Chapter 407

Novice Village training camp.

Singer evaded a scarecrow's frontal attack with a short body, but he didn't notice the scarecrow attacking from behind. He was hit on the back with a stick, declaring that the assessment of [Elementary Fighting Proficiency] ended in failure.

Panting heavily, he stopped, looking at the dozen or so scarecrows wandering around in the refreshment area, he felt that this fighting proficiency was harder than reaching the sky.

In reality, he is relatively thin and weak, and he always kicks behind the crowd when he fights with others. His motor nerves are underdeveloped, and it is also related to malnutrition when he was young. When he can't eat enough, lying still is the right way .

This is not the case in the game. His teammates positioned him as a tank, and he also chose the orc race. This tall and mighty character's body has not been able to 'work well' until now.

No one can help him with this, he can only rely on himself.

"Come again!"

Fortunately, he has an unyielding spirit. Others can get started in four or five hours, but he only takes eight or ten hours. Being a player is already a blessing, and muddling along is simply the biggest crime.

Before he had fully recovered his physical strength, he got up, took the inferior machete, adjusted his pain to the maximum, rushed into the scarecrow, and was immediately besieged by all directions.

"Listen with your ears, listen!"

He is good at dealing with frontal attacks, but he needs to use his ears to hear or sense the side and rear, which requires certain skills and experience. If the talent is not enough, the only way is to practice hard.

In reality, it is not difficult to do this if you have a foundation. Even ordinary players can pass it in four or five hours, but he just can't.

Just dodged the attack from the side, and every time he paid attention to the other side, he was hit by the shoulder again, failing again.

huh, huh...

The more he focused on hearing, the more he would fail. He looked at the free attribute points he hadn't added after upgrading, and thought of the strategies shared by the Chinese people online, elementary fighting, archery, and concentration. These three are the most proficient. It is best not to use data to pile up, otherwise the future achievements will be limited, and maybe you will never be able to become a high-level player known for skills, operations, and awareness, and can only be reduced to a fool-type player who relies on piles of data.

Stacking data is Tuhao's specialty, so he might as well forget it.

Come again!

I was preparing to practice again, but unfortunately my teammates came back, M came out, and the preparation task was upgraded.

Singer could only end the training, secretly vowing that next time he must pass this elementary fighting proficiency and wait for his teammates to go offline before practicing.

Now he is also at level 4, and will soon reach level 5. He will soon face the problems of the inauguration task and the gold, silver and copper faction. The title and the cloak are the first hurdles in the game. Beyond this threshold, can you do it yourself?

As soon as I think of this, a sense of urgency arises spontaneously, wishing to use one minute as two minutes.


This time, the system will never go offline if it does not force people to be kicked.

Xinshou Village is still as lively as ever. Thousands of people gather in the square in the center of the city. NPC guards patrol back and forth to drive away those stalls that are illegally occupying the road. The vacant space was occupied by new booths again, and the system had to resort to the "fine" and "reputation deduction" methods to curb the players' enthusiasm for making money.

Can you not be enthusiastic?

The current exchange rate is 20 yuan per copper coin. Although it has dropped, the rate of decline is much lower than the previous estimate of "Bricks Calling the Beast" before, such as cutting in half, diving, etc. Considering that tens of millions of people are online, every moment In swiping money, money is a bunch of numbers to the system, and the huge supply of copper coins can't dampen the enthusiasm of speculators for it, which can only be attributed to the charm of Canaan.

After all, is it the only business in the world?

The high exchange rate has made the newbies of the 6 test generally taste the sweetness. An invisible hand is setting off a tsunami of wealth. The return of this seawater is that this newborn has generated nearly ten million vortexes that are eager to thirst.

Singer's eyes were hot when he saw that he could set up a stall at level 5, and the desire to upgrade was born spontaneously.

The three Chinese teammates came chatting and laughing, and the dog-legged Swede Zorro used to follow them as a follower. Singer felt contemptuous in his heart, but he couldn't control his legs. The captain of the Chinese elf player said, "Captain, how are you doing?"

"It's done!", Captain Elf waved his hand, "My friend has now become a vice hall master. Isn't it just a matter of one word to recruit people?"

"So, we have a family after level 5?" Singer smirked.

Elf Captain patted him on the shoulder like a boss, "Work hard, third brother, not to mention the gold medal, at least the silver medal, otherwise I won't be able to help you talk."

"Uh, uh, definitely, definitely."

"What about nationality? What about nationality?" Another Huaguo teammate questioned.

"Anyway, the system doesn't prohibit cross-regional service group families? Besides, where is the current regional server? They are all in Novice Village, and there is no shadow yet. Let's worry about these after those agents have established enough territory." Elf The captain looked determined, as if he could participate in such affairs.

As soon as the words fell, the three Huaguo players suddenly received a system notification.

[Regional server system reminder: Dear Huaguo players, the regional server Huaguo region has decided to start the regional plot task-the construction of the first region of the Huaguo server after 100 hours of game time. Relevant tasks can be received in each novice village.Regional plot missions reward national service reputation, national service meritorious service, high experience, and related precious game resources and props. Please arrange the game time reasonably, and don't miss it. 】

"Damn it, the server is about to start!"

"Here he comes as soon as he said it."

"National Service District [-]... Is this going to attack that place?"

"I don't know, this should be top secret, right?"

"It's a big event, it's a big event."

"I don't know how rich the reward is?"

"Who will work hard for you if you don't have many rewards, won't be afraid of death if you don't change jobs. With the protection of novices, you won't lose experience."

"Then didn't we send it?"


"Old players will also participate?"

"What do you think, the first regional plot of the national server is equal to the first national war, this is the national war!"

"They will come even if there is no reward?"

"Of course."

"Damn it, isn't it a sure thing? Veteran players are amazing, and a pervert at level 40 doesn't even know how to practice."

"Is there any news about other regional servers?" Singer asked quickly.

"What are you thinking about? Our national server is due to the accumulation of the previous few times. The other regional servers have only been open for a long time. Even the inaugural Chaofan didn't get anything to open the region? Sending food to monsters? Haha..."

"Third brother, let's vote here, but only game membership, real nationality is impossible."

"If it was estimated that nationality was not a problem before, now there are too many players, it is not rare."

The news of Huaguo's opening of the server made the players 'explode'. The world channel, regional channel, nearby channel, family gang channel, and friend channel are all talking about this. Singer is very envious. Now that agent opens regional plots, It can satisfy the new players in the country. Since the server was launched, what I have heard most is that once the world story starts, the players can eat enough, and the level, equipment, title, and cloak soar like a rocket.

"Repair equipment, buy supplies, don't be stingy with money, you two, 100 hours is enough to upgrade to level 5, don't let me lose the chain."

As soon as the announcement of the national service area was released, the Novice Village was full of people repairing equipment and buying supplies. Huaguo players seemed to have been beaten up, and profiteers took the opportunity to ask for prices and suck blood and sweat from the newcomers.

Singer bought the supplies in a hurry and was about to repair equipment. The captain of the Huaguo Elf traded in a metal full body armor that had been around for a long time.

"Three, do it well!"

"Thank you boss, thank you boss!"

Isn't that what the stinky feet of the Chinese players are all about?

Singer was equipped with a full body armor, and the tall orc savage looked like a tank when he put it on. After receiving a circle of envious and jealous eyes, he rushed to join his teammates.

Level 6 and 6 zombie generals, demonized giant grass spirits (newly added in test [-]), howling wandering wilderness ghosts (newly added in test [-]), demonized giant mosquitoes, etc., more than a dozen refresh points are really lively, once you walk into the compression At the entrance of the space, the sky turns into lead-colored and heavy clouds, which are extremely low. On the undulating and barren ground, there are broken cemeteries everywhere. Zombie generals come out of the ground one by one, Mixed with low-level skeletons and zombie minions, wandering in groups under the dim sky.

Immediately there were several replenishment points during the in-depth period, which were the golden monster spawning area, where there were trainee priest NPCs from major temples, which could heal players and apply buffs, greatly improving the efficiency of monster spawning.

Singer's team was full of missions, starting with the zombie general. When a supply point was refreshed, they started working hard nearby.

Singer, who was in full metal armor, was still playing the role of a human sandbag, bang bang bang, that was really punching to the flesh, he resisted the claws of the three monsters, exchanged injuries for injuries, and resolutely held back the hatred, so that the teammates behind him could do nothing. Output without any scruples.

A Huaguo teammate can output as much as he can, and he still has to play tricks. Singer doesn’t understand what it means to see my white crane spreading its wings, smashing Huashan, monkey stealing peaches, etc. Anyway, it is determined not to let monsters attack him That's right, otherwise you will be scolded.

In the process of acting as a human sandbag, Singer was not without gains. He unconsciously applied what he learned on the training ground to the current scene. Although it didn't help much, the heavy metal armor deformed his movements, but he I still persisted, and silently adjusted the pain to the maximum, trying to make the pain deepen the memory, and let the body form a conditioned reaction.

As soon as he brushed it, he forgot the time, Singer was numb from the pain, and the metal armor had to be repaired three times before he could collect all the mission supplies.

"Next stop Ghost!"

There are more people in the place where ghosts are spawned. This time there is no gold monster spawn point, so the team can only find a not-so-good corner and start working when ready.

Or Singer to attract strange.

The floating ghost is a bit cartoony, just a pale white shadow. Pure physical attacks are ineffective, so everyone's weapons are simply enchanted with potions, which can cause damage to ghost monsters.

The ghost moved in and out of Singer's body, 'frozen' him every time he entered and exited, the damage value rose above his head, his movements faltered, and it was difficult to introduce it into the ambush range of his teammates.

"Stop the hatred!"

The Chinese elf captain shouted loudly.

Singer's blood was only half left, and his whole body was so uncomfortable that he was about to die. He gritted his teeth and slashed at the ghost. The enchanted blade cut a hole in the pale white mist-like body, -7.
The ghost screamed silently, and entered and exited Singer's body even more desperately. When Singer's mental resistance dropped to a certain level, he stayed in his body and competed with him for control of the body.

This taste...

I remember the first time I saw this kind of monster, it scared Singer so much that he almost cried on the spot. The unscrupulous teammates made fun of his embarrassment, disregarding his self-esteem at all, which made him hold a grudge for a long time.

After being repeatedly ravaged by the ghost, he has now summed up his experience. After being possessed, he didn't panic at all. While fighting for control of his body, he took the pace of a "mechanical dance" and handed himself to the knife edge of his teammates.

During the possession period, most of the damage Singer received was from the ghost. Taking advantage of this, the teammates let go of it to output, and within a few strokes, they knocked it out of Singer's body, and then disintegrated into little crystals. The fragments disappeared.

"Ding dong!"

With luck, the first phantom exploded with 5 copper and 2 sets of bandages.

While drinking the medicine tremblingly, Singer sincerely thanked the Chinese captain who assigned the two sets of bandages to him, but he cursed in his stomach, wishing he could hack the hypocritical Chinese captain to death.

——There are no good people in Huaguo!

Almost every Huaguo player that Singer met had a strong sense of superiority, shit, he was also called the third brother of Lao Tzu, you are the third brother, and your whole family is the third brother!
After resting for a while, without being urged by his teammates, Singer gritted his teeth and got up, walking towards the next monster with trembling steps.

After brushing back and forth more than ten times like this, he was so intoxicated by the brush, other teams were not as efficient as them, without such a 'hard-working' sandbag like him, he would have to entangle with monsters, and mess up if he was not careful Rhythm, if you don't do it well, you will be possessed successfully, then you will definitely die.

[Ding, due to the hard training on the battlefield, your basic attribute spirit +1]

Singer was overjoyed, this is one of the reasons why he was so hard-working, but he didn't show his chicken thief at all, keeping his teammates in the dark.

"Damn, where did you find such a fool?"

A team passing by saw their high efficiency in spawning monsters, and the team leader who was also from the Hua Kingdom said jealously in a nearby channel.

"What a fool, be careful what you say!"

The elf captain on his side replied dissatisfied.

"Third Brother? No wonder, no wonder!"

"Go away, don't delay us from killing monsters!"

After the team left, perhaps because they were afraid that Singer would have an idea, Captain Elf threw him a blank wristband with both attributes of blood and magic resistance. , This is the real good stuff.

"...Third brother, don't listen to their nonsense, everyone has a position, it's just that the division of labor is different!"

Captain Elf patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Damn it, the third brother has become the third, and there is no way to escape the word three.

"I understand, I understand, captain, don't worry, we are a fixed team, a family, tired of logging!"

"Yes, yes, I'm tired of logging!" The three Huaguo players and a dog-legged Swede laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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