This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 406 What is a player?

Chapter 406 What is a player?

Novice Village No. 4, the spawn area for level [-] monster zombie zombie general.

Singer's team occupies a very good position. There is a mountain depression in front, and a shoal with strange rocks behind. Refresh point, the efficiency is higher than the average team.

The five-person team forgets to sleep and eat, and even the rest and supplies are taken in turns. I am afraid that as soon as people leave, the good positions will be taken up.

He had forgotten how long he had been brushing in this place, day and night, the face of the Zombie General almost made him vomit, it wasn't disgusting.

Another monster spawned, and before it even walked out of the spawn point, the Chinese teammate in the team slashed at it. The monster counterattacked, and the teammate dragged the monster to this side. Singer hurried forward to pick it up. The rattan armor with 3 points of durability took most of the damage for him, and successfully held the hatred.

He will act as a meat shield, otherwise these Chinese and American people would not join him. This rattan armor was also bought for him with funds raised by his teammates. Now it is time to repair it again.

Five people slashed around the zombie general, and their coordination became more and more proficient, and some skills could be used bumpy. Almost all the upgraded attributes were added to agility and strength... There is no way, if no one brings the spellcasting profession in the early stage, it is almost impossible to use it. It may be promoted to level 4 at this time, and all of them are spinning around in the first and second levels.

Singer was also planning to play the mage, but he couldn't hold on.Leveling up is too difficult. If you don't add any agility and strength before level 5, it's impossible to mix in this kind of place. Someone said otherwise.

Zombie General's greatest characteristics are high attack, thick blood, and toxin damage. The weakness is slow movement and low agility. As long as the psychological quality is passed and the skills are used reasonably, generally the third- and fourth-level teams can easily handle it.

Compared with the session when the server was just opened, the newcomers have made great progress, even faster than the previous tests. This is because of the base effect, where tens of millions are placed online, and the huge herd effect makes it not so easy. Players who have entered the state can also enter the state in time. There are too many people, and all kinds of ways and methods have been tried out by trial and error. Coupled with the guidance of the system and a large number of primary training camps, they can be on the second day of the server. (Reality), on the fourth day in the game, it is not surprising that this level is generally reached.

The zombie general roared in vain, chasing Singer to fight, and his teammates surrounded him to output. Once the hatred shifted, the teammates jumped away in time, and Singer turned around to stop the hatred, and then repeated the process.

A few minutes later, the monster's blood tank was emptied, and after falling down on the spot, there was a "bang", and everyone in the team subconsciously occupied positions that blocked the outside line of sight before seeing what exploded.

Copper coins, bandages, repair charms (newly launched in Test 6), a leather jacket, and a light green fluorescent stone.

Cheers on the team channel, 5 copper coins are exactly 1 copper per person, which seems to be very little, but it is very satisfying to convert it into real currency.The repair charm was given to Singer, just as his rattan armor also needed repairing.Leather armor throwing dice, although it is only a white outfit, is also a very popular stuff now, and it is satisfying to use and sell.The stone is a first-level equipment strengthening stone, which novices can't use, and the price has dropped sharply. The captain of the Huaguo people gave one copper and put it in his backpack with a smile. Others have no objections.

Singer has an opinion, no matter how much the price drops, it will be in silver coins. A copper coin is like sending beggars away, which is similar to Ming Qiang.

But he didn't dare to say, there are 3 Chinese players in the team and they know many old players, and another Swede doesn't want to talk to him, what can he do?
I don't know how many times I cursed the damn Hua people, but I still pretended to be bold, it really knocked out teeth and swallowed blood.

Waiting for the monsters to refresh, the team sat at the entrance of the small hole to rest, and the three Chinese people chatted enthusiastically. The topics were nothing more than knowing who was on the combat power and ranking list, who was so and so in the previous tests, and what about their own family. The relatives and friends are in some big family or big gang, and they go to Yunyun just waiting for a job change...

That Swede was a disgrace to the Westerners, and there was no limit to the praise of the Chinese people... They still called him the third brother, damn it.

"Oh, by the way, third brother, what caste are you?"

One of the most annoying members of the Chinese trio changed the subject and suddenly asked about Singer.

Singer's face became hot, "Kshatriya!", and he lied somehow.

"Oh, Kshatriya!" Singer's face became hotter with the "respectful" eyes of this buddy. He tried his best to pretend that he didn't care and looked very relaxed, and said: "The caste system has long been established in the caste system. Abolished, we are the largest democracy..."

"Oh, I know, I know!"

Then the three Huaguo players laughed and exchanged glances, their disdainful expressions undisguised.

The heat on Singer's face turned hot, and a wave of anger rushed straight to his forehead, but he endured it and didn't ask the three teammates what they were laughing at.

"By the way, I heard that you guys go to the toilet, is it true?"

"Yes, yes, what about the left hand, and the right hand to eat?"

"What's so strange about this? Don't you know that washing with water is more hygienic? On the contrary, you are surprised?"

"Haha...don't worry about my buddies, I'm just wondering, aren't you afraid of getting hot?"

"Eating with your hands is more delicious and more..."

"Okay, okay, the third brother should be in a hurry if we continue talking, and prepare to spawn monsters, prepare to spawn monsters."

——Don't fucking call me Third Brother, I know what it means.

Singer shouted in his stomach, got up extremely aggrieved, and continued his promising career as a meat shield.

Brush for more than an hour.

"No, the system has issued a warning for the fourth time, and we must go offline."

"Me too!"

"Then go offline? Zorro, how are you two, third brother?"

Who said that only Chinese people would explode their livers?
The Swede Zorro is still unsatisfied, thinking that he can support the wall and continue to work, but his teammates are going offline, so he can't hold on.

"Don't worry, level 5 will be ready tomorrow, let's make an appointment at the online time, let's go together."

Singer was afraid of being left behind, so he quickly said that he could do it anytime.

"That's it, get off the assembly line, remember not to be late!"

Singer: Definitely, definitely.

His teammates were all offline, and Singer went back to Novice Village by himself, and sold all his miscellaneous things, plus the explosion while spawning monsters, he now had 2 silver and 23 copper.

He looked at the novice shortbow that sold for two silver at the grocery store and hesitated. If he had this piece of equipment, he would not need to rely on the three Huaguo teammates. Is it long-distance? It can be used as an output in the back of the group. Instead of sandbags, after a monster brush, my whole body hurts.

But he still gave up, this is 2 silver coins, 200 copper, according to the current exchange rate, it is hundreds of thousands of rupees, hundreds of thousands of rupees!
Forget it, forget it, let's continue to be sandbags for the people of Huaguo.

At this time, Xinshou Village is not as 'noisy' as it was when it first started, and it is not as crowded as it was then. I remember that when it first went online, it was full of situations, and there were all kinds of things, even if he himself was frightened Well.

At this time, everyone is busy, coming in and out, as if someone is chasing after them, people of various races and costumes, people from all over the world gather in this small village, all at the same starting point, all in the same place. Experience a brand new, unknown, wonderful second life.

second Life!

The Chinese people's technology is too powerful.

It's hard to understand, they were almost as hard as the big ones a few decades ago.

It's all to blame... Forget it, forget it, let's go offline.

In reality, he wakes up in a slum, staring at the low, mottled, cobweb-covered ceiling in a daze.

Downstairs, the nearly 80-year-old grandma started coughing again, which made people worry that she would cough up her lungs. The hospital said that there were nodules in the lungs. The family did not know what it meant. Singer knew, but he Nothing was said.

The sky outside the window is very dark, mother and younger sister should be preparing for tomorrow's stall, the air is filled with the spicy smell of curry, and the younger sister is humming something in a low voice, only when she is away or when there are few people, This girl who started worrying about the huge dowry at the age of 16 has a little innocent and lively taste.

Singer actually liked this younger sister very much, and he had already started to make plans for her dowry, but he never said that every time his younger sister saw him, it was like a mouse seeing a cat...

Hardness is a magical country. The girl across the street may be in a first-class school, well-dressed, enjoying all the conveniences of modernity, worrying about which new dress to wear every day, which country to go to for vacation, is a certain boy If you like yourself, how should you refuse without losing your politeness and distance.As soon as a girl within one street is born, her mother will be blamed and cursed by the whole family. If she is unlucky, she will even be... The Huaguo female players in the game are different, they are even tougher than men, Men around them are as tame as puppies and cats... But this is too extreme, in comparison, it's still hard... Yes, that's it.

He got used to it for the first time when he went off the assembly line. Except that his neck was sore from the helmet resting on it, everything else was fine, and he didn't feel hungry.

Just as he was about to get up from the bed, a genuine drowsiness dragged him into sleep, as if the phone was turned off suddenly, and he didn't even have time to take off his helmet.

When I woke up again, it was already late at night.

——I am a player!

It was only this time that it returned to normal, and the memory in reality was connected, and a burst of late joy and excitement spontaneously made him want to yell.

The surroundings were quiet, and it was pitch black outside the window. He was not afraid of waking up his family members. He went down the creaking stairs, pushed open the door, and went outside to the alley full of sewage, taking a deep breath of the night air. .


With a ghostly scream, a stray cat swished up to a shack in fright, the dim electric light was on, and a large number of birds flew up from the dense wires like spider webs above the head, and the door opened and pushed open voice, and then scolded.

"Haha...don't worry about them, we're going to move out of this damn place soon Mom, I'm going to get rich, haha!!"

"And you Feroz, you will get married in a glorious manner, you will have a dowry that is enviable and jealous, and everyone will envy you. Including your future husband, I will help you choose carefully, you Now she is the player's younger sister, do you know? Do you know how much money I made in one day yesterday? Millions of rupees, one day, haha..."

The family suspected that he was crazy, otherwise how could he talk in his sleep at night after sleeping all day?

He is indeed like a lunatic, regardless of whether others understand or not, no matter how the neighbors protest, he still keeps talking excitedly.

Sister Feroz is very happy. Regardless of whether what Singer said is crazy or not, at least this brother has really considered the issue of his dowry. You know, just a few days ago, a good friend was about to enter the temple to become a nun , because the family could not afford her dowry.

A nun in a temple?

Feroz shuddered, desperately hoping that what his brother said was true.

Player, what is a player?
Living in a small piece of sky near her home since she was a child, she couldn't understand this word, but her brother was so happy, she must be amazing, just like the temple that she was never allowed to enter, she must be able to enter that temple, right?I don't know how the nuns in there are doing...

The girl's dark and rough skin turned red due to long-term labor.

Singer was excited for a while, and when the silence subsided, it was almost dawn. Then he remembered the time agreed with his teammates, put down his half-eaten breakfast, and hurriedly prepared to go upstairs.

"Singer, Singer!?"

"Mr. Bai!"

"Haha, Singer, you won the lottery without saying a word, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The big shot in the slum, the "underworld boss" Bayi who contracted the area of ​​Singer's house, came to the door with four or five idle youths. Singer's mother hurriedly greeted him, and his sister shrank into a corner like a frightened rabbit.

"Bayi!" Singer said with a smile on the stairs, "Thanks to Master Achim, I got a game qualification...Why, you also know the player?"

"Achim!?" Bai pushed away the tea offered by Singh's mother impatiently, "How did I hear that someone pretended to be a high caste and defrauded a player's qualification?"

Singer's face twitched, and he asked back pretending to be surprised, "There is such a thing? This person is so ignorant, doesn't he know that caste has been abolished long ago? How could he be so stupid to use caste... Bai, Did you mean cheating just now? Then how did he cheat? Just say that he is a high caste? This is not in line with common sense."

Bai Yi saw that he was not threatened, and felt a little resentful, "You are now a player, and your status is different. Don't forget who is the boss here."

"No, Bai, I don't want to stay in this damn place for a day. Guess what, I'm planning to move to the rich area. I heard that the townhouses over there are good? Do you have any good introductions? I can give you a higher commission, what do you think?"

Bayi's face changed several times, and finally he showed a flattering smile.


When Singer went upstairs with the steps of a winner, what was left to his family was a strange, tall and majestic back.

What is the player! ?

Why is he even more powerful than Mr. Bayi! ?
(End of this chapter)

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