This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 408 Check it out, classmate Xiao Ai

Chapter 408 Let's take stock, Xiao Ai

"Xiao Ai, let's do a server launch inventory!"


The players who started the server are busy, and Bei Gaoyang is even busier. He has no time to sit down and drink some water to relax with Ms. Fallen Light Angel. Some people want to share it for him. Under Xiao Ai's strong opposition, let it go.

It is necessary to be the firefighting captain. For some design flaws or BUGs, Bei Gaoyang has to discuss with their designers to figure out the design ideas before he can prescribe the right medicine.

It is necessary to guard against others, but also to use others. It is extremely troublesome to communicate. It is the strong thinking ability, patience and meticulousness of the 8th Ring Master, which is able to deal with such intricate work.

The day of opening the server has passed, and the most serious test has passed. The operation of the magic net is getting better and better, and the false gods of the system are gradually familiar with the "newly built floor" and know its layout. Usage, where is the 'load-bearing wall', how to adjust the activity section, which can be simplified, and which can reduce power consumption first... Wait, it's quick to get started, and Bei Gaoyang doesn't need to care about it, and the enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high.

After the unpleasant conversation last time, Xiao Ai's way of getting along with him seems to have not been affected, but Bei Gaoyang can still feel that Xiao Ai is more "cautious" and considers issues more "comprehensively" before making any decisions You have to ask him what he means beforehand. In the past, he was arbitrarily arbitrarily asked about small things, and only asked about big things. Now... well, forget it, just be busy and just make it through this period of time.

On the second day (reality) of the server opening, and the fourth day in the game, I finally have time to sit down and do an inventory. Bei Gaoyang needs to understand the overall situation of the operation of the magic net, so that he can know it well.

"...The highest online peak of the server was 1047 million people, and the carrying limit of the magic net was also this number. Later, under the conscious control of the system, it has not exceeded this limit. The magic net has withstood the test. Tens of millions of people online The myth has come true, my lord."

"Well, good, good!"

"The current stable number of online users is 930 million. This carrying capacity magic network is running the most smoothly. We use staggered peaks to go online and forcibly restrict some players who dare not go offline to control it."

"What is the longest online time for a player?"

"Old player..."

"Let's not talk about them. It's not uncommon for them to stay offline for three days and three nights. New players have not been passively strengthened."

"Forty-nine hours, no matter how long it takes, it will affect their physical bodies in reality, and their souls can't keep up with such high-intensity...exercise."

"Hehe, the movement of the soul is a good description. At the beginning of the design of the magic net, I didn't think about strengthening the player's soul. The series of troubles caused by it are still caused by this side effect."


"Go on."

"The highest level of new players is level 6, and no one has taken a job yet. The average level is 3.56. 85% of new players have adapted to the narrative, rules and rhythm of the game, and have found the method and experience to carry out mainstream game content and progress, and the rest About 15% of the new players don't care much about the mainstream game process, that is, the so-called textual research party, leisure party, and life occupations are mostly."

"These gameplays are also good, enriching the game ecology. I remember that in the first few tests, players' enthusiasm for DIY was very high. Later, the system made forced guidance and regulations, which suppressed this momentum. In the past, resources were tight. , it’s not necessary now... Properly tilt some, provide more support for these content gameplays, and encourage them to explore and develop.”

"I'm afraid that this kind of exploration and development is aimed at the system and at us."

"Haha, is there someone still looking for your central brain?"

"... every day, now."

"Look for it, let them look for it, haha..."

"135 agents..."

"Wait, isn't it 138?"

"This has already been reported to you. Three agents have seriously violated regulations and disciplines, and their A3 permissions have been revoked."

"Uh... I forgot... In this way, don't beat him to death with a stick, give him a chance, it's not easy for every agent..."

"But offline, Canaan Company has canceled its cooperation with them."

"……Then forget it!"

"My lord, the behavior of some agents is really too much. They are not here to cooperate, they are purely here to cause trouble. It is understandable for players to find loopholes in the system. They are full of tricks to take advantage of loopholes. System rules are very important to them. It’s just a piece of waste paper, and it also opened the back door to provide some players with help to break the game’s balance. It also sold system information, attacked the normal operation of other agents, and lured players from other agents to join their camp... I really want to Abolish all their authority."

"You can't do this!" Bei Gaoyang shook his head with a smile, "I don't feel sorry for the cubs, because I haven't experienced the hardships of starting a business, and the pies are falling from the world, so I don't know how to cherish them. Wait for them to get the line from the game." If there are huge interests both online and offline, this kind of behavior will converge.”

"I doubt it."

"Let's wait and see, little love, you have to remember that brute force is always the solution to problems at the lowest level. Using interests to guide and connect each other's bonds is the most labor-saving and strongest solution, agent The out of order is because they don't understand or don't feel deeply enough about the preciousness of this A2-level authority, including Canaan's parent company."

"I never doubted the greatness of the magic net."

"No, it's not the kind of greatness that you understand and imagine, but... Forget it, let's leave everything to time... Agents skip it first, haven't they opened the national server yet? Let's talk about problems later and solve them slowly."

"Okay... Tens of millions of online, the soul power value is calculated in megabytes, and the huge system surplus has even affected the normal operation of the magic net...My lord, the magic net has 'weight'."

"This is the best news I've heard in the past few days... The magic net finally has quality, haha, good, good!"

"I suggest opening up an elemental plane exclusive to the magic net? Where's your consciousness?"

"Yes, just like the real elemental plane, is it a pool for storing water, the bigger the better."

"Soul power needs to be purified and classified."

"Just refer to the classification of magic power elements. I suspect that's how the original magic power came from."

"Okay... the belief value has officially broken through the million level, but it is heterogeneous and impure. No matter how many such pan-beliefs are, it will not help the system much, my lord. Now it is time to strive for perfection."

Speaking of belief, it is related to the core interests of the false gods of the system. The vision of conferred gods is there, it is Xiao Ai, who is so dedicated and hardworking, serving players up and down like a big nanny, isn't it because of Is this vision laid out ahead?

Again, the price of growth.

Maybe Xiao Ai was very simple at the beginning, and her positioning was the role of an assistant, but with the promotion of the magic net, her "heart spirit" also improved step by step with the promise of the magic net and Bei Gaoyang. She said, can she be willing to give up the Conferred God and become an assistant with peace of mind?

Although Little Ai and the false gods of the system are digital beings, they already have all the characteristics of intelligent life, such as desires and ideals. How can intelligent life get rid of them?

It is a good thing to have desires, and desires are the driving force for people to move forward. It is a test of everyone's wisdom to correctly position oneself, see the situation clearly, and make reasonable choices.

Let's just talk about Bei Gaoyang himself, he looks easy to talk to, doesn't he also have a backlash that he can't offend?
Many exclamations were just a flash of thought, Bei Gaoyang pretended not to hear Xiao Ai's hidden dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: "Million-level belief? Is it a reserve?"


"Troublesome, how to use so many faith points? Is it enough to resist the erosion of the abyss?"

"The abyss is only part of it. It should be the erosion of the mysterious rules. My lord, the recognition of the magic net step by step also means that it has been interpreted step by step and contained by the mystery. It has become a part of the mystery. No amount of faith can resist it." .”

"That's right, haha, don't be so serious, take it easy, the situation is not a small one, but a big one."

"How are you going to deal with the abyss in the system?"

"This... Let's use it as a sewage pool first, and we'll talk about it later."

"The beliefs of the players are too mixed, and none of them are qualified. Many imaginations and definitions of the system, the magic net, and the Canaan game are in serious conflict. The magic net bears everything. Finding a balance in pooling, one-third of the power consumption will be wasted in this area, even if you want to save system resources, you should guide it a little bit, the player's correct understanding of Canaan's magic net... Unifying the mind, it is very easy Important, my lord."

After turning around, the topic returned to this sensitive area. Xiao Ai seemed to be determined this time, and she must ask him for a definite explanation.

Unify the players' minds?

How to unify?

Even if the Jade Emperor, Bodhi Patriarch, and God Jesus come, they will not be unified.

But what Xiao Ai said is also right, it's time to make some attempts in this area, there is no requirement for unity, there is an official definition of universal concept, let players understand, and it will also help improve this situation.

In fact, this universal concept has long existed, and it is the second life, the home of the spirit and soul.

But it's not enough, Huaguo himself has been "boasting" for a long time, and it has not been widely recognized, especially the unified promotional caliber of the agents.

To get the full cooperation of the agents, whether it is difficult or easy is not so easy. It is still a matter of how much benefit Canaan can bring them.

That's why Bei Gaoyang is sensitive to the disqualified agents, and is particularly tolerant of their many small actions. Unity and cooperation are far better than confrontation and playing tricks. There is no need to waste energy, time and resources on fighting with them Yong above.

Going around and back to the agent, Bei Gaoyang patiently told Xiao Ai about his views and plans.

Xiao Ai was silent for a while, "Agent..."

"An agent is the official of a country, it is the population base of millions or tens of millions, and it is the percentage of the system."

"Okay, I see, I'll adjust to them."

"Then let's go on."

"System Abyss..."

"Leave it alone and talk about it later."

Xiao Ai is very concerned about the existence of this cesspool. The abyss in the system, as the name suggests, is naturally out of the control of her and the false gods of the system. Strictly speaking, it is an opposite relationship with them. The reason is very simple. 'The main reason, isn't it from the fact that players can't use the 'collection of the will of all beings'?

Since it still can't be used by them after the transformation of the system, it has been on the opposite side from the very beginning, and it is only a prototype now, and it may really develop into a stronghold of 'opposing' them in the future.

As for this situation, Bei Gaoyang had already expected it.

Still the same sentence, where there is positive, there must be negative, where there are system gods, there must be system demons, and where there is Heaven Mountain, there must be abyss. This is two sides of the same body. Canaan cannot escape, and neither can the earth, and the magic net is naturally the same.

The magic net already has quality, and if there is quality, there is a 'shadow'. Instead of this 'shadow' growing out of control, it's better to do it yourself.

Of course, there's no need to tell Xiao Ai and the others about this.

"The next step is to summarize the various situations of the mainstream game process, which is very cumbersome."

Bei Gaoyang adjusted his sitting posture, just in time for Angel of Fallen Light to come back from shopping in Xiaomoyuan, let her sit beside him, and while listening to her excited chatter, counted the most tedious summaries with Xiao Ai.

Generally speaking, this test did not make much adjustments to the content and process of mainstream games. The biggest changes in Mowang are agents, national servers and divisions.

Without too much adjustment, there is not much loss. It proves that the foundation of the magic net is complete, and what we need to do in the future is to build on this foundation.

Up to the 9th floor.

9 layers of magic net...

Bei Gaoyang seems to have seen a miraculous pyramid that is entering the topping stage of the superstructure. It is so majestic, so austere, and so all-encompassing that it cannot be defined by the realm of the Kingdom of God. The moment when it becomes a legend may be the moment when a fundamental leap occurs, skipping level 9 and becoming a legend, or it becomes a mysteriously recognized "universal rule" that no longer needs to be maintained artificially.

The magic net will have its own vitality, and this vitality is shared with Bei Gaoyang. The magic net belongs to him, and his is not all from the magic net. What a clever idea, this is from the first floor. Burying the "program core" is the foundation of the magic net, the foundation of the foundation!

At that time, is the 9th Ring Archmage still a problem, what is the legendary barrier, and what can the gods do to him?
The 9th floor of the magic net is invincible, as long as he does not commit suicide, he can jump out of the repeated ending and reincarnation for thousands of years... Then, it is another realm.

And so the vision is in the front, Xiao Ai and the others are entangled and concerned, what are the small thoughts and small calculations of the agents?

Bei Gaoyang's core interests are not in these.

To put it a bit more extreme, what if we hand over all the magic nets to them in the future?

At that time, Bei Gaoyang had already detached himself.

(End of this chapter)

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