for is currently undertaking the preparations for the listing roadshow of Beimiyuan Universe Business Group. The elites on Wall Street will naturally not object to her son playing games, and It's not that she has no interest in Canaan, on the contrary, she has a strong interest, and a large part of the reason why Jonathan can win the lottery is her.

"Maria, is Jonathan okay?"

"It's not very good. He's still lying in that coffin until now. I'm a little worried about his physical condition."

"Don't worry, there will be no problems in a short time."

"That is to say, if this goes on for a long time, there will be problems?"

"Even if there are symptoms, it will not be the result of pregnancy, just like...Spiderman"

"God, I still can't believe that this is happening in reality."

"The current God is from Huaguo, it should be said that the mysterious central brain in the Canaan game."

"Any secret news, George? I know you just attended a meeting at the White House, of course...if it comes to confidentiality..."

"There is nothing to keep secret, and it will be made public soon... That's it, the banking industry is ready to enter Canaan."

"What? It seems like the Chinese surrendered so soon?"

"Don't say that, Maria, you're a professional..."

"Sorry, I got a little excited."

"In fact, we have been participating in Canaan's... er, part of the offline business since a long time ago."

"The exchange rate market."

"That's right, the profit is huge, but I didn't expect it... well, let's not talk about it, the White House has already concluded that even the people of China can't fully grasp this... Uh, games, let's use games to describe it."

"So, there is still a Mr. ET hidden behind the people of Huaguo?"

"It's almost an open secret. It's the so-called central intellectual brain. Maybe this central intellectual brain is also an assistant. The key person is the mysterious Mr. Chairman of the Board."

"Canaan's parent company?"

"Yes, he brought an epoch-making gift to the Chinese people. Unfortunately, it is not America favored by God."

"Then...the White House is definitely going all out to join the game?"

"Yes, the popularity of Canaan has become unstoppable, and its significance to technology, culture, and... the mysteries of human beings and their 'evolution' has been proven. Combined with a large amount of research data and intelligence, it shows that it The risks are generally controllable, and the chairman of the board of directors is not entirely on the side of Huaguo people, we still have a chance."

"Then... what should we do?"

"Make preparations for this listing, strive to make Beimi Canaan surpass Huaguo Canaan, expand our online influence, attract and recruit players from all over the world to join our camp... When our camp is strong enough, the behind-the-scenes Characters will naturally come to us."

"I see."

"So don't worry about Jonathan, he might be the next Bill"

"You're kidding George"

"Who knows, as the people of Huaguo said, we are at the beginning of a great era, and an unprecedented change is slowly unfolding in human society. Its influence, depth and breadth of change are far beyond those of the previous few times. The industrial revolution will definitely reshape the pattern of human society, and even human beings themselves as intelligent creatures..."


"Mom, what are you thinking?"

"Ah, nothing"

"The church is here."

Mariah Carey's father is a New Zealand immigrant and a devout Catholic. When she was young, Mariah Carey was famously rebellious. After entering middle age, she returned to the tradition. Although she was an elite on Wall Street, the public cursed and cursed vampires , is indeed a devout Catholic. Under her strict teaching, the two children, although they have no father, have always been excellent in character and learning, a representative of the neighbor's children.

Although Father William of the evangelical church in this neighborhood is a black man, he has a good personal relationship with Mariah Carey and is also Jonathan's godfather. Today is Sunday, a day when the unshakable family holds religious activities, and cars are parked in front of the church. The tall, gray-haired Father William was waiting on the steps, shaking hands and saying hello to the believers who came one by one.

"Little Jonathan, I know you, oh well, player right?"

Father William is very friendly, and although he speaks a black accent that conservative whites hate, he is very magnetic, just like a thick subwoofer, which makes people listen very comfortably without feeling disgusted.

In fact, this Mr. Father was also a well-known rapper when he was young, but he converted to the embrace of the Lord and found a second spring in his career when he was old and out of date.

"Let me guess, let me guess, you don't look like you've been lying in a coffin all day, I mean, there's a couple of little guys on the block who are so spirited, it's hard to believe they've been in a coffin for a whole day .”

"William, that's a game room, not a coffin!" Jonathan protested.

"Vampires only sleep in coffins!", 4-year-old Nubia in a small lapel suit has never forgotten this stalk.

"There are no vampires in reality, Nubia..."

While the two brothers were bickering, William and Mariah Carey had already greeted each other, and after a few pleasantries, they led the family of three into the church.

Nubia was a member of the children's choir. He was separated from his family halfway and was led backstage by a teaching staff.

Maria sat down on the bench in the front row with her eldest son, and greeted and socialized in a low voice with familiar church members in the same neighborhood. When Father William changed his outfit, he led another stranger The hall fell silent when the priest came out.

"Today we have the honor of having... the Reverend James Bond of the Diocese of Brothers..."

Even though it was a serious religious occasion, the participants still smiled when they heard the name. James Bond came to the stage after being introduced by Pastor William, and started his sermon today.

"Actually, my friends are more used to calling me Mr. 007." There was a little humor before the start, and there was a good laugh, "The Bible Genesis part says..."

The believers listened carefully to the sermon, as if it had been countless Sundays.

But after the service was over it was different.

The lovely children in the choir left the stage chattering. Catherine was taken behind the scenes by the teaching staff to take a group photo with the children. The politicians in the neighborhood even came to shake hands with her and have a chat with her. Pastor William and the 'Mr. 007' just came over , and brought the remaining people to a more secluded admonition room.

In front of the statue of the crucifixion of Jesus, Ms. Ashnell Wang, the secretary of several blocks nearby and who came from the archdiocese, was already waiting. And another thing.

"Ms. Maria, Ms. Maria?"

"Ah, what? Sorry, I'm a little distracted."

"What do you think of Officer Ashnier's proposal just now? Shall we join forces to put pressure on the Beimi Metaverse Business Group and put forward our reasonable demands."

"Uh... what you're asking for is..."

"Canaan cannot live without the Gospel of God, Ms. Mary, this is a very serious, fundamental issue that must be addressed, as soon as possible."

"But as far as I know, the North Mi Yuan Universe Enterprise Group Company does not have such rights, and the relevant terms have not been negotiated with the Hua people."

"But we have already obtained the agency operation rights of Beimi, haven't we? In this virtual world, believers in the United States actually have to believe in a bunch of fictitious data and codes...the so-called gods! What is this, it is against our values , moral values ​​and beliefs, it violates the most basic human rights..."

"what do y'all think?"

Local politicians shrugged and said they didn't disagree.

"We can mobilize a massive demonstration, we can also use the media to create public opinion, the White House and Congress have to support us, otherwise the politicians will consider their re-election ... this time we are serious, all denominations stand in unity On the front line, no one, no one can ignore our voices."


"There is nothing wrong with Ms. Maria!", Ashnell is a staid old lady, as rigid as a nun who came out of a medieval monastery, she is wearing a burqa, and even her hair is covered by a deep hood , Under the light, the stern facial features and deep-set eye sockets make people feel serious and terrifying, as if they are talking about something more important than her life.

The old lady didn't have a good impression of the Wall Street elite, and she was even more unceremonious in her words, "Not only Beimi, but also the whole of Europe, and even the whole world, we can't keep silent, we must speak out."

Mariah Carey recalled the conversation about Canaan just now with Paulson, the president of the investment bank, as well as the ongoing preparations for listing, the fact that Wall Street capital circles are preparing to take heavy positions online, and people of insight in the United States, including the strategic decision-making office. The strategic move to compete with the Hua people for the 'dominance of Canaan affairs' was unanimously promoted by the think tanks... It is really a headache.

Intellectually, she should oppose the religious circle jumping out to add chaos at this time, but she has no position, and violates political correctness, and stands against everyone here.

"Your opinion, Ms. Mariah Carey, we need your support."

"Of course I agree."

"Very good!" The old lady completely took the initiative on the field, as if a general on the battlefield made the final decision, "This is the last parish I coordinated. I am very happy that all the gentlemen and ladies here have reached We have reached an agreement, and then we will convey our intentions to Beimi Metaverse Affairs Group through various channels, hoping that they will show due sincerity."

After the meeting was over, Mariah Carey reported the sudden situation to Paulson, the president of the investment bank. Paulson just found out that he was in a state of distress. He heard that the mobilization of the church had reached the block level. On the other end of the phone Angrily shouted: "It is impossible for the people of Huaguo to agree, and they have no way to agree, but they will be very happy to see this happen. Guess what, I believe a little bit now, pig teammates are better than your enemies Worse yet, these pigs are going to ruin it all, yes, damn it..."

(End of this chapter)

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