This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 409 It's so unfair

Chapter 409 It's so unfair
After checking with Xiao Ai, Bei Gaoyang went to see the 'Abyss' of the magic net.

In fact, it is a 'sewage pool', and a large number of sentient beings' ideas that are not used by the magic net or that are 'harmful to health' are placed in this subsidiary space opened for the first time.

Note that it is an auxiliary space rather than a compressed space.

Compressed space is the formation of certain folds on the basis of the original space, just like a small man-made vortex formed in the torrent. In essence, it is still a part of the torrent, but it is affected by external forces and formed to a certain extent and with a certain time. Spatial structure.

Compressed space is widely used in some application scenarios because it has a low threshold and low consumption, but in terms of efficiency, it is far less practical than auxiliary space.

What about ancillary spaces?

As the name implies, it is the extension of the associated spatial structure beyond the basic structure of the original space, just like a small bubble attached to the main space...a small bubble that emerges from the big bubble, so the imagination can be understood.

How small is this bubble?
If the big bubble on the main material plane is as big as the earth, then this small bubble is like a human eyeball.

Being in such an artificial space, the first feeling is its fragility.

The field of vision is gray, with the spiritual power of Bei Gaoyang's 8-ring master, he can easily touch its boundary. The space barrier is really as thin as 'paper', and it seems that a slightly larger fluctuation can tear it apart .

But this is also an illusion.

Fragile space structures cannot be easily torn apart. The broken space will form a large number of space debris, and space debris can cut everything.

The reason why the space-time turbulence is so dangerous that even the clones of gods dare not step in easily is because there are a large number of space debris.

Detonating a subsidiary space is like detonating a nuclear bomb on the earth. It is a real "weapon of mass destruction" and the last resort for all enemies.

The fragility of the subsidiary space comes more from a keen sense.

As if being inside a trembling egg, the spirit and soul quality of the archmage are like iron filings. Although the egg is large, it cannot bear the mass and density of iron filings. Therefore, the entire spatial structure is trembling, which gives His sense of sight.

Through the smoggy fog, Bei Gaoyang felt his 'falling', the speed of this 'falling' was extremely astonishing, the mist surged in a huge amount, and within a few breaths, it fell to its bottom.

Seeing that he was about to touch the turbid 'sea surface', Bei Gaoyang snapped his fingers and made an emergency stop on the 'sea surface', but the huge potential energy it carried still pushed the 'sea surface' into a huge depression.

When the potential energy is absorbed by the 'sea surface', the depression is flattened again. Therefore, in the process of filling up the depression by the 'sea water' in all directions, a huge tsunami is formed.


The vibration of the subsidiary space became more intense, like the end of the world.

Any spatial structure has an upper limit of mass that it can accommodate. If the upper limit is exceeded, the spatial structure will become unstable. This law applies to all spatial structures including the main material plane. The reason why the gods cannot truly Safety is only one of the reasons for walking on various planes. The biggest reason is that with their quality and density, when the real body descends, the movement will be as it is now.

Therefore, at most, the avatars are used to walk in the various planes, and they are tailor-made avatars to control the quality and density of the avatars. This is not for the consideration of the planes and the creatures living in the planes, just like Bei Gaoyang is doing now. If the movement is a little bigger, you have to worry about being 'accidentally injured'.

So what is this 'sea surface'?

Visually, it is a cloudy, viscous, somewhere between solid and liquid state.

It is like a big dyeing vat with all kinds of pigments mixed together. Huge bubbles are still rising on the surface. It looks a little disgusting. When every bubble bursts, there will be various vaguely heard voices on the sofa. This language is tangible. , is a kind of smoke and dust that volatilizes upwards, the closer you are, the more clearly you can hear it, if you accidentally touch it, hehe, you can feel thousands of ducks singing in your ears, violently breaking into your consciousness, Influence and infect your own emotions, and even occupy the suffering of your surface consciousness.

Yes, they come from the consciousness collection of the players.

But it is useless and harmful.

But this uselessness and harmfulness are relative terms, but for magic nets, their 'ingredients' cannot be absorbed by magic nets.

The smoke and dust volatilized upwards, getting higher and higher, and getting lighter and thinner, gradually forming a dense fog that filled the space.

This is the prototype of 'Abyss'.

When the "solid state" in the seawater becomes higher and higher, land will be formed, and when the space structure becomes more and more stable, the sky will be formed.

The clear rises and the turbid descends. Is it similar to the creation myth of the earth?
The formation of Canaan and even the entire crystal wall system has gone through a similar process.

When the sky and the land are formed, the space structure will be stabilized. The "collection of ideas of all beings" will evolve all things, and the imagination and definition of all things in the "collection" will evolve into a unique "climate" of space, which is the so-called law.

Then the problem is coming.

The player's imagination and definition are obviously earth-colored, which is very different from Canaan's mystical narrative. If this "Abyss" is really formed in the future, it will definitely be more like the earth, which will form a de facto invasion.

The communication between the two crystal wall systems, with the carrier of the player, has already happened very deeply. The mysterious phenomena and rules brought back to the earth by the player's soul, the magic net and this subsidiary space defined, imagined and supported by the player.

The magic net is like a bridge. Two crystal wall systems with different natures of sea water blend together, so they must carry the genes of both, and they must be different from each other.

What does it look like?

Bei Gaoyang hopes that the magic net will eventually grow like the one he planned, and he is currently working hard in this direction.

well, let's get back to business.

The sea is very vast, and one can imagine how abundant the soul power and total amount of faith harvested by the magic net should be. This 'sewage pool' is not harmful at present, it is like a 'tumor' that is still developing, what Bei Gaoyang has to do , is to ensure that it will not evolve into malignant.

Just how to do it?

He stood in the air on the turbid and sticky sea, thinking.


Like a migratory bird, the entrance of the Kobold Mine Dungeon has returned to its former hustle and bustle.

The 6-layer magic net has the ability to affect time and space. The busy system function interface like this has been processed with "multi-line". Singer sent it to the 5-line, but his teammates are on the 13th line. The 13th line is overcrowded. When he wanted to jump over, he was prompted to fail to change the line, which made him sweat all over in a hurry.

The Chinese elf captain was urging again, becoming more and more impatient. Singer almost begged him to wait for him for a while, and then started to change lines frantically.

Transfer failed!

Transfer failed!

Transfer failed!


Many people around are doing this kind of operation like him, some are impatient to scold their mothers, some are harassing the online customer service, some are blocking the teleportation array to prevent people from coming in, and some are purely making trouble... plus all kinds of team formation, tricks, etc. People, people asking for groups, people setting up stalls, people selling, quarreling, talking and laughing, bragging, talking and fighting... how lively it is.

Only the NPC seemed to be familiar with it. It was clearly an intelligent NPC, but like a functional NPC, it could only memorize lines mechanically, and no matter how urgent it was, it would follow the predetermined procedures.


The continuous white light was refreshed, and the positions of the teams were vacant, and they were immediately filled by the newly teleported players... There was really no gap at all.

Seizing the opportunity of a team entering the dungeon, Singer finally made the switch.

I saw a flash of white light, and the white light on the 13th line fell near the teammates, and Singh and the team completed the convergence.

"Damn, I wasted half an hour in gathering."

"Third brother blames you."

"Blame me, blame me, don't act alone next time, let the captain teleport."

"This is a basic operation, okay? Don't make such low-level mistakes in the future."


After being careful for a while, the elf player leader led the team to squeeze hard towards the NPC.

"Hey, you have long eyes, stop at my booth"

An old player who had just closed the stall and was about to sell new goods yelled at the team in dissatisfaction.

"Damn, I can't speak well, so what can I do if I take your position." Singer's most hated Chinese teammate replied.

"Hey, is a rookie so arrogant?"

"Hey, what's wrong with the rookie, you're an old player, you're awesome? You're just a coward who specializes in soy sauce!"

"Damn, show your ID!"

"It's on, grandpa is waiting for you."

"Okay, there is a kind!"

"Grandson, where's your ID!"

"Forget it, let's not say a few words..."

The grievances between the players came so fast and so suddenly, and this careless enmity was forged. Captain Elf dragged away his teammates who were still yelling, and gave up his position. Booth, chatting with friends privately, telling him that if he meets a newcomer named Caifu in the future, he will kill him...

Singer is actually very envious of players from Huaguo who play this kind of happy-go-lucky game. They have this confidence and confidence. This is inseparable from Huaguo's domestic culture, traditions, and environment. Hard players just... Forget it. It's better to have high hardness. Huaguo people have no quality, and they explode at one point like a firecracker.

After finally squeezing into the vicinity of the NPC, I waited for more than half an hour before it was their turn.

The captain went up to talk, and Singer was sent into the dungeon with a flash of white light before he was ready.

When entering the dungeon for the first time, everyone was taken aback. The dark, cramped, damp, and gloomy passageway leads straight to the depths, and there are elegant lights like will-o'-the-wisps flickering in the deep darkness. A gust of cold wind blows away the 5-second system protection time, and suddenly...

"Candle, my candle..."

"Mao Qi is the greatest..."

"I dig, dig, dig, dig, dig..."


"What's the name of the ghost!"

"Captain, it's too eerie."

"Fucking zombies, skeletons, and ghosts are all spit out, and they are still eerie? Battle formation, hurry up!"

The five-member team hurriedly completed the entire team, and then...then stood there in a daze.

"Captain, there is a countdown limit!"

"Don't be dazed, go out, be careful!"

Singer's nervous heart was beating like thunder, and his palms holding the leather shield were full of sweat. He bravely walked in the front, but within a few steps, the 'wild-wisps' in front of him stopped.

"There are intruders!"

"Give me the candle, give me the candle..."

Hurrah, a group of fourth- and fifth-level kobold miners rushed out, there were more than a dozen of them, and surrounded the team at once. Singer blocked the two in front, but the few on the side were helpless, and his teammates were chopped off. The chickens flew and the dogs jumped, and the formation suddenly became chaotic.

"I am!"

"Third brother, you..."

The most crispy Chinese teammate, who was about to turn into a mage, was hanged before he persisted a few times, and was sent out of the dungeon in a white light. The rest of them didn't last long, and each of them was besieged by several monsters , hastily ended the first copy tour.

[System prompt: You were kicked out of the team by the captain: Alliance Forever Alliance. 】

As soon as Singer was sent out, he was kicked, "Blame me, damn it is also my fault?", he cursed angrily.

It was clearly the captain's fault just now, who told him to let everyone break into the monster's warning distance at once, he only has two hands, and it's not that Shiva has thousands of hands and faces, how can he stop it?Damn, how to stop! ?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, I was just about to chat with those damn Chinese people in private, and scold them to express the anger I have suffered during this time.

[System prompt: Player: The Alliance Forever Alliance invites you to join the team. 】


Kick it for a while, add it for a while, playing with me, right?
Join the team.

Singer: What's the matter with the captain, I really don't blame me just now.

League Forever League: Wrong kick, the Swede's fault.

Singer: Yes, this is the guy who was surprised, Captain, our equipment is still not good enough, we can't handle it.

Alliance Forever Alliance: Wait.

So Singer waited like a daughter-in-law.

ten minutes later.

"Haha, the captain is awesome, and he got something good from his cousin."

Singer was overjoyed: "What, is there anything I can use?"

Alliance Forever Alliance: [Poor Monk Loves Shitai's Novice Thread Amulet (Green)], [Poor Monk Loves Shitai's Novice Strength Ring (Green), [Shitai Loves Bald Donkey's Novice Composite Short Bow (Green)], 【Master Ai Bald Donkey's Novice Steel Shield (Green)】, 【Stand-in Doll (Green·Rare)】, 【Elementary Blessing Scroll (Life)】...]

Singer was dumbfounded when he saw it, and the two Huaguo teammates cheered.

Alliance Forever Alliance: "As I said, a gold medalist can be captured."

——Tsk tsk, this faint force!

"The boss is mighty!"

"Boss is awesome!"

Singh: The poor monk loves his teacher and the teacher loves a bald donkey is...

"The CP of the eldest cousin, the patriarch of a big family, a master on the level combat power list, a 36-level Lingjue barbarian, and an enchanter... Enchanter, the existence of a humanoid money printing machine."

"It's a super money printing machine!"


Singer: Wow!

Now there's really nothing but envy and jealousy.

——It's so unfair!
(End of this chapter)

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