This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 410 Abyss Mode

Chapter 410 Abyss Mode
Unfairness may be the biggest resentment of international server players towards Chinese players.

With the opening of the 6th test server, the third day has come, New Year's Day is here, and 2023 is here, and Canaan has also ushered in a mighty inaugural army.

The scale of this inauguration was unprecedented, and the system had to "add lines" again and again. The copy of the Kobold Mine became the hottest news focus both online and offline. A series of analyzes of this dungeon and the inauguration task, that really brought out every step, every detail, and even every 'pixel' in the dungeon for discussion.

Invite old Huaguo players at high prices, gold medals, Ling Jue are standard equipment, sit and talk in a serious manner, this one talks about his own experience, that one talks about his own experience, various words, various languages, various programs...

This is true of the media, and so is offline life.

Merchants took advantage of the heat and launched a series of marginal marketing products and measures. Celebrities and politicians took advantage of the attention and raised various sensitive issues in response to the phenomenon of countless people crowded on single-plank bridges.

Raiders experience is not less, but more, too many people can't adapt, don't know which one to believe.

"Listen to me, don't worry about the strategy, just one, equipment!"

Zhang Miao was yawning and guarding her booth. There was an old player with a cute new look. The old player was a dwarf, and the new player was an orc barbarian, with a cute height difference, but the truth was the other way around. The old player acted like no one else. , aggressively taught the new players face-to-face tips, the new players were submissive, nodding their heads, "If you get the equipment up, you can get the gold medal. Of course, you need a certain amount of awareness and operation, and you need reliable teammates to meet these three points." , It’s not that difficult to get the first gold medal, that’s how I got here.”

"Hmm, it can be equipped..."

"This... is also worrying. The current market is too exaggerated. Those enchanters and alchemists are making a lot of money, oh!"

What Zhang Miao said was concerned, and he unconsciously clicked on the auction page to see how shocking the price of the novice outfits on it had soared to a shocking number after a series of competitions.

Enchanter No. 45's excellent novice dragon scale wristband, quality blue, unidentified, starting price 128 gold, bid 2 gold, countdown [-] minutes.

Alchemy I am a serious novice Fine gold dagger, quality blue, unidentified, starting price 33 gold coins, bidding price 89 gold, countdown 1 minute.

Monk Ai Nun's novice magic stone amulet, quality blue, unidentified, starting price 70 gold coins, bid 291 gold, countdown 55 seconds.

Professional dad's novice life ring, quality blue, unidentified, starting price 100 gold, bid 322 gold, countdown 1 hour.

Truth is within the magic range of the novice water elemental longbow, unidentified, the starting price is 60 gold, the bidding price is 99 gold coins, and the countdown is 20 seconds.


Turn, turn, turn, turn.

The high-end equipment that veteran players need to trade is more than a hundred pages away. They are all good things, but there are only a few bids, and they look deserted and miserable.

The most exaggerated thing is that Zhang Miao also saw a very familiar novice outfit on it.

[Novice's staff of water element, one-handed staff, quality: green, load: 3, durability: 0/3, equipment level 5...]

[Intelligence +3, Constitution +2, magic attack power: 6-12, physical attack power 2-4, with 3-5 points of water elemental damage, the target has a 5% chance of summoning a water elemental to help him fight, there is There is a certain probability to recover 2 HP per second for 30 seconds. 】

"This, this, this..."

Zhang Miao was really dumbfounded. She never expected to see this piece of equipment in her lifetime.

Is it the second test or the third test?
He doesn't even remember.

It seems that he was still in the deep blue studio, when he was hanging out with Wang Chaoyang, he exploded with Brother Ruoran and the others.

I remember that there was a lot of trouble because of this piece of equipment, the permanent team was disbanded, and the deep blue studio turned against each other... Who bought it in the end, and how much did it sell for?

Such old antiques still exist?
3 points of durability can also come out to bluff?

Let's look at bids and bids.

The starting price was 80 gold coins, and someone actually bid, and the bid has reached 128 gold coins.

What the hell!

Can you do this?

Converting according to the offline exchange rate, Zhang Miao was not calm anymore.

Since the opening of the server, the exchange rate has been falling. From the original price but no market, the official exchange rate market stopped trading, and the black market skyrocketed. Now that the official start, the huge money supply has made this abnormal, feverish and confused The exchange rate has been beaten down, and it is currently stable at a price of 20 meters per copper coin, about 140 yuan.

In this way, how much is the 128 gold?
Definitely more than his own net worth.

Can still come like this! ?

Zhang Miao is really emotional. I read the news that someone sold the old house of Yanjing Courtyard 10 years ago and used the money to invest in business. The business was very successful. The old house in his house has already risen to more than [-] billion. He was still laughing at that time, not knowing how this person was feeling, but now he understands it.

Dare to do nothing, just keep this piece of equipment.

Talking privately with brother Ruoran and Hu Xinmin, the two of them felt a lot of emotions when they knew each other. Looking back on the past, looking at the present, and looking forward to the future, the three of them sighed endlessly, feeling as if they were separated from each other.

The fate of the three of them has undergone a fundamental change, and they will never return to the past. The sweetness and bitterness of the past, now aftertaste, only the lingering sweetness remains.

Just when I was feeling emotional, an accident happened.

A large group of international server players suddenly blocked the entrance of the instance, surrounded the NPC to keep people from approaching, shouting and cursing everywhere.

"Not fair, not fair, protest, protest!"

"Hua people are all vampires!"

"Protest against the official discriminatory behavior of the game, demand that the difficulty be lowered, and give us compensation!"

"Hua people die!"

"Yeah, yeah, no one can get in without compensation!"


It turned out to be a protest party again!
Zhang Miao pursed her lips, and asked other veteran players who were practicing, and sure enough, most of the lines were blocked.

protest! ?
Are you protesting against the system?

All I can say is good luck.

Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, a large number of NPC guards were killed, and the protection mechanism for novices was ineffective for them. Therefore, sticks, knives, and chains were used together, and ghosts were crying and howling. The brutal and brutal system taught them how to behave in minutes.

There are also online reporters, who are just taking pictures with the system camera. They can still see the BBC, ABC and other logos. The players and reporters look excited, and they complain endlessly about this barbaric and rude behavior offline. ...

A bunch of idiots!
Zhang Miaohun forgot that he had protested against the system's 'injustice' in the same way back then. What was it because of?

Forgot, anyway, there are too many places where the system is fucked up, and the old players are already used to it.

What, you mean Canaan Company?

Come on, they can't compete with the central brain. As we all know, the central brain of Canaan Games is the best. I heard that there will be a sci-fi blockbuster about the central brain offline. It would be interesting to watch the promotion. Yes, Zhang Miao doesn't mind a cameo role or something.

Make trouble, make trouble!
The commotion online is only pediatrics, and it is only lively offline.

In recent days, Jesus Christ, Bodhi Buddha, Shiva Brahma and the like have all jumped out and fired at Canaan, saying what is "freedom of belief" and demanding a place online.

Especially in developed regions such as Europe and the United States, the strength of the church is astonishing. Once launched, the momentum will be mighty. It can influence countless voters and naturally influence countless politicians, and usually achieve their goals.

Agents from all over the country were devastated by this, and there were also some Buddhist and Taoist councils in China who jumped out and shouted a few times, but it didn't make much progress, and there was not much support from the public opinion, so they died down.

Let's make a fuss, make a fuss, it's better to make a fuss.

All the noisy things are closed, and we close the door to play by ourselves, envious of you.

Cranky time, the newbies who protested on various lines have been systematically and brutally suppressed. Order has been restored near the entrance of the instance. Follow the single-plank bridge.

Zhang Miao's business also came.

Now that he understands the truth that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, he is no longer anxious about tasks, levels, experience, equipment, etc. He should build up his internal strength first, that is, earn money first, and use this precious time window to complete a little more accumulation , and then exert more force, the effect will definitely be better than the previous mode of catching up and chasing but never being able to catch up.

It's just...the competition is too fierce.

Look at the booths on the left and right. There are many radishes and pits. There are countless people like him who stare at the title of Chuchen and do nothing.

There is a lot of competition, and profits are naturally diluted, no more than when the server was just opened a few days ago, and the reputation of profiteers in Huaguo is becoming more and more similar. Every Mengxin who comes to be slaughtered is vigilant, very To shop around before agreeing to start.

Only a few deals were made in more than two hours, and the profits were so-so. Zhang Miao yawned again, planning to change places, not following the fashion of kobold mines.

It’s good to inquire about the market in those places with familiar stall owners, and one of the stall owners scolded back: It’s because there are too many of you guys who are not doing business, and it’s making life difficult for us casual players. go.

Zhang Miao laughed, saying that life was forcing him to do it, and there was no other way, and then he asked others for advice.

"If I were you, with level 30 dust-making strength, what kind of stall would I set up in the safe zone, go to the battlefield, go to the refresh point of high-level monsters and high-level dungeons, go to the place where the wild BOSS is brushed, what can I do instead of earning money for newbies?" How much spending power do newcomers have? Just leave an old player casually, not worth a hundred? No matter how bad it is, run a business, there are so many people now, major cities, and preparations for the division of the national war How many chances are there?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it!?"

"You are lazy, you just want to pick up the money at hand. If I am a dustman at level 30, with powerful equipment, and an alliance with a neutral camp, I dare to do business. It's not like you..."

Zhang Miao turned off this guy's complaints, rubbed his chin and thought, this is indeed a way, it seems that there are tricks to doing business, opportunities that everyone can find are not called opportunities, only those that most people can't do are called opportunities. High profits are hidden.

Damn, done.

The 97th floor of the abyss.

Brother Ruoran sneaked out of the deep pit piled up with rot and silt, like a mud monkey, and walked cautiously towards a hole hidden in the pile of rocks.

He walked extremely carefully, and several monsters stitched together like octopuses, cows, and centaurs were drowsy under the dim light.

There is no sun or moon in the abyss, and the days and nights are very long. After the magic net completely covered the 97th floor of the abyss, the alternation of day and night began to exceed the "normal" rhythm, and the "biological clock chaos" brought about made a large number of bad monsters Become lethargic, as if air pressure and humidity affect fish activity.

When the monster's activity is not high, the warning distance has been reduced, but it also requires players to observe and record in detail, and use it boldly and carefully.

The little devil, who is only level 3, is not enough for monsters to get between his teeth. Brother Ruoran walked very dangerously, walking close to the warning circle where monsters crossed together.

Finally bypassing the guards, the test has just begun.

The entrance of the cave covered by rocks and mud is only as high as one person, and it is extremely narrow. In the dark corridor, there is a monster like a piranha. The stamen of this monster has a closed human face, like a weeping flower. Also a bit like scream vines, they act as sentinels.

Brother Ruoran nervously sang the devil's language ballad, comforted a few sentries who were struggling to wake up, and fell asleep, then wiped the non-existent sweat from their foreheads, and walked into the mysterious, dark, and narrow passage.

A few steps away, I saw the corpse of a little devil. Needless to say, it must have been left by a new player.

The dead body of the demon player will not be 'refreshed', that is, it will not be recycled by the system, but will be 'made' again, so the resurrection of the demon has a cost, at most several times a day, if it exceeds, you will have to pay, no Money will endure a long resurrection time.

This point has been criticized by the majority of demon players, but it is useless.

Bypassing the corpse left by the cute new player, a stone gate appeared in front of it, and a stone golem acted as a guard.

Brother Ruoran took out a bottle of light blue powder from his bosom, chanted a spell in a low voice, and sprinkled the powder lightly.

The powder, like dandelion seeds, fell silently on the golem.

At this point, Brother Ruoran breathed a sigh of relief, passed the road where countless cute new players died countless times, and arrived in front of Shimen.

There are mysterious magic lines engraved on the stone gate, which look like ancient hieroglyphs when combined, with an abstract eye in the center. At this time, Brother Ruoran activated his own disguise.

He turned into another little devil, with almost no visible difference on the outside, only minor differences in the teeth, horns, and skin texture.


He knocked on the stone door.


A vicious voice came from all directions, and the abstract eye on the door opened, staring at him maliciously.

"Me!" Brother Ruoran replied in a rough voice.

"Why didn't you die outside?"

The stone gate opened, and the most critical test in the mission has arrived.

Whether it can be promoted to the great devil depends on this experience.

(End of this chapter)

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